Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey for Pyometra - #1 Most Popular

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Buramiko (Hong Kong) on 02/18/2018

Fast!! Manuka honey works just like antibiotics but only in strong strength:

First I must thank the writer and all the feedbacks on this post, without all the positive feedbacks here I might not have tried this natural remedy.

My female dachshund is 14 years old and she was spayed at young age. She had Open Pyo 3 years ago with clear bacteria discharge, my vet did a surgery to remove excessive remnents inside her belly. But last year, the discharge came back, it was never serious, discharge was clear, no foul smell, and dog seemed happy and normal. Culture was done and due to the old age, we tried to cure her with antibiotics. She had antibiotics for 6 months, condition got better but the infection/discharge only reduced but never completely eliminated. Vet said it was not healthy to take anymore antibiotics and she recommended surgery to open up and clear up the infection again.

That was the time I did research online and I came across this post. I went to buy UMF15+ Manuka Honey, Tumeric, and Vitamin C tablets. I fed my dog based on the dosage recommended on this post. A week had passed and no improvement. So I decided to go ahead with the surgery. Luckily the surgery went well, ANY remaining female organs (that were carrying the pus) were removed. No more discharge for 2 months.

But last week discharge came back!! It was quite a lot with slight brown tint color. I thought how could that happen when there was only very minimal organ left?? It's Chinese New Year holiday in my country and my vet is on leave. My dog would have to wait 5 days before my vet could see me. So I decided to try Manuka Honey again, at least for these few days hoping the infection wouldn't get worse before the holiday ends.

So I went to buy UMF 20+ Manuka Honey this time (yeah expensive). My dog weighs around 10 lbs, I feed her around 1/3 teaspoon each time, 3 times a day, also 1/2 tablet of 1000mg Vitamin C two times a day. Then miracle happened!! After 3 days, all discharge were cleared!!! Wow the effect was so fast it was just like antibiotic - except it was all natural! It was even better than antibiotics as she had them for 6 months and they didn't clear up the infection. Now I cancelled my vet appointment and I'll keep feeding her the same dosage until the entire 500g bottle of manuka honey is finished. Then maybe I'll just feed her 1/3 teaspoon once each day thereafter.

So why didn't it work the first time?? Well, to get fast and significant medical result, I think you really need UMF20+ strength, made in New Zealand (I heard Australian made is less effective) ones. Lower strength might still do the work but it may take longer time so you may end up with similar cost and your dog will suffer longer. Don't buy the brand "Manuka Doctor" as I read on amazon their strength/rating is NOT UMF/MGO official ratings which is very misleading. Buy a brand that is licensed in New Zealand, you can search the brand here to find out if it's a legitimate honey farm.

And if the infection is serious such as a close Pyo then you better go see a doctor immediately.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Debbie (East Sussex) on 07/23/2021

Hi, I'm sorry, but my advice would be to get her to a vet. She needs to have her womb removed.

This is something she could die of.

Isn't there a charity/vet you could take her to? Or phone an animal charity for urgent help?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by mpd (oregon) on 01/02/2023

Never take tylenol because it is toxic to the liver, nor give it to pets unless you want liver failure. Try white willow instead.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Cathy (Hayward, CA) on 03/01/2020

Thank you earthclinic you gave me hope to take care of my chihuahua who is suffering from the effect of Pyometra. It started as a closed Pyometra. She is so sick the vet clinic encouraged me to have her an emergency spayed but the expenses I can't afford much with the thought of losing her but I read on your website and give me big hope that I will be able to take care of her so from closed I make sure she is comfortable and placed low warm setting on the warmer and started with the concoction and antibiotics from the vet office then it became an open Pyometra then the tummy shrink and make sure she is clean all the time then a day or 2 my dog start eating on her own and start recovering just waiting for her to get stronger and will do the spayed this time not emergency and have better chance of recovery.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 09/28/2018

Hey Sean,

The nature of pyometra is that it will recurr; if your girl is not a breeding dog, spaying obviously removes this from happening. You might also seek out a holistic vet to see they have a non-surgical option for you.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/27/2018

Hey Buramiko,

Ahh - thank you for the clarification. I think this is a syntax issue/miscommunication. Your dog did not and cannot have pyometra, which is specifically a uterine infection, because your dog does not have a uterus. Your dog apparently has been dealing with a vaginal infection, of which your dog still possesses. While I think Manuka honey is a wonderful remedy, you might find more immediate and effective relief for your dog's vaginal infection by douching with a solution of betadine. You would use a syringe [remove the hypodermic needle to use] and mix up betadine with warm water - dilute until it is the color of tea, and use that to flush the vagina. Flushing the vagina with a weak vinegar solution will also be helpful in this case as well.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Sandi (Reno, Nv) on 01/07/2017

11 year old German Wirehaired Pointer was diagnosed with epilepsy last March when she kept having seizures. She has been on phenobarbital since then. Now she has developed a case of pyometra. The vet will not operate because of her age and heart condition. I have been using the Manuka honey, Tumeric and Vitamin C combination for almost a week now.

Her discharge has lessened from a copious amount to very little and she is eating and drinking again! She weighs 64 lbs amd the dosage I give is 3000mgs vit C powder/ 1/2 tsp tumeric in 1 tbls manuka honey.

Hope this helps...anything is better than just watching your beloved pet go down because you cannot afford surgery or the pet cannot have surgery. This has worked for me and so far she is 100% better than she was 1 week ago.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Bev (South Africa ) on 10/13/2023

The honey tumeric and vitamin c remedy for pyometra. is amazing

I have a 6 year old rotweiler cross Staffie she was in pain and had pus coming from her private area barely wanted to eat and battled to urinate and I did not have money to take her to a vet at that moment so I googled and came across the honey vitamin c and turmeric recipe. I tried it and it is amazing. I have been able to take her to the vet the infection had cleared up and my baby is back to her lively happy self it is truely an amazing remedy.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 04/20/2023

Gary, check up on your info. I think it's MUCH less black pepper than turmeric.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 04/21/2023

Hi mmsg,

I checked my files and you are correct, it read 5% Black Pepper to mix with Turmeric. I have been mixing 100% for my spice drink., thanks again for correcting me.

take care


Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Buramiko (Hong Kong) on 02/26/2018

Hi Theresa, apparently according to both of my vets (last year and 3 years ago) pyo on desexed female dogs is possible because desex surgeries do remove ovaries and uterus but not the little portion of cervical where the urethra opening is. That little portion is the place where infection happens and carrying the pus. That's why the infection on my dog isn't serious.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Renee (Richmond, Va) on 11/13/2017

Thank you so much! My English bulldog was sick and I didn't realize it (we were in the middle of moving, and had just arrived to our new home states away). I though maybe she was just depressed because she is an older girl at almost 10. She had just finished her cycle 2 weeks prior. I noticed she was drinking a lot and then started to have a weird colored bloody discharge. I had no idea what was wrong! I knew I could not afford $1200 for a surgery and did not want to put her through that right now, but wanted her to be well at the same time. I payed in her crate with her all night searching for answers and I knew when I saw the symptoms that's what she had.

Thankfully I ran across your site and first thing when the health food store opened I bought her the highest quality of this combination I could find! I gave her 5 doses today along with some arnica pills, and she is sleeping soundly after eating a whole bowl of dog food. I can tell she already feels better and very little discharge. I kept her clean all night (it bothered her to be bleeding and tried to clean herself) she is too thick to lick herself so I cleaned her with a warm cloth and kept clean towels under her. I found administering the meds in a piece of turkey was perfect! She swollowed it right down! I'm so amazed how this works! Thank you for saving my Lucy girl!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Sam W. (Perkins, Oklahoma) on 09/04/2017

Method of Delivery,

For my dog I had great success mixing turmeric, powdered vitamin C, and some Ceylon cinnamon with extra virgin olive oil. Then mixing Manuka honey with that on a saucer. After dabbing my fingers for her to lick, the saucer was cleaned willingly.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by James (Texas) on 08/04/2017

I recently read the post and did research on pyometra on female dogs who go into estrus cycle and came across your article regarding manuka honey, tumeric and vitamin C. My dog is 13 years old and developed what appeared to be open pyometra and found the recommended homeopathic treatment after researching the options. I was fortunate that she had open and not closed pyometra and it appears after 2 weeks that she has recovered but I will need to keep her on a vitamin C treatment. Thought you might like to know that it worked. That still doesn't resolve the problem that she's 13 and has it been spayed.

I appreciate the information shared and I will continue to monitor the website and submit articles as needed. I am a former Healthcare professional by trade and I Hobby in entomology for relaxation.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/26/2017

Dear Kasey

Yes you can give your dog human grade vitamin C. Sodium ascorbate is easiest on the gut.

I would try to dose as often as 5 times the first day and then 3 times a day after that.

For little Mimi I would try:

  • 1/2 - 1 teaspoon manuka honey
  • 1/16 - 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1,000 mg vitamin C

I think the probiotics are a good idea, too!

Keep us posted!

~Mama to Many~

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Manuka Mom (Los Angeles) on 10/28/2016

Okay, I'm crying now...tears of joy that your dog made it through, thanks to the Manuka, Vitamin C and Turmeric. What an answer to prayer. I'm SO glad I shared my story and that it has been of benefit to you!!!!!!!!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Vilma (Miami, Fl.) on 11/01/2016

Thank you sooooo very much for this little miracle of natural medicine, you have no idea how fast my dog with pyometra got up and going, the vet told me the only solution was to remove her uterus and clean her up. The operation itself was risky and I decided to go online to search for natural ways to cure pyometra, my dog was not eating, she is a 100lb dogo and she was weighing 70, I gave her 4500mg of Vitamin C, Turmeric, and it says manuka honey but I didn't have any so I gave her raw pure organic honey, within like 2 hours she was already eating, wow I couldn't believe it she was all down lethargic not eating one hour and the next she was up and eating.Thank you sooooo much!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 04/20/2023

Hi Alan

Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job with your dog. I read that we should put equal parts of Black Pepper with Turmeric.

Increases Turmeric by 1000 times.

Something to think about, for better results.


Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Sierra (South Dakota) on 03/18/2022

How long do dogs continue to discharge before getting better? It's been 5 days since we started giving my 8 year old golden retriever the recipe and she has discharged a lot of the infection over the past few days. She is doing much better- her appetite is better and so is her overall behaviour. *Touchwood* How long do dogs continue to discharge? How many days?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Sierra (South Dakota) on 03/19/2022

She isn't being bred, hasn't ever been.

Just want to know how long do dogs on the remedy discharge for?

Any estimate on days, weeks, etc.?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/23/2021 506 posts

I would not give a carnivore honey of any kind but, that's just me.

I've spent the day reading colloidal silver testimonials to get an idea of what dosages people are using and I can say, hands down, that's what I'd use. 1 or 2 dropperfuls of 10 or 20 ppm, 3 or 4 times per day.

I would have 2 separate expectations from it - 1) that she would feel much better after the very first and 2) that, after the first couple of doses, she won't fight about taking it.

Pets are especially difficult because they're like children but, also, one would gladly sell one's house to save one's child but a pet - one would be WILLING, in many cases, but, at the same time, one would also know how insane it would be which just makes one feel horrific.

I'm so sorry for this experience of both you and your dog. I suppose most here know how it feels. I'm no longer allowed to have pets for this very reason, which is a law I myself carved in stone because I'm such a wuss.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Shean (Manila, Philippines ) on 09/26/2018

My dog's pyometra had recurred. I'm giving her a maintenance of those 3 ( vit c, turmeric, and manuka). The last time he got her menses it didn't recur. But this month after her menses, she had colds then now she had pyometra again. What should I do? She's not eating that much. I brought her to vet every now and then just to make sure she's safe. I'm really worried. Don't want to see her in pain anymore.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by John (Oakland) on 07/03/2018

I have a 2 year old dog named Bella who I believe has pyometra, I got her while she was in heat a couple of months ago and there has been a discharge for a little while but now she doesn't want to eat and she doesn't have much energy. Do you really think the vitamin C tumor in Manuka Honey will help her or should I bring her to the vet immediately? I don't have much money so I'm not sure what to do.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/03/2018

Hey John,

Have you taken her temp? Does she have a fever? If you are not sure, my advice is to see the vet, quick before the holiday emergency rates kick in. At the very least you should have a blood panel run to see the white count/check for an infection. If you cannot afford a blood panel, running a temperature over 102 is usually a sign of infection. Vitamin C is always a good idea, and 1,000 mg and higher can be indicated for infections - with or without the use of antibiotics. Manuka honey, the GOOD stuff, is expensive and in the long run the vet might be cheaper. You are the only one who knows your budget and the condition of your dog - please let us know what you do.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/20/2018

Hello Buramiko,

I find your post confusing. Pyometra is an infection of the uterus. If your dog was spayed 14 years ago, it means she has had no uterus for 14 years. No uterus = no uterine infection; no open pyo no closed pyo - it is impossible. I am most curious as to what condition your dog had/has, and am glad the manuka honey has helped her.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Cheryl (Michigan) on 04/12/2018

Pyometra? I have a 3 year old Maltese that whelped a week ago. 3-5 weeks into her pregnancy she started showing a dark discharge. She delivered normally without complications and is entering 3rd week of nursing and still has a discharge. No fever, no distention, no change in personality or appetite.The discharge is not profuse but is concerning. I am considering treating her with the turmeric, vitamin C and Mauka but am concerned about the effect it will have on her nursing young. Feedback anyone?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lani (Philippines) on 12/31/2017

Yes, ordinary honey is fine if your dog can tolerate it. I tried this on my sister's dog but she does not like it, she pukes the liquid out even if I dilute it with water or mix it with milk. If you can find royal jelly in your area, it works as well and you will see fast results. Royal jelly and vitamin c cured my sister's dog in a matter of seven days.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Sue (Carlsbad, Ca.) on 07/05/2017

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey for Pyometra

This worked wonders for my dog! She's a 9 yr old Chihuahua and this remedy healed her infection in about 1 1/2 weeks. I will continue to give her the treatment for another month to make sure it clears every thing up. But she is a new dog now without any pain or discharge. Thanks so much for posting this method! I will add that I decreased the amount of turmeric a little because it seemed to upset her stomach. Once I decreased the amount a small amount she's had no problem.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Jrouts (Gatineau) on 05/25/2017

Manuka Honey, Turmeric and Vitamin C for Open Pyometra

Last night around 9 our Bulldog started to bleed but not the typical way she would she she would go into heat. In fact her last heat was only 8 weeks ago. We took her into the 24 hrs emergency as it was starting to get out of control quite rapidly and I could tell by feeling her ears that she had a fever. Throughout all this she acted like the same old Molly!

Anyways, after our meeting with the turns out it is Pyometra. Now, with our dog, we cannot have her go surgery (or she would have been spayed LONGG ago)

She has too many health concerns already and specialists fear that she would die on the table from lack of oxygen due to her small trachea, large tongue and jaw issues.

We came home with 14 days of antibiotics and then came across your site-THANK YOU! I went and bough everything needed to concoct this paste and have administered it 3 times already today. She is having much less fluid today and the foul odor has left..thank goodness.

Fingers crossed this is not where her story ends! She is a true fighter and we will fight for her! Thank you for this forum...It has been extremely helpful!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lefty12 (Beach Park, Il) on 05/23/2017

Pyometra: I want to thank you for this site, I used vitamin c, turmeric, manuka honey and kefir. The infection has slowed down and my dog has begun to come back to life, she had a coughing, sneezing, gaggin and runny nose, she has gotten much better over 9 days, I also checked her breathing and at rest now it is 28 breaths per minute. Thanks for the wonderful helpful advice

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Mary (California) on 09/08/2022

How long with trying this do you see it helps?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by VANSHAM (Haryana) on 03/17/2022

Yep, she is showing the sign of healing don't worry. My dog's name is also Daisy and she recently healed from open cervix pyometra but I give her medicine prescribed by my vet.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by kitkit (Philippines) on 04/23/2022

Hello, I just want to ask..

The dosage and how many times do you give the honey and turmeric mixture? thank you..

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Anthony (Virginia) on 01/27/2023

Hello my 3 year old female had the same symptoms as yours, did your female make it out okay?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Jgny (Thousand Islands) on 03/19/2022

I would have her spayed, she surely isn't still being bred at her age, I hope.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Tom (California) on 04/26/2023

Nicole, I'm glad to have read your post, which gave me hope in remedying my dog's condition. I noticed my dog's discharging, licking and staining her bed sheets for at least two weeks before taking her to the vet. She was mildly bloated at that time, and was given an injection of Pen G, according to the vet tech. Before the injection, the bloating was starting to lessen then after that it started increasing in size. (I'm suspicious if the injection triggered or induced the increase in bloating). She was prescribed oral antibiotics x14 days. The bloating seemed to have lessened a bit but still present at this time. She was her normal self throughout all this ordeal; however, no lack of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, or any other symptoms associated with pyometra.

Has your dog's bloating gone away? I'd like to know.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Aarati (Maharashtra, India.) on 12/28/2017

Congratulations for your dog and thank u so much for sharing your experience.... now how is your's dog health? my dog having same problem can I give her simple honey instead of manuka honey.....

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Reni S. (Us) on 04/06/2017 3 posts

Hello Krystal! So glad your dog is doing better. AND so glad I came across your RECENT post. My 45 pound dog has been ill for 2 weeks...she's been tested for a UTI, IMMUNE DISEASE, STOMACH ULCER etc... and none of my vets (1 holistic and 1 traditional) have been able to figure this out. My dog has all of the symptoms of OPEN PYOMETRA, has no appetite, no energy, drinks a ton of water, has the pus discharge, pale gums and has lost 10 pounds. I just started the manuka honey + tumeric + vitamin C concoction. She's had it 2 times now, and I've only noticed that her gums are gaining color again.

I'd love to get some feedback from you.

1) what "MFG" of manuka honey did you get?
2) did you dog eat within the first 1 or 2 treatments?
3) When did her full appetite and personality return to normal?


Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Kelvin (SG) on 06/06/2023

Hi, in your opinion, or can anyone advise whether this formula can be given as a preventative in less dosages? Thanks

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Regina (Calif) on 09/25/2023

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey for Open Pyometra in Dog

My baby just turn 15yrs today 9/24 she got this horrible infection and like you I don't have money for her surfy so I made this remedy and the infection slows down but then it comes back in small amounts I'm praying it will clear up she has gotten her appetite back so I'm happy for that and is gaining weight because she was so skinny I was begging her to eat I cooked chicken for her bought rotisserie chicken for her what ever she would eat so I feel this regime is working although slowly but working

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Bhavna (Weston Florida ) on 03/16/2022

I'm going through the same issue with my 8 and a half years old Great Dane. I'm giving her 2000 mg of Vit C with Manuka honey and 2000 mg of Turmeric 3 times a day with 2000 mg of garlic twice a day and Yunnan Baiyao 2 pills 2 twice a day. She is leaking out a lot of fluid and blood. But I'm force feeding her at the same time. Brown rice, carrots, green beans and chicken breast. Also giving her rebound (it's available on Amazon)

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Chel (Philippines) on 02/01/2018

Hi Ms. Lani,

What brand of vitamin c did you use? I'm currently giving my dog a vitamin c from pet store (pet express) it's in liquid form and an immune booster as per box. Do I still need to change her vitamin c? or I can still continue the one that I bought from the store? Last year, my dog was diagnosed with pyometra and was advised by her vet to take an antibiotic for 2 months. And currently, she's ok now but her vet advice us to continue monitor her since there's a possibility that my dog will experience it again unless she'll go to surgery. So I started giving her manuka and vitamin c for these past few weeks and hopefully it would help her. thank you for all the stories I've read in this site which is so encouraging.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Kember (Pa) on 10/02/2017 1 posts

My miniature schnauzer is showing symptoms of closed pyromeyta. I have been using turmeric manuka honey and vitamin c 3 times a day she's doing well but I fear she'll still need surgery, her stomach is swollen.. praying she gets some relief I really can't afford that expensive surgery and I don't want her to suffer 😢😢 please any help in the philadelphia area

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 10/03/2017

Hey Kember,

Pyometra is a really serious and life threatening condition, and a closed pyo is a painful condition. One thing to do is to take your dog's temperature - normal temp is about 101 degrees F, so if you see 102 or higher your dog is running a fever. Temps of 105 or higher are life threatening and can result in brain damage, orgain failure and death. If you think your dog is suffering from a closed pyo consider contacting one of these organizations for possible financial assistance or surrender:

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Brittany (Belle Vernon, Pa) on 09/13/2017

My dog has been ill. I spent thousands at the vets for no answer. Was sent home with an antibiotic & it helped her almost instantly. Now a month later she has been sick again. Losing weight, not eating, discharge, diarrhea. I'm thinking it's pyometra. I bought the items listed except I can't find powdered vitamin c so I bought chewable vitamin c tablets & a pill crushed. Will this be fine? She's 14 lbs, 8 year old. How much of each should I use? I can't get manuka honey until pay day Friday so I bought raw unfiltered organic honey for now.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Bev (Canada) on 02/19/2018

I took my rescue Chihuahua into the vets office as they provide pedicure service. They brought Lily out after her pedicure and said she felt warm and commented that her belly was big. She told me that she should come in to be spayed, I didn't even realize she wasn't as she is a rescue. She is an older dog, around eight years old. They scared the hell out of me, quoted me a price for the procedure and warned me that it would turn into an emergency that would be even more expensive and I would be faced with having to put her down. She has been fine, she has more energy than my other dogs combined, she has a fantastic appetite, no discharge or discomfort and is as happy as can be, so this from the vet today was shocking! I came home and did some research and found this site. I'm going to give 500 vitamin c daily as a precaution.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Noel (Stony Brook, Ny) on 08/26/2017

I was wondering should u give antibiotics along with this formula or no?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lefty12 (Beach Park Il) on 06/08/2017

ok here it is for the update on my dog, in case your wondering if this works and I will tell you it does, if not for this my beloved pet of 13 years may not be here, but please before anything else please have it checked out because along with pyometra it also could be something else also, today my dog had to have surgery and the doctor who performed the surgery informed me she had a golf ball sized tumor on her ovary, after the surgery I was able to talk with the doctor and he said by giving her the turmeric, vitamin c and manuka honey saved her life, and had it not been for the tumor it would have healed the whole pyometra situation

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Kasey (Nj) on 04/24/2017

My little Mimi is suffering from Pyometra . for some time now the Doc gave me a 2 week supply of antibiotic which actually helped but then she went down again in less than 3 weeks. This past Friday I took her Back to the Vet because she began vomiting. She was unable to hold anything in her stomach. Stayed in her cage and would bare move. He told me her condition had gotten much worse and all we can do is keep her comfortable as she may have even developed Breast Cancer due to imbalanced hormones from the Pyometra. You can visibly see the cyst forming under her skin. Any who he gave me the surgery speel and other possibilities for the cancer treatment. But he was very straight with me and said that I may just want to keep her comfortable and wait for her time to come . Well that struck a nerve so and I did not want to give up on my girl so fast. I ran to whole food and brought some Bio K which is a very strong probiotic to get her immune system going .Sure enough she was up and around this morning. She even ate some of the grounded rice and chicken I made for her.

Last night I came across this tread. Like other desperate pet owners looking to help their precious pets I thougt what do I have to loose. I also purchased the Manuka honey Turmeric and vitamin C .

My question is this. Can I give her a human grade vitamin C.? How much of each ingredient do I mix in the honey? how much do I give to my dog along with the amount of times per day. When do decrease the dosage? Is there a guideline or website that help walk you through the process other than this thread.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Aarati (Kharsundi, Maharashtra, India.) on 12/27/2017

Hi madam, thank.u so much to share your experience. now how is ur dog I'm having 12.yrs old doberman dog she delivered babies once but she had repeated attacks of pseudo pregnancy till now but now she didn't eat until 15 days and vet says she is having pyometra acording her body signs and they told to us to remove her uterus and now they given us antibiotics and iv for her so what should I do??pl reply...

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Erin (Columbus, Oh) on 02/14/2018

Our dog is also suffering from closed pyometra and has been on the treatment now for two days. I just wanted to follow up and see how it turned out for your puppy. Did she have discharge after starting the treatment and how long did it take for her to heal? All of these testimonies that have been shared are from people just starting it and I just wanted to know how it turned out for you.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Cheryl (Minnesota, Usa) on 01/07/2017

Hi Caroline from Ireland!

I started out giving Pepper (she is 66 lbs.) 4500 mg of Vitamin C. She developed diarrhea after the first 24 hours so I backed off on that to about half until her midday feeding on the 3rd day when I didn't give her any Vit. C. Her stool was back to normal this morning. I gave her 1000 mg of Vit. C this morning and will most likely continue with that dosage. From what I understand, too much vitamin c can cause diarrhea, so that's when you know you will need to back off on the dosage. As far as how I administered.... I made a paste with the honey, curcumin and vit. c and spread it on a thin layer of raw ground beef, I cover that with another thin layer of the ground beef. Then I cut that into bite sized pieces for her to eat. I hope this is helpful.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lani (Philippines) on 01/10/2017

Hi Springfields!

I too am from the Philippines and if you read the post here concerning vitamin c, you will read that I was able to cure the open pyometra of my dog way back in the year 2015. That's true, there is no available manuka honey here but turmeric and vitamin c is locally available.

Treatment of your dog using vitamin c depends on the level of saturation that can be achieved in the bloodstream. Meaning, you can give as much vitamin c to your dog until you observe diarrhea. Diarrhea is an indication that her bloodstream is already saturated with vitamin c hence you must taper the dose to the point where your dog will no longer experience diarrhea.

I then used 4,500 mg. of vitamin c for my dog that is medium-sized. Since you have a small dog, I suggest trying 1,000 mg. initially. Give 500 mg. in the morning and 500 mg. in the evening. If she does not experience diarrhea, increase the dose to 1,500 mg. the following day. Give 500 mg. doses in the morning, lunchtime, and at night. If there is no diarrhea, increase the dose again to 2,000 mg. the following day, and so on. Once the dog experiences diarrhea, decrease the dose to the previous one and then maintain it until the dog is healed. You know that she is cured already when there is no more vaginal discharge.

I used Vitamin C in the form of sodium ascorbate for my dog. It is available in our local drugstores. It is white and crystalline in appearance. If you like to use turmeric also in conjunction with vitamin c, by all means do so because it is also an anti-inflammatory and an immune system booster.

Good luck and I wish your dog well.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Konika Dey (Bangalore, India) on 05/17/2018

My labredor (Plutus 11yrs 68pound) was heavily bleeding from 3april -17 April I had been giving curd water n rice with curd n 1tablet of 500mg vitC she was fine till 5 may now since few days her stomach was swollen, back legs were week she couldn't climb up n down stairs then we took her to vet on 16may n I got to know she is suffering from closed pyrometra. N Dr. Suggested for operation for which I am not comfortable.

Now again I have started giving her vitC twice n as suggested here since yesterday morning I had started with boiled termeric in water mixed with blackpeper n normal honey twice a day. Today I noticed worm in her poop so evening will get deworming medicine also. My dog will recover soon wish my Plutus. I am also giving 2 per day antibiotic medicine which is given by doctor for 5days.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Anusha (Telangana) on 08/22/2022

My 1.5 year old effected with tick fever and pyometra paralleley. As in your case same happened with me. since yesterday starting this and also antibiotic parallely. I have a doubt can we this mixture along with medication?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Amya (Michigan ) on 09/01/2022

Did u get ur dog fixed after? How did u know she was okay?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Letty (California) on 07/26/2017

My dog is 16yrs old poodle mix, who has pyometra. My vet advised she needs a very expensive surgery or she would need to be put to sleep. I started with the treatment today and she is doing a little bit better, however, I am concern because she has had no discharge. Is this normal? What happens with the pus?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/27/2017

Hey Letty,

In a closed pyo, the pus gets resorbed into the body, and the toxins get filtered out by the kidneys. It is possible for the cervix to open and the pus to drain so keep a close eye on the situation. A closed pyo is a painful condition - imagine your uterus filling up light a tight balloon. If this were my dog I would monitor her temperature very closely - temps over 105 degrees can result in brain damage and seizures. Please report back!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Philly215 (Philadelphia, Pa) on 05/28/2017

What type of kefir? Or should I get a specific kind from petsmart?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Terry (Nc) on 05/30/2017

I started Storm on this regiment along with ensure because she started to become anemic. It's been 24 hours and she is still panting heavily. The discharge has stopped, but she is growing weak. How long did the concoction take effect? I can't give up on her. Please advise. Thanks.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 05/31/2017


Please take Storm to your vet ASAP. I have had two girls with pyos - one with an open pyo would have done well with this remedy but I did not know about it and had her spayed, with much regret. The other had a closed pyo, her temp continued to rise to 105, she was panting heavily and in PAIN. Take Storm's temp - if it is 105 or over you are risking brain and organ damage. If this were my dog and she was getting weak and in pain and the remedy was not bringing results in a timely manner I would see the vet and bite the bullet and use the big pharma antibiotics to save her life while waiting on the manuka remedy to work.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lefty12 (Beach Park Il) on 06/02/2017

I used plain unsweetened kefir

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lefty12 (Beach Park Il) on 06/02/2017

Just to let you know, my dog never panted at all, I caught the infection quick and I used the most powerful vitamin c out there. I used the camu powder and used 1 tsp twice a day, my dog used to cough, gag, sneeze and runny nose and I was told by one vet she had heart disease, since giving her this treatment she has pretty much back to normal, her eating habits our back and lately doing a lot of barking and playing with her sister, she is going to maintanence doses as she is too old to be spayed as she is 13.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Deb (US) on 04/12/2017

What form of vitamin C did you use? How long did it take for your dog to completely get over the pyometra? And has it came back at all? How long did puss drain after treatment.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Christine (Ph) on 04/14/2017

Hello. I really need your help. My dog was also diagnosed with closed pyometra. She's 5 yrs old and around 5 kg.

Does it work? The turmeric and all? I'm giving 1 tbsp turmeric 1 tbsp honey and 1000 mg vitamin c.

Pls help, I'm not seeing discharge from my pet.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Dina (Connecticut) on 07/03/2017

I adopted my Ginger from a shelter and they thought she was already spayed, as has all the symptoms of Pyometra, she also has many cysts growing under the skin. I called the vet he confirmed her systoms and they scheduled her for emergency surgery in two day when they reopen after the holiday, I'm so relieved to find this information and started her on this remedy just now. If this helps I can cancel her estimated $2000 - $3000 emergency which I can't afford and schedule her non emergency spaying at a later time.

I wonder if this remedy will shrink or dissolve her cysts. Does anyone have any imput on this?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Reni Schriek (Us) on 04/06/2017 3 posts

Hi Sandi! Thank you for your info and great post. I'm pretty certain my dog is suffering from open pyometra...even though my vets have tested her for everything else under the sun with no answers. So...I've just started the manuka honey + tumeric + vitamin C concoction and I'm wondering what level "MFG" of manuka honey you used. I purchased the "MFG 400" and wonder if I should give my dog a little less because of its potency. Also, when did you start to see improvement. My dog has all the symptoms (not eating, drinking tons of water, no energy, losing weight, pus discharge, pale gums etc.) . She has had 2 concoctions so far...and I've only noticed the color of the discharge improve...and the pinkness return back to her gums. (still not interested in food though). Hope your pooch is doing great now, and look forward to your feedback. THANKS!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/06/2017

Hey Cheryl, If there is drainage then it is an open pyo - it may not be a misdiagnosis, it might be that the remedy worked to open the cervix to allow for drainage. I have experienced two pyos - one open where the only symptom was a picky appetite and then the funky drainage, and a closed where my girl was not feeling well with a rising temp and abdominal pain. In both cases the vet advised to spay, and in the first case I was so confused I took their advise; in hind sight I believe this was unnecessary and that other approaches could have saved the uterus. In the second case it was a no brainer - dog in serious pain with rising temp, and I did the spay - no regrets. In my area the emergency spay was $1,200.00 - so your 3-5K quote sounds ridiculously excessive. Because pyos are linked to heat cycles/waxing and waning hormone levels, if Pepper makes a full recovery she will still be prone to a pyo down the road; you may wish to have her spayed once she is clearly out of the woods as a non-emergency spay should be considerably less expensive. Please keep us posted on Pepper's recovery!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Cheryl (Minnesota, Usa) on 01/07/2017

Hi Theresa,

I'm also in Minnesota and contacted Blue Pearl who gave the 3 - 5K estimate for surgery. As I understood from our vet, the University and Blue Pearl are the only two vet clinics who perform the emergency Pyometra surgery. Is that right?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/09/2017

Hey Cheryl,

I had both of my girls who had pyo's done at Inver Grove Heights Animal Hospital. Blue Pearl looks like an emergency / specialty [$$$$] and the U of M is just plain $$$$. You do pay extra for the extra care and antibiotics needed for a pyo, but if your girl is on the mend and not in crisis then you should be able to schedule an appointment during regular hours and avoid the excessive emergency fee.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lonnie (Md) on 10/17/2016

Thank you for sharing your story! So happy for you and your pooch!

How much does your pooch weigh? And how much and how often did you give him the remedies?


Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Darrell (Montreal) on 10/17/2016

I liked the way you referred to the turmeric, honey, and other treatment you gave the pooch as meds......the best medicine, so it's said is free ( or nearly so! )

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Kimberly (Arizona) on 12/14/2016

How much turmeric? Starting this on my Saint.

EC: This page has dosing information for turmeric for dogs.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Cheryl (Princeton, Mn) on 01/03/2017

I have an appointment to put my dog down tomorrow. I just saw your website and this post. I would like to get further instruction about quantities of Tumeric and honey with the vitamin C. She weighs 66 pounds this morning at the vet when she was diagnosed with Pyometria

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Caroline (Ireland) on 01/06/2017

Hi I just realised nobody replied to your post there, I hope that you were able to go down another route other than having your dog put down?

My girl is a Presa Canario and weighs in at 140LBS (65kg)and has just turned 4 when she got Pyometra 4 weeks after her cycle last year it was extremely scary as she is normally such a strong and healthy dog. I feed her a raw diet of beef, chicken, lamb, heart, kidneys and bones and she is really well exercised. I first noticed the odd bit of discharge from her that was a milky/bloody consistency I thought at first it was just her expelling the rest of her heat, but then I noticed over a couple of days that she was expelling more and more and that she was suddenly drinking a LOT of water like every 30mins, she was restless and off her food. I took her to the vet he took her Temp and it was high he suspected Pyometra as her abdomen was firm although in a large muscular dog it is hard to tell that. He prescribed strong oral antibiotics but she point bank refused to take them I had to dissolve and syringe them in to her but still she wasn't taking them all, I went back to vet after 2 days as the discharge was immense literally draining out of her, he gave her injections of antibiotics and vitamins for 5 days and then more oral antibiotics for a week. I took her temp everyday and it was normal after the first 2 days of injections, all we could do after that was wait for the infection to drain out of her I believe she had 10lbs of it in her and in total it took 2 weeks for it to all come away. She did not eat ANYTHING for 9 days which in a big dog she could cope with as long as she was drinking but in a small dog it would be a real worry.

My vet told me after that I needed to get her spayed as it could come back each year but I haven't as she is such a big dog it would be a HUGE operation, so now she is back in heat and I am looking for all the help I can get to prevent it from happening again, I put Cider vinegar in her food and I am going to start giving her a couple of spoonfuls of Manuka, I always have it in anyway as it is great for cuts and bites etc, I have never given her Vit C so advice on dosage and how to administer would be great!

Any help is appreciated especially from Large Breed dog owners, If it happens again I want to be super prepared, as soon as her heat finishes I will check her temp as that is a sure fire way to see if there is an infection developing.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/06/2017

Hey Caroline, My only advise along with monitoring the temp is to feed foods with infection fighting properties. Oil of Oregano, kelp, turmeric come to mind, along with the high doses of vitamin C, and also colloidal silver. IMHO the time to really watch for problems is 3-4 weeks after the cycle ends. Good luck and please keep us posted!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lani (Philippines) on 01/08/2017

Hi Caroline!

You may give your dog up to 3,000 mg. of vitamin C per day. But considering that she is not yet sick, I think that 2,000 mg. of Vitamin C per day will be fine. You can give 1,000 mg. in the morning and 1,000 mg. in the evening. Put the vitamin c between slices of meat and feed it to her. Since pyometra occurs about 2-8 weeks after the dog's heat then you can prevent it from happening just by giving your dog 2,000 mg. vitamin C per day one week after her heat. Just to build up her immune system against any bacteria that may have gained entry in her uterus. You may continue giving her the vitamin c continuously for at least two weeks. That will ensure that any bacteria present will be adequately killed by her immune system. I do that now with my older female dogs since two of them got pyometra months ago. Back then I merely used the vitamin C treatment to cure them. So far, pyometra has not reoccured in any of my dogs and hey, one of them is now 14 years old, still active, and I'm hoping that she'll live to a ripe old age... Hope your dog stays well!

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Springflames (Philippines) on 01/10/2017

Hi guys I need your help..

I have a 2 yrs old pekingenese who was just diagnosed with an open pyometra. Her vet strongly suggested an immediate operation however I don't have that much money. Right now my dog is already active and her appetite is back but the vet told me that if I don't put her to surgery as soon as possible she might suffer more in the near future.

I read this post while searching for alternative treatment for my dog, I would like to try giving her Vitamin C, turmeric and honey but I don't know how much should I give her. My dog is only 3.2kilos (7.05lbs)

Also for the vitamin C, what specific type should I look for? Can an organic honey be a substitute for manuka honey? I live here in the Philippines so Manuka honey is really hard to find.

I hope you can help me...

Thank you and God bless :)

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Springflames (Philippines) on 01/11/2017

Hi Lani,

Thank you so much for reply to my post, it means a lot for me and my dog. My dog was just discharged yesterday 01/10/17 from the vet hospital. She is now eating well and already active, however she drinks and pees alot and I can still observe the white pus discharge.

Today is my day 1 of vitamin C treatment, I gave her a total of 3,393mg of sodium ascorbate plus a teaspoon of turmeric. I tried giving her turmeric paste but she strongly disliked it, I tried to add honey but still she's having a hard time swallowing it. Can you give me a tip on how to administer it without that much of a struggle.

BTW her vet prescribed me the ff:

2ml of oral antibiotic syrup (2x a day)

1inch of Nutripet high-energy concentrate gel

2 tablespoon of dextrose powder (dilute in her water)

On top of this I'm giving her the 3,393mg of sodium ascorbate plus a teaspoon of turmeric. I'm afraid of overdosing my dog with a lot of medication, so I want to hear your opinion about it. Is it too much or not?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Lani (Philippines) on 01/12/2017

Hi Springflames!

Try to put the turmeric powder in between slices of your dog's favorite meat. Hopefully she will gobble up the meat fast enough without noticing the powder. If she chews on her food then that may pose a problem because she will be able to taste the turmeric. Alternatively, you may mix the turmeric powder with your dog's favorite liquid drink and administer it to her using a syringe.

Regarding your other question, I am not competent to assess whether the medications you are giving are already too much. I am not a veterinarian. It is worth to note, however that your vet prescribed the medications based on what he has been taught in veterinary school.

All I can relate to you is my own personal experience regarding the use of vitamin c for my dogs and also what I have researched regarding the matter. I was able to cure the pyometra of 2 of my dogs using only vitamin c. I never used any antibiotic back then. Not even turmeric. Just my dog's favorite cooked meat. Also, I noticed that healing was faster when the vitamin c was mixed with milk as well.

Again, good luck to you and your dog. Sana gumaling ang aso mo.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Shel (TX) on 09/19/2023

I feel like when it says 4-5 times the first day is a lot of vitamin c for my dog. Is this what you did? What vitamin c powder did you use?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Jerry Poydras (LA) on 09/27/2023

How do U mix the three ingredients.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Marienel (Tanza, Philippines) on 10/01/2023

How to mix them and how many times a day?

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by she g (oregon) on 12/14/2023

As far as I know so far with my dog having the same issue. I think it depends on the cycle itself. Most dogs that develop Pyometra is in diestrus phase. Mine started getting pyometra in the estrus phase. I usually do honey, turmeric and vitamin C as soon as I see the proestrus stage and continue on for at least 5 months. This time round even though I was doing the preventitive remedy, it was not helping. I got Clavamox, baytril and yunnan Baiyeo and began noticing a difference after one month. Still very little appetite. Her discharge stopped and she seemd like she was getting better after her course of antibiotics. I continued the honey, c and tumeric with yunnan. One week later she began to bleed again. I place her back on Augmenton and still continued the protocol. All was getting better with no more discharge. Then she started her diestrus stage and boom huge pools of blood. now adding homeopathic china to stop the intense bleeding with all still protocol of all the above. I am hoping this is the final release of all blood and discharge. This takes 4 months to heal as far as I can see. If all clears up by month five which is the anestrus, I will do a lapspay. hope this helps.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Vice (British Columbia) on 10/11/2023

This brought tears to my eyes and the feeling of hope for my pup. She just got diagnosed today. Fingers crossed.

Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Robert (PA) on 12/05/2023

My almost 12 pom came down with pyometra ...I thought she was in heat she had thick sticky discharge for three weeks then began to bleed took her to gave her a shot of cefazolin then oral clavacillin 125 mg (amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium) once every twelve hours for ten days she responded...continued for two more weeks...just finished prescription today..had a blood test done yesterday dec 4 2023 it was good this condition must be monitored very closely

hoping vit c tumeric manoka honey combo works using it as a preventative my pom is 22 lbs will provide my number if needed via email hope this helps only way to avoid this infection recurrence is to spay or this combo...

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