The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Laura (Vienna, VA) on 02/21/2008

My 11 week old siberian husky received the 3rd round of the DHPP-C vaccine, after receiving the first two at 6 and 8 weeks respectively. She seemed a little lethargic after, but as that is common I thought nothing of it. A few hours later she had hidden under the deck and was wheezing. As soon as I was able to get her out I called the vet and arranged to bring her back in. It turned out she was having an allergic reaction to some component of the vaccine, and was bleeding into her lungs. Although the doctors at both the regular office as well as the specialty clinic worked with her for about 5 hours, due to the severity of her reaction and the critically low oxygenation levels throughout that time, she did not make it. I am now hesitant to give any of my pets anything more than what I am required to by law, even though I had never thought to question the recommended vs. required vaccines in the past.
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Peter (77479, Sugar Land) on 02/20/2008

I took my Yorkshire Terrier, Maggie, in to receive a parvo booster shot yesterday. Today she is depressed, lethargic, and is urinating a large amount of blood. She is two years old.
Replied by Annelie
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Dave Lance (Monroe, Ohio) on 02/17/2008

my dog had his rabies and distemper shot and about two days later his stool has been abnormal several days. He is 10 years old and I recently met a woman that testified before congress about childhood vaccines. She thinks that his vet is over-vaccinating my dog.
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Susan (Bartlett, IL) on 02/15/2008

Our cat (a little over 1 year old) received 2 vaccines, rabies and distemper and is very sluggish six days after--there are no other symptoms--cold, etc. This must be the drug--how do we counterract it?
Combination Vaccines
Posted by D. Esquivel (austin, tx) on 02/01/2008

We purchased pet insurance for our 2 1/2 year old inside only cat. Part of the deal was to have a physical and update vaccinations. He had his first rabies (2 years) at 11months, and vet at the time said he didn't need anything else, since he was strictly inside and not exposed to any other cats. Jan. 15, took him to new vet, gave him rabies and FeLV, and FeUpper resp. even after I told them he did not need them. Here we are some 2 weeks later, 1 emergency trip and 1 overnight hospital stay, and 500 dollars later, I have a cat that has lost 3 lbs, will not drink, runs a temp of 104.5, and has completely transfromed from the spaz cat who loved to play, run, chase, and get into general mischief, into a cat that can barely walk, and wants to sleep all the time. drs. keep telling us the shots did not cause this. He has never been sick before, and now, nothing but sick since the shots. I will not be getting more shots for him. and only hope he can pull through. drs. diagnosis-fever of unknown orgin. ha ha....
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Tiffany (Hammond, Louisiana) on 01/28/2008

I took my 7 week half pound toy poodle to the vet to get first set of shots on a Monday. They gave her an 8 and 1 shot and wormed her.By Monday night she was vomiting. She vomiting Tuesday night and by Wednesday I thought she was doing better just a little weak but walking around. Thursday night she was laying around not walking. I took her to the vet Friday morning. They gave her some fluids through the skin. I left her there through out the day. The vet said she was not doing well and there was nothing else he could do. I took her to another vet and he gave a blood transfusion and some antibiodics. she was doing better saturday then sunday she starting laying around again. Symtoms she was having not opening her eyes much, stiffing the neck back, stiffing legs out, and hissing at me. She was tested negative for porvo. I truly believe the shot killed her. I heard after the fact the vet should not have given this small of a dog a 8 and 1 shot. Is this true?
Combination Vaccines
Posted by EJ (Middleboro, MA) on 01/27/2008

I've owned my horse for 6 years and last Spring he had what I consider to be a bad reaction to the first set of yearly vaccinations. I think that was tetanus, strangles, rhino and rabies. He was lethargic and walked away from me in the paddock for 3 days. This is a horse who's in my pockets and always following me around like a puppy. He's never reacted like this before. I wondered if any other horse owners have had similar experiences and know what to do to prevent this type of reaction. Since he's boarded, I have to vaccinate. A homeopathic clinician recommended giving 3UC of Thuja 3 days before, day of and 3 days after to reduce reaction. I haven't tried any homeopathics on him yet, but may consider it. Anyone have any experience with this remedy and animals?
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Kar i Mogensen (Austin, AR) on 01/26/2008

My 1 pound and half pound 9 week old baby Chihuahuas are due for their second round of shots and I am researching what is in the second round, what it is incubated in, what the possible side effects are, etc. If you have any information you can share with me, please email me at
[email protected] and put puppies in the subject line please. I am really scared of vaccines, for people or animals. I had a dog that lived 21 years and she never had a Rabies vaccines, or anything past a second round of shots. I am really concerned about my little girls, they are so tiny. Advice is appreciated. Thanks.
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Shawn (Kansas City, MO) on 01/24/2008

My 1 year old bichon-poo was vaccinated on 1-4-08. He received a distermper/parvo/corona booster. He started getting very sleepy after the vaccinations. On 1-20 he was falling over and was diagnosed with narcolepsy. He can not stay away for more than 5 minutes at a time. He loses control of his back legs, falls to the floor and goes to sleep. Even out in the snow, he can't stay awake. He falls face first into the snow and sleeps.
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Tami (Prineville, OR) on 01/18/2008

I have a Minature, Dapple Dachund--her puppy shots were ok, but the boosters made her break out in lumps and have trouble breathing. It would take the vets office a full day just to get her shots in her a little at a time. Now we just don't let her get them, or take her out where she can contact distemper/parvo, etc.
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Merry (Taylor, Michigan) on 01/18/2008

Had I not found this forum I would have been lost as to what I should do. I just took my 8 month old kitten in for her original vaccinations so I can get her spayed and I will never take her back once this is all done. She's lethargic and irritable, very unlike her normal loving attitude. I have a 7 1/2 year old cat who hasn't had any shots since he was 3 years old and he never will again either. They are both inside cats so I really don't see a reason for any more vaccines especially if this is how they're going to react to them!
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Karoly (Budapest, Hungary) on 01/15/2008

I didn't think it was possible, and I tend to trust science, but the parvo/kennel/distemper vaccination given to my 7 week old beagle puppy, has made her anemic. What was a healthy puppy is now likely to be intermittently sick for the rest of her lives. Vet didn't explain risks, or offer single-vaccine solutions.
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Kerryn (Adelaide, Australia) on 01/07/2008

I got my 8wk old kitten vaccinated yesterday (F3 Vac - Fort Dodge, FIV - Fort Dodge and Milbemax Allwormer). Before we had him vaccianted he was energetic, very affectionate and alert. Once we got home from the vet he went really quiet. Today he won't even let me pick him up without meowing, as if he is in pain. He never meowed before!! He can hardly open his eyes and looks very sick and lifeless. We are so worried about him. Since he had his shots he is a different, sick little kitten. We were only getting him vaccinated to protect him, but it has harmed him instead.. I feel terrible and wish we never took him there.
Combination Vaccines
Posted by Bridgett (Westchester, New York) on 01/05/2008

I have no remdedy to write about but I do have a horrible story about vaccines. I took my 4mth old full breed Maltese to get his Booster and Leptospiros vaccinations today and approximately 30 mins after leaving the vet his face, ears and mouth swell up so bad that I didn't even recognize my poor pooch. Upon taking him back, the doctor requested that I leave him for about 2 hours for observation and further meds to counteract the reaction. My puppy is home now but he is very lathargic and extremely moody and everytime I pick him up he yelps. Is this a normal occurence from the type of vaccines that was administered?
Combination Vaccines
Posted by charlotte (corpus christi , texas) on 01/04/2008

I have no remedy . My 2 yr old boston terrier had his 8in1 shots and now has a knot under his skin on the site . I want to know if I should be concerned about it and if it is normal for him to be a little tired this was 2 weeks ago when he got his shot. please help me . thank you