Tumors if not malignant can be dealt with using red root capsules and turmeric and cayene. Red root dissolves non-malignant cysts and tumors.
How is the tumeric concoction combined? And in what? How much of each ingredient? Did you mix with water or oil or????? And how is it administered???? Please specific on your remedy/treatment otherwise it is of no use to us. Thank you.
Make a paste with turmeric and water and paint it on with a q tip or paint brush. It will stain things so maybe place them in a bed you can wash or crate. I would also try to use vitamin c in this paste. Have you ever used powdered vit c? If you don't have any you can crush a chewable one. I have used it on warts and such on humans and nothing can live in its environment. I would also do a dilution of ACV and water 50/50 in a bottle and coat their skin anywhere you can where the body can drink it in. Dilute it as it will burn their mouths if they lick and it is too strong. Start out with turmeric and water paste and reapply every few hours if you can. Good luck...
Thanks, Cary of north Carolina for being so specific, I will try on my 9 year old, black labs paw tumor //
If tumor is malignant, can I still use turmeric for my cat with lymph cancer?
Hi there. My dog has a tumor behind her left eye and on her left lymph node. Both are cancerous. Is it possible to put a turmeric and coconut oil paste near her eye on the tumor? Will it hurt her eye? Any suggestions on what to do? Thanks!
What dosage and how much did you use of the red root capsules? Is it a powder or a liquid? The capsules where is a good place to go to search for the red root and castor oil? Thank you, YHines
I don't really know what dose is a tiny bit. I have a 50 lb. Cocker spaniel . What dose of turmeric is tiny bit
Turmeric Sources
Make paste with coconut oil, if licking use bag balm. Where is the area, if feet, I'd let the pet lick, it's more meds from the licking, put on twice per day, Use until you see the scab fall off and until pink skin, . By than should be gone,
Hip Arthritis
I've been giving my dog tumeric for his hip arthritus for 9 months now. It is wonderful to have him off the vet prescribed medications and have him pain free and moving again. My vet is impressed! But, what we've noticed is a chocolate lab turn red!! No, it's not from the color of the tumeric it is because the tumeric has an interaction with the melanin that produces hair/skin color. So I have a redhead lab. The vet said my dog was lacking the amino acid tyrosine. So I've got him on tyrosine to put some melanin back in his coat. It's working, starting at his head now at his shoulders he's turning chocolate. I need an alternative to such long term use of tumeric tho. Perhaps one month on tumeric, one on some other natural anti-inflamatory remedy. Any suggestions?
About your dog and the tyrosine thing, I remember doing a little reading and research on curcumin (major component of turmeric) specifically about it's anti-cancer properties, and I remembered something about being a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, so I did a little google search to refresh my memory and I found scholar articles about it (just google "curcumin inhibits tyrosoine kinase activity of epidermal growth factor receptor") you will also find articles specifically adressing it's therapeutic potential to treat prostate cancer.
Anyway... I would think that being a tyrosine inhibitor, it would do exactly what it did to your dog, but the curious thing is that a medicine called Gleevec (anti-leukimia and other types of cancer treatment) did the opposite to the patients being treated, it darkened their gray hair---this drug is precisely a tyrosine kinase inhibitor---
Sorry if I got too technical!!! LOL but I just thought it was pretty interesting... And I don't now if supplementing with tyrosine would render the turmeric mute :S
Redhead lab sounds pretty cool anyway :) good luck!
Broad Benefits
I have an 8 yr old border collie Labrador. He has one lump on his chest for about 1yr and now two smaller ones next to it. And have just found one on his side. Will Turmeric work to get rid of them? I have been giving a quarter teaspoon a day and also glucosamine cause he gets aches and pains. I only just started the Turmeric. He had the diahrea today.
I don't know whether turmeric can help at this stage, although I've heard positive things about it as a supplement. I've been treating my 16 1/2 year old Cairn terrier with a medicinal mushroom supplement, omega 3 caps and a change to a low carb diet. Two years ago I was told she'd be dead within 3 months due to tumors on all her major organs. There's an incredibly helpful website called dogcancer.net that has great info, links and support groups for anyone going through this. The company that makes the supplement donated them to the search and rescue dogs from the World Trade Center who all got cancer from the toxic waste. Diet change is major. I hope this helps.
After reading the posts on how effective turmeric has been on tumors and cysts, I'm going to start adding it to Casey's diet. I did a search and found info suggesting a dosage of approximately 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per 10 lbs. of body weight. I'd be thrilled if it would shrink her sebaceous cysts and I'll be back with an update. I love hearing these success stories and I love this site!
AHCC and ESSIAC!!!!!!!!! AMAZING, and now I will also try Turmeric, but my cats tumor is not on a recent chest xray. So since aug she has been on it since they found a mass in a chest xray before surgery which they didn;t do because it showed up.
I recently took her to the vet for constipation and they did an xray (digital) which I asked them to please scan her chest area, and no mass!
The cancer doctor wanted to take her lung lobe out in Aug plus human chemo, I DON"T THINK SO.
So after a cry in the waiting room another patient told me she tried Essiac for her dog and tumors went away. I went right away and bought it as well as did as much cancer research as I could in cats and dogs. Good luck!
Yes, also you want to get rid of those toxins inside, this is what causes tumors and such on outside. I have been adding unrefined sea salt 1part, 2 parts Kelp and 2 parts Wheatgrass. Mix, give 1/8 th tsp per 5 lbs body weight. Algae good also. High protein diet, low carbs.
Turmeric Sources
We produce a variety of 100% organic products for humans and dogs. Our official launch is only around the corner.
Our flagship product, Augustine's Super Food contains certified organic turmeric, among many other organic super food powders. Our belief is that prevention is better than cure.
You can read our story at: www.facebook.com/augustineapproved
If you would like to purchase certified organic turmeric you are more than welcome to contact us.
Turmeric Sources
No one has mention if it's ok to give dogs turmeric when pregnant. Is it ok? Also, have read ppl making a paste with turmeric to put on lumps but no one says how to make the paste nor how often to apply it. Do you put a bandage on over the paste because if they lick it off, that would just defeat the purpose. Someone throw me a bone here (pun intended) lol. :)
I would apply it every day... Make a paste with either a bit of oil (virgin coconut oil, virgin olive oil) or honey.
You could probably even break open a gel Vitamin E capsule and make a paste with the turmeric with that, too (Vitamin E capsules are gooey inside).
Just sprinkle turmeric onto a plate, pour a little of the stuff mentioned above onto it, and mix it around with your finger. Apply it on the dog's cyst/tumor/lipoma...I would do it once a day. You can probably cover it with a bandage if you think your pet will lick it off or rub it onto furniture.
It might stain the dog's coat orange, but over time it will wash off or fade.
Eosinophilic Granuloma
Question:turmeric for my cat
Turmeric interests me greatly...would it help my old kitty boy (16) who has lived all his life with eosiphillic granuloma (sp) and in the last year has recieved 5mg daily of prednisone. (Don't like drugs) It was discovered when he couldn't breathe last year that he also has asthma. The life giver for him was discovering 7 years ago a feline colostrum powder...but even that wasn't keeping his tongue and throat from tumoring, hence the nasty drug.
Anyone with experiences like this? He is now throwing up nearly every time he eats...and it doesn't matter wet or dry food...so I am suspicious of throat or stomach problems again. He has very bad breath too. Thanks to all for any suggestions!! XXXX's M
I have a 50lb cocker spaniel. I adopted after heartworm treatments. He is on bp meds and a diuretic. He still has a cough. I'm sure his lungs need help. Plus he has horrible skin problems. Bathing him drying him. Brushing him nothing helps! He has these little patches of sores that keep popping up no matter what! I've tried acv..antibiotic creams, anti fungal creams.. I'm at my wits end...help!
recently my pet rat sookie started getting what looks to be a mammary tumor growing on her lower abdomen. i have had rats (females) get this before and they are fast growing and sometimes cancerous - and it cost a lot of money to have them removed (if they can) and then they usually grow back.
well, i immediately started giving her high doses of tumeric in ensure or oatmeal. the lump has not gotten any bigger and it has been several weeks. it actually appears to be getting smaller. this is a godsend. she is an older rat (1 1/2 years) and has always been frail and i don't think she would be a good candidate for surgery. i would suggest that anyone with pet rats that get lumps give them tumeric. actually, i plan to give all my rats tumeric from now on because it also helps with abcesses, and it said to keep lumps from forming. i have told all my rat friends about your site!
YAY! thanks for this site!
I have a female rat (Lily) with the cyst problem. I was wondering what you do with the turmeric. Do I just add it to the water? ...If so, how much and how often? I have another rat in the cage with her. Is it ok for the other rat to take the turmeric as well?"
02/04/2009: Chloe from Seattle, WA, USA replies: "Response to Erica's Question regarding Turmeric for rats. You need to put it in their food, not the water. It won't hurt the other rat to have it. I'm taking it myself!! I'd put a pinch on their food every day and see what happens. Chloe xoxo
I have researched turmeric. The info I have found it that is it utilized better with a carrier of fat/oil. Like a little (full flavor not fat free) yogurt or olive oil on the food or side? Maybe a good quality dog kibble mixed in their feed? Any other ideas?
Also, please, for you? If you add it to food? Add it at the end to simmer and let a little oil stay on the soup/stew. This brings out the full benefit. According to my research. I am also reading about the benefit of whey for tumors. EFA's also.
Just found this site... reading about tumors... two days ago our english mastiff had scan revealing cancer.. he is too old,,ten ... to be operated on and they are not sure of the success.. he feels okay... all functions are working..but his tummy is large on one side... we are trying to arrest the cancer... read about turmeric and omega 3... and special diet... Question, our mastiff is over 200 pounds.. trying to decide how much turmeric to give him each day... i read one place that dogs with cancer should have tablespoon.... any thoughts would be helpful... any idea... tell me please...thanks james p.s. i will visit dogcancer website too..
I, personally, take 8 capsules of Turmeric a day. this comes out to 2 tsps. I use it for arthritis though so maybe you'd want a bit more, maybe a Tablespoonful, spread out over the day? For what it's worth, Kitty
Skin Cancer
My 'peaches & cream' cat, Jasper, has just been diagnosed with skin cancer on one of his eye lids. I've begun painting the area with turmeric & aloe (from my garden) with a make-up brush. I am adding turmeric to his food (1/4 tsp. 2x a day). Will let you know how this goes, but so far, so good!
Hi Shelagh
I hope you receive this message.
My dog has a tumour on his upper eyelid - he has others but the one on his eye is most likely to bother him. I am already following the Dr Budwig protocol but am adding turmeric in his diet as from today. I notice that you painted it onto your cat's eye. I would like to try this but I am nervous in case it damages his eye. How did you know it was OK to put it on your cat's eyelid?
Hope you can help.
Broad Benefits
Turmeric (Ruptured retina): I gave my dog turmeric (1 teasp) mixed in with his food and some tasty gravy after the vet said he would have to have his eye removed. There has been a dramatic improvement and the vet is no longer talking about removing the eye. He still has drops from the vet but the turmeric seems to have reduced the inflammation. It also seems to have shrunk a large fatty lump on his chest. This was not a tumour, but unpleasant to touch and you can hardly feel it now.
Broad Benefits
My little maltese is 16 and also has a large red mass on the side of the eye. The vet will not do anything for it, due to his eye. I have been searching everywhere for help for him. He weighs 8 pounds. I will begin giving him tumeric in his food today. I so hope this will work for him. I have also put some castor oil near the tumor, since I cannot put it on his eye. We are also switching to raw meat today. He naturally loves this.
Broad Benefits
How much turmeric should I feed my 35 lb mini schnauzer daily to treat/shrink benign lipomas? What ratio tumeric to coconut milk or olive oil or castor oil to make paste to apply to tumor daily?
Feeling it was worth a try... i gave 1 capsule every other day with one tablespoon of peanut butter to my Lhasa Apso. She had a lump that the vet wanted $200. to biopsy. Within one week, the lump came to the surface and drained. It was sooo gross and smelly. But it is gone! I will continue to watch her and report any post symptoms. This is pretty incredible!