Skin Issues, Allergies and Conditions

Tufts of Hair Coming Out

Posted by Stacie (Spring, Texas) on 08/11/2011

My 8 year old pug has an odd skin condition that we can't quite pinpoint. Her fur looks "polkadotted" around her back half, and if you gently pull the hair at the dots it comes out in a tuft with dead skin attached. She doesn't have a strong smell, or obvious bald spots, and she does not itch. Of course, our weather here has been extremely hot and humid, so I don't know if that plays a part or not. What she has does not sound like what is usually described as mange or a yeast infection. Any ideas?


1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Robinbirdee (Deland, Florida) on 03/06/2011

Have found turmeric to be helpful--some have grown smaller will try virgin coconut oil my dog has many problems and this site saves me from many trips to the vet thank you so much!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Gordon (Edinburgh, Uk) on 05/21/2011

Got dog from cat and dog home about 7 months ago so far £500 in vets fees, Pet Plan refuse to pay out as underlying condition. Has been on steroids, numerous creams etc to treat his skin, ear, chin and tail problems. Has been fed on a dry food diet. Mites etc ruled out

The thing that I have found that has helped the most is yogurt, Natural plain organic probiotic and should contain Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus ( Yeo Valley ) is one,

For a medium sized dog collie etc, one tablespoon in food morning and night, will take a week or so to see real improvement and may suffer from loose stools to start with.

Medicated shampoo did help the first time used but as it strips the oils out of the skin dandruff etc returned for a few days then slowly cleared up, do not overwash the dog unless advised by the vet also for his chin used 1 pint boiled water with 1tsp salt (cooled)to wipe his chin with cotton balls after eating so no bacteria can build up,

For the yeast and allergies to build up there must be an underlying cause so am going to switch his food and try something with a higher protien content, this will take some time as can take a while to show results but at least it seems to be under control and a big improvement on what he was like before, will also be starting omega 3 tablets once the food is sorted out as this also helps skin conditions and a lot of dog foods do not contain enough.

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