Skin Issues, Allergies and Conditions

| Modified on Jan 18, 2023
Coconut Oil, Iodine
Posted by Sparky (Odessa, Texas) on 01/28/2012

My large mixed breed dog developed open sores all over her body, her hair around the sores came out in clumps. The vet(s) prescribed Pregnazone, Tipol, and antibotics. Over a year's time and almost $3,000.00 later, the sores were multiplying. After the second round of Pregnazone, she would lose bladder control when she went to sleep. It embarassed her greatly. When the vet wanted to "try" more Pregnazone I refused and changed vets. The new vet wanted to start the whole routine over. My poor baby itched and whimpered most of the time. I was at a terrible decision. I couldn't seem to get her any help and she was miserable. I considered having her put down to get her some relief from the continual sting and itching over most of her body for the past year.

I decided if women can use iodine douche for yeast infections, then I'd try a tiny bit on my sweet girl. I put Povidone-Iodine Solution, 10% (Equate brand from Walmart) into a spray bottle and lightly squirted each sore, allowed the place to dry and applied Monistat Vaginal Cream. She was immediately relieved and for the first time in a year, did not whimper and scratch all night. I applied this treatment morning and night, after a week there was noticable improvement to the affected places.

I changed from Monistat cream to Coconut Oil. The results were even quicker. After another week of the 2x day treatment (using Coconut Oil) she was so improved we only did the treatments in the evening. The sores were healed over in about two months and completely gone in 3 months. I continued to apply Coconut Oil to the spots where the hair was trying to grow back in for another month.

When I told the vet what I had done he said what he prescribed was more potent than the "mess" I was using. All I can say is that for over a year now she has not had any signs of sores, and the "mess" I used worked whereas all the prescriptions the vets used did nothing but make her lose bladder control. My sweet girl is back to being herself, happy and healthy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Garry (Mtn Home, Ar) on 08/15/2017

Editor's Choice This is for my 10 mo. old Pit Bull. She was covered in little bumps and almost looked like a rash and scratched herself furless. None of the vet trips did anything for her and I was told she was allergic to flea bites. I was advised (by a friend) to use ACV, 50/50 also, but to also substitute boiled lemon water for the mix. I sliced up a lemon and brought it to a boil and then let it sit and steep overnight. I then used it to cut the ACV 50/50. I've since seen the same recipe online, along with the suggestion to add a drop or two of either cedar or lavender oil as repellent. I have used the mix and can say that it indeed kills fleas and ticks here in the woods. It has definitely also gotten rid of the scratching fits, as well as the fleas and ticks I find are dead or dying. She looks a lot better with fur.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sallie (Md - Maryland) on 12/20/2016

I have a Jack Russell that had broken out in sores on face and feet. After spending about $600 and he wasn't getting well. The Vet was talking about putting him down. Of course that was not an option for me. I went home and prayed about Romero's condition. I heard the spirit of the Lord say vinegar. I am thinking Lord that can't be right but I heard the spirit vinegar again. So I got up and went to the computer and looked Apple cider vinegar and how it help dogs with skin conditions. I used it on my dog and within 24 hours my dog was getting better. It really does work. God loves the Animals too. EarthCLINIC thank you for helping the animals.

EC: Sallie, 

Thanks for sharing! We are assuming that you used diluted apple cider vinegar, which is what we recommend for topical use. 50% vinegar plus 50% water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pennie (Northern Wisconsin) on 11/16/2015

My Am-Bull was suffering with skin allergies until I put him on a raw diet. All allergies have disappeared.

Skin Cancer on Goat
Posted by Art (California) on 01/17/2023 2226 posts

I would mention a 50% to 60% DMSO solution application followed by application of 20 ppm Colloidal silver. Two applications per day.


Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Suzanne (Los Angeles, Calif/usa) on 02/26/2011

You may call it mange, or any other name that describes the itching, biting, redness that your pet may be going thru. This really bothered me.... To see my pet suffering, each day seemed to be worse for her, then reading about mange, I tried the borax(20 mule team and hydrogen peroxide this mixture saved my dogs skin, and my mind. You dont rinse this off, and when mixed well doesnt create a mess. Just use small towels to do this. It may take 2 separate applications, but it was well worth it. my pets hair returned, &she healed nicely.

Skin Cancer on Goat
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 01/17/2023

Hi Lisa

I heard from a leading Natural Dr..

His name is Dr.Lenard Coldwell, that the best result for any skin cancer is applying Hemp Oil.

He says even shingles will be removed..

Good luck Lisa

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 11/06/2013

Hey Meile!

The pimple/pus/bald spots sound like a staph infection. Staph infections may warrant a vet visit for a prescribed antibiotic if you cannot get it under control.

This is Ted's Anti-Fungal and Staph solution:


  • 1 - 16 oz bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 bottle Milk of Magnesia
  • 1 box Epsom salts
  • 1 box Borax
  • Filtered or distilled water


Dilute the 16 oz brown bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a 1% solution by dumping the bottle into a jug and adding 32 oz of filtered or distilled water; I just fill up the empty brown bottle with water and dump it in the jug twice. Now you have 48 ounces of a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Add 4 table spoons EACH:

Borax, Epsom salts, and Milk of Magnesia.

Shake the dickens out of the solution. I usually run a tub full of hot water and set the jug in the tub, and then when the tub cools where I can bathe my dog the solution is by then an agreeable temperature for the dog. Bathe the dog in doggy shampoo or what have you, get all the crusty lesions gently scrubbed up and loose skin and scabs off and rinse well. [Caution: if your dog's skin is in a reactive state, rubbing and scrubbing may raise more hives - so again, gently work the scabs and crusts off and watch the skin in the area to see if it calms or raises more bumbs the next day.] Now drain the tub and when empty plug it up again and now pour the jug of prepared solution over the dog. I use a plastic cup to scoop up the solution and keep pouring over the dog. I try to keep this up for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes I pull the plug and let the dog drip a bit in the tub, and then I take the wet dog with bare hands and put her in a crate with no bedding. Do not towel the dog off - you want as much of the solution to stay on the dog as possible, so it can 'work'. I allow the dog to drip dry in the crate with no bedding. It helps to have the house heat ON, and a nice tasty bone or high value chewy in the crate to distract the dog for a bit. After half an hour I let the dog out and towel dry as best I can and then let them work themselves dry by running all about the house. You do NOT rinse the solution off - you let it dry completely and that is it, until the next bath.

If you have a tiny dog, if you do not wish to make up such a large quantity of solution, the single batch is as follows:

  • 1-1/2 cups of 1% hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 tbsp MOM
  • 1 tbsp Epsom salts
  • 1 tbsp Borax

You may be able to put this into a spritzer bottle and spritz problem areas on your dog, but I find it best to tackle the entire dog with a full body treatment first, before using the spritz bottle for a spot treatment approach.

You may find with your dog that you will have to bathe him every other day, or every three days; find what works so that the skin is able to start healing.

And what diet are you feeding? Careful consideration should be made for the diet of your dog - no grocery store brands, no grain based diets, no diets with dyes and colors. Probiotcs are generally indicated with skin issues; consider DDS w/FOS for a full bottle and then switching to PB8 for another full bottle to start.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ba (Ohio) on 03/22/2014

Have a big Labrador Male that IMHO received too many vaccines and antibiotics in his younger years. We have been dealing with staph and yeast skin infections for a long time now.Vets have put him on anti biotics and steroids several times only to have it come back with a vengance when the course was done. We have used everything that was recommended usually shampoos had Chlorhexidine in various strengths. One shampoo from the vet that I can remember was Malaseb. Read an article by a vet saying that Chlorhexidine killed some bacteria but he found that some new ones were growing a day or two after use.

ACV was used in various recipes, coconut and neem soap, Zymox, and on and on.Lots of sprays too. Nothing seemed to last more than a day or two.He gets regular probiotics (several diff ones), fish oil, supplements, and low glycemic Preference along with meats like Raw Green tripe. Just recently started giving all dogs Sprouts also.

Veterycin sprays did give him more relief for a day( I think it might have killed some of the bacteria or fungus). Then a friend gave us a free bottle of Burts Bees Calming shampoo with Lavender and green tee. It appeared to help more than anything else up to then and when we rinsed the wash cloth could see black specks from the infection where coming off. Probably because Lavender seems to act as an astingent. This had to be repeated almost daily and then we started using a Lavender rinse afterward which also helped. He does well at night with Lavender and/or a calming spray recipe that includes Lavender and Valerian with a couple of other oils.

In my search for help I came to this site when I was looking for information on sulphur(the skin kind) and baking soda. Noticing that Borax and baking soda where mentioned in so many recipes, a light bulb went off and I read the ingredients of Johnsons Foot Soap. It has Borax, Baking Soda, and Iodide in it so I figured if it was good enough for us it should be okay. Only started it three days ago but so far seeing a vast improvement and he is acting more like his old self with a lot more good twitching sleep and energy and a whole lot less scratching and no more whining (saying help me). His hair is growing back and the black spots are becoming less with each treatment. Feet look much better and he is not licking them anymore. His skin is nice and soft and some areas have returned to a nice healthy pink without any black spots. The worst areas are his chin, around his privates and inside back legs. Knock on wood this is the answer for him.

We are soaking his feet after each treatment which is a twice a day sponge bath for now with the Johnsons and we have plans to do a bath with the BB shampoo or the coconut/neem bar soap at least twice a week as needed. Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated to improve this regime if possible. For now we have hope. Have copied Teds MOM recipe which will be the next step if needed. Thanks for this site and the great information it gives us.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by My Little Zeus (Dallas, Tx) on 10/16/2012

WOW is all I can say. I have an American Bulldog puppy who is currently 5mnths old. He has suffered from skin allergies since we got him, we have been told it's in the breed. He's been on anti itch meds for three months now, with some help, but it just doesnt work. I read the reviews on the ACV and all I can say is it's amazing!! He's on a gluten/grain free diet and we also put fish oil on his food for his coat. I mixed in some of the ACV in his food (think the fish oil hides the taste) and he just munched it down. I have also sprayed him down with a diluted solution and it worked just as well as liquid benadryl. Six hours and it's made an amazing difference.

I've been reading the threads and many have asked how to get them to eat it, try some Omega3 Fish oil capsuls over their food and mix in the vinegar. The smell of the fish oil (oooohhh it's bad, bad) can cover anything I think. Good luck!!

Skin Cancer on Goat
Posted by Lisa (Mulino, Or.) on 01/16/2023

I'm wondering if bitter almonds are okay to give to a goat. I know Apple seeds can kill dogs. She has a large carcinoma on her anus. I'm assuming it's from the sun as she is mostly white and carries her tail up most of the time. I don't know if they are toxic to goats and if will cure the cancer. She is currently pregnant with about two more months to go although I don't want to harm the babies. I really don't want to wait any longer to start treating her. I also thought about dabbing Apple cider vinegar or hydrogen peroxide on the spot and putting Apple cider vinegar in the water. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Alanc (Perth, Australia) on 09/28/2016

Hi All,

Just to add my 2 cents. My dog is a six year old Shih tzu cross, had him three years. Always had a patch on his lower back ("blackheads" in the pores and on the hair). Not obvious unless clipped short.

I would paint the area with chlorhexidine and forget about it until the next clipping. A few months back I noticed dried blood. The area has started to ulcerate and spread up his back. The area is itchy and he does not like you touching it.

Now I had to look more carefully, many possible reasons (and there can be primary and secondary causes):

1 Allergies

2 Fungal

3 Bacterial

4 Mites

5 Fleas and tics

As the affected area was on his back where soap is applied when bathed, I changed to a low allergenic shampoo and reduced the frequency of baths from 2 weekly to 6 weekly (he is not a smelly dog! ).

-> No change after three months, getting worse so we discounted an allergic reaction (although we did not try an antihistamine).

We then hit him with a round of antibiotics and chlorhexidine wash.

That cleaned up the skin infection but no improvement beyond that.

So when on holidays for a week and upon return and his next bath the condition had worsened. He starting to loss hair and the skin quite ulcerated and bleeding.

Okay, off to the vet (the vet is useless, her diagnosis was flea bite dermatosis but at least we got another round of antibiotics).

So we clipped the area so we an see it better and started the another round of antibiotics and chlorhexidine wash.

After two days the skin was looking better so we painted the area with borax and peroxide solution with a cotton swab.

After the treatment I examined the cotton swab and the remaining discoloured solution under a mag-light (my eyesight is not very good anymore) in a white plastic container. Although the mag-light is only x2 I could see a couple of the mites wiggling in the solution (tiny black carrots a fraction of a millimeter in length).

That night the skin looked better and some "blackheads" where now "whiteheads".

The next day he skin was a bit scaly. After the second treatment I could only see only dead mites in the contaminated solution. An hour or so later, some of his "blackhead" pores had opened up.

So it is working very well so far. Not all the blackheads are gone but they are disappearing.

We intent to do a full dip of all our dogs in the next few days.

I chose to use borax and peroxide over other remedies because they are both safe to use on "your own" skin.

Regards AlanC

Prescription Medications
Posted by Patty (Ocean City, Md) on 09/14/2014

12 yr old tea cup poodle: After 3 yrs of trying Acupuncture and herbal treatments for my little Sapphire we have success. She had lost hair on stomach, all her neck hair, elephant skin on back legs and generally was so miserable, smelled, and just slept in curled up ball. Our vet 60 days ago wanted us to try new dosage of Atopica for CATs due to Sapphire being only 4 lbs, apparently the dog version doesn't have small enough dose. New dosage of the Cat version of this medicine was approved to give small dogs. Within first 3 weeks smell was gone and hair was growing back on her neck and stomach. After 45 days even the elephant skin on back legs is completely gone. She now sleeps with legs stretched out, runs and plays almost like a puppy again.

60 days - We now give her the dose every other day. To keep upset stomach side effect eliminated we keep medicine refrigerated and give her bite of treat 1st before giving her the medicine. A little food and chilled medicine have all but completely eliminated the only side effect we had of vomiting.

No Grain Diet
Posted by Jennifer (Port Orchard, Us) on 04/30/2013

Please allow the lady trying to help people who have sick dogs like hers tell the name of the dry dog food product containing millet she used that healed her dog. She's not a business with commercial interests and just giving her opinion. What happened to free speech? Help our pets!!! How is this any different than "liking" things on Facebook Etc?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jan (London, Ontario) on 03/22/2014

My boxer had MRSA on his head and antibiotics and steriods were not helping it. I made a paste of 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric, mixed it with a dash of pepper and a little olive oil and applied it directly to the infection two to three times daily. Also, I mixed the same with some probiotic yoghurt and fed it to him daily. Within a day I could see improvements. You need the pepper and olive oil with the turmeric to get the full turmeric benefit.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Akf (Beaverton, Or) on 12/18/2012

First thanks to Earth Clinic and contributors. This if for dogs with skin issues and their people who it's driving crazy! I discovered these items because I have dealt with yeast issues.

Our dog is aprox. 8 years old and a rescue that is probably a Flat Coat Retriever or a Black Lab mix - he has long wavy hair. He developed skin issues a few years ago - especially in winter. He was going nuts chewing and causing hotspots. He also had flaky oily skin year round and this is much better now too. The vet prescribed steroid pills, creams, etc. That helped only slightly and we didn't want him on the rest of his life. We tried cutting out all the likely allergens from his diet w/o luck. He is still on a quality food with no likely allergens.

Finally he is having a better winter if I consistently give him this "treat" he loves every day.

I mix 3 large soup spoons of quality yogurt with a couple tablespoons of ACV and a couple tbsp of Fish Oil and 8 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract.

I also add 3 drops of the Grapefruit Seed Extract to his water once or twice a day.

There was the start of a spot this year when I wasn't consistent which I applied Coconut oil to a couple of times and it went away.

I told the vet about this mixture and she said it was safe and that she knew some of it would be helpful/healthful.

I hope this helps lots of pets and their people! It is such a relief for us!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Bourbon, In) on 07/25/2012

After this hot spring and summer in the Midwest, our Belgian Sheepdog, pure black, was having terrible itchy, blotchy skin. A round of anti-biotics and benadryl helped but not enough to really notice. Next step was diet and went gluten free and raw with added Omega3 and eggs. Didn't notice huge difference, but there was a change. And her stools and urine were better. (hate to say it but healthier looking). Then started rinsing after bath with ACV. After more research decided to put the ACV IN her food and found the ____ Organic ACV at the health food store. Started putting it in her breakfast as well as the cats (smaller dose) and her itching has literally stopped. The dry flakey skin has disappeared after only 2 weeks. Husband and I started taking a Tbsp in the morning also and we notice changes in ourselves as well. I would recommend that if your pooch has skin trouble, try the ACV!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (Saratoga Springs, Ny) on 03/05/2012

My dog has skin that has black spots and smells bad, it is mostly on her abdomen. I wipe the areas with a cloth soaked in cider vinegar. This seems to offer imediate relief for itching and fades the spots a bit, and the odor disappears as well!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dano (Idaho) on 12/03/2022

Nearly all of the sugar in ACV is digested during the fermentation process. ACV contains less than half a gram of sugar per 100 grams of ACV.

Posted by Sandra (Michigan ) on 08/03/2021

Hi my name is Sandra. My dog Louis was groomed at 9 months old and was razor burned. Antibiotics didn't heal him. Got worse. Finally took to different Vet who put him on a compounded Cancer drug. Was systemic. Today Louis is 10 years old. I have been putting MMS in his water bowl for months now. My white little dog with the inflamed skin is now normal. Using small amounts of MMS daily, 2 drops, he has returned to normal. The MMS is a water purifier. It purifies our bodies like it does anyone taking it. It can and does cause die off of parasites, mold, fungus, we injest. Louie did have diarrhea for a short time. Probiotics, yogurt and canned pumpkin helped with that., 360-748-4426, talk to Talor. She is the best and will answer questions. Understand I am not saying Taylor is a doctor or is giving medical advice. Taylor can give suggestions, do as you please with her suggestions. A set of MMS and activator is around $48 and will last a long time. I put it in my water. Been using it going slow now for months. Finally got rid of the bloat around my middle.

Oh, they sell some great books also. Ones the big pharma don't want you to know about! Ask Taylor or look it up on the website.

Fishy Skin Odor Remedies
Posted by Margie (Riverside Ca.) on 01/14/2014

I may have discovered how to stop the fishy odor on my dog Maggie. I recently bathed her and used Olive oil on her body by rubbing it on her entire body once she was dry from the bath. For some reason this treatment stopped the fishy odor? I used Olive oil because she seemed a little itchy. And I know Olive oil is usually soothing on skin including human skin. Why Olive oil (extra virgin) stopped the odor I don't know? But it did. I rubbed it on her entire body including her butt and tail. I am still feeding her homemade nutritious foods instead of commercial dog food and I thank you all for your suggestions on helping my dog.

Dog Licking Feet Remedies
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 11/28/2013

Hey Barbara!

Foot chewing and licking are commonly associated with contact allergies. Does your dog experience any allergies? Gunky, yeasty ears? Itchy skin?

Since you have ruled out bacteria and yeast, its possible this is a conditioned behavior in your dog. Super smart dogs may exhibit a behavior they know will draw their owners attention - something to consider.

Dog Licking Feet Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 11/28/2013

With regard to dog licking paws. Way back I read somewhere that this has to do with a disease developing. Some dogs lick because they have mites in legs and feet. Some are allergic to something they walk on and how many causes there are alone.

I had one rescue dog that licked incessantly. Shortly after he died of stomach cancer. So I think he was in pain and that was his way of reacting, poor thing. I was devastated as I knew that he had a horrific past and before he came to me the SPCA vaccinated him. After such horrendous experiences he must have been in very fragile health and then vaccination added!

Also my thirty pound oriental spaniel is also licking. I found out that some flees lodge in the paws and live there. He also has mites without any visual evidence and I intend to use Ted's remedy but using vinegar instead of hydrogen perox.

I would have the dog examined carefully without, however, going the endless route of tests. The best and simplest way to deal with it in my opinion is to put the animal on Essiac. After some weeks and up to six months there might be some good results. The tea is also very good for detoxing.

For all emergencies I now use MMS as it has prolonged the life of two of my old cats, dealt with upper respiratory problem and I will also use it for deworming.

I found out that MMS is very good for improving eyesight. Now don't worry, get the Essiac going, do good research and all will be well. Om

Dog Licking Feet Remedies
Posted by Deb (Arkansas US) on 08/31/2014

What does MMS stand for?

EC: MMS = Miracle Mineral Supplement

Dietary Changes
Posted by Debbiefudge (Brighton. Uk) on 08/18/2013

He may have had a reaction to the antibiotics. That's a very long time to be on them!! He would have been better with raw meat. And nothing canned at all. I would have given raw fresh garlic. Bathed him in an anti fungal shampoo and rinsed well and then poured a half water/half white vinegar solution on and allowed to dry and dabbed on coconut oil on the scabs, twice a day. Commercial pet food is responsible for many things!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rose (Saint Paul) on 04/23/2015

Both my homeopathic vet and raw food diet consultant have recommended garlic for my dog. It is not poisonous or toxic in the correct dosages. Our 16 lb dog gets 1/4 tsp once per day of dry organic garlic to ward off fleas and ticks and to protect against heart worm. Also, what is the likelihood that a dog is not drinking water because it has ACV in it vs. that he is too tired to get up and drink it?

No Grain Diet
Posted by Sahar (San Pedro, Ca) on 04/22/2013

Could you please share with me the name of the no grain food made with millet that your dog loved? Also, the name of the shampoo? I have a miserable yeasty beagle, and can use all of the help I can get. This forum is made to help people... so you should be able to name Names! :)

No Grain Diet
Posted by Tonya (Arizona) on 09/06/2020

Please share the name of ghe dog food. I have a 4 month old Boxer that is living on benadryl and bagbalm to have peace.

Please ..


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/24/2014

Hey Ba!

You asked: "Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated to improve this regime if possible. For now we have hope. Have copied Teds MOM recipe which will be the next step if needed..."

I would cut to the chase and just do Ted's MANGE remedy every other day for 3 dips, and then do the MOM formula. Follow directions to the letter - and treat the entire dog, not just spritz the obviously affected areas.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Yogurt
Posted by Reine's Mom (Cambridge, Ohio, Usa) on 05/11/2012

My 4 year old black pomeranian has suffered with allergies for years and would dig and itch until she had large bald patches. It seemed like nothing would work until I found this site. She was already on a gluten free, by-product free food; but we saw no improvement until I started adding ACV, yogurt and coconut oil into her diet. In just 7 weeks she has no bald spots and her black hair that had been turning reddish is now going back to the beautiful blueish it should be. I am imagining she will be in full glory by the end of the summer and all because of these little changes that cost next to nothing. Thank you so much for all your advice, for her it has truly been life changing!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Texas) on 08/12/2020

I've heard and have a friend whose dachshund (actually 2 of them at 2 diff times and after applying meds) died from the flea applications. They seem to b especially susceptible to the effects of prescription meds. Thats why I only use things I read about here. And I have had great succes hope u can too

Posted by Jc (Concord, Ca) on 03/20/2012

My 9 y/o yellowlab was recently diagnosed with Pseudopelade. It's a skin condition and basically the hair follicle is damaged and no longer able to grow hair. My poor little guy is getting bald spots all over his head. I was wondering if anyone has dealt with this and had any info to share. Thanks very much.

Posted by Jd (Montreal) on 09/03/2016

Hi, I just saw this while browsing around on here and wanted to reply even though you posted 4 years ago. My dog-who is now 8-was diagnosed with pseudopelade when she was about 2. It took a very long time to figure out what it was, she had bald spots all over her body, some large areas on her neck with no hair, eventually a biopsy was done and sent to a dermatologist and then we had the diagnosis. The vet told me that it's not painful, itchy or contagious and the treatment (steroids) would only be for aesthetics (hair growing back), so we decided against that. Strangely, a couple months later her hair started growing back, and she hasn't had any bald spots since! I'm not sure if this is related-but it also coincided with a particularly stressful and emotional time in my life-when that period started for me is when she began getting the bald spots, when that stress ended for me is when she suddenly got maybe my stress was affecting her immune system-who knows. But thought I would share my experience with you, I hope your lab's hair will grow back too!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Brighton, Uk) on 09/18/2012

I would not use ACV in this instance. apples=sugar.

white vinegar is a much, much better option. Make a solution of half white vinegar/half water. Use as an ear wash. And on skin. Change diet to raw meat. Filtered water. Half a clove of garlic a day. Probiotic yogurt. 1 raw egg a week. 1 tin of tuna in oil, drained, once a week to replace a meat meal.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dano (Idaho) on 12/03/2022

Egg yolks are fine for dogs. The yolk contains most of the nutrition of the egg in terms of vitamins, healthy fats, and minerals. The egg white is simply protein with very little of anything else.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Beth (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/27/2012

We have an 8 year old schnauzer who has developed scaly skin (yuck! ) I found your site, it was suggested to put some coconut oil in her food and rub it on her spots.... IT WORKS! In just 4 days we see a major change! The only draw back is... Our one year old puppy likes to lick it off her back and she isn't a fan of being licked! :)
Perfect! No medication... A natural fix!

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