Skin Issues
Natural Remedies

Skin Issues, Allergies and Conditions

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Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Garry (Mtn Home, Ar) on 08/15/2017

Editor's Choice

This is for my 10 mo. old Pit Bull. She was covered in little bumps and almost looked like a rash and scratched herself furless. None of the vet trips did anything for her and I was told she was allergic to flea bites. I was advised (by a friend) to use ACV, 50/50 also, but to also substitute boiled lemon water for the mix. I sliced up a lemon and brought it to a boil and then let it sit and steep overnight. I then used it to cut the ACV 50/50. I've since seen the same recipe online, along with the suggestion to add a drop or two of either cedar or lavender oil as repellent. I have used the mix and can say that it indeed kills fleas and ticks here in the woods. It has definitely also gotten rid of the scratching fits, as well as the fleas and ticks I find are dead or dying. She looks a lot better with fur.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kittyhelp (Tallahassee, Fl) on 06/13/2017

My 9 month old tux kitty had a dry patch on his ear that was getting bigger. I have a spray bottle of 1/2 water and half mother vinegar. I sprayed a cotton swab and dabbed on his ear daily for a few days and it started getting smaller and very soon was gone. Another time he had a spot just below his ear he had scratched until it was bleeding. I suspect it was a tick. I again dabbed this solution on that spot daily, it dried up and in a very short time was gone. This works great. However, he does not like it at all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sallie (Md - Maryland) on 12/20/2016

I have a Jack Russell that had broken out in sores on face and feet. After spending about $600 and he wasn't getting well. The Vet was talking about putting him down. Of course that was not an option for me. I went home and prayed about Romero's condition. I heard the spirit of the Lord say vinegar. I am thinking Lord that can't be right but I heard the spirit vinegar again. So I got up and went to the computer and looked Apple cider vinegar and how it help dogs with skin conditions. I used it on my dog and within 24 hours my dog was getting better. It really does work. God loves the Animals too. EarthCLINIC thank you for helping the animals.

EC: Sallie,

Thanks for sharing! We are assuming that you used diluted apple cider vinegar, which is what we recommend for topical use. 50% vinegar plus 50% water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pennie (Northern Wisconsin) on 11/16/2015

My Am-Bull was suffering with skin allergies until I put him on a raw diet. All allergies have disappeared.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jan (London, Ontario) on 03/22/2014

My boxer had MRSA on his head and antibiotics and steriods were not helping it. I made a paste of 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric, mixed it with a dash of pepper and a little olive oil and applied it directly to the infection two to three times daily. Also, I mixed the same with some probiotic yoghurt and fed it to him daily. Within a day I could see improvements. You need the pepper and olive oil with the turmeric to get the full turmeric benefit.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by My Little Zeus (Dallas, Tx) on 10/16/2012

WOW is all I can say. I have an American Bulldog puppy who is currently 5mnths old. He has suffered from skin allergies since we got him, we have been told it's in the breed. He's been on anti itch meds for three months now, with some help, but it just doesnt work. I read the reviews on the ACV and all I can say is it's amazing!! He's on a gluten/grain free diet and we also put fish oil on his food for his coat. I mixed in some of the ACV in his food (think the fish oil hides the taste) and he just munched it down. I have also sprayed him down with a diluted solution and it worked just as well as liquid benadryl. Six hours and it's made an amazing difference.

I've been reading the threads and many have asked how to get them to eat it, try some Omega3 Fish oil capsuls over their food and mix in the vinegar. The smell of the fish oil (oooohhh it's bad, bad) can cover anything I think. Good luck!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Bourbon, In) on 07/25/2012

After this hot spring and summer in the Midwest, our Belgian Sheepdog, pure black, was having terrible itchy, blotchy skin. A round of anti-biotics and benadryl helped but not enough to really notice. Next step was diet and went gluten free and raw with added Omega3 and eggs. Didn't notice huge difference, but there was a change. And her stools and urine were better. (hate to say it but healthier looking). Then started rinsing after bath with ACV. After more research decided to put the ACV IN her food and found the ____ Organic ACV at the health food store. Started putting it in her breakfast as well as the cats (smaller dose) and her itching has literally stopped. The dry flakey skin has disappeared after only 2 weeks. Husband and I started taking a Tbsp in the morning also and we notice changes in ourselves as well. I would recommend that if your pooch has skin trouble, try the ACV!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (Saratoga Springs, Ny) on 03/05/2012

My dog has skin that has black spots and smells bad, it is mostly on her abdomen. I wipe the areas with a cloth soaked in cider vinegar. This seems to offer imediate relief for itching and fades the spots a bit, and the odor disappears as well!