Listerine and Baby Oil Spray
Dog with Hair Loss, Severe Skin Allergies:
I received a Great Pyrenees on Christmas Day 2008 and was shocked at the inflammation, loss of hair, itching and brittleness of her hair. I was told that she had severe food allergies (and I did immediately switch her to a premium grain-free dog food) but in addition, I started ading apple cider vinegar to her drinking water and bathed her in it several times. I have proof-positive pictures that within one month this situation took a 360 degree turn for the better. She is happier now, more energetic, has a zest for life and no more itching and inflammation. I recommend apple cider vinegar wholeheartedly.
On her ankles and her elbows she has dried crusted spots and for those I looked up home remedies for hot spots and saw several people had success with plain Listerine, mixed with baby oil and water and spritzed on these spots. Within 2 weeks, those dried spots clearedup and new skin grown and hair growth is happening there.
Manuka Honey
A mask of clean honey worked like a charm for my dog's hot spot. The skin was so red and irritated by the time I cut my dog's cheek hair that I broke the skin and she was bleeding. In despair I slathered on a "mask" of honey on the area. It scab bed up the next day and came off during her next pond romp. Good old Nature!
Manuka Honey
I have little faith in vets and I try to find things that work and have some luck - manuka honey is really good as antibiotic internally and externally for animals and they like it. Chamomile teabag soak for any eye problems. These are 2 tried and trusted ones for me.
A Melalucca product called Melagel, stops hot spots almost immediately, scabbed over by next day and healing. Trimming hair around spot is necessary to create Like a "fire break" if you will, then I apply some Melagel 2 or 3 times in a day, by the next day, the spot has scabbed over and it soon starts healing. Amazing stuff!
(Long Beach, California)
Where can I buy Melagel? Pharmacy or health Food Store?
EC: Here it is on the company's website:
(Dallas, Texas)
Regarding Melagel - it's great for people too! In order to shop direct from Melaleuca you need to be referred by an existing customer. I'd be happy to refer you and give you additional information on all the amazing healthy products (at wholesale prices) they have.Contact me at [email protected] for more information. Thanks Yvonne
(Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada)
A word of warning:
Do NOT use Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca oil) on hot spots. Tea Tree Oil can cause neurological damage and even death when absorbed directly into the blood stream.
At one point in time, it was commonly recommended for hot spots, but I learned a hard lesson that just because something is 'all natural' doesn't mean it's at all safe.
I had a dog with a hot spot, and applied tea tree oil to the area. The next day, Vinne was paralyzed from the neck down. The emergency vet's initial diagnosis was degenerative disk disease, which is a death sentence for Frenchies. Luckily I insisted on a second opinion, rather than following the vet's advice to put him down immediately. The specialist vet inquired about his hot spot, and told me about the neurological side effects of tea tree oil on dogs, cats and small children. Thankfully, Vin recovered with no side effects.
From the Animal Poison Control Center website:
"Clinical effects that may occur following dermal exposure to significant amounts of tea tree oil include loss of coordination, muscle weakness, depression, and possibly even a severe drop in body temperature, collapse and liver damage. If the oil is ingested, potential effects include vomiting, diarrhea and, in some cases, seizures. If inhalation of the oil occurs, aspiration pneumonia is possible. "
Details on neurological side effects of Melaleuca oil:
EC: Melagel is made from Tea Tree Oil...
Mineral Oil, Listerine Mouth Wash
Hot spots! use 25% water, 25% mineral oil,5 0% listerene mouth wash. Put it in a spray bottle. Shake it up to mix and then spray on the hot spot twice a day.
Multiple Remedies
I don't know where my 18 month old mastador got hotspots from but they spread up his back, side flank & leg within hours. The vet advised an antibacterial shampoo & if that didn't work then it was antibiotic & steroid time which I refused to do!!
The shampoo didn't get rid of the hotspots but stopped the spreading with 3 baths a week, so with research on the net I did my own treatment consisting of:
- probiotic capsule x 1 time per day
- 1 tblspn organic coconut oil x 1 time per day
- 1 tblspn organic plain yogurt x 1 time per day
- 1 meal of freshly cooked wild spanish mackeral & atlantic salmon with fresh garlic (small amount) cooked thru fish. I tried him on fish oil but he kept throwing it up or not eating the food it was in. I did find he preferred the fish over any other meat or bones. I also took him off all raw chicken.
- grain free dry food x 1 time per day
- I also sprayed diluted raw apple cidar vinegar onto spots in morning & rubbed organic coconut oil in at night for about 2 weeks then stopped.
It took six to eight weeks mainly thru his diet change before I noticed the spots gone except for 1 spot, & hair grown back & black skin gone.
I know that the fish would cost quite a bit but I own a cafe & used the scraps for him, so maybe ask a local restaurant or fishmonger if they have any offcuts availabale that they normally throw out.
Neem Oil
Hot Spot Remedies: My dog Terra who is part Sheppard and part Akita, had two large hot spots on her back above her tail. I wasn't sure what to do so I asked the folks at our local herb shop ( called "the Herb Shop") and they recommended using Neem oil. When I got home I poured a little Hydrogen peroxide on them to clean and disinfect the spots and then I applied a coating of the oil, nothing else. After about 20 minutes or so, the skin started drying out and that was it, no more problem , completely healed with in a few days.
Several years later, my Mother was in the last few days of her life, from cancer, and we noticed a rather large bed sore on her back so I applied some Neem oil and the same thing happened. Even though her body had started shutting down the skin was reforming on the bedsore!
(Westfield, Pa, Usa)
Neem, Olive, Goldenseal, ACV Spray
Have had great problem removing flea allergy dermatitis from my poodle and he has constantly itched and has had open wet sores above and around his tail.Have used many natural remedies with some improvement but would soon recur.I recently found a natural recipe from the net and now there is no sign of fleas at all and no rashes or sores at all. He is much happier and relaxed and so am I. The solution is 2 ozs of pure Neem oil, a little olive or coconut oil and tea tree oil,one tablespoon of Goldenseal extract,then make up to 16 ozs with organic apple cider vinegar. Fantastic results immediately.Use daily(spray on)as needed.I also added some lemon lotion but this is not essential.
Omega 3 Salmon Oil
My golden retriever had constant hot spots and skin allergies. Tried a cheap product called Missing Link. It has omega-3 salmon oil in it and you just sprinkle a tablespoon on their food daily. What a lifesaver. Her skin is great, her hair is silky, overall health is good. No more biting at her skin and being miserable, or hot spots! My vet doesn't sell it, but they recommend it to all their pet owners now due to my dog's results. They tell everyone about my dog and her results and everyone runs to pet her when she comes in cause of her silkiness. Good luck.
(Milton, FL)
where do you find omega 3 salmon oil?
EC: Try online or at a good health food store!
Schreiner's Solution
Schreiner's thing for Canine Hot Spots ever...sold in Feed Stores...about 20.00, and well worth it, wouldn't be without it. Have Golden Retrievers with occasional Hot Spots...saves a ton a money not going to the
Vets. Exceptional product.
(Coloma, Mi)
Thanks Jamie from Campbell, Ca. I checked out the Schreiner's on-line and it looks like really good stuff. Do you buy the one for horses? I see they have one for dogs also. My black lab (mix) has a problem with yeast and she is sore around her mouth and her vulva area. She licks and I see the Schreiner's is all natural...Love that. Anyway, I'm hoping that maybe this will work for her.
Sea Water
Hi All,
I have British Bulldogs and one of them started geting what I found out to be hot spots... I was horrified...I brought her to the vet, she was diagnosed and given various seemed to be taking ages to clear, then I got some sea water and applied it 2ce daily, within a few days it cleared up......then out of the blue a few months later I noticed one behind her ear,about 3 inches long 2 inches wide...I went to the sea straight away and got a bottle of sea water, I applied it to the area 2ce daily and in three days it had completely dried up, and within a week you would barely see any sign of it..No vet visit required and No vet bills...Hope this is of help..The main thing is to catch it asap and treat it by dabbing the sea water to the area, no need for shaving,clipping etc..Sea water is Magic!!
Sea Water
Hello. My 9mth old British Bulldog has 2 big, ugly, sore looking hotspots on her shoulder.Iv had her to the vet,she is currently on metacam oral and ampicillin. he also advised to wash the areas with 1 tbsp of salt to a pint of water..she is on this treatment with 5 days.didnt see a great improvement, yesterday I went to the sea and got a carton of sea water and applied it. today the hot spots are dry and crusted over... now i dont know if its the 5 days of treatment or the sea water, or both.but its amazing how over night after using the sea water the sores are drier and crusted...does anyone know if these are going to be a reoccuring problem,a nd will the hair grow back. they just look awful. any info/help is much e.mail is [email protected] Thank You
let me start by saying i have 4 english bulldogs . As owners of these breeds know , that they have many health problems that can arise . We just got a 1year and half female from a friend , she had kept her in a cage all day and let her out for a couple of hours at night and then it was back in the cage , now she has free range of the house , just the bedroom kitchen and living area , So she is not confined to one place and not in a cage . But she has the other dogs to contend with and they bully her i think , she is soooo sweet and smart and i don't think she understands that we have to go to work and leave her for 8 hours a day , so i think her hot spots are now being caused by anxiety and lack of attention , i have one that has to be in my lap if i am sitting and another one with my husband - so she is left out sometimes . She has develpoed horrible hot spots and scratches all the time , and i have not changed anything . So it may be weather related also .
My husband encountered a bad hot spot on his last male years ago and it got so bad , in one day that the poor dog had to be in the vets office over night for observation .. the vet gave him Sulphur cream to put on it . Now i can only find sulphur powder and mix with no , perfume , dye or additives lotion . They go away within an hour , no lie an hour they have turned crusty and she isn't itching any longer .. needless to say this is going to be a weekend for her . I am going to take her everywhere i go and love on her as much as possible . Please if all else fails or you have given up and have multiple vet bills then please try Sulphur , it is natures miracle .. thanks for all the suggestions on this site -- i am going to try the oatmeal baths and ACV baths as well . thanks and be well
Tea Tree Oil
My 5 year old Shitzhu recently began itching and biting at her fur to the point some of it was coming out. After researching some possible remedies, I treated her hot spots and irritation with Tea Tree Oil. Luckily, my dog is also like my shadow and she always has my attention. Within 6 hours of treating her with Tea Tree Oil (applied with a Cotton ball) I noticed she was not herself, she was not as energetic, did not want to use her back legs, did not use the bathroom, etc.
I immediately took her to the vet where I was informed that Tea Tree Oil is poisonous to dogs. Depending on the size/weight it can also be fatal. Thankfully, she is ok, but she received a round of fluids and charcoal pills to absorb the poison along with 6 baths to get the remaining oil off of her skin. Please see this as a warning. I would not want this to happen to anyone else and I am happy that she just received a small dose. TEA TREE OIL IS POISONOUS TO DOGS!!! Good luck and God Bless. Angela from Alabama
(Brookings Or)
Tea Tree Oil
My dog would get a hot spot(licking & biting on a spot) on her paws every summer. The Vet thought it was an allergy & gave us some ointment to apply. We also gave her Benadryl. Well after half a tube of ointment was applied over the course of a week we saw no results. She still had no fur & the skin was red & raw looking. We had been using Tea Tree Oil on ourselves for various cuts, scrapes & insect bites & I thought that it might help my dog. We could see that she was miserable & constantly at her paw. I applied 1 drop to her affected area & rubbed it in gently. At first she wanted to lick her paw, but I stopped her. It is not safe for humans to ingest the oil & I won't give my dog anything I can't eat myself. Well, in just a few minutes my dog fell asleep! Remarkable. When she woke up, she didn't even look at her paw. In a weeks time the skin was healed & I could see her fur starting to poke up through the skin. We continued to apply the oil once a day until the fur was again covering her paw.
From then on when we would see her at her paw or some other spot we applied the oil & told the Vet to stuff the $35.00 tube of ointment.
Big Tuna