Heartworm Remedies
Natural Remedies

Evidence-Based Remedies for Heartworm in Dogs

| Modified on Jan 08, 2025
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Black Walnut, Garlic, Wormwood
Posted by Lisa (Tulia, Tx, Usa ) on 03/27/2012

My cocker spaniel has recently be diagnosed with heartworms. I am in the third week of giving him garlic, 10 drops of Sweet Wormwood, and 10 drops of Black Walnut twice daily on an empty stomach. My questions are: Will he continue to cough through out the time I am giving him this medicine? If so, is there something I can give him to help the cough? How quickly do the worms begin to die after I start this medicine? and, Should I try to keep him calm and quiet as much as I can through out this time?

Black Walnut Extract, Garlic
Posted by Lynn (Venice, Florida) on 08/05/2013

I adopted a lab mix with a heavy load of heartworm. He was showing symptoms of advanced heartworm disease (coughing, etc) and was not expected to live. I was determined to heal him and that was the end of it. And heal him I did. I purchased from my local health food store a LIQUID form of antiparasitic herbs: wormwood with black walnut extract, together. At the grocery store I purchased one of the little glass jars of garlic that is already mashed up. (In Ohio Marc's has it cheapest). My boy is about 110 lbs. In each of his 2 daily meals I put 15 drops of the liquid antiparasitic (per bottle instructions) and added approx 1 Tablespoon of the garlic. This is a lot of garlic, by the way. I did this for 2.5 wks. And then omitted the liquid antiparasitic for 2 wks, whilst continuing the garlic. The bottle states that you must take a break from the antiparasitic as it is a strong and serious remedy. Symptoms very slowly began to subside. After 3 or 4 mos I had his heartworm load tested at the vet only to find THERE WAS NO INDICATION OF ANY HEARTWORM. Or it was low enough to not be detected by the testing.

The heartworm "remedy" currently offered by the vets is, in my view, utter NONSENSE. My vote is that no dog should EVER be subjected to this medieval hocum that you must mortgage your home to afford. Common sense indicates that this business of injecting toxic poisons into the dog, then mandating that the dog must be forced into non-movement for months (months! ) is insanity. This treatment needs to be made illegal. Many dogs die from this and the cruelty involved is hard to think about.

It is now 5 yrs. later and my boy is doing great! My advice would be to get the dog off the Sentinel yesterday. It is simply not needed and is not innocuous, but rather, overtly harmful.

I have treated several dogs since then following this natural prescription excepting now I also add Goldenseal. I believe that any antiparasitic natural herb/substance/food can be put into the mix so long as it is palatable to the dog. I have had 100% success with all dogs so far. I do not promise it to heal any dog, but I would be surprised if it didn't.

I would like to add that during this treatment, especially at the beginning, I do pray to my Higher Power asking for the worms to leave my dog and I pray as often as I possibly can.

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Abigail (Austin Tx) on 03/15/2014

I have never cried so hard in my life then I did today...

My baby (almost 8yr old german shepard mix) had began losing weight but yet still ate and drank her food like normal(in fact was always first to eat but never or has ever been a goobler down my food in one whole sitting kinda of lady).So I thought she had what my other child maribelle had (not enough fluids)I pulled her in a gaver her pedilight and made sure she got fattey foods like raw meat and cooked chicken which did help for a bit.I then noticed that her stomach began to buldge wich bothered me alot.(keep in mind her personality never changed nor her eating and drinking habbits. She has "alot of spunk considering"-the vet)So I decided that she had to go to the vet ASAP. When I got there the vet said I can tell you right now she's got the classis traits of worms.(which I began to tear up from) Upon further blood test and stool samples I found out my little girl not only had worms but ADVANCED heartworms.(my heart broke! My little baby girl who I raised as a pup was sick and all I could hear the vet tell me was "yes, very serious case..not many make it") He gave her a shot to help her release the fluids that had been building up and me some pills to help continue while we wait till tomorrow to get the result on how much damage the worms have done. So I took her home and decided what I was going to do basically they told me she was going to die and all I could think about was how could I just put down my child! MY baby! (by this time I was a dam wreck and going through the greiving stages like a idiot)but then my sister told me about her husbands friend who's dog had adavance heartworms and he gave him garlic and BOOM no more worms.(which didnt sound crazy I mean garlic and hearts go hand in hand)So I did some research and came across this site via youtube video and knew from other testimonies I could say my baby or sure as hell try! So I'm doing this deworming thang!!

Now I am giving her the pills ( LASIX) to help her relive the fluids(from the vets today).My question is before starting the deqorming proccess does it matter if her liver and stuff is damage?And should I still go to the vet just to have her tummy pumped to get the fluids out and THEN began the deworming treatment?

Also should I still give her Lasix while on her natural treatment or wait till the fuids gone then stop giving lasix and then begin the treatment?


Black Walnut/Wormwood Tincture
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 08/27/2014

Hey Terriinttown!

Can you tell us exactly what you did? I know a lot of readers will appreciate having your first hand instructions!

Can you tell us the age and weight of your dog? And how many drops wormwood to how many drops black walnut hull? Or did you use something other than tinctures? And how often did you dose - morning and evening or once per day or ?? And can you tell us for how long / how many weeks you treated?

Thank you!!

Black Walnut, Garlic, Wormwood
Posted by Carmen (Naperville, Illinois) on 04/15/2011

My 2 year old rescue, Tucker has been diagnosed with heatworm. I left the vets office in tears not only because of the protocol she was advising. One month of expensive anitbiotics with all the side effects, (then painful intermuscular shots with poisonous pesticides/medicine) directly into the chest with an overnight stay in the hospital, absolute quiet bedrest at home (how do you keep an active, normal dog quiet all day every day for a month?) with a repeat in 4 weeks, and then, of course there was the cost!! (about 900.00 for whole protocol)--provided there were no complications.

I have been reading everyone's comments on the miracles of BWH, Wormwood & garlic and am ready to try this. My questions are: do you have to keep the dog quiet on bedrest for weeks at a time during this protocol? I also see that Dr. Hulda Clark's (I studied her classes when I was in Nutrition school in NY) protocol suggests gradually adding the BWH tincture and then wormwood, then the cloves in week intervals. If I purchase the combined tincture does it change the outcome or is the procedure any different?

I was always told that adding garlic to a dog's diet would kill them. Most vets in my area do not practice holistically and would much rather prescribe expensive and dangerous medicines. So I am going this alone. Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated. This is a wonderful site, you helped put my heart as ease for the first time in days...

Namaste, Carmen

Black Walnut, Wormwood, Dandelion, B12, Parsley, Garlic
Posted by Tina (Kissimmee, Florida) on 03/02/2012

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this page for all the info. Posted. I have a Pitbull and was diagnosed with advanced heartworms. The vet wanted to put him on the arsenic treatment but I could not afford it, he also offered to put him down but I decided to give the black walnut and wormwood a try and its been two months now and he is doing great. My husband and I have been giving him a combination of the BW, the WW and Dandelion plus Vitamin B12, parsley water and since his platelets were very low we have been giving him raw eggs with honey and thank God he is doing awesome. I will keep him on this treatment for another month and then retest him and see what happens. I will keep everyone posted. Thank you again for all the feedback. Ps: we also give him raw garlic every day.

Posted by carla (houston, texas) on 01/28/2008

i had a doberman that lived to be about 16 years. one day we took him to the vet and we found out that he had heart worms and they told us the price for what we can do and were blown away. so we started to give him garlic in his food everyday. we took him to the vet about a month later and the heart worms were gone!! we told them what we did and they didnt believe us. about 11 years later he passed away from old age. we now have a min. pincher and we too give him garlic everyday! nasty farts, but no infections! Garlic is proven to fight infections but vets dont want you to know because its so much cheaper to buy garlic.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Boops (Alva, Fl. Usa) on 12/18/2010

I cured my 1 yr old female Husky that I rescued from the dog pound the day before she was to be euthanized. The Vet told me $850 and only a 20% chance of survival with the arsenic treatment because the worms were so advanced. He told me to take her back to the dog pound and let them put her down. He did not think she could be saved. I told him I would figure out a natural cure and told me impossible. In 6 weeks she tested negative for heartworm and is a very beautiful and best behaved Husky I have ever seen. Her skin and fur was horrible when I got her, now she is pink skinned and the softest hair I have ever felt. This was 3 years ago, This works! ;
Weight 10-30 lbs
2 Artemisia capsules given at night before bed and upon waking in the morning on an empty stomach
1/2 COQ10 softgel capsule mixed with food at the a. M. Meal (it's easy to pierce the softgel capsule and dispense half the amount)
1-2 HSII capsules mixed with food at a.m. and p.m. meals
* (adjust accordingly depending on if your dog is at the lower end of the scale or higher end)
1/4 capsule Black Walnut capsules mixed with food once per day 5 days per week

Weight 31-75 lbs
3 Artemisia capsules given at night before bed and upon waking in the morning on an empty stomach
1 COQ10 softgel capsule mixed with food at the a.m. meal
2 HSII capsules mixed with food at a.m. and p.m. meals
1/2 capsule Black Walnut capsules mixed with food once per day 5 days per week

HS II is an herbal combination designed for the circulatory system, and more particularly, the heart. It is based on three herbs: hawthorn berries, capsicum and garlic - a simple combination. But sometimes simple things can help prevent complications later. Hawthorn berry is a "bitter" that is famous in Europe as a heart stimulant. But more than that, it assists the body in strengthening all the heart tissues and is considered by herbalists to be a specific heart tonic. Hawthorn's nutritional effects are felt very slowly, and much of its overall benefit seems to be related to certain flavonoids it contains. These help the body open up constricted blood vessels, having a general dilating effect. This is a partial explanation of how it is also believed to help lower blood pressure, since cramped or constricted blood vessels automatically increase blood pressure. Another result would be to increase blood flow tothe heart.

Capsicum is an aromatic herb that promotes blood flow to the extremities. It contains valuable nutrients like vitamins A, B, and C with iron and calcium. Although it tastes very hot, capsicum is actually harmless to the stomach lining. Not only does capsicum stimulate digestive juices, but it is also considered a nervine herb, which is beneficial for a healthy heart rhythm.

Garlic is one of the oldest of all herbs used by man. It is an aromatic herb and is reported to have beneficial effects for both the circulatory and immune systems. It helps the body to normalize blood pressure while improving blood circulation at the same time. HS II is excellent herbal nutrition for a weakened circulatory system.

Question: How much of the herbs should I use for PREVENTION?
Answer: A general guideline to follow is:

Under 5 lbs - 1/4 capsule Artemisia and a sprinkle of Black Walnut capsule [equivalent to an eighth of the capsule
5-10 lbs - 1/2 to one capsule Artemisia and a 1/4 of Black Walnut capsule
11-25 lbs - 2 capsules Artemisia and 1/4 capsule Black Walnut
26-50 lbs - 2-3 capsules Artemisia and 1/2 capsule Black Walnut
51 lbs and over - 3 capsules Artemisia and 1/2 capsule Black Walnut

Artemisia is given the first week of every month once a day, preferably at night. The Black Walnut is given 5 days a week all month long mixed with food at a meal.

Posted by Diane (Foley, Alabama) on 06/03/2008

Heartworm Remedies: My female gave birth to 5 beautiful pups and of course she got worms, white ones, we started giving her chopped fresh garlic and within 3 days the worms were gone. The pups are 5 weeks and they have no worms either. Mother nature is very powerful!!

Black Walnut/Wormwood Tincture
Posted by Harry (Lacombe, La. Usa) on 04/06/2012

Small world Trudy. I also live in Lacombe, La. You probably have seen me riding my three dogs around in an old blue pickemup truck. I just give my dogs garlic. I buy it at WallyWorld in a jar. All my dogs have lived long lives. I also eat plenty of garlic and I have no worms, fleas or girlfriends. (could it be the garlic?) STM (smiling to myself) Take care.

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Lauren (Memphis, Tn) on 03/16/2014

To Abigail from TX, my name is Lauren and I am pretty much in the same position as you. I brought a rescue dog to the vet because it seemed like over night she got bloated. I found out she had severe heartworms and since she wasn't healthy enough to undergo treatment I researched natural remedies to try and help Sadie.

I came upon this site , which about 2 weeks ago. Brenda from CA wrote something that really caught my attention (she has posted in several places here) she rescued a dog and cured him of heartworms by feeding him VRM2-sm made by biochallege. my dog has been on this medicine (which is all natural and mind you SO VERY VERY CHEAP) for 5 days. every day I see small changes. VRM2 is a natural parasite detox that kills small foreign bodies in the blood & tissues. normally you'd see progress in as little as 3 days, but since Sadie was so bad off with heartworm (estimated to be stage 5) it took a little longer. but like I said I'm only on day 5 and her coughing has almost diminished. I know it's working. if I were you, I'd definitely order VRM2-sm from Bio Challenge. if you contact me maybe I can give you a little more information in detail, or feel free to look over all the entires on this site I'm sure you will come across Brenda's posts. if it wasn't for her my dog would be dead right now.

Heartworm Prevention Tips
Posted by Deb (Dallas, TX) on 08/10/2008

Just writing a comment about my Chihuahua-Terrier dog, Julio. Heartworm meds are toxic to our animals. My beloved pet would have periodic seizures. When I stopped the heartworm medication, the seizures stopped. One Vet had him on them, another said why are you giving them to him? Does he have heartworms? He said he would not give them to him. I was grateful that it wasn't about $$$$, but about my pet. If an animal gets heartworms (most indoor door pets are not exposed to mesquito larvae,) which causes heartworms. A small amount of VCO in their diet will provide essential fatty acids, and is a natural cure for parasitic host. During hot summer months, I use 1/2 tsp. of Cloud Nine herbal dip in 16 ounces of water in a sprayer bottle to repel fleas, or mesquitos that would otherwise zoom in on my pet. You have to be diligent. Shake the bottle each time, and apply before taking your pet out.(be sure to apply to their undercoats, and paws too) A good brushing each day, and using the spray will help too. I hope this is a helpful tip for all pet lovers.
Thanks, and God Bless!

Posted by Mymadame ( Lafayette, Louisiana ) on 11/28/2015

I have administered the VRM2 treatment three or four times now in the last year; so many days on followed by so many days off. (10/5 program, and 14 days straight program) My Catahoula Pits weigh 60 to 65 pounds. I used six pills per day.

At the annual check up this summer, the male dog infection was about the same; the female is worse.

Do you have reports from people that say this doesn't work for their dogs?

Black Walnut/Wormwood Tincture
Posted by Sabrina (Ms) on 12/08/2014

How often did you give the black walnut hull?

Black Walnut, Garlic, Wormwood
Posted by Kelli (USA) on 07/22/2007

My black Lab was found on the highway in February, 2005. She was estimated at 1 1/2 years old, only 45lbs., and so sick with heartworm, the vet suggested I put her down because she could not take the medical treatment. I took her home and treated her with herbs. Last week she weighed a normal and healthy 76 lbs. and tested heartworm negative!!! I started her on the monthly heartworm preventative medication. She has been given 1 or 2 cloves of raw garlic with her evening meal daily, with a one week break every three months. I gradually introduced wormwood and black walnut tinctures into this meal, from a few drops to twenty of each, with a one month break every three months. Her activity level has been kept low with lots of rest. Her feed is lamb and rice dry kibble. She likes organic carrots and apples for treats. After one year, she had regained her normal weight and tested "light-positive" for heartworm. Now, after a second year of treatment, she tested heartworm negative! My vet is amazed! We celebrated with a two mile hike and a long swim.

Black Walnut/Wormwood Tincture
Posted by Larry (Mi) on 06/19/2016

I've treating our 150 lb English Mastiff with Black Walnut Hulls for 4 months. the capsules came in 500mg. we experimented by divided the pills into 125mg a day for 1 month with no side effects. 5 days on and 3 days off the meds. Went to 250mg for 1 month with no side effects. 5 days of meds and 4 days off. We stayed on this scheduled until the end of April. No meds until we met with our vet.

The black walnut hull had and is killing the baby heartworm larve and we only had adult heartword pieces in the heartworm ( blood test ).Zeus only lost 2lbs during this period. The vet could not recommend how many mg. to give your dog, but what we were doing is WORKING. Right now our English Mastiff is Taking 400mg of wormwood black walnut complex. His weight is 146lbs. 5 days of meds. 3 days off, with no side effect.

Here's something important that everybody should know because I ask the vet this. Will dead heart worms still make the blood draw from your dog still test positive? Yes it will. When heart worms die, they travel down into the lungs, it is normal for your dog to pant and sneeze. sneezing is a lot better, it removes the worms from the lungs faster. Zeus, is back eating like a small horse. we put his meds in a piece of cheese and he loves it. this treatment may take a little longer, but it's all natural and there's no ARSENIC. Zeus runs and plays outside. It's important that you watch carefully for side affects, diarrhea, vomiting, change your doses. I can't tell the doses for your dog.Bbut the products I've mention are working for us. Just be careful

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Lauren (Memphis, Tn) on 03/16/2014

meant to add my email is sharetheworldx at yahoo dot com you can email me if you like. but really anything I could tell you , I was told by Brenda who has posted in this site. she left her email too. I just can really relate to you now since my dog's stomach too had to be drained and they also put her on lasix. my dog was surely going to die before I read Brenda's post on here and now I know my dog has a fighting chance. YOU NEED TO GET VRM2-SM asap! As it takes days to be delivered...you are racing against time right now. every day your dog goes untreated is a day closer to death. I don't mean to scare you but until you get the VRM2-sm made by Bio Challenge I would say you need to at least go to your local natural & organic grocery store like Whole foods and pick up Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood, garlic, Hawthorne berry formulas........black walnut hull is one of the major dewormers in VRM2-sm. it's all natural and without it your dog will just get worse

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Shannon (Texas) on 05/29/2016

I give my 10 lb. dogs 1/2 clove fresh garlic once a day. You need to crush it and use within 15 minutes for the benefits, also you cannot store it. Also, garlic capsules do not have the benefit either. Must be fresh.

Posted by Equestrian Dog Lover (Ocala, Fl) on 06/07/2013

I too am not a vet, but after researching all I could about heartworms, the process vets use to "deworm" the dogs of heartworms - which is very hard on a dog from what I was reading online, and years of horse farm management where I regularily wormed my horses - I chose a different unconventional method with my own dog. This method used the same "dewormer" medicine called Ivermectin; an oral equine ivermectin paste wormer that one can get easily from any farm supply store or equine "tack" shop. Cost for this oral paste wormer - about $12.00!

My point being: Instead of putting my dog through the trauma of the Arsenic/Ivermectin method and then try to keep the dog confined for 2-3 weeks (with a verty active dog I might add! ), then the thought of possibly killing my dog with this method, and lastly the $3,000.00 expense for this process that might kill my dog - but they would still want their money.... I thought I would try my method first!

Best part it worked!

Not too sure about using this method on smaller dogs as my dog is a larger hunting dog breed. Not too sure about using this method on an older that is clearly showing signs of being severely infected with heartworm. Here is my history & method I used. I bought my dog at 8 weeks old, and she was also only two years old when she tested positive, she had been on the heartworm meds since the Vet said she was old enough to start taking them. I chose to give them to her only April- September when the main mosquito problem existed. She had been heartworm tested once before(the previous Spring) & negative - during her annual exam, & shots. I had used my 6 mo. Of heartworm meds. Over the Spring/Summer & the next Spring when I brought her in for her checkup, shots, and new meds... She came up positive for heartworm. I knew she could not have been infected long enough with heartworm - as she did not show any signs yet. No cough, no tiredness/lethargy, and no bad coat/skin. I even had her retested for heartworm at another vet - that used a different lab from the first vet. She came up positive again. For that reason I chose my method......

Over the years, from seeing the vet "tubeworm" my horses for worms - a process where the vet 1. Places the recommended amount of dewormer & water forming a solution in a clean pail, 2. Places a plastic clear tube up the horses nose, and/or down the throat of the horse into the intestines of the horse. 3. Gets the wormer med. mixture into the belly of the horse. This is done by first getting the liquid wormer from the pail into the horse by starting the syphoning method with the vet's own mouth, then letting the solution/mixture go into horse until the dewormer was in the horse stomach, and pail empty of solution. Several times when one of my horses "acted up" during this process I would see... the vet have a mouthful of this mixture as he syphoned it! His reply: "hasn't killed me yet, and I bet I'll never have worms! " We even did this procedure to foals.

As years went by, the drug companies came out with paste wormers where one could buy a prefilled tube of medicated de-worm paste and "shoot" the paste into the back of the horses open mouth. This was so much easier than taking the life of the vet or oneself in jeopardy while trying to coax the "tube" down the horses throat!

This oral ivermectin equine paste comes in a tube that has weight measurements on it by 100lb increments. I decided to do this early in the AM so that if any adverse reactions occurred, the vet would hopefully be open. My dog weighs about 70lbs. I chose to start out at 100 lbs. - moving the dial to the 100 lb measurement and making sure it was tightly closed for this amount only! (Past experience taught me to double check the dials tightness - from foal worming a couple times the plunger moved passed the designated weight I chose - but I caught it in time. ) I opened her mouth and shot the paste into the back of her mouth, then grabbed her mouth and held it shut so that she could not spit the paste the out, but could swallow and move her tongue around. Once I thought the paste was down her throat, I would examine her mouth to make sure. The first time I carefully watched her for hours to make sure she was OK. She handled it fine. Two weeks later I gave her the oral dog pill she would have taken had she not been positive. Two weeks later - gave her the equine paste -100 lbs again. She handled all this fine. No adverse reactions ever- not even diarrhea! I thought for sure she would have diarrhea as the worms passed out in the poop - but no. We did lightly examine her poop with a stick, and could see small things that could have been worms after we gave her the equine ivermectin. From here, I increased the timing to weekly - but still stayed at the 100 lbs. as to not overpower my dog with medicine. Any worm has a life cycle. Usually Larva, Pupa, Adult. With each having their own time frames for each phase in this cycle. I was trying to disrupt the life cycle. Trying to kill off the heartworms - first the youngest ones, then by having the medicine put weekly in the dogs bloodstream - keeping the med. Levels high at all times in the bloodstream to work on the nervous system of the mid life cycles, and then the oldest life cyles - the adult stage heartworms. This seemed to work! At end of 6 months - went and had her retested. The vet called and said the lab had to rerun the test as it was "inconclusive" and the would rerun the test for free to make sure! I took this as a good sign... That the level of heartworms in the blood had gone down to the level between positive and negative. The test came back positive, so I kept her on the same weekly 100lb. Ivermectin equine paste. Six months later tested again & she came back - negative/no more heartworms. Due to this all clear test - I dropped back to giving her just the dog oral heartworm pill, and 1X per month giving her another mouthful of the oral equine paste - 100 lbs. Last time tested - (6 months later again), she tested negative again. Now I have gone back to strictly the oral dog pill. We will see next time what she tests - this test will be a yearly test though.

Hope this helps anyone going through this difficult decision with their own dog. After doing your research on the de-worming process for heartworms in dogs, and you decide to try another route - an unconventional route. More power to you. It was a huge step for me to take. A route that other vets won't tell you to try as it will get them in trouble with their vet license. I was willing to start slow, and go from there. I got lucky - it worked for me. Will one dog recovering be enough for you to try this method? Only YOU can answer that. With humans - when one gets so sick the family sometimes will make a decision to try another route - the drug companies call it "medical research" and the person or family must sign their life away to not seek any damages towards this company for their medical "research" if the outcome is not what one expects. Again - I am not a vet & I can't guarrantee anything! All I can say it worked on my dog. You will have to decide in your own mind if this is something you want to do - you and only you will be willing to take any of the consequences that may arise with your dog. Do your research online, and then decide.

Black Walnut/Wormwood Tincture
Posted by Doglover (Coffs Harbour, Australia) on 06/16/2012

Because my Maltese x has a bladder tumor it has become imperitive to rid him of parasites all of them. So I'll be using Dr. Clarke's protocol, just Google CURE FOR EVERY CANCER. Secondly I had to put him on a strict diet of raw grass fed meat (ground) with a steamed mash of carrots, celery, brocolli, brussels sprouts, apples, cauliflower & 4 cloves of garlic, he has the same vegies with organic cooked chicken for the night meal. Please EVERYONE read PET FOODS EXPOSED it might help with a lot of problems we face with sick dogs. Along with the diet he has a capsule of BETAGLUCAN in little warm milk of a morning & DHA from BioCueticals, our animals do not get enough Omega 3s. Be careful of any fish oil, lots of heavy metals. Also he is on medicinal mushrooms (K9Immunity) to boost the immune system. I hope this might help someone, it has certainly helped my, Andy should be on his last breath by now, but thank the Lord he's still himself, no weight loss or drop in energy. Now when I'm cooking up a storm in the kitchen, my husband thinks it's for him but it's for the dog.

Posted by Matoni (Buffalo, New York) on 12/08/2009

I recently started using minced fresh garlic on my 6 month old collie for fleas, heartworm. This was recommended by a friend whom is very knowledgeable on animal care. Just use very little (minced) from fresh garlic bulb, 5 times a week. You might want to use an eye drop of Black walnut from a health store to get rid of fleas with the garlic. Hope this helps.

Posted by Karen (Reading, UK) on 10/02/2008

I have given garlic to all my dogs and they never have fleas or worms, and live long healthy lives. One Golden Retriever in particular was a real pig and would raid the shopping bags while you were getting the rest in. At one time he consumed 2 loaves of bread in a couple of gulps, another time a pound of sugar! Not to mention a lot of unspeakable stuff he would find in the fields. He had no ill efects and he lived to 17. Dogs usually have pretty strong stomachs! I do feel vets and feed manufacturers have a vested interest in bad mouthing anything natural. Our stable cats never have jabs or wormers and live to ripe old ages. They scrap and get a scratch or an absyss, but this disappears in a day or two on it's own, without sixty quids worth of antibiotics!

Ayurveda Parasite and Heartworm Remedy
Posted by Ashley (Sanford, NC) on 11/08/2021

Oh no- I give my bulldog abt 1/4 tsp daily of turmeric with a raw egg and green lipped mussel oil. I didn't know it could cause anemia. Should I stop giving her turmeric every day? I give it as preventative and anti-inflammatory?

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/03/2015

Hey Ginny!

I am so happy that you are getting results with the VRM2!

I do have to respectfully clarify the results you are seeing; heartworms do NOT come out of the GI tract - you are likely looking at another type of worm that has infested your dog's intestines. Hearworms when killed off stay in the bloodstream and slowly break up and are filtered out by the lungs and other organs. For this reason it is helpful to provide liver and kidney support and to keep your dog on very limited exercise/stay on crate rest as the heartworms dissolve and are filtered out by the lungs.

Heartworm Remedies
Posted by Barbra Bynum (Fort Worth, Texas) on 05/07/2014

I am scared to death, the vet called me today and told me that my dog is anemic and may have heart worms. I had taken him in back in February because he broke his toe/toe nail. They took care of it no problem, he also had a growth on the back of his leg, I asked about it at the time. The doctor looked at it and said several times, no that isn't anything to worry about......so I didn't. However, now the end of April, my dog had developed another one on his front leg/elbow. He kept licking it, and our other dog bites it...so it would bleed. After about a month of trying to keep it covered, and puting bandages on it, and him taking them off, I called the same vet. They said can you come in now, of course I can. I got him in the car and took him right in. The same guy who saw him not even two months prior said wow, I'm not sure what that is, but you need to put a collar on him and we will schedule a surgery time on Tuesday to take it off. I said wow, ok, what about the other one on the back leg? He looked at it again, and said oh I need to biopsy that it looks bad (keep in mind that it had not changed at all since the last time he saw him two months ago) so he took a biopsy and came back and said yep that is cancer it has to come off Tuesday. I need to do some labs to make sure his liver is ok to put under. (I'm thinking really? You didn'd do that last time either) he then said go to petsmart and get the good collar, because the little plastic ones we have here won't work. So we did, but when we walked into the store, my husband and I both looked at the Banfield sign in the back of the room looked at each other and went for a second opinion. They got us right in without an appt, took very good care of us, they even called to check on Bear. Turned out the lab lost the lables to the biopsies they did so we had to go back and re-do them (free of charge this time) I'm still waiting for the results, but I'm freaking out about what to do. I purchased something online to try, I cant afford thousands of dollars for treatment, and I love my Rottie he's my furry baby. Please can anyone please help me or send me into the right direction????? Tahnk you!!!

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/28/2014

Hey Denise!

If you are dealing with yeast try adding 1/16 teaspoon of epsom salt in 1 liter of drinking water for 2-3 days - max; this is not intended for long term use, just to nip a break out in the bud. When you stop the epsom salt in the water you can then start adding 1 teaspoon baking soda to 1 liter of water; do this for 5-7 days. This is a 'break out' or crisis dose. After a week you can cut it back to a maintenance dose of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the water. If you suspect a fungal component you can add 1/16 teaspoon borax along with the baking soda in 1 liter of water. In acute and extreme cases 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water is indicated. Many humans take 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water daily as a detox and antifungal/antiyeast, so long term use is not an issue, however all these remedies are something you should 'play by ear' and should be adjusted as you see fit. The water additives address mineral deficiency issues and should be addressed first.

Additionally you should consider bathing/dipping your dog in Ted's Anti-Staph/Anti-fungal solution:

You will need:

Milk of Magnesia [magnesium hydroxide]
Epsom salts [magnesium sulfate]
Borax [sodium tetraborate]
1% hydrogen peroxide solution [Buy the brown bottle from the drugstore, which is a 3% solution, and then pour it into a larger jug and then fill up the empty brown bottle twice with purified/non-chlorine water and empty that into the jug and now you have a a big jug full of 1% solution]

Mix 1 tbsp of MOM with 1 tbsp epsom salt and 1 tbsp borax into 1-1/2 cups of 1% hydrogen peroxide. Apply and do not rinse. This solution should knock out any staph infection or yeast infection going on in the skin.

For treating troubled patches of skin try 50:50 baking soda and borax mixed into 1% hydrogen peroxide until it forms a smooth paste and apply to the area 4x day. Do not scrub this into the affected skin, rather smooth it on.

These topical remedies plus changing his PH internally with the baking soda water should bring your boy relief.

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Allie (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/18/2014

I used the Bandit's Buddies de-worming program for a heartworm positve dog (google) a few years back. it was Black walnut on 5 days off two. Artemesia, CoQ10 an HSII, all from Natures Sunshine, which I used. I assume the brand is not always the main idea. My dogs were already on Garlic/yeast tabs for flea control (has worked for us for years).

Our guy was negative at the next heartworm check about 4 months later. I think one could get a test sooner and see the progress. He handled it all very well. Just after a few days he had more energy and seemed more puppy-like. He was about 9 yrs. old at the time.

I now use a different brand for prevention, it is a tincture of blk walnut and wormwood, 5 days on and two days rest.

My question - what about blk wlanut/wormwood(artemesia) for cats? Anyone use it on cats?

Black Walnut Extract, Garlic
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/13/2014

Gee, Justme - is it possible are you misinformed and flying off the handle for no good reason!!! ???

And yes, right from the interwebz.......

Myth #1: Garlic is toxic to dogs.

Lately many articles written in response to the pet food recall, have included ingredient warnings for people who are considering a homemade diet. These warnings are regarding foods that are supposedly toxic to dogs. And right there next to chocolate, they list garlic. The truth is, garlic is indeed toxic to dogs — IF YOU FEED 50 CLOVES OF GARLIC IN ONE SITTING! I would imagine garlic would be toxic to anyone if fed in that quantity. Heck, even water can be deadly if you drink too much of it. Obviously no one would ever feed that much garlic to their dog. Truth is, when fed in reasonable amounts, garlic is a fantastic ingredient to a homemade dog food diet. Not only is it a great natural flea repellent, but garlic is also a tremendous antioxidant and detoxifying agent for dogs. For more information on the benefits of garlic, visit http://sojos.com/garlicarticle.html.

Source: https://www.sojos.com/learn/articles/pet-mythbusters-5-pet-food-myths

Posted by Donna (La Luz, NM) on 11/01/2008

I was trimming my Bassett Hound's dewclaws and noticed under his tail, was some worms with "melon seed like pods". I immediately got him a "loaded" hot dog, loaded with 2 garlic capsules. I gave this to my other dog as well. I am not sure what type of parasite he has but he is not longer whining constantly, rubbing his backside on the ground, and the area beneath his tail no longer looks like an expressway. He was very happy and "bouncy" this morning even though he is at least 12 yeaars old. I dispensed another round of "loaded" hot dogs this morning and will repeat on a daily basis. I have 4 horses and give them garlic daily in their grain and their fecal tests come back negative on a 6 month basis. Garlic is a God send!!!

Posted by Lynda (Shreveport, La.) on 01/23/2015

One of my dogs Tested positive for heartworms years ago, it was the snap test. He said judging from how fast the color change was he had a pretty good case of them. I took him the next day to a vet that examines the blood on a slide under a microscope. Yes you guessed it, no heartworms. The snap test has a high rate of false positives. He still doesn't have them. I urge anyone ro make them prove it with a slide under the microscope. That way there is no question. Later my son got same diagnosis. Same vet. I sent him to the other Dr. Guess again. No heartworms. Fancy that. Thanks for reading

Black Walnut Extract
Posted by Brenda (Adelanto, Ca) on 01/12/2013

There is one product out there that has all the ingredients in one that kills heartworm and it is called VRM2-sm. made by Systemic Formulas. They do not sell directly to the public so you have to go to your local health store and see if they have or will order for you. There is also a sites on the net that you can order from.

You only have to give for 14 DAYS ONLY. For a sm dog under 10lbs, a half cap.,

if over 10lb. to aprox 35 to 40, 1 to 2 caps, and larger dogs 2 to 3 caps a day.

Do not exceed 3 caps.

FOR ONLY 14 DAYS. Find a heart support that is safe to use on dogs to give along with the VRM2. Especially if in the later stages of heartworm.

Do Not feed red meat or pork while giving VRM2

Black Walnut Extract
Posted by Bempierre (Adelanto, California Usa) on 04/19/2013

Here is what I have made up since I followed enough people to see the different scenarios and what I have learned since I cured my rescue dog of 5 yrs ago.

What you should know about VRM2?.

1) do not feed any red meat (absorbs the product) while you are treating with VRM2 (chicken is ok)

2) If your dog is on any medications from the Vet..... VRM2 may not work as well (you may want to wait till the Vet meds are done or weaned off)

3) Do VRM2 for 14 days straight early eve or night

4) try to use a heart support along with the VRM2. (either one recommended for dogs from a HEALTH STORE or you can give Q10 (one gel or capsule daily)

5) Open up the VRM2 capsule and mix the contents in a small amount of food so you know they are getting it all. (discard the gel cap.) It will digest better if taken out of the capsule.

6) you do not have to restrict your dogs from normal behavior, but do not go out and over exercise.

Black Walnut Extract
Posted by Flowers Mom (Pueblo Of Acoma, Nm) on 01/24/2014

I successfully treated my recent rescue, Buddy, using the VRM2 capsules to cure his severe heartworm. He was coughing and wheezing all the time. He's a Rottweiler/Chow mix, so he's a good size dog. I purchased 2 bottles of the capsules and broke open the capsules and put them in his food (chicken or fish, no red meat) for 5 days and then off for 2. That's not the recommended schedule, but that's what suited my schedule for consistency. Anyway, I kept this up until the 2 bottles were gone, and he is completely cured! No more wheezing or coughing, and he has so much more energy and spunk. I also continue to give him one CoQ10 and a garlic tablet everyday, wrapped in some cheese. I also give him an immune strengthener once a day. I hope this helps anyone who is looking for an alternative to the standard heartworm treatments.

Ayurveda Parasite and Heartworm Remedy
Posted by Molov127 (Usa) on 09/11/2020

Mild foods the day of and after the castor oil purge. Rest, too. Do not run the pets or walk or hike with them. Do not repeat the castor/ ginger purge. ginger is not necessary if pet wont take it.

The regimen should be taken max 60 days. Give a month break before beginning again if heartworm season is much of a concern. 90 days with frequent breaks after first month.

Turmeric may cause anemia with prolonged use. If sufficient protein is in diet, should not be an issue.

Take this with salt: Some independent research shows Heartworm appears in <2.9% of untreated canines. Potentially; synthetic wormer is upsold to give veterinarians incentive for more cashflow, and to treat patients side effects of synthetic wormer and cash another visit.

Ayurveda Parasite and Heartworm Remedy
Posted by Ron (USA) on 12/13/2022 29 posts

Pulse it and he will be okay. 1/4 tsp is not bad daily for a large dog. But I prefer it to be every other day. vitamin c will increase iron absorption. sodium ascorbate, the buffered vitamin C, not citric acid, the acidic version, is okay for dogs. will help with iron absorption and decrease anemia from long term use of turmeric or calcium supplements. just be sure he gets plenty of red meat, or add some liver. Don't stop the turmeric. sorry for the late reply.

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/16/2014

Hey Abigail!

I am sorry to hear about your girl being so ill with worms :(

If this were *my* dog I would continue working with the vet to deworm her and get the fluids out.

Because your girl has an advanced case, its important to work closely with your vet; ask your vet about continuing treatment with possible liver or other organ damage. Some folks are not huge fans of Lasix, but it is an effective drug and can make the difference between life and death; if this were a mild case of heartworm it would be reasonable to go the home remedy route all the way, but given the advanced disease condition its totally reasonable to follow your vet's recommendation.

Dogs can and have been successfully treated with advanced cases of heartworm so please do not give up fighting the good fight.

Please report back and let us know how it goes!

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Abigail (Austin Tx) on 03/17/2014

Okay, so I took her back to the vet we got 5.8lb of fluid drained from her she has a uterine infection but they said there was not any damage to the liver kidney or anything like that so we are very happy to here.They gave us a antibiotic which I am going to keep her on along with the lasix but we are going to start the treatment with it as well.I got her worm wood, the black hull nut (dont remember the name right off but I did right the correct name before getting it) Coq10, garlic, and a 2x immune strengthener.

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/17/2014

Hey Abigail!

Your dog has a uterine infection too? That is one sick pupper :-(

Is the uterine infection open or closed? I have had some success in treating 'metritis'/open and draining uterine infection with a douche of 50% tincture of iodine and 50% water - the tinct of iodine was available at the drugstore for under 5 bucks. I used a syringe and some aquarium hose to administer. I inserted the aquarium hose up the vulva a couple inches and then gently depressed the plunger. I did this for maybe 3 days in a row and found it to be very effective.

Advanced Heartworm Treatment
Posted by Suzan (Missouri) on 09/05/2017

By 'bacterial soap', I assume you meant anti-bacterial soap. If so, this could be why your dog's yeast outbreak doesn't disappear. Our natural bacterial levels is what fights yeast getting over-populated in an on our bodies. This is why antibiotics usually cause yeast infections. You might try replacing the soap with a little cold pressed, extra- virgin, organic coconut oil.

Black Walnut Extract
Posted by Brenda (Ca) on 11/02/2017


I was the original person that brought VRM-sm to this forum. I am not going to claim I am an expert on the dosage, but I have always said that doing the instructions on the bottle is not designed for dogs, but for humans. Things got so out of hand on here (exaggerated info.) that I pulled most all of my posts a year or so ago.

There are people that have called the manufacture and really-they have not done studies on animals and are not qualified to suggest dosage to a dog. I had a small dog of 7 lbs that was stage 4 with heart-worm and the vet (thank goodness) said they would kill her with their treatment of the (poison) arsenic shots because of how far gone she was and her age. They told me just to take her home and watch her suffer to death. (not in those words, but they implied that) I went home and gathered all the info I could, much like you and wrote down a list of things to get at the health food store like black walnut, woodworm etc. I just got lucky and went to the right place because the woman there recommended VRM2-sm. Her supplier (who has long passed) said to do a run for 14 days (no more) of a half capsule (for a 7lb dog) She also suggested a heart support at a half capsule. So, I mixed this into a very small bit of wet food and gave once a day (better in the eve) for the 14 days. She was cured. You know they are cured when they are that sick and I did not bother to get a blood test. The vet thought the dog was 16 years old when I found her, but she lived another 7 years and died of old age.

I am not telling you to give a half a capsule for every 7 lbs either. The max amount is 2 capsules for an adult human a day so if your dog is 75 plus lbs, I think 2 capsules will be ok. I am just worried about the people on here that are misinformed and would give a 10 lb dog 2 capsules a day in the 3 cycles like on the bottle.

The reason that humans do for 3 cycles is because of possible parasites in the colon and getting the upper and lower colon etc. from what I remember reading. Heart-worm adults live in the heart and in the later stages block the blood flow. The dog coughs frequently, sleeps a lot, and looses weight until the heart is completely blocked and the blood will actually be forced to flow backward destroying the kidneys and liver and killing the dog..

So, since the original dosage that worked for me was one run of 14 days for a 7 lb dog with a good heart support, maybe you should try the same. The dosage will be up to you on what you think for your size of dog, but I think up to 10 lbs (half a cap) 10-30 (one cap) 30-75 (1 and a half) 75-up ( 2 capsules) Give or take and do what you feel more comfortable with.

It is all natural and you will see your dog light up within 3 days and be more playful and alert, but more is not better. If you are determined to get a blood test, it is recommended to wait for 3 to 6 months for all the residue from the heart-worm to leave the system or you may get a false positive. Take care and this product really does work!

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