Flea Control
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Flea Control in Pets

Waxed Myrtle Leaves
Posted by Paul (Jacksonville, Florida) on 12/12/2012

For fleas - rub your pets with waxed mrytle leaves, then throw some small branchs of leaves behind furniture and in front of your return air handler. Fleas, mosqitoes and ticks do not like the smell and will find their way out of your place. It is a wild evergreen that can grow to 18-20 foot. Some people will have a skin rash if they touch it. It has a light evergreen smell but does not look like an evergreen tree it has leaves. It grows along ditchs and in dry areas. If you crush the leaf in your hand and it smells evergreen you found it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Avery (Orchard Park, Ny.) on 12/03/2012

Did you mean a welsh corgi? sorry, off topic.

But I was wondering if you ever tried benadryl for your dog, cause I use it on mine and he doesn't scratch and his sores are all gone. Its helped, but your using nothing but nature remedies rather that chemical stuff right?

If thats the case, have you tried c and d vits. As well as vitamin e? Cause that helps encourage moist skin as well as soft fur.

I don't know how you feel about adding a cap full of vegitable oil to your dog's food but it also is a great remedy for skin health. If this helps, no dog likes taking medicince. Lol. But if you put the vitamen in something like cream cheese or peanut butter, or even a tim-bit donut for Tim hortons, it works.. But anything with the consistancy of cream cheese or peanut butter works. I just prefer using cream cheese, cause a little of it goes along way. Plus, the dog stopped stealing my cream cheese buttererd bagels, lol.

At least, as far as I know, but I'm young, and still learning. And you seem to know alot more than myself.

Lavender Oil
Posted by Dee (Fresno, California) on 11/24/2012

My dog started to get really bad fleas and she was constantly scratching. I needed something to hold us over until a few days after her bath so I could give her frontline so I tried mixing about 10 drops of lavender essential oil with water in a spray bottle and spraying it directly on her and brushing it through. She stopped scratching almost completely the second day I used it. I don't think I'll be using the frontline anymore.

Oil Soap
Posted by Bonart (Ravenna, Ohio, Us) on 11/24/2012

I have a Golden Retriever that was itching all over, I checked for fleas didn't see one. Vet found some droppings around her tail said to give her a flea bath and an antihistamine for her flea allergy.

That worked for a day or so----then found some research on Oil Soap for fleas---same one for furniture--and a lot of successful reviews--so I bought some and diluted 1/4 cup with 3 cups warm water--rubbed it in real good all over--rinsed her off-her coat was soft smelled clean-

she itched for an hour or so------then no scratching at all, and her belly had been red-now just pink--it worked. She's sleeping better and all night. What a cheap fix---then read cedarwood oil with a carrier oil kills fleas-----use that as a spray and this is 2 weeks now---no problems. I see a lot of Vets recommend the Oil Soap, wonder why my Vet never heard of it. It doesn't say anything on the bottle, just for furniture. So check it out on the internet. Molly had a great flea free thanksgiving and no more antihistamines-Bonnie

Cedarwood Oil
Posted by Crq (San Diego, California) on 11/23/2012

For the past two years I have been using a wonderful natural insect repellent for my dogs. It is a completely natural product using Lavender, Cedarwood, Rosewood, and Patchouli essential oils in an organic base of olive oil, shea butter, and beeswax. The product is excellent and smells great.

Keep Dryer Lint Filter Clean
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 11/13/2012

All the more reason to remove ALL lint from the lint trap after using the dryer each and every time! And, one could also clean the lint trap in white vinegar. I also have been adding Eucalyptus liquid soap to my wash which kills fleas. And, it smells good! (The smell does not stay on the clothes).

Keep Dryer Lint Filter Clean
Posted by Pamela (Huron, South Dakota) on 11/13/2012

Editor's Choice We discovered, after fighting fleas from June until November, that our DRYER WAS HALF THE PROBLEM! We were dragging back in loads of folded, clean laundry full of clean, fresh, healthy fleas every time we washed bedding, towels, clothing, robes, blankets, pillows, you name it. CHECK YOUR LINT TRAP TO SEE IF THEY'RE ALIVE. Ours were.

Cedarwood Oil
Posted by Ellie (Stga Sps, Ny) on 11/13/2012

I have to agree with Angie, Waverly, Oh. She recommended using cedar shavings instead of straw in a dog house. I bought catlitter cedar shavings and also used it to insulate my rosebush with it for winter. Surprisingly the following year for the first time my rosebush didn't have a bug anywhere on it or holes in the leaves as it previously had year after year. It is sold as catlitter and may be great to retard fleas and other critters too. Ellie

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Skoecher45 (Duquette, Mn, Usa) on 11/04/2012

I have a dog and a cat. Both spend time indoors and out. Earlier this summer I had a terrible infestation of fleas in the house. Tried many things until I came to read about useing Diatomaceous Earth (food grade). Sprinkled it throughout the house on the carpet (that's all my house has except for in the basement). Left it there for two weeks (had to leave, otherwise would of vacuumed it up sooner). Two weeks and serveral days later I have finally gotten rid of the fleas. No more bites on my ankles (which had cleared up in the two weeks I was gone). Animals don't have them either. Before leaving I was already putting the DE in my pets hair and will continue to use it as a deterrent for fleas and ticks. I'm sold on the stuff. Dog might have Ear Mites but so far the DE doesn't seem to work.

It (DE) also appears to be working well for getting rid of spiders... no more spider webs on the stairs leading to the basement (split entry house).

Looking forward to seeing how this stuff works on our pets during tick season.

Dish Soap
Posted by Dorinha (Ottawa, Ontario) on 10/31/2012

That drying of the skin, is not actually drying of the skin.... Someone gave me a dog once that was flea infested, I found out later that the lady that had her before me, purposely did not tell me about the fleas, or that the dog had suffered fleas for the 5 years she had her, and she did nothing about it. So, I didnt think it would be hard to get rid of fleas, so I washed the dog in dawn dish soap, and did a flea treatment in my home. But little did I know... That dry skin I thought she had from the bath, was actually the eggs falling out in clumps, had I know then what that was, I would of done a flea treatment daily. But I was stupid because I hadn't dealt with fleas before.... So, a woman took the dog off my hands, she was more financially capable of caring for the dog.... Months later, I do not have any animals, but I am getting bit like crazy by fleas. I have no dryer, only a washer, I have been washing my clothes and bedding in hot water, I have sprayed Raid every two days, I put diatomaceous earth out at the baseboards, set traps, and put bowls of pure apple cider vinegar out in each room. The one thing I have noticed, is that they are localized to the bedrooms on the bed. I feel like throwing all my bedding and mattress out. My daguther gets bit a tiny bit, but ME, I look like I have the friggen chicken pox. I am so itchy, and pimples are EVERYWHERE. I vaccumme my bed EVERYDAY and wash my blanket every 3 days in laundry detergent AND in Dawn Dishwashing liquid!! How the hell can they survive with everything that I am doing, I have been sufferring this for months, can anyone help me????? One thing I do have to mention, is I never get bitten unless I am in my bed. Thats the place it has localized to.

They are like little friggen superfleas! Nothing seems to work!! I am also a single mom, I don't have the money to cab it to a laundry mat, and pay a bunch of money for the cab and then laundry... So I need some advice on how to get rid of these things, like an add on, or a cream for me and my daughter so I can stop looking like I have the chicken pox!!!

Baking Soda
Posted by Sheila (Wichita, Ks) on 10/23/2012

Baking soda worked this year too! And it didn't bother my allergy prone dog. Not one flea! I check every time I brush. And there are a lot of dogs and cats around here!

Dish Soap and Lamp Method
Posted by Carlos (San Francisco, Ca) on 10/20/2012

I went to the pet store the other day and I told the clerk that despite using Advantix or Frontline my dog still have fleas. He told me that fleas have developed a resistence to them.

I have found regular baths with shampoo and a lice or flea comb works well. To get rid of an infestation I suggest a trick a friend of mine told me about.

Get a white shallow bowl like a pyrex. Fill it with soap and water. Place a lamp next to it and turn off all other lights.

The Fleas will jump in, the soap and water will drown them. Works like a charm.

Posted by Danielle (Hendersonville, Nc) on 10/16/2012

From the research I have done, the amethyst raises the vibration of the water, or anywhere for that matter. Things and creatures that vibrate higher are healthier overall. Science has done studies that have looked into the crytal and mineral kingdom being just as alive and intelligent as we are. In fact, silly to some as it may sound, your crystals can guide you in things and you may not even know it was them.

I just put my large grape sized amethyst in my cats and dogs water bowl. My cat, who has the worst fleas, (because they seem harder to treat on cats different systems, ) started acted excited right away, as if I had given him a toy!! I will get 2 more for their 3 water bowls, and also do dish soap (plain) baths as I figure if they use it on animals who have been in ocean oil spills, it makes sense that it does seem to work for a time. Then regular cleaning and D. E. ON THE DOG. CATS HAVE SENSITIVE BLADDERS and they lick themselves constantly.... THANK YOU SO much for the person, people, who suggested the amethyst!!!

Cedarwood Oil
Posted by Mar (San Diego, Ca) on 10/12/2012

Just so you know.. "melted quartz rock" is actually petroleum distillates. Ie: paint thinner. I bought this product back in 2010 only to find this out when it arrived & I read the label. "Ingredients:10% Cedar Oil, 90% Petroleum Distillates. " Needless to say I was beyond disappointed.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Jody B. (Kansas City, Mo) on 10/05/2012

Hi. Thanks for all the great tips and suggestions. I have four cats between the ages of ten and fifteen years old, three of them strays (one feral) and one someone gave me that she's gotten from a shelter, all indoor/outdoor cats. They're all healthy and have shiny coats, and we have very little problem with fleas now. In the past I used Frontline and similar products to control fleas during the summer months, but after a bad experience with one of the products I stopped using chemicals. I try to feed my cats better-quality foods, grain-free as much as possible and no by-products. I occasionally mix about half a teaspoon of brewer's yeast into their wet food, sometimes put a drop or two of apple cider vinegar in one of their water bowls (so they have a choice if they don't like it - I don't want to discourage them from drinking water! ), and I use Herbal Flea Free Herbal Flea Powder on them when I see them scratching. Flea Free contains diatomeaceous earth, sage and yellow dock powders, eucalyptus, tea tree and other essential oils (unspecified). I sometimes spray Natural Defense, containing peppermint, cinnamon, lemon grass, clove and thyme oils on bedding and furniture. It says it's safe to spray on animals but they really didn't like it and would run from me when they saw the bottle, especially the feral cat, who is very skittish. With the Flea Free, I shake some into my hand out of their sight and then pet them with it. I think what has helped the most is that I sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the floor and carpets about once a month, working it into the baseboards and cracks, leave it on for a day or two, and vacuum it up. I'm careful not to create a lot of dust. (I don't have to worry about the cats because they take off when the vacuum starts up. ) This has also taken care of the bad ant problem I used to have in my kitchen. So I'm a big diatomaceous earth fan.

I took in a stray dog a couple of years ago that apparently had fleas, and my house was horribly infested for a few days. It was so bad I put the dog and cats outside and resorted to the chemical flea bombs and applications of Frontline Plus, and did a lot of washing and vacuuming. Since then, I've used no chemicals at all, just the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph. Good luck and best wishes to all.

Cedarwood Oil
Posted by Doug (Knoxville, Tn) on 09/18/2012

This summer has been the worst for fleas. Have been fighting the critters for a few months on our lab and cocker. spot-on chemicals did nothing. I'm done spending money on monthly treatments and have read some of the research that is a bit scarey. I called the company of the one I recently used and was told, "the product works, your dog must be picking up new fleas daily. " So what good is it if they stay covered in fleas??? I am currently using the cedarwood oil I bought on line from a company in texas. It came with a 1oz. Spritzer you can refill from the jug. easy to use. It works as well as advertised, will kill a flea in seconds. We have used it frequently on the dogs with no harmful side affects. The only draw back is that it doesn't continue to work for any length of time. If the problem is bad, like ours has been this summer, the fleas return. But a heck of a lot cheaper and safer than spot on treatment. The 32 oz bottle should last quite a while. We've started a more aggressive approach with some of the ideas we found here, I. E. Brewers yeast, ACV, etc.. The cedarwood oil spray has worked well, but as you probably know.... the little critters tend to stay out of sight most of the time.

Posted by Debbie (Brighton, Uk) on 09/18/2012

Dogs and fleas........ Give raw garlic daily. Half to one clove, depending on dogs size. Also, DE. = Diatomaceous Earth. Must be food grade. Mix in probiotic yogurt and feed. DE can also, be used around the house etc.

Dish Soap
Posted by Pj (Clinton, Il) on 09/14/2012

I have noticed that the brand of dish soap used to help rid animals of fleas is blanked out.. But I have found that the specific brand is the only one that works on my dogs.. It makes the fleas just pop to the top of their fur and u can rinse them off easily.. So please allow the brand to be mentioned.. Dawn dish soap has been an animal saver in more ways than just fleas.. They have saved animals in oil spills and so much more...

Posted by Kim (Cornwall, Ontario) on 09/12/2012

How much garlic would I put in her food without hurting her?

Dish Soap
Posted by Jodi (Jones, Michigan) on 09/03/2012

question, on the coconut oil do you mix it with water or just put it on them with a cotton ball, I also have chihuahua's and one has a really bad alligery to anything to do with flea stuff.

Posted by Shore1204 (North Cape May, New Jersey) on 08/27/2012

I am having the worst time with fleas this year. I have bathed my dogs in the lavendar dog shampoos, used advantage 11& armor spot treatments and cant seem to keep them away. My poor choc. Lab has it worst to where she is starting to lose hair. She dosent like the vet every vet I try is patient with her but I do not want to stress her out on top of what she is going through. What can I do. Somebody please help me.

Dish Soap
Posted by Tracy (Nazareth, Pennsylvania) on 08/22/2012

Ok I am trying the bowl and dawn soap. I am using glow sticks. So now my question is I have a flea infestation. Now my question is everybody on the site has animals I don't have any animals. I do live in a rural area so I have some pests under my house I try and close the holes but the did another one. They say fleas are extremely bad this year. I have a 11yr old and 21 living in the house. I myself have 4th stage metastac breast cancer. So what are your suggestions for me?

Baking Soda
Posted by Sheila (Wichita, Ks) on 08/07/2012

Started brushing my dogs and cats with baking soda about 2 years ago. I originally did this as a dry bath. It definitely helped with the smell. But I have also noticed that I have not seen any fleas in this time. Usually I have to treat every year. I brush them once a week. It's worth a try right?

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Betkawetka (Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA) on 08/05/2012 2 posts

Wanted to share a flea remedy that I discovered by accident. Used DE as a powder on cats for flea control, put about a 1/2 tsp along spine and work into their fur making sure that chin and tail, anus area gets covered. USE ONLY FOOD GRADE. Found it at local farm feed store. Also added DE to cat litter, add one cup to 2 inches of litter along with one cup baking soda to control odor and lightly mix it on. Do not breath DE dust. Also mix DE with laundry Borax flakes and use on floors, carpets, and in baseboard cracks to stop all pests, along with fleas. Use a broom or carpet rake to work powder into deep fibers and leave it after a week vacumm it up and re-apply. Worked great for massive flea outbreak in South Florida Summer of 2011.

Posted by Yankee (Seymour, Tn) on 08/05/2012

Regular table salt mixed with baking soda. Sprinkle on your carpets and let sit for awhile then vacuum it up. This is also safe to rub on your pet. I also heard apple cider vinegar but havent tried it.

Cedarwood Oil
Posted by Dvillekat (Douglasville, Ga) on 07/26/2012

I would like to know how to dilute the cedarwood oil so it can be applied to the skin as a repelent for fleas and mosquitos. Also what is the mixture of cedarwood for spraying the carpet.

Dish Soap
Posted by Kim (Mountain View, Ar) on 07/23/2012

That's not true that essential oils are bad for cats, it's a scare tactic. I was advised by my holistic vet that lavender oil, peppermint oil and cederwood oil were all good for repelling fleas on dogs and cat, I used these oils on my dogs and cats and they worked well. For cats I mix 1 drop of oil to 3 cups of water before applying to cats fur. With dogs I use a much stronger mixture. 10 drops of essential oil to 2 cups of water. I also recommend using coconut oil {food grade} to kill and repel fleas off cats and dogs. The fleas hate coconut oil but the cats and dogs find it very soothing and healing.

Cedarwood Oil
Posted by Brenda (Fayetteville, North Carolina) on 06/10/2012

Could you please give me the name of that special blend of the Cedarwood oil and where I can buy it? Thank you very much.

Posted by Patrick Browning (Gulf Breeze Florida, Florida) on 06/06/2012

Garlic for fleas:

I've breed dogs for over 20 years large, and small bread dogs. And other then bad breath me and my wife noticed that the fleas are simply gone. The chemicals were getting expensive and I didnt really feel they were really safe. I mean come on, a chemical you apply once a month. I live in florida where there is a lot of insects, period. All I can say is we see the proof with no ill side effects.

I use minced garlic that I bought at sam's club.

Posted by Hkington (Cocoa, Fl) on 05/29/2012

Using the 20 mule team borax from the laundry section works well for carpet, but you must work it into the carpet with a broom and let it sit for at least 2 weeks without vacuuming. This is done to kill the eggs, if you vacuumed after a couple of hours and do not reapply it will NOT stop the cycle. The key is to let it sit for 2 weeks then reapply every time you have vacuumed during flea season..This was told to me by my vet years ago, and it works great!!!!!!

Posted by Earthystuff (Nicholson, Ga, United States) on 05/17/2012

I met an old indian lady many years back that had great advice for fleas and it has worked very well for me and is non toxic.

Simple salt on carpet dries them out. Leave on carpet for a few days and then vacumn. Just a sprinkle dont go crazy. She also said mothballs in the vacumn bag will kill if not already dead. This works. However since then I have read that breathing mothballs is not good so reasearch a little more. I only use 1-2 mothballs cause the vacumn does put that scent out.

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Mikki (Youngsville, Nc Usa) on 04/08/2012

I wanted to add to this a little as well. Some dogs do have a high yeast count in their body's and giving them supplemental yeast could result in a yeast infection of the skin or ears. But as a general rule, brewers yeast is effective on flea prevention and is very safe for your dogs. If you are concerned that your dog might develop a yeast infection talk with your vet about assessing yeast levels on their skin before you begin.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Brewer's Yeast and Salt
Posted by Kellz (Manukau, Auckland) on 03/22/2012

Just get your carpets steam cleaned to kill all the fleas and eggs.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Purplegoth67 (Rustington, West Sussex, England) on 03/19/2012

About the flea problem. I have tried watering down tea tree oil and spraying that on my two dogs bedding and carpets. We are finding less and less fleas both on the animals and bedding. I think that being an oil, it takes out the oxygen and smothers the little b's. Good luck

Posted by Diana (Morristown, Tennessee) on 02/19/2012

An amethyst stone put in your pets drinking water will totally eliminate FLEAS! Just drop a stone in the water and no more need for expensive treatments. I don't know why or how it works--it just does. I have used this method for two years and have not seen a single flea. My daughter was using expensive treatments once a month and still having an infestation of fleas, and she was even having to use an exterminator once a month.

She tried the amethyst stone and for a year now she is flea free!!

Try it and you to will be a believer!

Borax, Baking Soda
Posted by Kathie (Houston, Tx / Usa) on 02/03/2012

I make my own carpet powder (for sprinkling on my rugs before I vacuum). I mix half borax (20 team mule) and half baking soda along with a few drops of essential oils (I like lavander and a touch of lemongrass).

I feel like this will keep down the bugs (like mites, fleas and maybe any other gross things! - because we have pets), absorb odor and add a fresh scent. I also put this mixture on our sofa (the cat sleeps on it... ) I then put on rubber gloves and rub it in, then vacuum.