I have 2 cats that both became infested with fleas. I put frontline on them a little more than a week ago. It did not work. They still had fleas, much to my astonishment, being as frontline is supposed to be good stuff... Not to mention, expensive! I just got done giving them both dawn dish soap baths. Got them wet, lathered them up very good, head toe, very good and thoroughly. Then let them sit for a few minutes in the lather. I almost immediately saw all the fleas dropping off, dead. Rinsed them down the drain and now I have a huge weight off my shoulders!
Diatomaceous Earth
Give fresh raw garlic as well. (NOT to be given to cats). Dogs only!! Small dogs half a clove. Large dogs 1 clove. Daily
Diatomaceous Earth
DE is a great product -but don't use to offen as it will dry out the skin. If this is used on a cat I would also use a flea comb. The De will not kill the flea eggs
If this is for a dog I recommend a natural product called EVOLV. Website: wondercide.com for products and information. It's a spray.
I did try on the cats but since they don't like to be sprayed I have put some on a cloth and wiped them down with it-but, I prefer to use the DE on them.
Diatomaceous Earth
I started using food grade de a few days ago and I was wondering how long it take to first see results? It's only been down 5 days so far and it seems like the fleas are only getting bigger, so I don't know what to do.
I just tried the amethyst stone for fleas. Although a nice idea, 2 weeks in and nothing. Stone bought off of new age store on ebay. 1 inch in width, unpolished in stainless steel bowls.
I have 5 SHIH TZU"S used to have 8. Using all natural remedies and through web pages. My oldes Shih Tzu is 16 1/2 years young.
He has a wart on hisd lower fron leg. I know when I had a wart on my thumb crease I used a garlic and tee tree oil and it fell off about 5 years ago.
In reference to Garlic it can be very poision ist to dogs . I wanted to put it on his wart (older dogs get warts) and if it goes through the blood stream it break down their immune system and makes them enemic and they could die from it.
Also on www.herbdoc.com they also told me the same thing. I use eye bright for his cateracts which amanda from 5leafpharmcy told me to use 15 drops of water to 1 drop of eyebright 2weeks and continue each day with less water till you get at 15 drops.
After about 1 1/2 months from having a complete white eye cornea the black rim outer part is shwoing. I do this for 3 times a day every day. Amada said they have excellent results with it. She study under this Dr. Shultze and does heart, liver, kidney problems for dogs. Her dog greens are excellent. Just some extra natural things I do for the pups.
Be very careful with the garlic.
How much garlic a day for fleas for my puppy 2 months old?
Dish Soap
I use dawn dish liquid to wash my dogs and it instantly kills most fleas.
Diatomaceous Earth
I'm having a flea problem in our bathroom (small just where the toilet is) I put DE all around the toilet bowl and some on the floor itself. But the fleas still jumping on me. Why are they in the bathroom anyways? That's actually where they're are the worst. They're still jumping in the DE. Does it take a few days or is there another solution? Thanks.
Diatomaceous Earth
I found my DE at Home depot it is very important not to get the pool grade but the safe one is food grade if you had vapor problems then you got the pool grade. I found it by the insect sprays and bolms for the house. They try to direct you to the pool isle and most dont even know that its there or what its for so you may be better off looking they also sale it on homedepot.com in liquid or powder form and the brand I found was in a 4 lb yellow bag and the brand was "Safer" hope this helps. The one on line that has the liquid spray is a different brand but you cant get that in our local store. Hope this helps someone.
Diatomaceous Earth
I found my DE at Home depot it is very important not to get the pool grade but the safe one is food grade if you had vapor problems then you got the pool grade. I found it by the insect sprays and bolms for the house. They try to direct you to the pool isle and most dont even know that its there or what its for so you may be better off looking they also sale it on homedepot.com in liquid or powder form and the brand I found was in a 4 lb yellow bag and the brand was "Safer" hope this helps. The one on line that has the liquid spray is a different brand but you cant get that in our local store. Hope this helps someone.
Boric Acid
Someone used boric acid -- Stop!!! Mature cats know not to lick it, but kittens are killed.
I too was skeptical about amethyst, but thought if I could pick one up on ebay for under 2 bucks, what could it hurt? I have an enameled bowl, probably over metal, I put it in. I won a cheap bid for a beaded necklace, though I bid on several different amethyst pieces... Natural rock, rings, beads... I was pretty amazed that for the last 6 months now, I have not seen one flea... For all the "know it alls" who claim they have a bridge in Arizona for sale, hahaha, you can keep it along with your closed mind!! Or those who say it can't work, you are wrong... I don't believe in fairy tales, or magic or much of anything, but this worked, I don't know how or why, it just worked and my cat is flea free!!
Garlic is still being disputed as a safe food for pets. There are conflicting results on a cat's ability to break down the chemical compositions in the garlic, remember their liver isn't as powerful as ours and even the pollen of an easter lily is enough to cause liver failure. Until there is more evidence of garlic being safe, I would recommend each reader to do their fair share of research to make that call, as there are reports of garlic (in any form) being highly toxic to both cats and dogs.
Also, Diatomaceous Earth is a great product if used properly. Readers need to learn of ALL the precautions on how to properly administer as a pet/home flea prevention method. Using it on carpet gives easy access to the pet's eye causing severe irritation and harmful damage. Since their face is constantly inches from the carpet, breathing the stuff in will happen. This can cause severe lung irritation.
I buy FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous. I use it as a de-wormer for my pets. But this "food grade" is HUMAN food grade and I use it as a supplement for myself (no, not as a de-wormer lol). It has great benefits for us, just research it before you use it, but is does some remarkable things.
When I use it in my carpets, I don't use enough to make a dust when I walk. I do it when my pets are out of the house (outside on porch or getting groomed, at the vets). I don't let them back in until it is settled in the carpet and wiped up, off the counters and floors.
When bought packaged as a human supplement (high grade, pure DE), the package clearly states "Keep from eyes and DO NOT BREATHE". This applies to our animals too. I would recommend not applying it directly on their skin, as some may suggest.
When using natural oils, again be sure to get food grade, high quality essential oils. DO NOT apply it directly to their skin, as they have a different PH than we do, and they often cause severe skin irritation. Even we humans use carrier oils when applying it directly to their skin.
Again, a cat's liver can often not handle many of the essential oil and have a hard time processing them. Their liver is just not as strong as we seem to think. AND YES! They do absorb the oils through their skin, which eventually gets processed by their liver. WE HUMAN DO THIS TOO. Anything that is absorbed by the skin gets processed by our organs. Skin is the largest organ we have. Nicotine patches work by being absorbed through the skin. Normal flea treatment works like this. After it is absorbed, it gets into the blood stream and viola! It's in. So do your research. There are conflicting reports when it comes to your pets ability to handle essential oils.
So be careful what you put on your animals.
I know I sound like a downer, but I'm just trying to inform people to do their research and decide for themselves. When there are conflicting reports, one needs to take precautions.
Fleas are a pain. I know. I have 5 long haired cats and a dog. It's a constant struggle. So far, there is no one answer. Good luck to you all.
Flea Prevention Tips
Things to remember: every pet is different! Every flea season different too. Some pets can be allergic to chemical and/or natural treatments. I've found that natural prevention works better than natural treatment. Once you have an infestation, its very hard to rid naturally! Few years ago there was a mutant infestion in my area of Indiana. Chemicals were even having a hard time with the fleas. Know your area and possible infestation season. Know your pets and their possible allergies. Try new remedies in small doses first. Communicate with your vet! Prevention is easier than treatment. Good luck
Does the dose depend on dog weight??
Freezing the Bedding
Freezing things only puts them in a dormant state. Sometimes putting in dryer for 30 minutes will kill a light case; like trying to kill lice.
Hi there, we have 3 rescued dogs and they are all on 1 heaped teaspoon of minced garlic a day. I buy the jars. Garlic in olive oil. Fresh garlic is better but it is more work! They never have fleas. The vet didn't believe they are not on frontline or something like it, until I told him about the garlic. Apperently the garlic gives off an enzyme the fleas don't like. Garlic is healthy anyway. Give it a go.
Garlic keeps fleas off a dog. I capsule a day. Some use garlic salt on their food.
The lady is right about Borax! Used to use it on my carpet in Calil.... Love all the questions and remedies! Very helpful, thanks.
In our former home, we were totally infested with fleas brought in by our two indoor/outdoor cats. We spread non-toxic borax powder on our carpets and rugs, broomed it in, left for a few days and then vacuumed. In about a week... No more fleas ever! Not in the house, not on the cats, not in the furniture. We treat it yearly and have had no fleas for ten years. The cats still go in and out but neither one has had any fleas since. This product is not boric acid which can be toxic. Borax powder is available in many pet stores.
Dish Soap
Baby shampoo. I have used it for years on rescues dog or cats. I bath them in it. It kills the fleas and is gentle on their eyes.
Dish Soap
I don't believe that only Dawn dish soap works. Any dish soap will do. What happens is the soap coats the flea so it cannot breath. (I have read that they breath through their skin. ) Try the dish soap that you have available. I have used whatever I had in the bowls under a night light, or even a few drops in a glass of water to place fleas I have picked off of one of my animals. The fleas will sink with just the few drops mixed in. Good luck.
Dish Soap
Please can anyone please tell me where I can purchase dawn dish soap, I live in Sydney australia, and I have tried everywhere but cannot find it.
Neem Seed Oil
I used neem tea to relieve my dog of fleas. I made a strong batch, soaked an old t-shirt and rubbed it all over the dog. By the next day, he was no longer scratching. Thanks to whoever posted about using neem!
Dish Soap
Hello, I've been reading alot about flee control, and I'm seeing that giving my dog (LabPit mix 4months old) a bath in DAWN dish soap or adding garlic to her diet (sprinkling power over her food or cutting cloves) helps, or by bathing her and/or rinsing her with VINIGER works. Could I try the combination of these things?
- Dish soap bath
- Vinigar rinse( or add a little to her drinking water)
- Garlic powder or cloves to her diet.
I have been bathing my Sapphire with Adams plus for animals, it works for that day, killing ever stage of flea, tick, and lice, but I want something that will save money, more natural, and that will keep the pests off my baby girl. Ive been reading people see good results from trying one of these methods, how about the combination?? How much garlic or Vinigr should I use? Please help!!
OMG, I cant believe it, it works!!! All I did was dab a dropperful (twice in once week) around her ears, in betweem her shoulderblades and behind her neck, and shes relaxed, calm mellow, happy and not scratching, I cant believe!!!
Every year my Dog has a horrible time with fleas (Large shepherd), to where she doesnt sleep thru the nite and she licks the hair off her hindquarters, and shes bald and scabbing. Awful.
I had been using finely powdered brewers yeast sprinkled in her dry food (like cinnamon toast, twin labs brand) for a few years and it worked like a charm, but it seemed to stop working.
I did some research online herd rave reviews, except one lady claimed Neem oil killed her dog, as the dog had licked it off its fur, and went into convulsions and died. So I was sure to place the oil where she couldnt lick it off, I was nervous, but desperate, and Ive used Neem oil on myself over the years with great results (yeast infections, etc, lol! Healing skin rashes, ear mites for the cat, and ear infections on my 5 year old)
I was very skeptical, but First I gave her a bath, and rubbed a small amount thruout her fur when she was dry. Then dabbed a dropperful or two in proper areas. She seemed better, then a couple days later, I did it again.
Shes great now, cant believe. Shes not scartching at all.
First off let me say that Earth Clinic is my "go to" site for getting informaion and answers and help. It is my starting point on whatever questions I might have. - I start here, google what I've found, and end up right back here again. This is an amazing community of people helping people.
I have recently had a bout of fleas on my poor dogs. There were only a few so I didn't know what it was for a couple of weeks. I kept checking them for fleas or mites, but never saw anything. They were miserable, would welt up, then get better. Then the cycle started all over again. After discovering the fleas, I did a test. In small, separate containers I put, hydrogen peroxide, aloe vera juice, white vinegar, and apple cider vinegar. I deposited a few fleas in each container. Surprisingly, they lasted less than 5 seconds in the aloe vera juice! The others took considerably longer... They swam in the white vinegar for about 20 minutes, in the ACV for about 5 minutes, and in the hydrogen peroxide for about 5 minutes. I had a 1 gallon container of organic 100% aloe vera juice so gave both boys a sponge bath in it... Really soaked them down. The welts have diminished quite a bit and they are finally resting comfortably.
Thank you for the information. My question is, how many drops of EOs do you use?
Essential Oils
This is a highly effective recipe for essential oil healing. Equal parts Frankincense, Lavendar (Antiseptic), Tea Tree (Germacide & heals skin disorders), Mandarin (Repellant), Patchouli, Rosewood (Healing). To this add 10X Grapeseed as the carrier oil. Due to the minute molecular structure grapeseed oil pulls the EOs into the skin to promote healing, stop itching immediately, restore healthy skin and coat. I Dilute with water and shake vigorously as I spray it into the coat. Massage it into the skin and the dog will get instant relief. I do not recommend for cats only because I have no experience with cats.