Flea Control
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Flea Control in Pets

| Modified on Jul 21, 2024

Dealing with fleas is a common challenge for pet owners. Not only are fleas annoying, but they can also transmit diseases, cause constant discomfort, and even lead to anemia in severe infestations. A scratching pet can break their skin, leading to potential infections. Fortunately, numerous natural remedies to control fleas are safe, effective, and often readily available at home.

Traditional Flea Treatments and Their Drawbacks

Over-the-counter and prescription flea treatments can have side effects ranging from mild to severe. "Flea bombs" and chemicals used by professional pest control services can also pose health risks to pets and their owners. In contrast, natural remedies are generally safer and more affordable.

Top Natural Remedies for Fleas

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular and effective natural remedy for fleas. It can be applied in various ways to combat flea infestations.

Check out Earth Clinic’s dedicated page for detailed instructions and numerous reader testimonials on its effectiveness here.

Watch Earth Clinic's video demonstrating two effective methods for applying apple cider vinegar topically. Your pet will love you for it! We will also show you how to make an apple cider vinegar solution for fleas.

Dish Soap

Dish soap, particularly Dawn, is another effective remedy for fleas. Here are two methods to use dish soap:

  • Topical Use: Bathe your pet using dish soap instead of shampoo. After the bath, use a flea comb to remove dead fleas.
  • Flea Traps: Fill shallow pans with warm water and a squirt of dish soap. Place these traps near pet sleeping areas with a light above them. The light attracts fleas, and the soap breaks the water's surface tension, trapping the fleas.

Carpet Treatments

Sprinkling natural products into your carpet can help eliminate fleas. Use one or more of the following and work it into the carpet with a broom. Reapply after each vacuuming for at least two weeks. Wear a dust mask and keep pets away during application.

  • Borax: Found in the laundry aisle, Borax is safe for pets and effective against external parasites.
  • Baking Soda: Baking soda, available in the baking section, freshens carpets while combating fleas.
  • Salt: Inexpensive salt can effectively kill fleas when applied to carpets.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Also known as fossil shell flour, Diatomaceous Earth dehydrates and kills fleas. It’s available at most farm stores.

Essential Oils

Some essential oils, such as tea tree, lavender, peppermint, and cedar, can help eliminate fleas. However, they are more expensive and may irritate pets. Use caution, especially with cats, as essential oils can be toxic. There are safer alternatives for flea control in cats.

Additional Natural Remedies

  • Lemon Spray: Boil a sliced lemon in water, let it steep overnight, and spray the solution on your pet’s coat.
  • Neem Oil: Neem oil can be diluted and sprayed onto pets to repel fleas.
  • Rosemary: Grind rosemary leaves into a fine powder and sprinkle it around your home to deter fleas.
  • Aloe Vera: Mix aloe vera juice with cayenne pepper and spray it on your pet’s coat.

User Testimonials

Have you tried a natural remedy for fleas? Please share your experiences with us and explore dozens of other creative natural remedies that are safe for pet submitted by our readers below!

Related Links:

Apple Cider Vinegar Flea Treatment for Dogs

Aloe Vera

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Karmala (Templeton, California) on 01/10/2013

Editor's Choice First off let me say that Earth Clinic is my "go to" site for getting informaion and answers and help. It is my starting point on whatever questions I might have. - I start here, google what I've found, and end up right back here again. This is an amazing community of people helping people.

I have recently had a bout of fleas on my poor dogs. There were only a few so I didn't know what it was for a couple of weeks. I kept checking them for fleas or mites, but never saw anything. They were miserable, would welt up, then get better. Then the cycle started all over again. After discovering the fleas, I did a test. In small, separate containers I put, hydrogen peroxide, aloe vera juice, white vinegar, and apple cider vinegar. I deposited a few fleas in each container. Surprisingly, they lasted less than 5 seconds in the aloe vera juice! The others took considerably longer... They swam in the white vinegar for about 20 minutes, in the ACV for about 5 minutes, and in the hydrogen peroxide for about 5 minutes. I had a 1 gallon container of organic 100% aloe vera juice so gave both boys a sponge bath in it... Really soaked them down. The welts have diminished quite a bit and they are finally resting comfortably.

Replied by Julez

What a genius idea! Is the aloe still working?

Replied by Dr Howard

Sodium benzoate used as a food grade preservative in aloe. Kills fleas.


17 User Reviews
5 star (10) 
1 star (7) 

Posted by Green Lonis (Greenville, Nc) on 10/27/2015

Amythest in the cat's water-bowl did nothing.

A dish-soap bath killed all the fleas, but gave the cat a nasty eye-infection when water got in her eye. She was an old cat who always had very bad flea issues. The other 2 cats didn't have flea issues, but this 1 cat got it bad w/ sores...

It seems like she lost the use of her hind legs after the dish-soap bath. It killed the fleas, but, perhaps it isn't the best solution for the long term. She didn't last much longer after I started bathing her regularly. She was comfortable and not scratching all the time. Her skin healed up, but perhaps the fleas were a side-effect of a deeper systemic root-cause. Probably. Too bad whatever that root cause is, this site hasn't seemed to find it yet.

Replied by AV

Just a comment. My holistic vet says that healthy pets won't have as many fleas as pets with a compromised immune system or underlying illness.
The scabs could be because the cat was allergic to fleas. I adopted a cat full of scabs and vet said it was an allergic reaction. Scabs went away once fleas were gone.

Posted by Monica (St. Augustine, Fl) on 10/14/2015

I tried the amethyst crystal and it does work! I want to point out I too had the same issue with the stone not working after a period of time. It didn't seem logical for something to just stop working so I experimented and found out what worked for my kitty.

My cat has a horrible time with the fleas in FL. They are unlike any other place I have lived. Frontline doesn't work & just makes my cat sick. The crystal was worth a shot and would cause no harm. Within a week I saw a difference and there were no more new bites. This lasted for about 2 mo. and then the fleas started again. In case anyone is thinking its due to a change of seasons, no that's not the case. There is no down time in FL when it comes to fleas.

I don't believe the stone just stops working but perhaps our pets chemistry changes. Either way I decided to add another stone I had at the house to the bowl. It is blue calcite and once again it worked. It is a complement to amethyst with its metaphysical properties. I was so happy to see it work again, but about 1 1/2 mo. later I was back to square one. It stopped working.

Ok, so this time I bought another amethyst. Yes, now there are 3 crystals in the bowl! I know it's crazy but its working and my kitty is not scratching.

I am going to do as another writer suggested & recharge the stones by moonlight over night. I was doing it by sunlight and I guess that may be wrong in this case.

Anyway, to anyone who says nay, experiment a bit before you give up.

Replied by Milen

Hi there, I just read your post about Amethysts in your pet's water. Recharging is what I thought they need. : ) But full moon doesn't come too often, haha. A smudge stick made of sage is the best solution for cleansing not just crystals but your house as well. I use smudge sticks and incense on a regular basis and some crystals not only feel energised and revived but my Lemon Chrysoprases even change their apearance. One can literally see the difference! Another way to cleanse your crystals is with a singing bowl. Crystals respond to sound as well. You can also hold them under runing water. The most important thing is to have a clear idea of the outcome. Intention is what starts the process. : ) Because they are in daily use, I'd make sure that your Amethysts are cleansed at least once a week. Good luck and lots of joy with your animal and crystal friends!

Posted by Mary (Costa Mesa, California) on 05/06/2014

I have successfully treated my home for fleas but every time we went out in neighborhood, new flees to comb out. I put amethyst in water dish, first 1-2 months no change. After 3 mo. No new fleas, skeptical, since winter is low flea time anyway. Now warm flea weather is here & still no new fleas. When I use flea comb also NONE on her at bath time. Fantastic results, just took time for her VIBRATIONS to match the amethyst. We will see as summers flea season builds but normally by now, 80 degree weather, we would have a problem. Love nature.

Posted by Louann (Tennessee) on 08/29/2013

I tried the amethyst stone in my dog's bowl and my cat's bowl. I've had it in there over a month now and it doesn't work at all. My amethysts are large and still part of the rock itself so I know the quality is good. Time to try something else.

Posted by Minkxy (Brooklyn, Ny) on 08/01/2013

I just tried the amethyst stone for fleas. Although a nice idea, 2 weeks in and nothing. Stone bought off of new age store on ebay. 1 inch in width, unpolished in stainless steel bowls.

Posted by Sue (Coos Bay, Oregon) on 06/11/2013

I too was skeptical about amethyst, but thought if I could pick one up on ebay for under 2 bucks, what could it hurt? I have an enameled bowl, probably over metal, I put it in. I won a cheap bid for a beaded necklace, though I bid on several different amethyst pieces... Natural rock, rings, beads... I was pretty amazed that for the last 6 months now, I have not seen one flea... For all the "know it alls" who claim they have a bridge in Arizona for sale, hahaha, you can keep it along with your closed mind!! Or those who say it can't work, you are wrong... I don't believe in fairy tales, or magic or much of anything, but this worked, I don't know how or why, it just worked and my cat is flea free!!

Replied by Savanna
(Ottawa Ks)

I just got a Kitten and I might not be able to keep her because the fleas are so bad. My friend tried the amethyst stone but it didn't work, I was thinking it might be because she bought it in the wrong stage. What stage did you get yours in?? I really wanna keep her so if you could get back to me asap or email me that would be great. Thank you.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Savanna!

Sue posted in June, so in case she doesn't see your request I will offer some advice.

Amethyst comes in different grades, the highest being a jewelry grade with the deep purple color and clear with no milkiness in the stone. All grades of amethyst *should* work for repelling fleas. That said, out of the responses in this topic I counted 13 - including you - who have tried the remedy; it worked for 8 folks, though did seem to wear off on their dog the second year, and for 5 folks it didn't do a darn thing. It doesn't seem to matter if its the 'raw' chunk of crystals or a nicely polished high grade stone. Drat, I say, for those it didn't work for, as it does seem too good to be true to toss a crystal in your pet's water bowl and be able to forget about fleas!

Now, for your kitten - no need to get rid of your cat because of fleas, just give that kitty a bath!

Extensive directions on how to check for fleas and treat your home for fleas as well as bathe your cat are in this post, if you scroll through it until the end [ignore post title, it covers fleas I promise! ]:


Replied by Petlore

For those trying the amethyst just in case this might apply, in using stones to help in healing, every so often you have to recharge the stone, to do so set it outside all night in a full moon. Myself I don't understand it all but the moon has been proven to be like a strong magnet. The energy in stones can become depleted so give it a try won't cost you anything but the time to walk outside.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

I spoke with a witchy healer I know and she said the same; recharge the stones. It may be that the cases where the stones did not work at all simply needed to be charged before use!

Posted by Danielle (Hendersonville, Nc) on 10/16/2012

From the research I have done, the amethyst raises the vibration of the water, or anywhere for that matter. Things and creatures that vibrate higher are healthier overall. Science has done studies that have looked into the crytal and mineral kingdom being just as alive and intelligent as we are. In fact, silly to some as it may sound, your crystals can guide you in things and you may not even know it was them.

I just put my large grape sized amethyst in my cats and dogs water bowl. My cat, who has the worst fleas, (because they seem harder to treat on cats different systems, ) started acted excited right away, as if I had given him a toy!! I will get 2 more for their 3 water bowls, and also do dish soap (plain) baths as I figure if they use it on animals who have been in ocean oil spills, it makes sense that it does seem to work for a time. Then regular cleaning and D. E. ON THE DOG. CATS HAVE SENSITIVE BLADDERS and they lick themselves constantly.... THANK YOU SO much for the person, people, who suggested the amethyst!!!

Posted by Diana (Morristown, Tennessee) on 02/19/2012

An amethyst stone put in your pets drinking water will totally eliminate FLEAS! Just drop a stone in the water and no more need for expensive treatments. I don't know why or how it works--it just does. I have used this method for two years and have not seen a single flea. My daughter was using expensive treatments once a month and still having an infestation of fleas, and she was even having to use an exterminator once a month.

She tried the amethyst stone and for a year now she is flea free!!

Try it and you to will be a believer!

Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 09/16/2010

You can add me to the YEA list on the amethyst. My homeopathic vet told me under no circumstances to use the flea and tick poison. Having two cats and a dog I was really afraid I was going to get infested with fleas. I had read about the amethyst for fleas a while back on Earth Clinic and decided to try it. All I had was an old amethyst ring (yes, it was polished) and I threw the whole thing in a big bowl that the animals all share. I probably threw it in there around March. It seemed to be working very well and then a friend who has a gem shop gave me some rough amethyst and I threw that in the bowl also. I left the ring in because it was working and I wasn't going to take any chances. They didn't seem to have any problem with it being in there and they drink from it every day. This was a very bad year for fleas and I am thrilled that it worked. I did have to do a lot of explaining about why my ring was in the animal's water dish.

Posted by Isabella (Raleigh, Nc) on 08/30/2010

Yes - it sounds bizarre. I didn't think it would work but decided to try an amethyst rock. I definitely don't believe in healing through crystals and I'm not into anything New Age. I bought a tumbled amethyst - about the size of a half dollar - from an ebay shop. It was less than $5 with shipping. I have 5 cats and a dog and usually spend a fortune in the spring/summer/fall on Frontline treating them for fleas. I started using the rock in April. I treated the cats one time in May and that was to kill ear mites. I have not had any problems with fleas or ticks! In addition, I treated my dog only once this year and that was in May. I was skeptical that this would work for cats and amazed that it has worked for my dog. I could not say exactly how long it took before it began "warding off" the fleas. I leave the rock in their water dish all the time - removing it only to clean and refill the dish. I would not claim this would work for everyone. I've tried many things on earthclinic that haven't worked for me but this is one thing I can say has!

Replied by Isabella
(Raleigh, Nc)


UPDATE: I'm into my second year and flea season using the amethyst. One thing that has definitely changed - it no longer works for my dog. I've had to treat him twice with Frontline this year (other natural remedies have failed for him); however, I have not treated my cats since last spring - they don't need it. I DO see a flea on a cat from time to time but they do not scratch and chew on themselves as a cat does when it's being bitten. I have five cats and they absolutely have no flea problem - despite being indoor/outdoor and living with my dog who does need flea treatment.

The rock I use is a tumbled amethyst I bought from ebay. The cats drink from a ceramic bowl. I remove the rock only to clean and refill the bowl. If you try this, give it time to work. Good luck!


You can buy something called lufenuron. This is the active ingredient in flea medication without the poison fillers. I get it from owndoc dot com. It's about 35 bucks canadian. It's a small bag of white powder. Put it in your pets food. They don't even notice it. About a teaspoon treats all my 5 cats when they eat. Same with the dog. That little bag does me for two years. One treatment or two tops. You won't get fleas in your house either. I've been using it for years.

Allysa Rapp
(Wildomar, California)

Hi Terry, im interested in getting the product for fleas but not sure if I have the correct website. This would really help me with my indoor outdoor cat

Replied by Francine

Periodically put the stone outside in the sun to recharge.

Replied by Francine

Have you left the stone outside when there is a full moon or in the sun to reactivate the stone periodically?

Posted by Cleoppa (Cleburne, Tx) on 08/28/2010

Before trying this, I did a bit of research. Although not a lot of people had commented on their results online, I found that nearly everyone who had cats found this to work and maybe half the people who had dogs did. I thought maybe some other circumstances, such as the size of the amethyst, made a difference. I wanted to get a large amethyst, just in the off-chance it was ingested in the water. I bid on two large (3 inch) amethysts on ebay, expecting to only win one. I ended up winning both. I put them both in my dog's water for some time and saw little, if any difference. So, I'm pretty sure it's not a matter of the amount of the amethyst. Possible there are different types or qualities of amethyst? Or maybe my flea problem was too extreme to it to help? I'm keeping the amethysts in the water and if I do think it makes a difference, I'll post here.

Posted by Kathy (Melbourne, Vic, Australia) on 06/06/2010

Yea - Didn't really believe it would work, but I had tried everything from teatree oil, flea collars, the tubes you squeeze on your dogs back - yet nothing seemed to get rid of my dogs fleas. I read the posts on amethyst and having some amethyst at home, decided to give it a try. I also gave my dog a wash with ACV (only once). I gave my dog a wash a week later, and was shocked to see not one flea. This was months ago now, and have been through the summer months without any more fleas!! My cats also share the same drinking water and they too are thriving without fleas. Can't believe it but it really does work.

Posted by Blackcat (Istanbul, Turkey) on 05/11/2010

I had put an amethyst stone in my cat's drinking bowl as soon as I came across the posts on amethysts for fleas. I waited almost a week, but did not see a difference, then I started adding apple vinegar to his bowl with the stone still there. Do you think that I should have waited more and that the amethyst still works with vinegar? By the way, it's been weeks since I had started the vinegar but there are still fleas:-( Thank you...

Posted by Xara (Belmont, California) on 09/27/2009

Thank you so much for this remedy! I have 5 cat's, so buying the stuff that you squeeze on the back of their neck can get VERY expensive, not to mention the fact that they HATE it. Last monday morning I was noticing they were all getting pretty itchy again, so I decided to check out the pet section here, and boy am I glad I did! Instaed of spending my usual $100.00, I stopped at a new age bookstore and picked up 4 chunks of amethyst for well under $10.00. By thursday evening they were all itch free,....it's amazing! Not sure how or why it works, but it does!