Fish Oil
Fish Oil
They had seizures for several years until we found out that fish oil would stop them. Within a few weeks of giving them fish oil daily the seizures became so mild that the pups would just shake. Eventually they stopped completely. My pups lived to 14 and 15 years old. They never got another vaccination after they were one!
Interested in finding out about the Norwegian Fish dog has had idiopathic seizures for three years now...tried phenobarbitol and now using levetiracetam, monoamine and potassium bromide...seems like once her body gets used to the drugs the seizures start more frequently so just started her on Amanda Hemp Oil 600 today. Also someone said Honey?
(Roswell, Ga)
I had problems with my Beagle having seizures; didn't want to put him on drugs so I read everything I could find and found if not neurological, seizures are often caused by preservatives used in commercial dog foods. I searched and tried many kinds. My Beagle responded immediately to Paul Newman's Organic dog food (yellow bag with red banner on front). This started when he was 3 and bless his baby heart he lived to be 18! I just lost him 11-3-17.
Get a Tick Panel
If I had a dog with seizures- I would rule this issue out. Testd codes are IDEXX 37161 or Antech SA330.
We do know these diseases can cause brain damage, deafness and aggression besides renal failure.
Heartworm Meds and Seizures

Hi, I just read your post, b/c I am concerned about my Jack russell/corgi cross boy, @ 11 yrs old. He has just started showing signs of degenerative myeopathy in past few mos, and now starting w/seizures (opposite, perhaps, of your pup?)
I just brought my boy to the vets, for bloodwork but am looking into getting cannibis oil to prevent seizures. Any thoughts out there?!
I am researching Cannibis too. My lil Sheltie Stormy is epileptic and starting to show kidney problems because of the meds.
(Sydney, Australia)
(Roswell, Ga)
I rescued a Beagle 10 years ago and his seizures started within 2 months of his adoption. I refused the normal RX's because of kidney and other organ failure that often occur. I then began to search out REAL preservative free dog food. I went through about 10 different kinds, even tried home made but with me working proved to be a real hassle - shelf life is not long at all. I finally found Paul Newman's Organic dog food (yellow bag with red label) and he has been seizure free for 10 years. Hope this helps you!
My dog had 10 seizures in 2 days. I was worried about having to put him down. Started using CBD oil. His seizures have stopped for 5 days. Only use a couple drops a day. Would rather use that than phenobarbital.
(Vina, Alabama)
Heartworm Meds and Seizures

In addition, after the seizure scare, I do not update my dogs' vaccinations. The dosages are too toxic. However, my dogs are mostly indoor dogs.
(Houston, Tx)

Heartworms are epidemic in the Gulf Coast area. Dogs WILL get them if no preventative is used. My problem is, I suspect Heartgard is the reason for my Border Collie/Pointer's seizures that have started at 5 yrs old. I'm switching to ProHeart, which use a less toxic chemical, and I'm using a smaller dose than is recommended. I'll have her tested in a couple of months and again after the first big cold spell of 2010, but I'm guessing she will be heartworm free. In addition to decreasing the toxicity of heartworm meds, I'll be using herbal remedies as a back up. If you don't live in this area, you have no idea how bad the mosquitos are. And I refuse to keep my 3 dogs indoors all the time because they need to be outside enjoying life. Good luck to everyone on this thing...
(Hollywood, Florida)
I've had four dogs since living in south Florida since 1979. They are inside dogs and I have used lavender and skin so soft if they happen to be outside during times that there were many Mosquitos. None of my dogs have ever been on heart worm prevention. I had them tested annually however, to ascertain that they did not get bitten by an infected mosquito. I have to say however, that I cook for my "children with hair" and use alternative remedies as the norm - thanks to websites as Earth Clinic. My German Sheperd was 17 when she passed away.
Soooo...In my never-ending search to help my little guy, I found a hemp supplement that isn't an extract or oil but is 100% hemp. It is called Canna-Pet and is actually developed by veterinarians for dogs and cats.
There have been major improvements in Diesel. Not only way less seizure events, but he is more alert, has a better appetite and sleeps better.
So I started reading and learning about phytocannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids, the important parts of cannabis. I learned that the process to make the oils and extracts (heat, alcohol, chemicals) could destroy some of the natural things in the hemp, which are beneficial. The new product doesn't use any of these methods.
For anyone who would like to learn more about the important parts of cannabis and hemp and why they are important, here are some of the links I came across while educating myself. Keep in mind that some of the links are about medical marijuana, but the same important things are in hemp such as CBD.
Here is an article about the Canna-Pet product and the vets who developed it.
Here is a link to the "white paper" from Canna-Pet - If you scroll down you can learn about phytocannabinoids, pharmacological actions of non-psychotropic cannabinoids, terpenoids, flavonoids, cannabinoid profile of medical marijuana and cannabinoid profile of Hemp #112 and their "golden Ratio" and references at the bottom. Tons of information.
Importance of Terpenes
Difference between Industrial Hemp and Cannabis (I never knew...)
Interesting and fun facts you didn't know about Hemp (I didn't know any of this)
An excellent video about CBD...
For those that did not see...I know it is about marijuana but the CBD is the important part... WEED - CNN Special Dr. Sanjay Gupta 2013 Documentary
WEED 2 - Dr. Sanjay Gupta 2014
Diesel is still on phenobarbital, Kbr and Zonisamide along with the hemp. These medications have never given control to him. If the hemp continues to control/eliminate seizures, these medications will be reduced with the guidance of my vet.
UPDATE: Doctors Greg Copas and Sarah Brandon, the vets who started Canna-Pet are now at Their new product name is Canna Companion. Diesel is now off of Keppra.
(Kamuela, Hi)
Aloha. I have a 4 year old 130 pound dog who started having seizures 3 months ago. He clusters too, grand mal seizures are horrible .. He is on phenobarbital and kepra I started giving him canna-pet hemp supplements for giant dogs twice a day .. But he just been having petite mal seizures and I want to know if I am giving him enough of a dose for his weight ..... How many pills are you giving your dog diesel?? Thanks so much for sharing I am praying that this CBD supplement help my dog. I love him so much
(New Jersey)
Hello, did you have any luck using the canna-pet hemp?
I have been giving my 91lb Rottweiler Charlotte's web cbd hemp extract oil for 3 weeks 25 to 30 drops every 4 to 5hrs. She gets 1 grandmal seizure ever 7 to 10 days. She also had bacteria in her urine. I have to test her urine again to see infection is gone. She had a seizure today.
My golden retriever Bruin has been experiencing grand-mal seizures for the last 3 years.. hes on Keppra 1500 mgs and Pheno 64.5 mgs x3 (twice every day) and he STILL has a bad episode of 5 or more seizures once a month. I researched CBD oil and I want to see if that would work for him. Anyone have any suggestions on the best brand to use? Are the canna supplements just as reliable?
Thank you for any comments
(County Antrim)
My black lab George is also epileptic, he is 5 yrs old.I give him taurine supplements, vitamin c in ester c powder and 1 tablespoon of hemp oil per day. His seizures have reduced and his general condition is much improved. He is prescribed Pexion 400 mg 3 per day divided into two doses one morning and one evening.
The supplements I use are the best reviewed I have found in the UK and also affordable.
(Decatur Ga)
hi- I also have a 2.5 yr old female Rottweiler. Mid September she was treated for a mild UTI as she goes swimming in our lake ALOT! No biggie- she was on 10 days of antibiotics and two days after finishing she had her first ever gran mal seizure- it was a big and bad one. She was started on Keppra, and now her seizures are getting worse and worse- example: she has had 4 in 24 hrs. I have not excepted that fact the vet says she has epilepsy bc I feel as tho something is not adding up with UTI. She was also on trifexis which I have now stopped as of 9/15/16 but her seizures are worsening. I have ordered some CBD oil.
(Mpls., Mn)
(Decatur, Georgia)
8/22/17 update:
My now 3 yr old Rottweiler is completely seizure free since starting her on CBD oil December 30,2016. (Canna-pet) She is weaned off the keppra in Feb! (Which made her a zombie, no personality, she wouldn't play and she refused to eat her food- went from 90lbs to 74lbs.)
I changed her food from EarthBorn holistic to Acana regional formulas. (NO ROSEMARY EXTRACT, which is known to trigger seizures) She gets NO flea/tick meds endless it's an all natural oil based. She was on a heavy dose of CBD oil and capsules 3x a day and over the past 6 months I have weaned her down to no oil and she only gets 2 capsules at night before bed. I have my baby back- happy, fun loving 90lbs of rotti!!!
Seizure free for 10 months!!!!
(Maywood, Nj)
Hi Lia Omg.. Same thing is happening to my dog. My one dog passed away and 2 months later my female Rottweiler started having seizures. Her 1st seizure started in May it was happening once a month. Now they are every 10 or 13 days. I think The rabbies vaccine increased it my stupid vet did more harm. She is being fed frozen raw meat patties since July they were other complications that occured that I think is to why they are happening more. I live in NJ I want to try to give her cannabis oil but not sure if it's legal for pets.I need to find out any luck with getting another dog to help stop your dogs seizures?
Ok.. I have a ( NORMALLY HEALTHY) boxer who's 8 yrs. Old. He out of the blue had a TERRIBLE seizure, foam looking stuff coming out of his mouth, shaking head, jaws locked, teeth were showing, he got stiff, etc. I have been with him LITERALLY ALL DAY!! He has had them ALL day... My heart is BROKE watching him go through it. I read your HONEY remedy, I gave him some to lick, he LOVES IT, and he got a drink of water, he wasn't drinking until now, and, 10 mins have gone by, so far, so good... I will keep you posted. You can email me anytime... Kmz13 (at) yahoo (dot) com.THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR REMEDY! Shannon
I have found the same thing with my little dog when he starts to have a seizure. If I can get a teaspoon of honey into him (or peanut butter) I can stop the seizure from coming on. I also put an ice pack on his belly and move it to his shoulders as well to cool his belly. If he is outside and beginning to seizure, he will take himself into the dog wading pool to cool as well.
(Sydney, Australia)
Hi Dana, be careful with the ice as you can bring down the temp too far. It's better to use a damp towel and wipe the dog over.
It works for people too - I have a friend that has a friend with epileptic seizures, I told her about the honey and they were at the store purchasing honey when she had a seizure, they opened the honey and gave her some. She came out of it almost immediately and was amazed.
Lecithin and Belladona
I researched websites and found that Lecithin is a good supplement for seizures. He gets a daily dose of 1200 MG (He is 45 lbs). He has been weened off the phenobarbital so he wouldn't have withdrawal symptoms. Now if he has a seizure it is very mild and only last a short amount of time. That is when I give him Belladonna (bought from homeopathy site) and it stops them almost immediately.
Thank you for your help.
(Rockland, Ontario Canada)
Jennifer, not too sure if you've found your answer, but in my researching for my yellow lab, I've learned that Magnesium needs calcium to be properly absorbed, so buy magnesium in combination with calcium in the chelated forms of magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate or magnesium gluconate. As for dosages, a medium sized dog would start at 20mg and could go to 50mg/day.
IF the titre proves your board of health or whomever handles rabies vaccinations and let them know you want an exemption, have proof etc.
for those with epileptic dogs,we have found,thank God that going by your dog's weight,melatonin(natural supplement)WORKS esp. IF your pet is prone to night time,early AM seizures--there is a website out here but unfortunately I can't remember their name,had a forum for epople to post questions/responses/their stories etc--what works..
one thing finally dawned on us here--we had 2 wonderful dobies that lived healthy lives till 14-16 years---a VERY loooong lifespan for this breed. They were NOT vaccinated for all these diseases and only received a rabies the year nyc mandated it.
Also,try to purchase the BEST natural /holistic food u can as it definitely makes a differencein your pets' lives....or prepare your own.