Cayenne pepper pills cured my 5 yr. old, 85 lb. Border collie/Australian cattle dog mix of explosive, watery diarrhea in less than 20 minutes!! He has been regular since. Who knew? Brilliant website!!!
Cayenne Pepper cured my Dog's Diarrhea: I read on your website that cayenne pepper sprinkled on some rice would help my dog's diarrhea. I cooked some plain white rice, sprinkled a small bit of cayenne pepper on it, and fed it to my 120 pound dog. He normally eats 2 cups of food twice daily. I started with one cup of rice at breakfast and one at supper the first day. Then 2 cups at each meal the second day. I noticed within 30 MINUTES, his stools were beginning to firm up and by the 3rd day he was back to himself! I never had to take him to the vet, this remedy saved me money, thank you so much Earth Clinic!
A friend told me about cayenne for cuts and infections. I added salt to it, because that's what I used to use and I liked the taste with salt, and it has cured everything I have used it on. I even broke up completely blocked sinuses with the mix, squirting it in my nose. Go easy and dilute it a lot more than for gargling, since it is Hot, but it works SO fast, and the burn doesn't last very long.
I have used it on so many infections, and had a hound that had some chronic digestive problems. I had cured most of them with yogurt and tripe, but he still wasn't right. When he got diarreha and it was in to its 5th day and Nothing was working, I thought, maybe he had been harboring some bad bacteria all the yrs, and they increased. I had been giving him rice so mixed some cayenne in. It was a funny scene as he took a bite, shook his head, snorted, and walked around the yard, always coming back to eat more till he finished it. The next day his stools were firm!! I made up 2 capsules and gave them just to make sure the cayenne got into his intestines, but I don't think they were needed. His food sensitivities disapeared AND what had been a Very Skiddish animal after a bad scare when I first got him, and he had many before, became brave, and he became a normal, confident animal that I was always trying to create, and Believe Me, I am a Master at desensitizing scared animals, and in minutes, but this guy was a Real challenge. His problem was he never felt well enough to be bold, and he would go aggressive when he felt threatened.
Try cayenne And salt for Any and every infection, or what you think may be one. Boil it and drink it for urinary tract ones.