Managing Diarrhea in Pets with Natural Remedies

| Modified on Aug 24, 2024
Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Rosemarie (Waikato, Nz) on 03/25/2014

The boiled chicken, pumpkin and rice is a winner! Our dog (a GWP) had extremely loose bowels for a week and was messing everywhere! Unsure why and how he got it... Anyway, after boiling up a chicken, cooking pumpkin and rice, we started to feed him small amounts. Within 24 hours he had started to firm up and then in 4 days was completely back to normal. Very impressed earth clinic. Thanks.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Greenllll (Chicken Hill, Sc) on 10/22/2012

testimonial: The dog had diahreah, & was waking up in the middle of the night. This went on for a few days. The owner quit feeding the dog. The dog started growling at me cause it was hungry. I explained to the owner that the dog's instincts, which it uses to survive, was telling it that it was desperate for food, enough to growl, and it needed to be fed. I showed the website Earthclinic, and the remedy it suggests, pumpkin & boiled chicken. I fed the dog this mixture and the dog, for the first time, slept all night. Problem solved. The dog was fed 2 TBS and a cup of chicken the 1st night. Didn't want to overfeed it. Now the dog is bigger than ever.

"Medicines may have scientific proof to back them up, but big Pharma also has a big motive to do misleading research, money. All DRUGS are poisonous. That's why they say "May cause liver or kidney damage. " as side-effects. Or, "Not for people w/ liver or kidney disease. " or "nephro (kidney)toxicity" or "hepa (liver) toxicity). The liver & kidney filter out poisons. That's their job. Herbs cannot be patented, so no one can make money off them, so no one invests millions into proper scientific research. Medicine takes 1 component of an herb and makes it un-natural, so they can patent it, and charge a lot for it. But the herb was designed for the human body. We co-evolved together. Herbs almost never have side-effects, and healing herbs that are good for you always taste & smell pleasant. To test if a medicine or herb is healthy, chew it & taste it. Taste revolting? Your body knows. You cannot trust the doctors. Trust your own eyes. A vet would have charged a lot of money for some medication to stop up the dog's guts, and it probably wouldn't have worked as well as the proper food (herb).

Death by Medicine documentary:

Psychiatry an Industry of Death:
shows the history of the cult of MDs, who, like sorcerors, walk around in their white robes, handing out potions. And supposedly, only they have the REAL truth, like any cult. "Scientifically validated".

The War on Health
This one goes into the history of the FDA, & how truly healing herbs have been made illegal, and replaced by the true quacks, the MDs drugs.

This story is as old as the burning of "witches" for offering an alternative cure to the preists'.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Fiona (Ilford, England) on 01/25/2012

Hi, one of my cats had an awful bout of diarrhea after having some teeth removed at the vets (I suspect the drugs the vet used were too much for my cat's system).

We initially returned to the vet for a remedy/diagnosis (as the diarrhea had blood in it and was mucus-sy) and the vet gave us some harsh chemically smelling concoction.

My cat refused the concoction for his diarrhea and was very stressed when my husband and I tried to administer it. After a day or 2 it occurred to me to try some bentonite clay. I mixed up a solution (a flat tablespoon in a jar of water, leave to absorb, without mixing for at least 20 minutes, then mix)) and offered the cat some of the thicker part of the mix. He licked it all up without hesitation, I offered him more and he took the second dose. This was in the evening. The next day he did a nice healthy poo and was back to his normal self.

Please look into bentonite, green clay and edible clays generally. Thay are SO good for health (human and animal)

Good luck

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Lulu47 (Tampa, Florida, Usa) on 10/11/2011

I wanted to share my experiences with my 4 month old kitten. He was throwing up, not eating, not drinking, and had diarrhea. In a period of only 3 days he had lost a significant amount of weight and looked different, a lot smaller in appearance, and very sad. He slept a lot, and even cried without a reason. I read A LOT. I told myself that if he didn't get better after 2 days I would take him to the vet. I urge you to try, but if your pet absolutely does not respond, take him to the vet. This is what I did: My kitten resisted the food and drink so I had to take baby steps in order to be successful. I want to encourage those in the same situation to be patient and take your time. Do everything in increments and a LITTLE at a time. Every few hours I would do something, anything.

I started feeding him just a few very tiny tiny pieces of cooked chicken breast alone by hand.

I put Coconut Oil on my fingers and let him lick it off for calories.

I laid him on my lap and gave him a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar mixed with water from the side of his mouth. He was NOT a fan. With a resisting animal, be sure to use very little at a time. I gave him a tablespoon of the diluted mixture at a time (if I gave him any more, he would just throw it up).

I also got him unflavored baby pedyalyte (the generic brand) from Walmart to keep him hydrated. He did not like the taste so I had to dilute it in water. I alternated this with the diluted apple cider vinegar.

I put apple cider vinegar on his neck (I had to do this AFTER he ate, because the scent turned him off from food even more).

I kept noise/bright lights to a minimum and made sure he could sleep as much as possible. Sleep builds up the immune system. I'd like to note that my kitten did not receive all this at the same time. Every few hours I would try one of the above things.

My goal was to get him eating a mixture of pumpkin, chicken, and brown rice (the rice really helps). And he did! It took some time, but as he got stronger, his appetite got better. It got to the point where he started eating the chicken/pumpkin/rice mixture out of his bowl and drinking pedialyte/water mixture out of his bowl as well. In two days my husband and I saw an incredible difference! Thank God. It was honestly miraculous.

After 4 days he became hungrier and we ommitted the chicken and started giving him his dry cat food mixed with rice and pumpkin. It's been a week, and even now that he's better, we continue to do this along with the diluted pedyalyte. After another week I will ommit the pedyalyte, and use ACV in his water. We will continue to used a heaping tablespoon of pumpkin and another of rice mixed in with each of his meals.

I spent about $5 on organic coconut oil, $3 on generic pedyalyte, $3 on a giant can of pumkin, $3 on brown minute rice and 2 boneless/skinless chicken breasts from home. People who say this is too expensive should not have pets. It's nothing compared to a massive vet bill, which you should also be prepared to pay if need be. Not to mention I still have more than enough left over to literally treat at least 20 cats.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Selahpaws (California) on 12/13/2015

My yorkie was having diahrrea for two days, she was energetic no fever and rubbing her butt on the ground. I read on this site about boiling chicken, no seasoning, rice and pumpkin purée. I gave my 4 month old yorkie one part chicken, two parts white rice and one part pumpkin purée. Within 24 hours my yorkie was having firm bowel movement.

Yay! Thank you for posting these great helps! We avoided poking and prodding at the vet and prescription that may or may not have worked.

Posted by Sherryk30 (Wilmington) on 03/09/2014

We have a Pitbull who has a very sensitive digestive system. After a couple of bouts of bloody diarrhea (about 6 mos. apart) and $600 vet bills, I came across this website when the third bout happened. Ran out to the store and purchased canned pumpkin, rice and a couple of chicken breasts. Within 30 min. his stools were visibly more normal - no blood and formed instead of water. A few hours later, he was acting like his normal self again. Kept him on the pumpkin for another day and did the rice and chicken for a few days before incorporating his regular diet into it. I swear by it!! The vet had put him on steroids, given him a prescription diarrhea med. and told us to feed him chicken and rice - all for $600 and I don't believe that steroids are healthy at all.

Can't tell you how many remedies I've gotten from EarthClinic, including organic apple cider vinegar to remove a wart from my grandchild that nothing else worked on, and they've all worked!!! No wonder BigPharma has gone to such lengths to brainwash us to believe that it's quackery!! Worked 100 years ago - why not today? Thanks much!!

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Gayletraver (West Des Moines, Iowa, United States) on 11/02/2012

I have a two year old toy fox terrier that in March suddenly started bleeding everywhere. We rushed her to the vet and she was so low on platelets. Her platelet count was down to 21,000. Since that time she has been on prednisone and until recently we have been unable to keep her count up and even when it did go up, for some weird reason the vet said her white count kept staying elevated. We tried antibiotics to no avail. Marly gets her blood checked every two to three weeks. The last two times her platelets have been over 450,000!!

Suddenly yesterday out of no where she started with diarreah, then it was bloody diarreah and then pure blood. I am a nurse and was just stressing. I am currently out of work and thinking to myself, how am I going to afford another huge vet bill. The odd thing was, Marly did not act sick, her nose wasn't warm and she wasn't vomiting! I kept watching her and thinking, ok, she is acting happier and playing more than she has in months, just really odd. I needed to stop the diarreah.

I went on line and started reading and reading, somehow I came to this site. I read all the testimonials on the pumpkin, chicken and rice. I also read to not feed her for 12-24 hours to allow the intestine to calm down. I went to the store, I bought the chicken, cooked it in the crock pot overnight. I bought the canned pumpkin and immediately gave her a teaspoon full last night. Again this morning and again in the afternoon, she had no stools since last night. Then this afternoon I cooked some rice with the chicken and fed her small portions, about four and eight. I took her out before bed this evening and her stool was formed!! Very little blood in it and formed!! I gave her another teaspoon of pumpkin and will continue to keep her on the chicken and rice for another day or two but I am so grateful and happy!!! She is still playing and feeling great, actually better than we have seen her in six months so we are just wondering if she passed something that had been stuck possibly and that was keeping her white count up, we just don't know. All I know is she is feeling better and the diarreah is gone!!!! Thank you so much!!

Posted by Kate (Costa Mesa, Ca) on 04/07/2011

Actually, there is something unique about pumpkin's fiber, allowing it to be used for both diarrhea and constipation. You would use small amounts (up to 1 Tablespoon per cup of food) for diarrhea, and large amounts for constipation. My VET suggested it for diahrrea - so long as it is related to something that is ingested; it won't help with worms. Pumpkin is also very helpful in pets with diabetes as it helps the pancreas to function properly.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Sue (Lighthouse Point, Fl) on 03/13/2013

Chicken & turkey toxic to small dogs?! That's ridiculous. I feed all 4 of my dogs a completely raw diet consisting of all types of raw meat including organ meat and bone. They get their share of chicken and turkey I can assure you. They are thriving!

Posted by Vince (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/17/2006

A friend told me about cayenne for cuts and infections. I added salt to it, because that's what I used to use and I liked the taste with salt, and it has cured everything I have used it on. I even broke up completely blocked sinuses with the mix, squirting it in my nose. Go easy and dilute it a lot more than for gargling, since it is Hot, but it works SO fast, and the burn doesn't last very long.

I have used it on so many infections, and had a hound that had some chronic digestive problems. I had cured most of them with yogurt and tripe, but he still wasn't right. When he got diarreha and it was in to its 5th day and Nothing was working, I thought, maybe he had been harboring some bad bacteria all the yrs, and they increased. I had been giving him rice so mixed some cayenne in. It was a funny scene as he took a bite, shook his head, snorted, and walked around the yard, always coming back to eat more till he finished it. The next day his stools were firm!! I made up 2 capsules and gave them just to make sure the cayenne got into his intestines, but I don't think they were needed. His food sensitivities disapeared AND what had been a Very Skiddish animal after a bad scare when I first got him, and he had many before, became brave, and he became a normal, confident animal that I was always trying to create, and Believe Me, I am a Master at desensitizing scared animals, and in minutes, but this guy was a Real challenge. His problem was he never felt well enough to be bold, and he would go aggressive when he felt threatened.

Try cayenne And salt for Any and every infection, or what you think may be one. Boil it and drink it for urinary tract ones.

Posted by Danielle (Durango, Colorado) on 03/20/2011

Yes, I would use fiber for diarrhea. That is why rice is commonly used.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Prada (Norfolk, England) on 10/20/2012

I was desperate to help my egyptian hairless cat, who almost over night went down with chronic loose stools, blood loss, watery eyes complete lethargy. I took her to the vet, paid for medication and a week later I seriously was considering that I needed to face the fact that she was proberly not gonna survive. So I scanned the net for home remedies that might assist in at least getting the diarrehea under control and re-hydrating the cat. Low and behold I see postings re Pumpkin, its pumpkin season here in England and so I headed off to the supermarket. I blended up the pumpkin, added fresh carrot and coconut milk, offered it to the cat, she licked and licked at this mixture, she even meowed for more, this was the first food she had taken for days. I would go as far as to say within twelve hours that cat was improving, withing 18 hours she was passing normal stools. Anyone who is familiar with the hairless sphynx breed you will know that these cats are incredibly needy and if they could be carried around all day they would be in their element. My angel lay on a hot water bottle for 8 days, one dose of pumpkin and it was like a miracle. It could all be a coincidence, but something tells me there could be something in this, well ime convinced anyway and so I am making up my paste and freezing it. Now I add pumpkin regularly to her meat feed.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Eugene (Sunnyvale, Ca) on 08/24/2012

Chicken toxic to dogs? Are you kidding? Dog are junk eaters by nature, so they eat what they find. If its edible, they would munch on it and let their digestive system deal with it. In short - chicken is not toxic to dogs, confirmed by a vet.

Posted by June (Sheboygan Falls, WI) on 06/13/2008

Cayenne Pepper cured my Dog's Diarrhea: I read on your website that cayenne pepper sprinkled on some rice would help my dog's diarrhea. I cooked some plain white rice, sprinkled a small bit of cayenne pepper on it, and fed it to my 120 pound dog. He normally eats 2 cups of food twice daily. I started with one cup of rice at breakfast and one at supper the first day. Then 2 cups at each meal the second day. I noticed within 30 MINUTES, his stools were beginning to firm up and by the 3rd day he was back to himself! I never had to take him to the vet, this remedy saved me money, thank you so much Earth Clinic!

Pumpkin, Bentonite Clay
Posted by djweiss (Crozet, VA) on 09/29/2021

Our 1-year-old Cockapoo developed foamy diarrhea after a visit to the dog park. We waited three days to treat her thinking the issue would resolve itself. Finally we decided she needed help and turned to Earth clinic.

We gave her 1/4 tsp pureed pumpkin from a can, 4 ounces of organic chicken, and 1/4 tsp of bentonite clay dissolved in 2 Tablespoons of water. After two meals the diarrhea had completely subsided and her stools were well formed. It has been five days now and there have been no further problems. Thank you Earth Clinic!

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Danielle (New Jersey) on 01/20/2016

I have a 4 month old schnauzer about 8 lbs. How much rice/chicken/pumpkin did you give your dog a day? 1 cup or more? Thanks!!!

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Nika (Netherlands) on 06/15/2022

Go to, at least first docu is there. GB.

Posted by Annaj (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/08/2012

Just a quick post to report another success. I tried the chicken, rice and pumpkin combo for my siberian husky (8yrs old). She had really watery diarrhea from anxiety over the noise of 4th of July. That went on for 4 days. Once we gave her the pumpkin (2 tbsp every 3 hours) there was good success in less than 24 hrs!!

I started out with just the chicken and rice with no change observed. The key was adding the canned pumpkin (.59 cents!! ) Thanks for the info!

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/27/2016

I have used 1 Tablespoon in 2 cups of water. It usually is pretty thin, and that is okay. The mixture can be shaken before using.

Posted by Jasper2 (Minneapolis, Mn) on 08/07/2011

Pumpkin WORKS in the vast majority of cases. It is well documented for anyone who bothers to research it. I had a very sick puppy, very loose diarrhea and dehydrated. I gave him one tablespoon of pumpkin puree mixed with boiled chicken breast, boiled WHITE rice, and one capsule of dog probiotics mixed in. Immediate positive results. Why would anyone hesitate to use a natural food with a proven track record to cure a dog's illness?

I now give my puppy one teaspoon of pumpkin in his food once a day, and never any problem with diarrhea or loose runny stool.

Don't hesitate to try this. It does work, and quickly.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Kindlady (Crawfordville, Fl, Usa) on 10/24/2011

LULU YOU ROCK!!! A true animal angel and it thrills my heart and soul to know there are people like you in this world.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 04/28/2016

Yes, canned pumpkin but plain only, NOT the pre-spiced for pies.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Cheryl (Ottawa, Ontario/Canada) on 11/15/2008

So my sheepdog had some major diahhria for about a week. I did continue the pumpkin/rice & chicken but she continued to have the problem.I ended up changing her kibble which didn't help but I thought the timing to be right. I switched her from Eukanuba to Orijen. She loves the new food! Her poops have been normal now since last weekend, albeit smaller amounts due to the new higher grade food. So I'm not sold on the pumpkin helping her although I use it now to put a touch of it in her Kongs because she does like the pumpkin. Nice alternative to using Cheesewiz or peanut butter in her kongs.

ACV for Calf Scour
Posted by Somerset Viking (Bridgwater, Somerset Uk) on 03/24/2018

I have come across several farmers who have been using traditionally fermented and unpasteurised cider vinegar to treat scour in young calves. Calves are given 10 ml of cider vinegar in their milk feed twice a day from when they are a week or so old. The treatment is maintained for one month. Look for traditionally slow fermented cider vinegar.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 03/04/2022

Too bad. They've all been taken off YouTube. Figures.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Sueellen (Dallas, Texas) on 05/17/2010

Dog Diarrhea

I have a miniature dachshund. He ate some spoiled chicken liver and he had bloody diarrhea accompanied by projectile vomiting. He smelled to high heaven!!! I called a friend who owns three dogs and she told me to give him an anti-diarrheal medication which works on humans. However after two days on this medication my dog seemed to be worse and he was acting very lethargic and refusing to eat. He was still drinking water. I called the vet and of course they told me to bring him in. I was a little leery of that as a coworker's dog had experienced the same thing and she took her dog to the vet and by the time they were thru with her dog she had a $2,300 bill (the dog stayed at the vet four days and had IV fluids, IV medications etc) Anyway I prayed for my dog and then I went on your website as I sure did not have $2,300 to spend. I noted the rice, chicken, canned pumpkin remedy. I TRIED IT AND IT WORKED!!! I used three parts rice, one part chicken and two heaping tablespoons of pumpkin twice a day. Thank you for sharing such an effective and frugal remedy.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Florence (Bellmore, N.Y.) on 01/08/2009

boiled chiken and pumpkin: my lab had bad bad dirahea one table spoon every night fixed her problem so I give it to her every night works like a charm

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Justin (Orlando, Florida) on 06/30/2008

I had one of my dogs at the ER VET Hospital at 4 AM in the morning. She had gone to the bathroom four times in the matter of an hour at the vets office. He ran up an expensive bill of blood work, examinations, and pricey prescriptions. My dog still had accidents in the house for the next 5 days. It wasn't until I found the remedy of 3 parts plain white rice to one part boiled mashed chicken (all fat removed) and 1 tablespoon (per 50 pound) of plain pumpkin puree (no additives). Fed in four small meals, with the pumpkin added. I saw results in one day it was amazing. Typical treatment is meant for the food to be given over 3 days. $1.50 compared to a $600 vet visit.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Dedutch (Johnson City, Texas) on 10/04/2011

Our cat had loose stool issues for a long time and finally I remembered reading about celiac disease in humans and a thought occurred to me. I read the ingredients in her food and found gluten and immediately removed gluten from her diet and within a few days she was normal. That was several years ago and she still is doing fine. Our dog has anal gland issues and so far the pumpkin seems to be working well for that.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Amy (Sarasota, Fl, Usa) on 09/27/2012

carrots, carrots, carrots,

Literally, the best thing you could give you dog on a regular basis to keep your dogs bowel movements regular. It will elimiate diarrhea and your pet will never be constipated. I have been feeding my two dogs carrots with every meal and they love it too!

I feed mine dehydrated carrots because its the easiest thing for me to do with my busy life...

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Prue (Worksop, Uk) on 07/27/2016

You mentioned a tablespoon of clay in a jar of water....roughly how much water as I'm having trouble getting the right consistency?

Posted by Lillanromeo (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 09/11/2011

@ Pamperingpaws from Orlando, Fl,

I found your post interesting! I have never used pumpkin for my dog/cat, but being a Sr. Nursing student I do know that you can use metamucil for diahrrea. Metamucil is a "bulk forming" laxative. This means that it regulates the water content in your stool. If your stool has too much water in it (diahrrea), it will add bulk to it. If it has too little (constipation) it will add water to it. I found this interesting when I was learning about them because typically people assume that metamucil is just used for constipation, but actually it can also be prescibed/used for diahrrea as well. I assuming that pumkin does along the lines the same thing. I will probably do a little more research! But I think I am going to try the pumpkin, chicken, and rice diet and also some probiotics for my kitten. Thanks everyone!

Posted by Roxanne (Ohio) on 03/19/2016

Diarrhea can be a symptom of constipation. Having blockage causes the stool to 'cook' and become runny making it allowable to pass the blockage.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Sandy (Monroe, Ny) on 09/26/2010

I have a Papillion who had a very bad case of diarrhea for 2 weeks, with no other symptoms... Eating well no blood or worms acting normal. Went on website looking for something to do... Found PUMPKIN.. I cant believe it but slept through the night for the first time in 2 weeks.. Seems to be working in only one day! THANK YOU

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Pam E. (SouthWestern California) on 12/07/2022 141 posts

Yes, 100% Pure Pumpkin Puree (organic if possible) mainly sold for making pies (not the stringy kind grown for making jack-o-lanterns from)!

Posted by Pam (Milwaukie, OR) on 03/20/2009

Hey cat lovers, I have 3 cats, all male and when I got my Middle one, he got severe diarreha it was so sad, I called the vet and he said that people use canned pumpkin for constipation and diarreha, (for some reason, it works both ways) well it seemed like a huge amount so I went to the baby food section to look, and all I found was sqaush, so I called the vet again and asked if ok to substitute, he said give it a try, and let me tell you it works like a charm!!! plus the little buggers LOVE it!! it is a real treat for them, I feed it to all 3 for good digestion.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Libby (Pleasanton, Ca) on 08/11/2009

We tried this and it cured our dog in a matter of a couple of hours! Saved us a LOT of money that we 1. didn't have and 2. would've spent at the vet.

Boiled Chicken and Pumpkin Puree
Posted by Dharmah34 (Glace Bay, Nova Scotia (ns)) on 03/04/2012

Hi, About the post stating that chicken & turkey can be toxic to small breeds, sorry I do not believe this maybe if you overfeed your small one alot of meat & I mean alot!! Or maybe the dog was alergic to chicken & turkey or another possibility the cooking area was not cleaned properly, the meat might not have been fully cooked, it could be many things that made the poor dog sick so please don't worry about it, I think we have enough to worry about when it comes to our beloved fur-kids I know I do & I am not alone. Akita Lover From Cape Breton

Posted by Caro (Spokane, Washington, Usa) on 03/17/2012

Canned pumpkin is good for diarrhea OR constipation in pets (and people, so they say). The fiber absorbs moisture to help with the diarrhea and the fiber also helps with the constipation because it helps move everything through faster.

Posted by Suzette (Mchenry, Illinois ) on 02/18/2016

Kaopectate for diarrhea: I have two Chihuahuas and my little 5 lb. One (Boo boo) gets runny stools a lot. I give her a syringe full (the kind you squirt in the mouth) and just squirt it down her throat and she's usually better within a half hour. Works every time!

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