Natural Remedies for Conjunctivitis in Dogs and Cats

Dietary Changes

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Posted by Cheryl (Richmond, Va) on 12/26/2010

My cat suffered with chronic conjunctivitis for many months. I felt so helpless. The ointment worked temporarily, clearing the eyes for only three or four days out of the month. I tried vinegar, removed all of the carpets from my home, cleaned my hardwood floors daily and made countless trips to the vet with no long lasting solutions. FINALLY I FOUND THE CULPRIT. Through trial and error, and changing my cats diet, I realized she was allergic to Meow Mix Seafood Medley cat food! I changed brands and she has not had a problem since. That was over 3 months ago and she has been happy and playing since then! What a relief!

Replied by Betsy
(Caldwell, Idaho)

A vet told me to stay away from meow mix completely. She said the dyes they use were bad for cats. At the time we were talking about the dry food but if you look at the wet food it does not look natural either, especially the seafood flavors. In any case I would NOT buy any meow mix food for any cat- wet or dry!!! It's purinas attempt to make their cheap crap look a lot better than it really is!!!

Essiac Tea

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Posted by Gayle (Tulsa, OK) on 12/31/2006

Over 3 years ago, our cat, Flora, developed a mass (tumour) in her abdomen and lost a significant amount of weight. She was about 12 years old at the time. I started giving her a dropper of concentrated essiac tea once a day and mixing about 1/2 teaspoon of the powdered herbs in her food. The tumor went away and she put weight back on. She is now 15 years old and doesn't look or act like a 15 year old cat. I've continued to give her the dropper of concentrate at least once a week up to every other day. I've also given the powdered essiac herbs to our dog for allergy eye drainage that would easily get infected. Since we started the dog on this, her allergy eye problem has been gone for over a year now. Again, about 1/2 tsp once a day.

Eye Disease

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Posted by Tami (Oklahoma City, Ok) on 05/17/2012

I have an eight year old German Shepherd who has recently been diagnosed with pannus (it's a disease affecting the cornea and causing membranes to grow over the cornea). The vet first gave me an antibiotic/steroid eye drop. That worked for a while and made the pannus in the right eye recede. Then, in March the disease flared up in both eyes. They itched, had a yellow discharge, and membranes grew over both corneas. She is now virtually blind. I think that colloidal silver has helped to make the discharge run clear, but I am wondering if anyone has succeeded in reversing this.

Replied by Ange
(New York)

Have you considered using organic black tea? And/ or goldenseal? You would make the tea with less water for more concentration and soak a cotton ball and squeeze in the eye... goldenseal make a homemade saline solution with a couple drops of goldenseal and do the same. Also look into Lactoferrin.

General Feedback

Posted by Tfmiller71 (St. Louis, Mo, Usa) on 09/06/2011

I LOVE this website. I believe in home remedies especially when incoming money doesn't meet the outgoing!

I tried a cayenne pepper, pumpkin filling, plain rice and boiled chicken diet w/my dog who had diarrhea and today for the first time-solid poop.

He has really had a rough time this year, he's a 10 yr old bischon/poodle mix. I believe he has an eye infection. Conjunctivitis describes his symptoms perfectly. I think it's a spin off of his skin allergy that I am currently remedying through antibiotics (I will backup w/probiotics after the last dosage! ). He's had it for about 6 years and after antibiotics, it just comes back. He is also on prescription dog food since it is believed that he has maybe a food allergy.

Anyway, I will definitely post after trying the Apple Cider Vinegar which I keep in the house for many reasons.

Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned

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Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 11/03/2008

Last winter each morning I would wake up to find greyish goop in each of our dogs' eyes. Our elder dog Max had it the worst, and I had to clean out his eyes 4-5 times a day. I finally put two and two together and realized that their eye problems probably had to do with what was coming out of our air ducts when the heater was on. So last summer we had all the intake vents and air ducts cleaned out by a company I found on Angie's list that had high ratings. Finally last week we turned the heat back on when it hit the low 30s during the night and I got to test my theory. I am happy to report that the dogs have no more eye gunk problems! We've only lived in this house for a couple of years, but the previous owners did a lot of construction in order to get the house ready to sell. Most of what came out of our air ducts was construction material.

Goldenseal Root Powder

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Tia (Eugene, Oregon) on 08/09/2008

A long time ago, my parents stumbled across the medicinal properties of Goldenseal. Last year, during the rainy Oregon winter, a 1/2 feral litter of kittens started trying to find shelter on my porch. Not long after they started coming around, the mother left them (went into heat i assume) and came back with a hellish upper respiratory infection. She proceeded to spread it to the whole litter. I had no money to take them to a vet, and they were dying of it. I wasn't sure if the Goldenseal would be poisonous to them, but I figured they were so bad off, it was worth a try. I used the liquid extract, started small, maybe one dropperfull to two cans of wet food, and eventually raised it to 3 droppersfull (between 1 adult and 5 3-4 month old kittens). They improved from even the smaller amounts, and improved drastically from higher dosages. Although for those that couldn't smell the wet food, i had to mix a few drops in canned salmon or tuna juice to get them to eat it. It didn't harm them. I swear by the stuff now, and have used it on my own indoor cats (though I've never gotten them to take it without forcing them.) Everyone should be aware that goldenseal doesn't just work on humans.

Replied by Ps Harris

Yes, I also have used it for both cats for respiratory virus. However, it should used with caution...each cat is different in terms of levels of sensitivity. I used it successfully on my Domestic Short hair (saved his life). However, my Ragdoll female developed Clostridium Dificile. Which means the Goldenseal killed too much of the good bacteria, in the intestine. That resulted in a permanent condition manifested as episodes of bloody stools because the bad bacteria overtook, and attacked the intestinal lining. There is no cure and the only treatment is Flagyl, which in turn causes food allergies to grains and carbohydrates.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Ps!

I am sorry to hear of the Clostridium Dificile in your girl. I wonder if humic acid would help to restore the balance in your rag doll's intestines. Check out Ted's postings under Crohn's disease.

Replied by Paris

Not getting whole story here, but I understand CD can be treated and is short term. Goldenseal is an anti-microbial, and effectively clears up bacterial and viral infections in humans and animals. I have never heard of a problem where it destroys healthy flora. And I've used G for decades, personally, for family members, children and animals; for viral and bacterial infections (including severe flu). I have spent thousands of dollars on two cats, where ultimately the vet still didn't know what the sickness or infection was; to finally go home and treat my sick cats myself; very happily and successfully with Goldenseal, and when called for, including Echinacea (for treating allergy, and immune related conditions). Both cats had nearly died before treatment. I have found a safe and effective dosage for cats is 3 drops of G diluted in about a teaspoon or less of water, given orally though a syringe (8-10 cc) . Only administer small squirts (about 2 cc) at a time in corner of mouth. Give the cat time to handle between each. (Best to wrap your cat in a big towel, snug (not too tight) around neck) administer twice a day. You'll see improvement every day. Depending on severity of infection, should take one to two weeks to clear up. A recent story: One of my cats was suspected for an immunity deficiency. Vet suggested more testing to confirm. That would have cost $1000 and counting. She had been diagnosed anorexic after blood test etc that showed nothing. A 9 month old cat, she was down from 10-1/2 to 5 pounds. I force fed her for two months. Finally, I started administering G twice a day. One week later she was eating on her own. She is now bright eyed, agile, playful, completely healthy, and weighs 10-11 pounds.

Replied by Tara

My Schnauzer had an eye infection of some kind. Pus/gunk in his eye. Combined black tea bag/chamomile tea bag and one capsule of Golden Seal into a cup of hot water. Strained it and added a touch of salt. Day two and gunk was gone. Thank you so much. Side note: He loved the smell, I mean he wanted some of that brew. I let him have a little sip of it and he is crazy for it?

What did not work, colloidal silver. 3x a day. Did absolutely nothing.

Goldenseal Root Powder
Posted by Christa (Vancouver, Canada) on 01/26/2008

Dog with Conjunctivitus(SP?) Take 1/2 Tsp of Golden Seal root Powder and add 1/2 cup boiling water.let steep with lid on for 10 minutes. Let cool. Strain. Carefully wash mucous our of eye with warm water by gently dabbing on the corners of the eys. Be careful not to use same cloth on both eyes as reinfection could occur.

2 people makes this easier. Have someone hold the animals face with one arm and open the animals eyes with the other. Talk gental and flush eyes with golden seal liquid. I have done this twice today and the difference in mucus is remarkable. I will do this 3 times a day untill it is gone and at this rate, I think it will be gone by tommorow. I used one of those plastic syringes and it seems to be a great way to fill the eye with the liquid. Yes..It always works and always has. For an open wound on an animal or person, try to wash out wound if possible and then throw golden Seal powder on wound. do not worry after this. The Goldnseal will form a scab and will seal up the wound and the Golden seal is a natural antibiotic. It will amaze you. If the animal licks it , it will only help no worries. Amazing Herb TTYL

Herbal Eye Wash

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Wishapup (Southeastern Area, Ontario, Canada) on 05/13/2013

Just thought I'd share a remedy that really helped us with conjuctivitis/eye infection in our dog. She did go to the vet at one point, but we did not want to put her on antibiotics. Her eyes had some discharge and were a bit itchy/sore. She could not get rid of the infection. We searched online and eventually created the following recipe.

Canine EyeAid Tea: Home Remedy

  • about 1 quart water
  • handful of dried chamomile blossoms
  • handful of dried eyebright
  • handful of dried calendula flowers
  • handful of dried Red Clover flowers (ask specifically for this type of clover)

In a pot, wait until the water is boiling before lowering temperature and stirring in dry ingredients (all of which can be purchased at a health food store). Leave to boil on low heat, stirring occasionally, for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and strain the mixture through a sieve to trap the largest pieces. Finally, strain the liquid through a coffee filter to remove any minute specks that could irritate the surface of the eye. Refrigerate in an opaque bottle.

Warming the mixture slightly before each use, apply ½ dropper (don't remember the measure, unfortunately--this was for a 65 pound dog) to each eye 2-3 times a day. Gently squirt the liquid into the corner of the eye.

I additionally used it with daily applications of raw organic Apple Cider Vinegar rubbed into the skin on the back of her neck and head. She recovered rapidly from her infection, as she had been suffering from it for a couple of weeks.


Posted by Trulyjen (Tucson, Az, Usa) on 09/10/2010

I have been using the Detox Kit from Heel on my pets. It was recommended to me by a naturopath. She said they only needed a few drops per day, (the instructions in the kit call for a much higher number of drops). I have really noticed an improvement in my dogs! Especially my German Shepherd, Gunner. We have been battling Pannis, which is a disease of the eye which causes redness and lesions in the eyes. His eyes are always red and itchy and irritated. The only help for him is prescription drops, that I have to do daily to prevent them from getting worse. Well I realized that I have been forgetting the drops lately, because his eyes aren't red! They look clear and bright and amazing! I would highly recommend this homeopathic detoxing method. Safe and effective.

Replied by Bluejade4

I used a drug called Pink Eye Remedy for humans on my cat. You can get this at any drug store. My cat is 1 year old and she had eye redness with swelling very teary and little yellow puss like discharge at the corner of one eye. And just redness in the other eye. She was not playing much and would hide and sleep most of the day. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar and the Neosporin they helped a little but was not effective enough. I bought the pink eye remedy cleaned her eyes with a wet warm face cloth. Held my cat down had my daughter drop 2 drops per eye. I did this twice daily for three days. My cat is all better now she is playing and is her old self. Her eyes are clear bright and normal.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

TY, Bluejade for this tip!


1 User Review
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Posted by Barbara (Miami, FL) on 08/29/2008

kitten/conjunctivitis: my vet refused to treat male 5.5 wks old kitten due to flat chest syndrome so I quickly found your website. used a diluted 2/1 mix of sterile water to honey applying twice a day alternating with warm compresses, for 10min. time in thrre hour intervals. the following day I saw Kit drinking milk- cream -egg yolk, mix.I then tried stepping it up a bit, on day three and used diluted ACV [Apple Cider Vinegar] but seems too strong. Now after concocting a mixture of tea bag (tepid) soaked in honey as a compress Kit is roaming aroud with affected eye opened more then closed. Rubbing me to distraction. HOPE THIS HELPS!

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Qwho (Tucson, Az) on 11/18/2015

My kitty has been squinting, with discharge in one eye for probably 3-4 weeks now. As soon as I could get an appointment with the vet I took her in. They said conjunctivitis. Did stain test to look for scratch on eye, found none.

They gave me antibiotic ointment, I gave twice a day for 10 days, no help. I tried lysine twice daily for 3 or 4 days, no change. tried diluted apple cider vinegar (braggs) between shoulder blades and to wipe eye and even a few drops in her eye, and even put on her paws also so she would lick it off, for several days. nothing has worked.

I going to try tea bags next. Noticed today for the first time the discharge is blood tinged. Sometimes her eye is glued shut after sleeping. I use warm water to loosen up the crust so it opens and I wipe away the weepy discharge.

She has another appointment with the vet in two days (two weeks after initial appointment. they said go to a specialist, but I really cannot afford it. I have spent several thousands on my cats in the last two years.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hello Qwho!

You may wish to consider a boric acid eyewash. Some pharmacies and drug stores stock boric acid on the shelf and some who do not stock it will order it in for you. It costs around $10 for a bottle of the powder.

This is the recipe I use:

Boric Acid Eyewash

The following recipe has been handed down through my family. Boric Acid Eyewash is very beneficial in fighting eye infections, irritation from foreign particles in the eye or contact lenses, air pollution (smog). It is very soothing. Basically, boric acid creates an inhospitable environment in eye for germs and bacteria. At the same time, it cleanses and sooths the eye.

Purchase boric acid powder at your local pharmacy. Ask the pharmacist for "medicinal" boric acid powder. (There is another type, which is used as a bug-killer.) This is very important!!!!!!!

Supplies needed:

1 level teaspoon of Boric Acid Powder ((((medicinal quality))))
1 cup boiling water in a Pyrex measuring cup
Cotton balls
Small clean bowl or teacup


Boil one cup water either on the stove or in the microwave oven. (I use a Pyrex measuring cup in the microwave.)

Add one level teaspoon of Boric Acid Powder (medicinal quality). Use a measuring spoon, not silverware!!!!!!! Stir until dissolved.

Let cool to a luke warm temperature.

Pour 1/4 cup of the cooled solution into a small clean bowl or teacup. Soak a cotton ball in the solution in the bowl and apply to affected eye, cleaning away discharge from the eye. Throw used cotton ball away after one use. Repeat using new cotton ball until all the solution in the bowl is used up. Try to flood the eye with the solution and wipe face with a clean towel. Cleanse both eyes with the solution to prevent the infection from spreading to the unaffected eye.

Repeat procedure at least twice a day, in the morning and before bed at night. Eye infections usually take two or three days to resolve themselves using this treatment.
Store unused portions of eyewash in the Pyrex measuring cup. Just cover with plastic wrap to keep it sanitary.


Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

For conjunctivitis in pets (and humans for that matter), the very best treatment I have used is colloidal silver. Conjunctivitis can be bacterial, viral, or allergic. The silver works for all. Most of my work life was in the medical industry and I had access to every ophthalmic pharmaceutical, and I would choose the colloidal silver over them all. My dogs get an allergic conjunctivitis every spring. I take a clean soft cloth, soak it in colloidal silver, and gently wipe the area around their eyes. I use a dropper to instill it directly in their eyes. Within a day or two, their eyes are clear. My husband uses the drops in his eyes whenever they itch. Another great feature concerning the silver is that it doesn't sting at all, so my dogs aren't leery of treatment. Hope this helps. All the best.

Neem Leaf

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Deanne (Santa Cruz, CA) on 05/21/2006

My dog had a weeping eye and then both eyes. I am a huge fan of Neem products which are anti inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-viral. I opened 100% Neem capsules into his food when all else failed. I tried Eyebright tea, antibiotics, Eucanasia. It went on for almost a year. Finally Neem works for many ailments I tried it and it worked. Occasionally it comes back but I haven't had to use anything and it goes away. Neem products have flea and tick powder and Pet Shampoo. There are several companies. My health food store has one brand and the Web has several others. Be sure it is 100% and not diluted with other ingred. It is similar to Tee Tree only better. The Neem tree grows in India. most Indians cannot affort medicine. They use the Neem tree for cleaning their teeth, tincture, oils, lotions and more. It is a verital pharmacopia.

Replied by Vicky

Neem LEAF not neem oil- should specify that because neem oil can be extremey poisonous

Rosemary and Tea Tree Oils, Apple Cider Vinegar

1 User Review
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Posted by Alexandra (Vancouver, Bc) on 01/08/2010

I have a ten week old Maine coon kitten. She has had a weepy eye on and off for just over a week. When I noticed it starting to get red I made a very wheak solution of Rosemary essential oil, tea tree oil and warm water to rinse her eye in . The Rosemary is antiseptic and pain relieving and tea tree also fights infection.then I applied some apple cider vinegar to the nape of her neck, And let her lick the rest off my fingers. Within fifteen minutes her eye became bright and wide open. If I thought she was a handful before... Her energy level has doubled and I haven't seen any signs of squinting in her eyes.

Replied by Leah
(Pass Christian, Mississippi, United States Of Amer)

I am interested in using this remedy. How much of each of the ingredients did you use?

Replied by Angela
(Memphis, Tn)

The tea tree oil and rosemary may have been the wrong thing to use on a cat as I have read that their livers cannot cope with essential oils and herbs but the vinegar was the right thing to do for its eyes. It has healed many cats and dogs eye infections from my own experience and many testimonials here on Ec. I put it full strength on the back of my cats neck between his shoulder blades and on the tops and bottoms of his paws and he got better within an hour. An elderly lost dog found his way to my house with a massive double eye infection with ulcerations under the pus which I assume occured because of the long term nature of the pus around the eyes and it helped him right away to start getting better although he was in such bad shape I added several other things and he is almost totally cleared up now.

Saline Solution

2 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by Eric S (Hobart, Tasmania) on 06/26/2009


my cat was in a fight with another cat and injured his eye lid from a bite its been a week since that happend .his eye started to get stuck together i was cleaning around his eye and droping salty water in his eye this hasnt done anything apart from a little bit of relefe for the cat that lasted about 30min now its in both eyes ..after reading about apple sider vinegar im going to try it out by puting some on his neck ill get back to you to see what will happen thank you for your info hope it makes my cat happy

Saline Solution
Posted by Nicole (Redding, California) on 09/16/2008

I have seven cats and most of them, at one time or another, have suffered from conjuntivitis or other eye ailments. In the past I spent a fortune going to the vet for pills and creams, some of which did not work too well. Then someone told me to try saline solution. Since I am a contact lens wearer and this is something I always have on hand, I decided to give it a try. Thus far, it has always worked like a charm! I just soak a cotton ball with saline solution and then clean the cat's eye with it. For the first couple of days, I try to do this at least 3 times per day, and then once it starts to clear up, I do it once a day for about 5 days. It's not only a more effective remedy, but it is a lot easier to administer to an angry cat than creams and ointments.

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