Chronic Renal Failure
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Managing Chronic Renal Failure in Pets

| Modified on Jan 31, 2025
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Aloe Vera

Chronic renal failure (CRF), also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD), is a prevalent condition in pets, especially as they age. It occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to function effectively, leading to the accumulation of toxins in the body. While CRF is a progressive and irreversible condition, early diagnosis and appropriate management can significantly improve the quality of life for affected pets. This article explores natural remedies and holistic approaches that can support conventional treatments, aiming to enhance kidney function and overall wellbeing in pets with chronic renal failure.

Understanding Chronic Renal Failure in Pets

Before diving into natural remedies, it's essential to understand what chronic renal failure in pets entails. The kidneys play a critical role in filtering waste products from the blood, regulating electrolytes, and maintaining hydration. When these organs are compromised, toxins build up, leading to symptoms like increased thirst and urination, weight loss, decreased appetite, and lethargy.

Aloe Vera: A Top Natural Remedy for Renal Support

Among the myriad of natural remedies available for managing chronic renal failure in pets, Aloe Vera stands out due to its multifaceted therapeutic properties. This succulent plant is renowned for its healing effects on skin wounds and burns and its internal benefits, particularly in supporting kidney health.

The Healing Power of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains a rich array of polysaccharides, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds that can provide systemic support for pets with chronic renal failure. When used correctly, Aloe Vera can help:

  1. Detoxify the Kidneys: Aloe Vera’s gentle detoxifying properties can aid in cleansing the kidneys of accumulated toxins, potentially easing the workload on these vital organs.
  2. Enhance Hydration: The high water content in Aloe Vera can help maintain hydration levels in pets, which is crucial for those suffering from CRF. Proper hydration aids in the efficient function of the kidneys, allowing for better flushing of toxins from the body.
  3. Anti-inflammatory Benefits: The anti-inflammatory compounds in Aloe Vera can help reduce inflammation in the kidneys, potentially slowing the progression of renal damage and providing relief from symptoms associated with CRF.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Pets with CRF

It's important to approach the use of Aloe Vera with care, especially when administering it internally:

  • Aloe Vera Juice: Opt for pure, organic Aloe Vera juice intended for internal use. It should be free from aloin, a compound found in the outer leaf that can be harmful if ingested.

Precautions and Considerations

While Aloe Vera offers promising benefits for pets with chronic renal failure, pet owners should be mindful of a few key considerations:

  • Quality and Purity: Ensure that the Aloe Vera product is of high quality, specifically designed for internal use, and appropriate for pets.
  • Monitor for Reactions: As with any new supplement, observe your pet closely for any adverse reactions or side effects. If any concerns arise, discontinue use immediately and consult a veterinarian.
  • Integrated Care Approach: Aloe Vera should be part of an integrated care approach, complementing, not replacing, conventional treatments and dietary management prescribed by your veterinarian.

Diet: The Foundation of Renal Health

One of the most impactful ways to support a pet with CRF is through dietary management. A kidney-friendly diet typically includes:

  • Low Phosphorus: High phosphorus levels can further damage the kidneys. Foods low in phosphorus are recommended.
  • Moderate High-quality Protein: While protein is essential, too much can increase the kidneys' workload. High-quality protein in moderate amounts is key.
  • Increased Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil, omega-3s can help reduce inflammation and improve kidney function.

Herbal Remedies

Several herbs have been traditionally used to support kidney health. However, always consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new supplement to your pet’s regimen:

  • Nettle Leaf: Known for its diuretic properties, nettle leaf can help promote renal detoxification and improve kidney function.
  • Dandelion: Another diuretic, dandelion supports kidney function by helping to eliminate waste products and reduce swelling.
  • Astragalus: This herb may help improve kidney circulation and has been shown to have protective effects on the kidneys.

Supplements for Kidney Support

In addition to dietary changes and herbal remedies, certain supplements can be beneficial for pets with CRF:

  • Probiotics: Beneficial for overall health, certain strains of probiotics can help manage uremia, a common problem in pets with kidney failure.
  • B Vitamins: Pets with CRF often lose B vitamins through increased urination. Supplementing with B vitamins can help maintain energy levels and overall health.
  • Antioxidants: Supplements like Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E can help combat oxidative stress in the kidneys.

Hydration is Key

Maintaining hydration is crucial for pets with chronic renal failure. Fresh, clean water should always be available. Encouraging water intake by using water fountains for pets or adding water to food can help prevent dehydration.

Acupuncture and Holistic Care

Acupuncture and other holistic practices have shown promise in managing symptoms and improving the quality of life for pets with CRF. These treatments can help stimulate kidney function, reduce nausea, and increase appetite.

The Importance of Veterinary Guidance

While natural remedies can significantly manage chronic renal failure in pets, they should complement, not replace, conventional treatments prescribed by a veterinarian. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor your pet’s condition and adjust treatments as necessary.


Managing chronic renal failure in pets requires a comprehensive approach that combines conventional veterinary care with natural and holistic remedies. Pet owners can significantly improve their furry friends' quality of life by focusing on diet, incorporating beneficial herbs and supplements, ensuring adequate hydration, and considering alternative therapies like acupuncture. Always work closely with a veterinary professional to tailor a care plan that meets your pet's needs.

Continue reading below to learn which remedies helped readers' pets with CRF and please let us know what helped your pet!

Related Links:

Natural Remedies for Kidney Disease in Pets: A Holistic Approach

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Aloe Vera Juice

12 User Reviews
5 star (12) 

Posted by Kim (Colorado Springs, Co) on 09/14/2020

Editor's Choice

My 15-year-old cat was attacked by a mountain lion. And although his head wounds healed quickly and beautifully, his body, which had already had moderate arthritis in his legs and back, did not recover and continued to go dramatically downhill to the point where he was barely eating and drinking, losing massive amounts of weight, vomiting, constipated, all signs of renal failure, thyroid issues, etc. The vet thought the shock and physical trauma of the attack kicked other underlying issues in his body into high gear because he was exhibiting none of these symptoms before, was climbing trees still, jumping up on counters, very active and happy... A little uncomfortable due to his arthritis, but we were managing with cosequin and Fish oil.

I already had him on taste of the wild wet and dry, no grain, organic food beforehand, with a few pills of Cosequin in his food every day, along with fish oil and also some colloidal silver, so he already had a good foundation.

In desperation, after an all night visit to a vet where Smokey was constipated, Dehydrated, in massive pain, muscle spasms in his back, legs, rectum, and barely able to walk due to the constipation and pain, I went to Earth Clinic to look up what I could do for him and found this thread on George's aloe vera juice. First I ordered it from Amazon, and then I called my local natural grocers and asked if they had it. They did, I went and picked it up, and immediately gave my cat 2mL of aloe vera juice via syringe and also put some in his wet food, along with what I normally put in there, and fed it to him. I repeated the process four hours later, and then eight hours later. Then we went to bed.

When I woke up, I Smokey was in a nearby chair, perked up, and immediately came over to be pet!!!

The transformation was dramatic. Smokey is no longer dehydrated, His bones are no longer sticking out, he's walking around much more normally/more normal gait, Appetite back, Seems content/not in acute pain, and in general is behaving much more like the Smokey I knew before the attack. This is after only a half day of treatment. I have already given him his morning dose and he's now sleeping peacefully nearby.

I'm going to the vet later today for a follow-up from this weekend and will discuss with them what I've done. I plan on continuing 3 mL twice a day until he is fully recovered, and then I will continue 2 milliliters twice a day in his wet food for the rest of his life. I also just got him tested on Friday (before the weekend at the vet followed by aloe Vera miracle), for bloodwork/urine/fecal testing, And will have that done again in a month to compare the testing after the aloe vera treatment.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Jesus for answered prayer, and to Earth Clinic providing that answer!!!

Replied by Cheryl Cecile
(Pensacola, Florida)

I rescued two polydactyl kittens that ran in front of my Lighting truck on the way to my cancer doctor, at two years old my. male started having problems gipng to the bathroom, one morning I found him under the couch laying in his urine, he was so weak he was literally dying, I pulled him out using a syringe shot Georges Aloe Vera down his throat, put him in a pet carrier and rushing to the vet, begging him to hold on and I was sorry he was so sick. I get to the vets in tears sigh in they put me in a room waiting to see the vet, I hear a meowing look at him sitting up staring at me, the vet put him on a IV, said he had crystals in his kidneys, and would need surgery to survive, . I didn't have thousands for surgery, he was up and eating so I brought him home, that was two years ago, now all my rescues get Georges Aloe Vera water at least twice a week. Aloe vera water is what helped me whn I was battling cancer 3 times, every one in my family drinks it, in laws n out laws!

Replied by Eve
(Toronto, Canada)

The vet said that my cat has the potential to have CRF. I want to buy aloe juice for him but the organic one from Lily of Desert has organic lemon juice concentrate and I know that citrus is toxin to cats. The one from George's isn't organic and it just shows from aloe vera leave on the bottle without mention which part of the leave. The juice from Lakewood has organic lemon juice concentrate too.

I don't know what to do now, any suggestion please? Thanks!

Replied by Kelsey

Did it help your cat?

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Rene (Kalispell, Mt) on 01/07/2017

My 4 year old lab x is in renal failure. I started aloe juice and the ammonia smell went away.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Harmonica (Northern Illinois, Usa) on 11/24/2014

Editor's Choice

We took in a stray female 3 years ago. She had been on her own for over a month at least. She had a hernia, was in heat, and on the verge of kidney failure. The vet fixed up what he could and told us that this cat of possibly 1 year old was not going to make it given her high creatin (3.3) and BUN levels. Over the next year, we added water to her food and nursed her back to health and a better creatin level.

A year ago in May, the vet said she was starting to move back up (2.8) and that we would have to put her on special food to prolong her life. She refuses the kidney diet food no matter how I hid around her other food. So I came here and read about the Aloe Vera Inner Filet juice that helped others. I bought the 'Lily of the Desert' brand, made sure it said 'Inner Filet' and started using that instead of water to moisten her food.

December 2013, her creatin moved lower to 2.7. Last May it moved to 2.5. This past weekend, it was 2.1. She is without kidney issues now, uses her litter box regularly, cleans her coat thoroughly, has a good weight, is active. I am very thankful for this site for providing me the clue to help our sweet little kitty live a longer, less painful life!

Replied by Cheekygrrl
(Tucson, Az)

Do you remember which Lily of the Desert you bought? I just got a bottle and it does have the mold inhibitor in it, the potassium sorbate. My Tabby boy's kidneys are in decline (he's 19) and I want to make him comfortable if he's going to leave me. I have determined that if he's going to go, he will decide when he wants to, not me. I won't allow him to suffer if it comes to that.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Cheekygrrl,

Your kitty has already decided to leave you - he is just waiting for you to pick up what he has been laying down. Yes, please support him but when he stops eating and drinking [which means his organs are shutting down and have stopped working], please support him further by having a vet make a house call to help take that final step. Thank you!

Replied by April
(Burbank Ca)

Dear Theresa:

I had kitty to his doctor last Friday and the doc said it isn't time to take him in. He's eating, drinking and the doc checked him for his hydration level and said he's good.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)
Replied by Sheernirvana

In my research (and experience), renal failure is not a painful way for them to pass on. Any body (human or otherwise) that is shutting down generally has this natural reaction... it does not mean they are in pain. I've had to put one of my cats down and it's a horrible memory that I questioned time and again. Obviously, I'd never neglect my cat - mine is going on 16 and was diagnosed last year with end-stage renal failure. I changed his food, saw he wasn't eating much of the stuff prescribed by the vet and then used by instincts and switched him off that until I found something he enjoys and can keep down (in his case, Nutro Chicken and Shrimp pate was the ONLY one). I stopped adding the powder the vet told me to sprinkle on top, because my cat didn't like it. I'm lucky in that he's always been a huge lover of water... as they age they can forget to eat and / or drink as much so I remind him. Vets don't always have all the answers and sometimes 'Mommy knows best'.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Rukmini (New Delhi, India) on 04/01/2012

My cat, Chaki, has been diagnosed with CRF. I have been reading about pet remedies on your site. There have been reccomendations for a particular brand of Aloe Vera, which is not available in India. Can I give her a tiny bit of fresh aloe vera pulp from the plant which I have in a pot? I can put it into her food and should camouflage nicely. If so how much of it should I give? Chaki is in CRF but not yet acute. Would be most grateful for some info on this. - Rukmini

Replied by Aida
(Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia)

My cat, boy aged 8 yrs has been diagnosed (high in amylase blood test) and also X-Ray shows abdnormal large liver. I have been reading about pet remedies on your website. Is there any particular brand of Aloe Vera, which is not available in Malaysia. Can I use my pot plant Aloe Vera for my cat? If so how much so I give it? At this moment my cat is under medication (liver, antibiotic and vomit pills), however my cat still vomit and he reluctant to consume liquid which we are trying to give it to him. His is having abdomen pain too. Would be very grateful for some advise and info on this. - Aida

Replied by Ajax
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

Please don't give aloe vera in any form to your cat! In the book The Complete Guide To Holistic Cat Care by Celeste Yarnall, PH. D. And Jean Hofve, D. V. M. , there is a section "Not all Supplements are Safe for Cats". It states, "Supplements that may work for humans and dogs can be deadly for cats, including the following:

ALOE VERA: It contains a latex-like compound that can cause serious irritation in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract if ingested by cats. It is often preserved with sodium benzoate, another toxin

(South Africa)

Latex which produces diarrhoea is found in and around the skin of the plant-not in the fillet within! The latter is beyond safe in even large amounts for cats. I've made and used aloe liquid gel [blended from the inner+ often including latex that seeps in] on all my cats for all rhymes and reasons and with great success. I even sell it to others for both humans and their fur family! Know that medi-sin's branch of veterinary medi-sin clearly do NOT want folk confident in its safety...where would THEY be then? Their shills prowl here and everywhere else. ;-)

Replied by Snickerdoodle
(Chicago, Il)

The latex is contained in the inner layer of the leaf's skin, but not the gel. Therefore, it is important that when buying Aloe gel or juice, that it's 'Inner Filet' only (nothing made from the Whole Leaf, as that would contain the latex/toxin). When cutting the gel out of a fresh leaf, just be generous and don't cut too close to the leaf's skin. I also wash the gel pieces (before putting them into the blender to liquify) to make sure any sap is removed; this also helps to remove the bitter taste. My cats get 1 tsp of fresh gel every day (the extracted gel lasts aprox. 3-5 days in fridge, in a tightly closed mason jar)

George's and Lily of the Desert make a juice w/o preservatives. (Holisticat article and Dr. Hofve point those two out as safe for cats, on their respective web sites)

Replied by Monique
(Greenwich, Ct)

Hi there -- if my cat is experiencing stomach upset -- is it ok to give her some drops of Nature's Way Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Juice Organic ?? Thank you.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Monique!

I think that it would be a good idea to try to settle your cat's stomach with the aloe vera juice, and it may help to get her appetite back.

Please let us know how it goes!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Thank you Trudyb!

The better advice for Monique is this: when using Aloe gel or juice for cats, use only the type that is labled 'Inner Filet' only - as this sourcing of the gel or juice does not use the whole leave and thus does not include the latex from the skin of the plat that is toxic to cats.

Replied by Joanne
(Victoria, Canada)

George's tastes like water and is completely safe. Our cat goes on it and off it and has for years. I feed her a human diet with plenty of unrefined fats and she's 17 and has no health issues whatsoever. The kidneys of lab animals used to test aloe vera juice were found to last 25% longer. I am a firm believer in aloe vera juice for all, for a dozen varied reasons, and kidney health is one of them.

Replied by Sharon
(Northeastern Pa, Usa)

How much do you give a cat to help with stomach upset due to kidney disease?

Replied by Jeb1

I give my 16 yr. female cat 1/2 tsp. of Aloe Vera Liquid once in the morning and once in the evening probably every other day. Since I've started giving it to her, she has had regular BMs

Replied by Ana B

I read about your posts re kidney disease and aloe vera. I have a cat who was losing weight, had ammonia smell in mouth, was dehydrated and wasn't eating.

I bought Lakewood Organic Pure Aloe (with inner leaf) and mixed a tsp with her wet food and boiled egg yolk every morning for around 5 days already.

She has eats a lot now, pees well and seems to be stronger. She is slowly gaining weight and less dehydrated.

Am grateful for the posts you've made because your advices have helped her a lot.

Thank you!!

Replied by Donna
(Cape May)

Getting the right aloe vera juice is essential. "Aloe Vera Inner Filet juice" indicates that it is without latex. Latex is contained in the outer parts (skin and the slimy residue right under the skin contain the latex residue.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Holly (Decatur, Georgia) on 04/27/2010

Thank you so much for George's Aloe Vera suggestion for my cat with kidney disfunction. I bought it this morning and have given it to her 3 times today - 3 ml each time - and she has been minimally eating and drinking for the first time in three days. Baby is 15 and has been diagnosed with kidney dysfunction (a nice way of saying "failure" I guess) and hyperthyroidism.

Replied by Adelynn

Doesn't the ASPCA list of plants toxic to cats include aloe? Other websites also say not to let a cat eat aloe. How come contributors to this discussion say aloe actually helps their cat? I'm a little worried about trying it...

Replied by Nk

Inner leaf is not poisonous. Only the outer part of the aloe plant is poisonous to cats. Purchase inner leaf only (by George if possible). You can get it at good pharmacies and pet stores or on Amazon.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Annie (Baraboo, Wi) on 04/12/2010

In February, I took my 14 1/2 year old miniature dachshund in for a dental cleaning. After running pre-surgical blood work, x-rays and ultrasound, it was discovered one of her kidneys was incredibly enlarged due to cysts and infection. Her kidney was removed and she was doing fine. Two weeks after her surgery she stopped eating and drinking, was vomiting and lethargic. She was in chronic renal failure with a BUN >130 and Creatinine of 5.4. The only option left was hospitalizing her for 36 hours of IV fluids and if it worked it may need to be repeated possibly every week. Due to her age, the fact that she had a bad back, she becomes stressed spending the night in the clinic and all she had already been through, I took her home. I wanted to keep her as comfortable as possible and decided to research Earth Clinic (which I religiously use for myself). I began Peggy's Aloe Vera Juice remedy at 2-3 ml's twice per day as well as 1 tsp ACV in her water (I used a syringe to force her to drink for the first couple of days). Within a couple of days she had stopped vomiting and began eating wet food mixed with baby food and drinking again. I continued the 2-3 ml's twice per day for appx. 1 month during which time she began eating normal amounts of wet and dry food. While continuing to eat and drink normally with no vomiting since the initial episodes, I put her on a maintenance of 2-3 ml of Aloe Vera Juice once per day. Two months later her Creatinine is down to 3.8, she's doing great and the vet was shocked. Thank you so much Peggy, if it weren't for you I don't think our little Sophie would be with us anymore!!

Replied by Scott

What is the best kind of Aloe Vera Juice to get? All the items I have found have the latex and whole leaf. Is it OK to use those and what is best, gel, capsule or actual juice!

Replied by Deborah
(Chino Valley, Az)

Hi Scott, I believe 'George's Aloe Vera Juice' has been mentioned several times here as safe for cats. We gave it to our 14 year old tabby when he was in renal failure and he did well with it. Good luck!

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Elizabeth (New York, Ny) on 09/14/2009


My 12 year old domestic short-hair cat, Roscoe, was diagnosed with CRF 3 weeks ago. After spending 4 days in the hospital, we brought her home and started her on the doctor prescribed kidney-friendly food. After 2 weeks of her showing a strong appetite, she suddenly started vomiting and showed no interest in food or water. She also seemed to be very uncomfortable and I noticed she was going to her litterbox often but not doing anything. After searching online, I found a post on your website written 3/16/2009 by Peggy McAllister regarding the use of aloe vera juice for her cat with CRF to help with both nausea and constipation. I took Peggy's advice and bought the aloe vera juice at my local health food store (I even sought out George's - the brand Peggy recommended as it is additive free and doesn't need to be refrigerated) and it worked like a charm! I mixed 2 1/2 ml in Roscoe's food twice a day (once in the morning and again in the evening). After only one day on the aloe, she had a bowel movement and started eating and drinking again.
I just want to thank Peggy and Earth Clinic for providing the information I needed to help Roscoe get better. It's emotionally very difficult to treat a beloved pet's serious illness, but having resources like this make things a lot easier. Thanks again!

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Peggy McAllister (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) on 03/16/2009

ALOE VERA JUICE FOR gastric upset:

My cat was diagnosed last year with chronic renal failure. And one of the most challenging issues has been his vomiting. I have been giving him fluids on a regular basis, but because renal failure affects the acid in his gut, he would go through some periods of serious projectile vomiting. His gut would be gurgling all the time, and for months, I tried using Famotidine from the vet with little success. Then I tried George's Aloe Vera juice (it has no preservatives like benzoic acid which is poisonous to cats)...and this cat who was throwing up at least once a day has not vomited in three weeks! I give him 2-3 ml in the morning and the same dose at night. Of all the Aloe Vera's. George's seems to be the taste (tastes to me like water), and you don't have to refrigerate it. Available at Whole Foods and probably other natural food staores as well.

This cat's health was going downhill fast, and since the vomiting has turned around, he's gaining weight again and seems MUCH happier (who wouldn't?)

I believe this would have greatly helped my other cat who had hyperthyroid and would vomit whenever her stomach was empty.

Replied by Jodi
(Bloomingburg, Ny, Usa)


My cat diagnoised CRF problably 4 yrs ago. She has been on a prescript diet since and doing fairly well. Recently she started getting upset stomaches daily. Shes on a pepcid med. Morning and night and a medication for her upset stomach. Recently I decided (due to this post) that I would add 3 ml. aloe vera juice to 1/2 cup of water. As well as, quarter teaspoon of slippery elm bark on her can food. It seemed to help a little in the first couple of day's. By day 4 and 5 it seemed to help a great deal. It not only stopped the lip smacking and upset ness and throwing up but now a week later she is laying more comfortable. No longer is she a loaf of bread or "meat loaf" position. Her legs our stretched out. She hasn't thrown up in a week. I hope this helps others out there. This site certainly helped me. Thank you.

Replied by Carolyn
(Evergreen, Co)

I see the doses for Aloe for cats and small dogs being about 2-3ml 2x/day. Anyone have sources or doses for medium (50lb), large (75lb) and XL (100lb) dogs? Thanks!

Replied by Lanetteh
(Sacramento, Ca, Usa)

Hi, I wanted to thank everyone for their posts about aloe vera juice for cats with CRF. After my 10 year old cat Joey was larthargic and not eating or drinking for 2 days (including throwing up and drooling a lot), I took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with late stage CRF. They said his levels were 10 times higher than normal. They also gave me meds for stomach upset, which didn't work and called the next day to tell me I should put him down. Well, I couldn't do that without first giving him a chance. On Monday, I ordered Kidney Support [supplements] after reading over 200 very positive reviews about it (it will arrive today). In the interim, I bought aloe vera juice and started giving it to him yesterday morning. I am so happy to report that he has not vomited once and has stopped drooling since I started giving it to him!!! He has even started drinking water on his own again. He is also laying more comfortably (intead of in the weird position others have mentioned). I can tell his stomach is feeling much better. I'll post again after I've tried the supplement I ordered to let you know how it works. Thanks again, I love this site!!!

Replied by Kriya
(Vancouver, Bc)

My little India (kitty of just 4 yrs old) has been diagnosed with CKD and has a creatine level of 270. It just jumped up from a stable 206. India is always hungry, is a good weight (they say could loose some! ), is active, playful, happy (always kneading and purring), and uses the littler box perfectly. The only sign of his CKD is that he pees a lot in large volumes. (urine concentrates at .014). I'm starting to give him the Inner Leaf Aloe Vera...but I'm not sure how much to give. It's seems like 2-3 ml 2x per day is good for serious cases...(from reading your stories). Can I give him this same amount in hopes to reduce his creatine levels and to prevent things from worsening? or could this possibly hurt him?

Also I want to give ACV. I'm following Peggy's advice of 3 tbsp in 1 litre of water...but then how much of that do I give him per day? How many mls? and how often? He also has pumpkin, Alaskan salmon oil, coconut oil, 1 1/2-2 cups of water (lots of soups! ), good raw food (I side with the higher protein), chineese herbs for inflammation, and will be adding dandilien leaves, some kind of formulation. The vet has suggested Renal Essentials...but I'm not big on the absorption of tablets. Are there any formulations (ultra clean) that are known to reduce creatine levels?

Thank you! My little man is only 4...and I hope to stay ahead of this...he is SO beautiful!

Apple Cider Vinegar

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Jamie (Minneapolis, MN) on 02/24/2019

These are all great comments/advice/info for chronic renal failure. I noticed a lot of the comments were for you think the same would apply for a dog with advanced kidney failure (ACV,Aloe Vera,etc)? Any other advice? The vet said to put her down but gave her the IV stuff...I have the NON-GMO extra virgin organic coconut oil, dark non-gmo thigh meat, I also heard sodium bicarbonate (Organic)..a bit in water to up the ph also assists with animals that have kidney failure.

Replied by precious yorkie

Hi Jamie,

my little Yorkie just had an eye rupture. as if that hasn't been enough we just learned that she is headed toward kidney failure and needs 4 hours of fluid prior to her op. dry food is the worst for them and "for dogs only" has a wet food that is RX from your vet that is low in protein rich in vitamins etc. If you don't have a "FDO" store by you chewy also carries this brand. I know these are difficult issues to face, I'm there with you. xx


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Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tearosekennedy (Lanarkshire) on 06/21/2017

Editor's Choice

My beautiful cat was saved from almost certain death due to the information on this amazing website.

He had a terrible reaction when the vet put him under to extract blood *(he's part feral, do not mess) and wouldn't eat or drink upon his return from the vet. He would just sit there with his head hanging over his water bowl looking very sorry for himself.

Although I several times contacted the out of hours vet and was told to sit and wait, that he would come round, I panicked at about 10pm that evening as I could tell he had become terribly dehydrated and took him to the pet hospital where he was given an IV and rehydrated.

Home again the next day, he still assumed what they call the "meatloaf" position (when they look like a bunched up chicken, not sure why it's called meatloaf) with his poor wee head hanging over his water bowl but not drinking.

The dehydration had given his kidneys a boot in the balls and now he was very sick, I could tell he might not actually live much longer considering his age. I took to Earth Clinic, which deserves awards handed out from God's Angels and found a popular remedy of administering diluted Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the 'mother') to my friend to make him start drinking.

Luckily I had some in the cupboard, along with a plastic syringe thing in my kitchen draw. I diluted about 1ml ACV with 2mls of water and snuck up on him with a towel and the syringe, apologising all the time and making calming noises and telling him this would make him better. I was a bit cynical but desperate.

Although gentle, I firmly swaddled him in the large towel up to his chest - those claws are huge - then opened his wee mouth and squirted the liquid *across* his tongue, entering from the *side* of his mouth. I hoped this would prevent choking and thank God it did.

I watched him mournfully for the next 20 minutes until he again sat at his nice fresh waiting water bowl, head hanging down, bunched like a chicken. Not two minutes after this, he put his nose down and began to lap. 20 minutes!

I continued with the administration for the next few days, in all I felt he needed a shot of AVC four times, following which he was drinking of his own accord. Thank you, EarthClinic and all those who come back to say if something has worked or not. My furry friend is alive today because of it.

They should pass this info on at the vets when they suspect a cat is having kidney failure - how many people have lost their furbabies because of the "no advising anything but chemicals" protocol.

Now I'm having to deal with his kidney failure due to his over-anesthetisation but that is another story. It has been nearly a year since the incident and he's doing well.

Kindest regards,

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Browns Mills, NJ, USA) on 01/17/2009

Thank you all for sharing your positive experiences with ACV and cats. My 23 year old cat was diagnosed with renal (kidney) failure & the vet wanted to put him on KD cat food & medication, or put him to sleep. I decided to try the AVC by 1st rubbing some on the back of his neck & then adding 1/4 tsp. to his 1 cup of daily water. Within 4 hours he went from not eating,drinking or urinating to doing all of the above! My prayers were answered!

Replied by Linda
(Vancouver, Wa)

How do you get the animal to drink the water with the the ACV in it?

Replied by Ryan
(Kuala Lumpur, Selangor)

I really need your help my cat Smoky of 15 years has been diagnosed with renal failure. He's not eating.... Hardly drinking and looks so miserable. His condition is deteriorating at an alarming rate... Doc says that it's best to put him down but I know smoky and he's a fighter.... I tried using ACV but maybe it's cuz of the first dose not much has changed. Can anyone please help? :(

Replied by Aida
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Hi Ryan, you need to be more patience as it is takes times for a cat to heal from RF. My siamese mixed cat belong to my daughter which recover from RF diagnose with large liver. You need to force feed with syringes on wet canned food brand called hills with virgin cococunt oil. Its takes longer time to heal. You need to feed every 2 hours. Also force feed water too.

Replied by Anne
(Chicago, Il)

I am a firm believer in ACV, 4 years ago my male cat started urinating in odd places, which was completely out of character. (Whenever this sets in he also seems to have a one eye partially closed & also starts cleaning his private area) I took him to the vet & he prescribed special food & antibiotics. But itt didn't seem to help much.

I read about ACV for the Urinary Tract infections & Kidneys. We went to the pharmacy got a plastic syringe (they just gave us one from behind the counter.... the kind you use to give medicine to babies)

We gave him ACV (with the Mother) mixed with spring water & in a few hours he was like a new cat. My pets won't drink the water mixed with ACV in the water bowl... So we stand behind him place one hand under chin & insert the syringe into mouth near his fang & just squirt it in) Works like a charm :) We give him 1 part ACV to 4 parts spring water. I think it's 1 cc to 4cc water.

I have never again given him the Special food or the antibiotics.

I have told several friends about this wonderful cure & it has worked for all of them. Best of luck to you & God Bless our furry friends :)

Replied by Dsup
(South Carolina)

Pls tell me how much ACV to put in my cat's water dish??

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Dsup!

You can try 1/4 teaspoon ACV into 1 cup of purified water to start. Some use 1 cup ACV into 4 cups water - a much stronger concentration. Start on the lower end until you know your cat is drinking it. If your cat won't go near the water bowl with the ACV in it, you might try saturating his paw in the solution to see if he will lick his paw dry -and ingest the ACV to boot.

Replied by Renee
(Vader Washington)

I know we're talking about kidney failure so ACV AND LILY OF THE DESERT INNER FILET ALOE VERA JUICE! It's cheap and working for my cat of 25 lbs.

2mils of Apple Cider Vinegar and 3 of aloe mixed. A little honey helps. As for fleas! UGH! WHITE VINEGAR! THAT'S IT! VINEGAR! First give a bath with dawn. Then fill a spray bottle with vinegar and one 50/50vinegar and water. For pets spray lightly with diluted bottle and rub in. Put other bottle of straight vinegar on carpet, bedding, everywhere dog or cat it daily. It's also a sanitizer. Smell goes away in about 15-30 minutes and you are left with a neutral smelling house! NO SMELLS! I have asthma and I use it daily for cleaning and pets and clothing when I wash. Look it up online! NO MORE FLEAS OR FLEA SHAMPOOS!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Helen (Altamont , NY USA) on 04/08/2007

I am writing to say, i well know the benefits of acv. i am now trying it on my cat, who, unfortunately is the victim of this latest scandalous bout with tainted cat food. i notice him being a bit lethargic during the fall, but assumed it was the winter hibernation mode setting in. i stumbled upon an old empty can of iams cat food that my puppy had hidden, and low and behold, it had the bad magic numbers on it. i took my 11 year old cat for blood work, will get the results tomorrow. my nephew, a cat man, was checking my cat over, and found his liver to be so tender, that my regularly calm cat bit him a bit. i have started my taz on acv, a bit on the lips, a bit in his water, and used an eye dropper full of diluted acv. i am going to watch him for a week, and request a retest. i am so afraid to let the vet give him drugs. i read where the drugs had cured a few animals problems with the liver, but caused problems with the stomach. so, here goes..will write back in a week or is hoping.

Replied by Helen
(Altamont, NY)

i wrote back in april, about my cat and puppy that had eaten some of the tainted iams canned food. their kidney readings indicated a problem. i told the vet i would treat them myself, come back for a retest in a month. i gave them both water with acv, and colloidal silver through the month. the results for both came back clean..again..acv rules!

Replied by Tracy
(Fort Belvir, VA)

My mom has a twenty pound dog that is suffering from kidney issues. She is willing to try this for her dog but it doesn't state how much of either to give. We don't know what or where to get colloidal silver and at what amount. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Replied by Tracy
(Fort Nelson, Bc, Canada)

You can get colloidial silver ffrom most health food stores or drug stores. As far as doses go, I usually go with slightly less than an adult dose for a 65 pound dog and adjust it accordingly per the animals weight. We live in a remote area with unreliable vet service so I have had to become the vet and I much prefer natural cures. Last week, I had a cat develop a urinary tract infection. After doing much reserch, I tried him with1/4 tsp of ACV mixed with water and I mixed some in his water bowl. In a few hours he began to urinate normally. Three days later (because he wasn't acting right yet), I drove him 4 hours to the vet. They took a urine sample and it showed traces of a UTI indicating that he was getting over one. That proof turned me into a believer!

Avoid Flea Control Medications

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Georgia (Verona, Va) on 01/13/2013

In August my little dog Sassy, part pom - part shiz zu - started throwing up and becoming weaker and weaker. I took her to the emergency vet on an early Sunday morning thinking I was loosing her. It turned out she was dehydrated and her blood enzymes were elevated three times the normal range which indicated her liver was compromised. Thus began many visits to the vet and various tests including an ultrasound. She actually started to rally and it looked as though we had turned the corner UNTIL the technian at the vet hospital gave her a dose of Capstar, a temporary flea control, as Sassy had fleas when I took her there for the ultrasound and that was their policy. When I found that out I almost lost it. WHAT? You did what? I could have screamed. Sassy's liver had been poisoned by flea products and looking back over the years I can see this was a progressive problem. I did notice that every time I would put the various products - Advantagx, Frontline... whatever - on her neck she would have a bout of just not feeling well and sometimes she would throw up but she would rally around after a day or two. Even when I took her to the groomer the next couple of days she always seemed off.... Now I realize it was because the groomer always bathed her with a flea shampoo. But this time I guess she was just too old to fight the poisons or it had accumulated over time in her liver. I had been arguing with three different vets that this was the problem but they kept insisting that there wasn't enough poison in the treatments to cause this, my vet even gave me flea control shampoo to control the fleas! Well, the Capstar incident proved my point and she started to really go down hill after that and the enzyme levels grew higher and higher. Her eyes and skin turned mustard yellow and the vet called me on Sept. 26th saying she wouldn't make it and to come and get her The vet suggested I take her to the veternairy college in Blacksburg but I had already spent $1200.00 and with just losing my job it just wasn't financially possible to continue. So..... the battle was on.

LOTS of prayer, heavy doses of milk thistle daily and a regimen of syringes of cottage cheese emulsified with cold pressed flaxseed oil (if you know someone battling cancer... And they weren't sure if this wasn't what was really wrong with Sassy.... check out the Budwig Protocol on the internet for how to do the cottage cheese/flaxseed... thousands of people have been helped with this procedure) Many days that's all I could get down her. She still has no appetite and has lost about 4 lbs.... On a sixteen pound dog that is very traumatic. BUT, she's still with me, still mobile, and the other day she actually brought a toy to me to play with her. I give God the praise... He is concerned with what concerns me.

After it was all said and done the vet did admit they had one other incident where they had lost a dog due to flea control products - it's all over the internet if they would bother to look!!! He called me several times afterwards checking to see if she was still alive... I'm looking forward to taking her in there when she regains some of her weight and energy. Anyway, I think Sassy is just one of those dogs that can't tolerate those products. Most animals seem to do fine; however, please know that those products are poison and do accumulate in the liver just like in humans when we drink sodas laced with artificial sweeteners or eat fast food - I'll leave that soap box alone for now.

So, my advice would be to put your animal on milk thistle if you use flea products in the summer..... It's not expensive and might save it's life.

As for fleas..... I don't know the answer. They seem to be a bigger problem each year and I certainly won't be using anymore flea control products. Sassy is highly allergic to them and just one flea will cause her to scratch and bite her skin and be in agony. The vet said to continue bathing her in Dawn dishwashing liquid to keep them down. It's now been 5 months and so far she's beaten the odds - I ask that you continue to agree with me in prayer that she will be granted a few more healthy "doggie" years, for my sake if not for hers.

Update: Sassy urine has turned dark orange. I went online and discovered it's probably due to kidney failure.... I decided to check EarthClinic and discovered dandelion root, aloe vera and ACV. I already had DE on hand for battling fleas but didn't occur to me to use that for detox so now I'm doing a regime of ACV, DE mixed in about an ounce of water and a little honey to help mask the vinegar... I'm doing that every 2 hrs with a syringe plus I give her a syringe of "green juice" that has all sorts of veggies, herbs and of course barley grass and continuing the cottage cheese/flaxseed oil. Will let you know, please pray, it's been a major battle. She's so skinny now she walked out of her harness that use to fit snug. If I thought she was in alot of pain I'd give up.... But not yet!!!!!!

Replied by Renee G.
(Vader, Washington)


DISTILLED WHITE VINEGAR! THAT'S IT! Sorry and dawn dish soap. Give bath with dawn. Then after bath lightly spray 50/50 water and vinegar. Get another bottle and do 100% VINEGAR. Smell goes in 15-30 minutes. Anyway, spray everything! Carpet bed, your bed, sofas, do it every day. More if u want. Not more on pet, once a day is enough, that's it. After a few weeks maybe every other then 2x a week. All year. if u can't bathe cat, put on warm washcloth and rub lightly til cat will allow more but still spray everything.

Replied by Anon

I hope Sassy has made her recovery. Consider using the egg shampoo recipe instead of Dawn (chemicals) to bathe her, and essential oils to control fleas. I don't tolerate dish soap even just washing dishes, she may be intolerant of the Dawn as well. Best wishes.

Replied by Heather


This is a safe NO CHEMICALS product you sprinkle on your carpet leave 24-48 hours and then vaccuum up. Safe for pets and small children NO CHEMICALS. Kills fleas for up to one year! This will keep fleas from reproducing as it kills ALL stages of fleas, eggs, and larvae. This with a holistic organic spray or may the ACV spray and you should be flea free for years to come.

Black Seed Oil, ACV

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Linda (London) on 02/07/2017

Editor's Choice

Hi.....My cat, Merlin is 16 and has kidney disease. I have been giving him a small squirt of black seed oil in a pipette every morning for the past 2 - 3 months when I take some myself. He immediately stopped vomiting and smelling slightly rancid. I combined that with a tiny amount of ACV in his drinking water each day and nearly all of the symptoms now have disappeared.

Calcitriol, Raw Beef, Supplements

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marie (Washington) on 05/07/2017

Editor's Choice

I would like to offer my personal experience with feline kidney failure. About 4 months ago, Emma, my 15 year old cat had a swelling on one side of her nose. The vet examined her and her blood work came back showing the beginning stages of kidney failure. The dental was still possible, and she did have to have one upper canine removed. I did give her some ringers lactate sub q fluids for a week. I noticed she was not eating enough so I started giving her raw beef that I ground up with some extra fat and blood ;about a 2 inch square, to which I added organic eggshell 1/16 tsp powdered, the same amount of nutritional yeast, and a few grains of l lysine. This is I feed her twice a day. She is gaining weight. From 5 to 6 pounds now. She is a petite kitty. She has recently began to play again. She initiates i .That tells me much, and that she is feeling much better.

The most important key however is the use of calcitriol. Kidney failure in any person or animal reduces the ability of vitamin D to be used. This is vital to ensure proper function of everything. I give her .12 ml by mouth every 5th day. I have to say in all the pets I have seen with kidney failure, this supplement, by prescription, is effective. I have tried ALL types of methods to save my pets, and they all have some mild effectiveness, but this actually works. This comes from a special compounding pharmacy. A 15 ml bottle is about $70., and will last a very long time, over 6 months for sure. I only wish I had discovered this sooner. Your vet may not have experience with this so you can look it up for human use to show effectiveness and necessity as all kidney failure shares this processing of Vit D. I know for sure that diet matters. Giving carbs to carnivores promotes high blood sugars therefore defeating the purpose of helping the kidneys. Raw protein in proportion with raw eggshell calcium, which serves to bind phosphates properly restores the correct nutritional balance to the system. Balance is the key.

Replied by blueskies

Hi Marie. I don't know if you are still on earthclinic but I wanted to ask if I can give my cat vitamin d3 instead of calcitriol? I am in the UK and I can't find calcitriol anywhere.


LDN is used to treat pets as well. Ask a veterinarian for the prescription.
Ldnresearchtrust site for the information

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