Chronic Renal Failure
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Managing Chronic Renal Failure in Pets

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Cheryl Cecile (Pensacola, Florida ) on 02/07/2024

I rescued two polydactyl kittens that ran in front of my Lighting truck on the way to my cancer doctor, at two years old my. male started having problems gipng to the bathroom, one morning I found him under the couch laying in his urine, he was so weak he was literally dying, I pulled him out using a syringe shot Georges Aloe Vera down his throat, put him in a pet carrier and rushing to the vet, begging him to hold on and I was sorry he was so sick. I get to the vets in tears sigh in they put me in a room waiting to see the vet, I hear a meowing look at him sitting up staring at me, the vet put him on a IV, said he had crystals in his kidneys, and would need surgery to survive, . I didn't have thousands for surgery, he was up and eating so I brought him home, that was two years ago, now all my rescues get Georges Aloe Vera water at least twice a week. Aloe vera water is what helped me whn I was battling cancer 3 times, every one in my family drinks it, in laws n out laws!

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Kim (Colorado Springs, Co) on 09/14/2020

Editor's Choice

My 15-year-old cat was attacked by a mountain lion. And although his head wounds healed quickly and beautifully, his body, which had already had moderate arthritis in his legs and back, did not recover and continued to go dramatically downhill to the point where he was barely eating and drinking, losing massive amounts of weight, vomiting, constipated, all signs of renal failure, thyroid issues, etc. The vet thought the shock and physical trauma of the attack kicked other underlying issues in his body into high gear because he was exhibiting none of these symptoms before, was climbing trees still, jumping up on counters, very active and happy... A little uncomfortable due to his arthritis, but we were managing with cosequin and Fish oil.

I already had him on taste of the wild wet and dry, no grain, organic food beforehand, with a few pills of Cosequin in his food every day, along with fish oil and also some colloidal silver, so he already had a good foundation.

In desperation, after an all night visit to a vet where Smokey was constipated, Dehydrated, in massive pain, muscle spasms in his back, legs, rectum, and barely able to walk due to the constipation and pain, I went to Earth Clinic to look up what I could do for him and found this thread on George's aloe vera juice. First I ordered it from Amazon, and then I called my local natural grocers and asked if they had it. They did, I went and picked it up, and immediately gave my cat 2mL of aloe vera juice via syringe and also put some in his wet food, along with what I normally put in there, and fed it to him. I repeated the process four hours later, and then eight hours later. Then we went to bed.

When I woke up, I Smokey was in a nearby chair, perked up, and immediately came over to be pet!!!

The transformation was dramatic. Smokey is no longer dehydrated, His bones are no longer sticking out, he's walking around much more normally/more normal gait, Appetite back, Seems content/not in acute pain, and in general is behaving much more like the Smokey I knew before the attack. This is after only a half day of treatment. I have already given him his morning dose and he's now sleeping peacefully nearby.

I'm going to the vet later today for a follow-up from this weekend and will discuss with them what I've done. I plan on continuing 3 mL twice a day until he is fully recovered, and then I will continue 2 milliliters twice a day in his wet food for the rest of his life. I also just got him tested on Friday (before the weekend at the vet followed by aloe Vera miracle), for bloodwork/urine/fecal testing, And will have that done again in a month to compare the testing after the aloe vera treatment.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Jesus for answered prayer, and to Earth Clinic providing that answer!!!

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Ana B (Philippines) on 10/05/2017

I read about your posts re kidney disease and aloe vera. I have a cat who was losing weight, had ammonia smell in mouth, was dehydrated and wasn't eating.

I bought Lakewood Organic Pure Aloe (with inner leaf) and mixed a tsp with her wet food and boiled egg yolk every morning for around 5 days already.

She has eats a lot now, pees well and seems to be stronger. She is slowly gaining weight and less dehydrated.

Am grateful for the posts you've made because your advices have helped her a lot.

Thank you!!

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Rene (Kalispell, Mt) on 01/07/2017

My 4 year old lab x is in renal failure. I started aloe juice and the ammonia smell went away.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Jeb1 (Nyc) on 12/15/2016

I give my 16 yr. female cat 1/2 tsp. of Aloe Vera Liquid once in the morning and once in the evening probably every other day. Since I've started giving it to her, she has had regular BMs

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Joanne (Victoria, Canada) on 05/30/2015

George's tastes like water and is completely safe. Our cat goes on it and off it and has for years. I feed her a human diet with plenty of unrefined fats and she's 17 and has no health issues whatsoever. The kidneys of lab animals used to test aloe vera juice were found to last 25% longer. I am a firm believer in aloe vera juice for all, for a dozen varied reasons, and kidney health is one of them.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Harmonica (Northern Illinois, Usa) on 11/24/2014

Editor's Choice

We took in a stray female 3 years ago. She had been on her own for over a month at least. She had a hernia, was in heat, and on the verge of kidney failure. The vet fixed up what he could and told us that this cat of possibly 1 year old was not going to make it given her high creatin (3.3) and BUN levels. Over the next year, we added water to her food and nursed her back to health and a better creatin level.

A year ago in May, the vet said she was starting to move back up (2.8) and that we would have to put her on special food to prolong her life. She refuses the kidney diet food no matter how I hid around her other food. So I came here and read about the Aloe Vera Inner Filet juice that helped others. I bought the 'Lily of the Desert' brand, made sure it said 'Inner Filet' and started using that instead of water to moisten her food.

December 2013, her creatin moved lower to 2.7. Last May it moved to 2.5. This past weekend, it was 2.1. She is without kidney issues now, uses her litter box regularly, cleans her coat thoroughly, has a good weight, is active. I am very thankful for this site for providing me the clue to help our sweet little kitty live a longer, less painful life!

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Jodi (Bloomingburg, Ny, Usa) on 10/23/2011


My cat diagnoised CRF problably 4 yrs ago. She has been on a prescript diet since and doing fairly well. Recently she started getting upset stomaches daily. Shes on a pepcid med. Morning and night and a medication for her upset stomach. Recently I decided (due to this post) that I would add 3 ml. aloe vera juice to 1/2 cup of water. As well as, quarter teaspoon of slippery elm bark on her can food. It seemed to help a little in the first couple of day's. By day 4 and 5 it seemed to help a great deal. It not only stopped the lip smacking and upset ness and throwing up but now a week later she is laying more comfortable. No longer is she a loaf of bread or "meat loaf" position. Her legs our stretched out. She hasn't thrown up in a week. I hope this helps others out there. This site certainly helped me. Thank you.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Holly (Decatur, Georgia) on 04/27/2010

Thank you so much for George's Aloe Vera suggestion for my cat with kidney disfunction. I bought it this morning and have given it to her 3 times today - 3 ml each time - and she has been minimally eating and drinking for the first time in three days. Baby is 15 and has been diagnosed with kidney dysfunction (a nice way of saying "failure" I guess) and hyperthyroidism.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Annie (Baraboo, Wi) on 04/12/2010

In February, I took my 14 1/2 year old miniature dachshund in for a dental cleaning. After running pre-surgical blood work, x-rays and ultrasound, it was discovered one of her kidneys was incredibly enlarged due to cysts and infection. Her kidney was removed and she was doing fine. Two weeks after her surgery she stopped eating and drinking, was vomiting and lethargic. She was in chronic renal failure with a BUN >130 and Creatinine of 5.4. The only option left was hospitalizing her for 36 hours of IV fluids and if it worked it may need to be repeated possibly every week. Due to her age, the fact that she had a bad back, she becomes stressed spending the night in the clinic and all she had already been through, I took her home. I wanted to keep her as comfortable as possible and decided to research Earth Clinic (which I religiously use for myself). I began Peggy's Aloe Vera Juice remedy at 2-3 ml's twice per day as well as 1 tsp ACV in her water (I used a syringe to force her to drink for the first couple of days). Within a couple of days she had stopped vomiting and began eating wet food mixed with baby food and drinking again. I continued the 2-3 ml's twice per day for appx. 1 month during which time she began eating normal amounts of wet and dry food. While continuing to eat and drink normally with no vomiting since the initial episodes, I put her on a maintenance of 2-3 ml of Aloe Vera Juice once per day. Two months later her Creatinine is down to 3.8, she's doing great and the vet was shocked. Thank you so much Peggy, if it weren't for you I don't think our little Sophie would be with us anymore!!

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Elizabeth (New York, Ny) on 09/14/2009


My 12 year old domestic short-hair cat, Roscoe, was diagnosed with CRF 3 weeks ago. After spending 4 days in the hospital, we brought her home and started her on the doctor prescribed kidney-friendly food. After 2 weeks of her showing a strong appetite, she suddenly started vomiting and showed no interest in food or water. She also seemed to be very uncomfortable and I noticed she was going to her litterbox often but not doing anything. After searching online, I found a post on your website written 3/16/2009 by Peggy McAllister regarding the use of aloe vera juice for her cat with CRF to help with both nausea and constipation. I took Peggy's advice and bought the aloe vera juice at my local health food store (I even sought out George's - the brand Peggy recommended as it is additive free and doesn't need to be refrigerated) and it worked like a charm! I mixed 2 1/2 ml in Roscoe's food twice a day (once in the morning and again in the evening). After only one day on the aloe, she had a bowel movement and started eating and drinking again.
I just want to thank Peggy and Earth Clinic for providing the information I needed to help Roscoe get better. It's emotionally very difficult to treat a beloved pet's serious illness, but having resources like this make things a lot easier. Thanks again!

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Peggy McAllister (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) on 03/16/2009

ALOE VERA JUICE FOR gastric upset:

My cat was diagnosed last year with chronic renal failure. And one of the most challenging issues has been his vomiting. I have been giving him fluids on a regular basis, but because renal failure affects the acid in his gut, he would go through some periods of serious projectile vomiting. His gut would be gurgling all the time, and for months, I tried using Famotidine from the vet with little success. Then I tried George's Aloe Vera juice (it has no preservatives like benzoic acid which is poisonous to cats)...and this cat who was throwing up at least once a day has not vomited in three weeks! I give him 2-3 ml in the morning and the same dose at night. Of all the Aloe Vera's. George's seems to be the taste (tastes to me like water), and you don't have to refrigerate it. Available at Whole Foods and probably other natural food staores as well.

This cat's health was going downhill fast, and since the vomiting has turned around, he's gaining weight again and seems MUCH happier (who wouldn't?)

I believe this would have greatly helped my other cat who had hyperthyroid and would vomit whenever her stomach was empty.