Chronic Renal Failure
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Managing Chronic Renal Failure in Pets

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Calcitriol, Raw Beef, Supplements
Posted by Marie (Washington) on 05/07/2017

Editor's Choice

I would like to offer my personal experience with feline kidney failure. About 4 months ago, Emma, my 15 year old cat had a swelling on one side of her nose. The vet examined her and her blood work came back showing the beginning stages of kidney failure. The dental was still possible, and she did have to have one upper canine removed. I did give her some ringers lactate sub q fluids for a week. I noticed she was not eating enough so I started giving her raw beef that I ground up with some extra fat and blood ;about a 2 inch square, to which I added organic eggshell 1/16 tsp powdered, the same amount of nutritional yeast, and a few grains of l lysine. This is I feed her twice a day. She is gaining weight. From 5 to 6 pounds now. She is a petite kitty. She has recently began to play again. She initiates i .That tells me much, and that she is feeling much better.

The most important key however is the use of calcitriol. Kidney failure in any person or animal reduces the ability of vitamin D to be used. This is vital to ensure proper function of everything. I give her .12 ml by mouth every 5th day. I have to say in all the pets I have seen with kidney failure, this supplement, by prescription, is effective. I have tried ALL types of methods to save my pets, and they all have some mild effectiveness, but this actually works. This comes from a special compounding pharmacy. A 15 ml bottle is about $70., and will last a very long time, over 6 months for sure. I only wish I had discovered this sooner. Your vet may not have experience with this so you can look it up for human use to show effectiveness and necessity as all kidney failure shares this processing of Vit D. I know for sure that diet matters. Giving carbs to carnivores promotes high blood sugars therefore defeating the purpose of helping the kidneys. Raw protein in proportion with raw eggshell calcium, which serves to bind phosphates properly restores the correct nutritional balance to the system. Balance is the key.