Bladder Stones in Dogs
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Pet Bladder Stones

| Modified on Jan 29, 2024
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Bladder stones in pets, often a painful and worrying condition, can be effectively managed with natural remedies. Understanding the types of bladder stones and their causes is key to selecting the right treatment and preventive measures.

Types of Bladder Stones in Pets

Bladder stones, or urinary calculi, can form in various parts of the urinary tract but are most commonly found in the bladder. These stones are classified mainly into two types based on their composition:

  • Struvite Stones: Formed from magnesium ammonium phosphate, these stones often develop in alkaline urine and are associated with urinary tract infections.
  • Calcium Oxalate Stones: Typically forming in acidic urine, these stones are less related to infections and more influenced by dietary factors.

Natural Remedies for Managing Bladder Stones

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Organic apple cider vinegar is renowned for its ability to balance pH levels in the urine, making it less hospitable for stone formation. For pets, mix it with food or water at a dose tailored to their size.
  2. Cranberry Extract: Cranberry is effective in preventing bacteria from adhering to the bladder walls, reducing the risk of infection-related struvite stones. Use cranberry supplements specifically designed for pets.
  3. Increased Hydration: Encourage your pet to drink more water by providing fresh, clean water regularly. Wet food can also help increase their overall water intake.
  4. Dietary Changes: Tailoring your pet's diet can significantly impact the formation of bladder stones. For pets prone to struvite stones, a diet promoting slightly acidic urine is beneficial, whereas those prone to calcium oxalate stones may require a diet that avoids oxalate-rich foods. A food containing glucosamine may also be helpful.  Glucosamine helps to form a mucus lining inside the urinary bladder; this creates a barrier and helps to protect the bladder from the irritation caused by the crystals.
  5. Herbal Remedies: Herbs like marshmallow root and uva ursi can support urinary health. They act as natural anti-inflammatories and soothers for the urinary tract.
  6. Probiotics: Probiotics help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora, indirectly supporting urinary health. Choose probiotic supplements specially formulated for pets.

Preventive Measures

  • Regular Vet Check-ups: Regular examinations can help in the early detection and management of bladder stones.
  • Balanced Diet: A diet appropriate for your pet's age, breed, and health status can prevent the formation of bladder stones.


While these natural remedies can be beneficial, they should not replace professional veterinary advice, especially in severe cases. Always consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Continue reading below to explore Earth Clinic readers' experiences with natural treatments for bladder stones in dogs and cats. We encourage you to share how you treated your own pets by contacting us with your story.

Related Links:

Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats: A Holistic Approach to Feline Health
Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs: Natural Remedies for Common Issues
Natural Remedies for Cat UTIs: Safe, Holistic Treatments
Natural Remedies for Dog UTI: Effective, Easy Treatments

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar

6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Clint (Co) on 02/27/2017

Amazing. I have a 4 month old Rottweiler and she was peeing almost straight blood clots and all u read this forum started her on this Apple Cider Vinegar immediately and not even24 hours later no blood in urine didn't realize the benefits if something sooo simple...I have a 4 y.o. Rottweiler and as all of us know the other water dish is better than there's so I used it in both so many uses can't hurt right and now I take a daily dose, helps with diabetes, high blood pressure weight loss. Apple Cider Vinegar the 5$ miracle

Replied by Sharon

You are so right!! $5.00 miracle! My Jack Russell developed bladder stones and the vet immediately wanted to do surgery. I found info on sites like this and decided to try this first due to the fact that Chloe is getting old. Her last surgery scared me to death cuz I wasn't sure the old girl would make it! ((Vet pulled teeth, without consent while she was being fixed.

After 1 week on the ACV she is back to her old self. Who knew that a 5 dollar remedy would work so well compared to a 700 dollar surgery. Vet has called twice trying to schedule her a surgery. They don't even ask how she's doing, just are you ready to have the procedure done!! All about the $$$.

Replied by Alejandra

Can I use ACV long term?

Replied by Irina
(Staten Island< Ny)

I am also need to do Neutering procedure for an 11y dog weimarunner GREY bleeding from urine for a month. It is always unknown when you use anesthesia for older pet.

Replied by Denise W.
(Akron, Ihio)

My six-year-old white German Shepherd has struvite crystals in her urine and I'd like to know what is the doseagevof apple cider vinegar I would give her, she is about 82 lbs. Also, because it doesn't taste very good, can I put it in peanut butter or honey to disguise it?

Replied by Dee Dee

Is there capsules or the liquid APC?

Replied by Josh
(Lakeside, Ca)

Did you have any idea how big the stones were before you started the ACV? My dog she's 7 yrs old, Dachshund Pit bull mix has 5 bladder stones ranging in size with the biggest being around 36MM (1.5 inch) I'm gonna try the ACV trick first to avoid the 800 at minimum dollar surgery. Vet said surgery is a must due to the sizes but if the ACV breaks them down I'm hoping for enough to pass and hope they pass with ease and not end up requiring emergency surgery as it could then turn into thousands of dollars....

Thanks Josh

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)


You might also consider 'stone breaker' remedy Chanca Piedra. Please keep in mind that remedies take time to work - not overnight, but likely weeks. A blocked bladder can result in death. If you choose to avoid the surgery please monitor your dog carefully to be sure she can void her bladder, and watch for painful bladder infections and blood in her urine. A scheduled surgery is far less expensive than an emergency room procedure. Please keep us posted!

Replied by Debbie

How much Apple Cider Vinegar for bladder stones in a 14# schnoodle? Thank you.

Replied by Sofi

I just have a question my yorkie is 7 years old and she went to the Vet on Monday they did an xray and showed she has 3 large stones in her bladder. They recommend operating which is very expensive $1500-$3500, they gave me a Prescription for the Hills Diet Urinary Care which she doesn't want to eat. Will ACV help her in breaking the stones down? she is peeing but strains from anal and her rectal comes out?

(St Pete)

The nourishment is low in the Hills urinary food. More highly recommended is the Royal canine.

Replied by Cheryl

My Husky has bladder stones...I would like to start holistic treatment for them with ACV...I am starting to mix 1/4th teaspoon mixed in her food...Can any of you tell me the correct dose? anthing is worth a try....Thank you so much ...I do not want her to have an expensive operation she is 8 years old and is 45 pounds...

EC: You will find dosing information here.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Woonsocket, Ri) on 03/06/2016

Thank God and all of you for this site!

I recently adopted an 8 year old gorgeous female I called Lily. The shelter said their vet cured her of struvite crystals and she'd have to be on expensive prescription food forever. I said ok yet when I got her home she stared at the litter box like she'd never seen one b/4 then she'd lie in it but didn't do much else, sometimes going 24 hrs w/o voiding. Hmmm she wasn't 'cured' that's for sure...

To cut a long story 'shorter' I found you guys and tried 1/4 tsp of ACV & 3 tbsp of distilled water and mixed it carefully in wet food which miss super-finicky gobled up and by her 2nd portion, today, she voided the largest clump of urine I've seen since she came home with me 3 weeks ago. She's happier than I've ever seen her and she's acting like a 2 yr old. Running, playing, jumping etc. I can't believe it, all in ONE DAY! I'm in tears writing this. I'm so thankful to all of you for all your excellent information...

Love, Lily and me P.S. My vet also said she was 'fine' then charged a fortune for the visit & the food!

Replied by Stephanie
(Waterbury Ct)

How does this work? My dog has been having blood in his urine. UTI test came back negative. Vet would like to do X-RAYS and possibly surgery if needed. How does the ACV work? Do you put it in the food or water? And for how long do you do this? What is it that makes this work? Thx :)

Replied by Sierra
(Uncasville, Ct)

Can I just clarify that with the ACV treatment the dog does not have to change their food to the expensive Rx. dog food? If there is a store brand of food that helps keep the stones at bay I'm all for it. But 6lb bags at $25/ bag is not what I call living life. My dog also has a food sensitivity, so she has to eat lamb not chicken or beef.

Can anyone give a dosage of the ACV I heard in water and in yogurt and in regular food?

Replied by Rose
(New Jersey)

My 3 year old dog has not been peeing right for some time. I have tried her with the Apple Cider Vinegar and sea salt im her water and in her dry food . I also give it to her in her water but she still isn't drinking it. What should I do? Need help.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Start of with a small amount. When she's drinking that gradually increase.

Replied by Pabusmom
(St. Louis, Mo)

Please help me help Pabu! My dog, Pabu, was diagnosed with bladder stones in 2013. His vet suggested he be put on Royal Canine or Hill's Rx dog food for the rest of his life, which is all I have purchased since his diagnosis. In February 2016 Pabu had surgery to remove the bladder stones. The vet opened him, attempted to remove the stones but couldn't get them. Then, he closed him back up to take another X-ray, re-opened my baby and made another attempt to retrieve the stones to no avail. $2,000 later my Pabu still has bladder stones. The recover was so horrible that I didn't think Pabu would survive. The vet claims that he couldn't remove the stones because they had moved into his urethra. His vet went on to tell me that it is essential that the stones be removed immediately by a specialist. So basically another surgery. He also stated that if the specialist could not remove the stones Pabu's male genitalia would have to be amputated and converted to the female genitalia, which sounds absolutely absurd to me! I never returned to that vet; however, I am locked in a healthcare plan with Banfield for the rest of the year with no recourse. The new Banfield vet is also stating he needs surgery to have the stones removed and said that he now has particles of the stones in his urethra. They are telling me that male dogs cannot pass via the male genitalia.

I am afraid that if I try the apple cider vinegar it may break up the stones and they may get trapped in his urethra, but I seriously oppose another surgery. Please, please give me some advise to save my doggie. He's an 8-year old Lhasa Apso and is so amazingly sweet.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hello Pabu's Mom,

Some have reported good results using the herb Chanca Piedra, also known as Phyllanthus niruri. You can find 'stonebreaker' herbal combinations for sale online or from vendors. Google and read up and see if this is indicated for Pabu.

Replied by Ann

Mix a spoon of wet food with lots of water and add dry food as well. My dog drinks lots of water this way.

Replied by Natalie
(Hong Kong)

My dog is a 14-year-old chihuahua and has just found out she has gallstones. She too old to undergo such a big operation. Is this remedy appropriate for her? She's only 1.1kg, she has lost a lot of weight in the last 2 months and her urine is yellow and the whites of her eyes are a little yellow as well. She's currently in hospital and we don't think it's a good idea for surgery as she might not be able to wake up? Is this remedy suitable for her? Please, this is urgent

Replied by Jana

My dog has ben suffering with peeing issues.he's allmost ten so I thaught it was prostate issues, so I had him fixed but it seems the problem is even worse now??? I dont know if its stones but I'm sure willing to use ACV and see if it might help.. (it helps me:) thank you for such helpfull info.

Replied by Rececca

My dog has bladder stones.. from last 3 years he is been facing this issue.. Vet has recommended for surgery but I m little scared of it.. That's why I was searching for home remedies.. when I saw about this remedy.. I tried this with my dog by giving him one tablespoon in drinking water bowl for two days.. but he started vomiting for next two days. What to do now because I don't want him to go for surgery. I need help ASAP!

EC: Hi Rebecca, are you giving your dog organic apple cider vinegar? What brand of apple cider vinegar are you using?

Replied by Kim
(Great Falls)

I have a 10yr old Shih Tzu that last yr I noticed sm little stones on the hair around her genital area. The vet said it was stones and she did have a UTI, she put her on antib.and Royal Cann OS to help. That was a yr ago and she has been on the same food since. We have seen small stones that she has passed still and now her ph 8. The vet did a ultra sound and also felt a small stone in her bladder that she doesn't think she will be able to pass and wants to do surg. The stones she passed was sent to lab and came back as a triple C. I really don't want to do surg. and want to get her off this food and try a natural diet and try to get this stone to break up. Would using ACV help her? I know she also has S. crystals in the urine. Her ph is now down to 6.5. If I give her the ACV will that make things worse or is there a chance it would help break up that stone in the bladder so it will come out without surg? I need help and fast as surg is to be in 2wks. I would like any suggestions to help. Please...

Replied by Pamela
(Wantagh, Ny)

Struvite and Calcium oxalate crystals- 2yr old, 60lb male english bulldog

I am EXTREMELY thankful to this website. My husband and I took in a 2 year old, 60lb male English Bulldog-the family had another bulldog and they were getting into many fights. Long story short I noticed he would urinate frequently and when taking him to the Vet, he was diagnosed with Struvite and Calcium oxalate crystals. I assume the previous owners never realized he had a UTI and he eventually developed the crystals.

I am terribly concerned because this is my first time- as a pet owner- dealing with a canine that has crystals, and like other parents to a fur child, I want him to live a comfortable life.

The Vet prescribed Hills dry CD food and as I have been doing my research I have found terrible reviews about this food. Jackson- my fur child- has been on CD for less than a month now, and his stool is very soft and he is excessively shedding and no longer has a shiny coat.

What dog food would be good to switch him to that provide healthy ingredients and that is also low-protein? Is the low protein diet meant to be given for less than six months? As of today I will be incorporating the ACV into his water and food. Is 1/2 a tsp sufficient?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!


Replied by Beverly
(Hickory Nc)

i have a small dog and she has bladder stones and I have been cooking her a egg morning and evening and put a teaspoon of the apple cider vinegar in the egg and she loves it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pauline (Citrus Heights, CA) on 02/01/2007

I have had nothing but trouble with this little dog I rescued 2 years ago. Prior owner, did not want her anymore, as she kept having UTI's and peeing. I knew this when I got her. After many doc appointments, and a spay. Finally one doctor told me, that she would need surgery, as she had bladder stones. I opt out of surgery, and went on line to find out, what if anything I could do to help this little dog. Since Oct of 2006, I have not only changed the way I feed Dottie, BUT, have incorporated ACV into her food. I HAVE HAD NO ILLNESS, NOR has she had any more UTI's or stones. I cannot thank Earthclinc enough. NOW..when I get phone calls from my friends regarding issues with their dogs, I refer them to this site. and tell them about my beautiful Dottie. Dottie is now 3ish and is a Peke. ACV was such a simple solution. Why vets don't use a more holistic approach to a health dog is beyond me!

Replied by Pam
(San Antonio)

My little dog is suffering from bladder stones. She had to have surgery to have them removed in August. The last couple of days she seems to be having issues with urinating again. My vet has recommended she eat the prescription dog food. My question is …… how much ACV should she take daily? Thanks!

Replied by Karina
(New York)

Thank you for your post, I am having the same problem with my dog. I am going to try ACV.

Can you tell me for how long I have to give my dog ACV? Is there any side effect? Thank you!!!

Replied by Deborah
(Sacramento, Ca)

Wow, Apple cider vinegar!!! ?? That's amazing. I have been giving my daushund baking soda for her reoccuring bladder stone, have you heard of that?

Replied by Teri

I have a female German Shepherd that is peeing blood. Dr. put her on antibiotics which doesn't seem to be working. I was wondering about trying Apple Cider Vinegar but not sure how much and how to give to her. Can anyone help? Thank you.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Teri (Ca)

Please do stop the antibiotics and give kefir or a good probiotic right away to offset the damage.

For internal bleeding give a tsp. turmeric powder in the probiotics till the bleeding stops. This will work very well.

Antibiotics are dangerous as they are the precurser of candida and cancer. also the immune system will be depressed at a time when it is most needed.

Research EC on Essiac four herb all roots attached which in my opinion is the best course of action. I got my Essiac from EssiacWest online. Read the instructions well and start with a much lower dosage, working up to the desired dosage.

All the best. Namaste Om

Replied by Geoff
(Lancaster, Sc)

How much do you give? Is it so much per body weight?

Replied by Linda

Isn't acv alkaline? When my lil shitzu gets this, they tell me push fluids and acidic things.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carole (NJ) on 05/06/2006

Editor's Choice

I have an 11 lb. Chihuahua. His urine was always at a pH of 8 with crystals forming. I put him on a urinary acidifier tablet for a couple of years and it did not do anything. I tried 1/2 teaspoon of ACV once a day and in only one week his urine pH went down to 5!!! Even the doctor was amazed when I told her what I did.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachel (St. Louis, MO)

My parent's dog had horrible kidney stones and a urinary tract infection. He could not hold his urine sometimes and other times he could not release it. He was in a lot of pain. The vet reccomended surgery. My mom was reluctant because she believes in natural cures and the fact that there is a 40% chance of it repeating in a year. She put him on a special diet and it didn't work. After two days of putting him on the Apple Cider Vinegar, he appears to be cured! They put a little in his drinking water and a few drops in his food. It worked like a wonder drug! He is happy and energetic again and is no longer having accidents or in pain. He is back to his old self. Highly Recomended!

Replied by Elizabeth
(Corning, New York)

How much Apple Cider Vinegar should I put in his water? He's about 68 lbs and the vet said he may bladder stoned. It would cost over 400 for all the tests and I cannot afford it. I put 2 tbls in his water dish tonite and I'm hoping for good news. Thank you

Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Diamond (Ma.) on 04/17/2015

Willa; I have lightened up some on ACV and changed over to coconut oil organic and virgin or extra virgin if any available, it has helped my very sick cat 100% she was vomiting constantly until she was spitting up blood, I took her to the vets, costing me $150.00 and I could not see any results, so the coconut oil has done wonders for my cat, because she was a dumpster diver(stray) her immune system was damaged to almost no repairing .I cook her chicken and mix coconut oil in with her food every time she eats (3 or more times a day)and she seems to stay stable & she just loves the taste. Another thing every one should remember or know is tha t"All"animals eat grass because it's their form of medicine, if cats are held inside for the duration they crave this fresh grass like I crave sweets etc..

If any one cares to do a web search on the remedies for coconut oil, it has a huge amount of help and remedies.

Grass can be found at most leading stores or in a garden center or in my back yard where it needs mowing LOL.Good Luck.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Looola (Falmouth, Cornwall England) on 05/09/2009

We have a retired greyhound who had bladder stones when we got her, hundreds of pounds later she had to be fed CD for 4 months. our fantastic vet suggested cranberry tablets, one a day with her supper. we have not had any problems with her since! hope this helps

Posted by Joanna (Ottawa, Ontario) on 11/27/2008

I know that cranberry juice is belived to be most effective as form of UTI prevention. However; I would like to know if pets taking cranberry juice are more prone to develop crystal and stones such us oxalate stones? My cocker spaniel takes cranberry juice daily 1 cap. a day, she has not been sick since last year. The last time she had UTI the vet said that she has high level of crystals, could she get them form cranberry juice?

Replied by Linda
(Rancho Dominguez, Ca)

Does your dog's food contain Ash? What is your dog's pH value? When ash and similar are not completely flushed from your dog's system, it can form crystals/stones. A dog's pH value should be slightly acidic at around 6.8 or so. Whatever your dog eats or drinks (even water) can affect pH value. If too alkaline (above 7. 0), it can help cause crystals. Check it out.

Cranberry, D- Mannose

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kk (Houston, Tx) on 07/23/2012

My 13 year old terrier mix had bladder surgery four years ago to remove a massive bladder stone. She had suffered with bladder infections for years and ended up with blood in her urine and needed 2,000 dollar surgery! A very large stone was removed. After the surgery to avoid *another* expensive, painful surgery I started sprinkling cranberry powder or D-mannose with Cranactin powder on her food. Just a quarter to a half a powdered capsule. It worked GREAT! The urinary tract infections stopped and the crystals stopped appearing in her urine. Her vet said to keep doing what I was doing because it worked! I also give her bottled water now.

Cystine Bladder Stones Remedies

Posted by Leroy (El Paso, TX.) on 04/21/2021

I have a 4 yr. old Bulldog that gets cystine bladder stones. He has had two surgeries already. Now they want to cut everything off and make him like a female which I find unacceptable at this point. Is there anyone out there that knows how to at least control these types of stones or crystals? What I understand is this type of stone is the worst one to have. There a lot of different types of stones and one remedy for one may make another type worse.

People talk of stones and remedies in their dogs but do not say what type of stone it is. It makes a huge difference. You must know what you are dealing with. I have researched and know a little about it but have not found anything that is effective as yet.

I would greatly appreciate any info good or bad.

Thanks a lot.

Replied by Deirdre

Hello Leroy,

I am so sorry to hear about the issues you are having with your bulldog. Have you tried changing your dog's diet? Can you please let us know which brands you have tried and the types of food (kibble, canned, raw)?

Have you tried a raw or freeze-dried raw food diet? It can clear up an enormous amount of issues, as I found out when I put both of my 15 year old dogs on a freeze-dried diet.

Finally, I am sure there is a vet out there that will know what kind of diet works well to prevent cystine bladder stones in dogs. If you do a web search, you may be able to find a specialist in the field who will do a phone consult. Vets prescribe a very specific diet for cats with bladder stones all the time so I am sure it is the same for dogs. Diet is often key in my opinion.

Dietary Changes

1 User Review

Posted by Sophiesmom (Economy, Pennsylvania) on 08/02/2015

My 2-1-2 year old female lab had bladder stone surgery on July 16. She had been on Earthborn Holistic grain free bison food for 2 years with no problems. I would give her a little plain yogurt and a drizzle of molasses too. Now the vet put her on Royal Canin which she promptly threw up in chunks every night at 3am. I read the ingredients, chicken byproducts and corn. Yuck! So my vet told me to put her back on the Earthborn and gradually introduce her to Hills prescription for struvite and oxalate stones. She has had it three days now and threw up last night at 3am but primarily just phlegm. She is starving on this low protein crappy food! The vet hasn't gotten the stone results back yet. Her PH urine is 6.5. The grass is killed everywhere she urinates too. I wish I could just give her a good quality, grain free, holistic food like chicken food and try adding some potassium citrate or ACV in it. I was told the stones could come back.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Hello, Sophie'smom (Economy, Pennsylvania) ---

I can well understand your frustration about your poor dog's condition.

For one thing, all Vets seem to sell Hill's garbage in expensive plastic bags. In years of caring for many pets, I have learned my lesson. You must do your own. Vets have no education in nutrition.

I feed a grain free fish or chicken top quality kibble which I soak in left over steaming liquid from veggies so that the food is not hard to digest. I process a mixture of veggies and add a scant tsp. turmeric and some slices of fresh ginger, all to be pureed. I mix the kibbles with this and top the dish with hemp seed oil or coconut oil. Plus a tbsp. ACV which disappears in the mix. Some veggies have to be steamed though. I also provide b-vitamins in Nutritional Yeast from the health food store.

I have long stopped to see vets as I do not want a mortgage on my house and a sick animal. For instance, my Newfie mix rescue has a bad long time skin condition mostly painfully on his beautiful tail. A by passing vet said the tail should be amputated. Do I need to say more? An open admission that they know very little.

Be your own vet and, yes, kefir or unsweetened yoghourt are very good. If you look up EC's remedy and ailment sections, you may find many good hints to try out. Even the ones for people as well as the pet section. Wish you both well.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

to Sophie'smom --- I forgot to mention to get organic parsley and make a soup with it to throw over the vegetables. Also, if you have access to unsprayed dandilyon, the entire plant - and dogs and cats love the tea in their kibbles. This is true super nutrition. Namaste, Om

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

S: The severity and chronic nature of this UTI infection suggest more than kidneys affected. I know from experience that if the Liver or Colon are not in good shape, the kidneys will take the brunt and never get better despite treatments.

To clean your Canine's Colon, give only a pinch (maybe 1/4 spoon for Lab weighing 50lb+) in food once or twice a wk for a couple wks. This will proly stop the vomit problem.

What about water source? Tap water needs filtering. Add a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to the drinking bowl to kill internal infections.

One more effective remedy I use on my pets, as for nutrition, which you seem to be struggling with. Add a few granules of Bee Pollen to the food daily. Bee Pollen contains all the nutrition not found in commercial foods and more, much more.

Replied by Dharmony

Here is a link to a really good paper from Whole Dog Journal on stones. Diet change is not always necessary. You are right not to want to give crappy food. Once you find out which kind of stones she had you could look it up here. Good luck. Canine Kidney Stone and Bladder Stone Prevention

Replied by Sophiesmom
(Economy, Pa)

I gave Sophie a tiny bit of food before she went to bed and she kept it down. I just think that low protein prescription food is not filling her up. She is starving!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Sophie's Mom!

I agree with you - the non-grain meat diet with all the protein is the way to go - JMHO.

Low protien diets in conjunction with antibiots help stones to dissolve but a low protien diet has not shown to prevent their formation.


What can help is distilled water and wet food - or soaked kibble, and incentives to increase water intake such as bowls of flavored broths next to the water bowl.

Your girl's PH is in the good zone, but having ph test strips on hand can help alert you to problems as the ph changes when there is an infection which then allows the stones to grow larger.

The stones may well recur - some dogs are simply prone to this condition. Staying on top of things by checking the PH will help you keep your girl comfortable and as symptom free as possible.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tori (Huntington Beach, CA) on 03/29/2015

My vet basically told me that my dog had to stay on Hill's Prescription (UTI) food or Royal Canin for the rest of her life. Both of these brands (the only dry dog food for UTI) are cost prohibitive at $60-$85 a BAG for 30lbs....$120 or more per month for DRY dog food! Hill's food is considered inferior and Royal Canin is only a little bit better. There was at least one study that I read out of UC Davis that indicated that the reduced amounts of protein in these foods is not good for dogs on a permanent basis. The purpose of the food is to help break up stones, not to stop bladder infections. The infection is a separate that correct? The crystals only become a problem when there is a bladder infection?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Toni!

I agree with your vet; your dog needs a special diet for life. Now, there is no saying it must be Prescription Hills or Royal Canin - but it does need to be designed to help dissolve and prevent crystals; consider daily supplementation with D manose powder to help prevent UTIs.

The Prescription Hills and other prescription diets that are so expensive actually do a good job at what they are formulated to do: while the OTC Hills diets are essentially crap, the prescription lines do a good job of keeping a pet with certain disorders alive. NO diet is fool proof - I have a friend with a pug with stones who has been feeding prescription Hills since day one who is now on the canned diet to dissolve stones: the reality is, if your pet is genetically predisposed to a disease condition there is no magic diet. All you can do is monitor your pet carefully, try to prevent the formation of stones or crystals and monitor your pet carefully to provide vet care or surgery if it comes to that point.

You mention crystals - did you get a diagnosis of struvite crystals for your dog? Adding ACV to your dog's diet may help to dissolve and prevent the formation of these crystals.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Danny (West Virginia) on 09/24/2018

Our 7lb chiwawa (sic) was almost completely stopped up. I rubbed a substantial amount of DMSO on his prostate area and winky. In about 8 hours he popped out a white mass that looked like a worm but apparently was softened stones blocking his urethra and peed a potty paper full. That was about 2 months ago. It is happening again now, and I have once again applied the DMSO, and he is getting some relief but it has been about 12 hours. Gonna try some ACV now to finish the job and reapply the DMSO.

Ester C

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Arlene (Brick, New Jersey) on 01/18/2010

I have a 9 year old Bischon. When she was 3, she had a degenerative disc and the surgery resulted in her having involuntary evacuation of both urine and poop. She has also had recurring blood in her urine. At my Vet's suggestion, I have been giving her 250 mg of Ester C. No blood in some time. actually, the Vet recommended Vit. C but I learned through research that Vit. C causes Acid which is what causes the crystals in her urine so the Ester C works miracles. She loves it in a tiny bit of peanut butter.

Replied by Jan
(Sugar Land Tx)

Would you tell me what brand of Ester C did you purchase? My Duke takes Gabapentin 100 MG twice daily; I will have to search the Internet to try and find outhe if there would be drug interactions. Any idea if maybe the ACT would be okay to give him?

Replied by Nanatracey

Can y'all please tell me why a dog would take gabapentin? my 12 yr old JR Shortbread has a recurring stone and we got the "special food" which he does not like-forget about 'leave the food out til he eats it'! He's already stuck in place for 2+ minutes trying to push this thing out. I'm taking notes on all the comments-thanks! ACV though, he smells it a mile away lol

i have tramadol for him but he smells that too.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey NanaTracey,

Gabapentin is used for pain relief from chronic pain.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey NanaTracey,

Gabapentin is used for pain relief from chronic pain.

General Feedback

Posted by Jennifer (Dallas, Tx, Usa) on 12/30/2011

I haven't noticed anyone mention vitamin C. It's normally not good for dogs because they produce their own, but with a UTI, it's a natural anti-inflammatory and it helps create the acidic environment in the bladder to ward off the bacteria. My baby was crying with her first one, and the Vitamin C helped within 20 minutes. Now, I use ACV when she gets one but if she has pain and cries, I give the vit. C.

Also I noticed some people talking about drinking a lot - I don't think that is a sign of UTI. That is usually more serious like diabetes or kidney probs. and need to go to the vet.

Ideally, we'd go to the vet everytime regardless of what it looks like. If we're wrong and it's crystals or stones the dog could die.

Even if we choose to treat with ACV instead of drugs, a vet confirmation is ideal.

We can't all always do that, but please at least look online and make sure to the best of your ability that you are treating the right thing.

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