Natural Remedies

Dog Allergy Remedies

Digestive Enzymes

Posted by PugMomof3 (Phoenix, Az) on 07/26/2009

My pug, 3 yrs old, has had skin problems (itchy, scaly, smelly) since day 1. The other day I thought, maybe it's a digestion issue. Got her some digestive enzymes at the chain pet store, after one dose, I can see a difference! She's not eating herself alive!!

Evening Primrose Oil

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Posted by Lily (Melbourne, Australia, Vic) on 02/27/2012

I have a dog that's been scratching almost obsessively since he was a puppy and after 2 years of wearing a cone, we narrowed down the possibilities from diet, exercise, anything the vet could think of.

We have gone through maybe 4 vets and so much medication and it's not right for anyone to be taking so much medication because of liver or kidney damage in the long term.

We did an allergens test to detect ALL the possible allergens our dog was prone to and found out he was allergic to pollen, the poor thing.

So it's worth talking to a good vet and really monitoring your pet. We now give our dog evening primrose oil about 3 times a week and it has helped tremendously. There were other treatments such as injecting him with a pollen vaccination everyday for a year but we didn't find that too humane.

Good luck and I hope you find a solution :)

Replied by Aurelia
(Ormond Beach, Fl)

How much Evening Primrose oil for an 8 pound Yorkie? Can I put it on the itchy spot as well as in her food?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Aurelia!

You can try 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with food.

My computer is glitching up right now and my internet is about to konk out, else I would do this search for you - but you can search the site for Ted's replies in the allergy and mange sections as he does mention use of evening primrose for dry skin.

Good luck!

Replied by Don
(Ormond Beach)

We have a 60 pound golden puppy...scratching like much primrose oil for his size??

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Don!

For a dog that size I would start off with the human dosage as indicated on the bottle.

Replied by Lynn
(Ross Shire)

My 2 year old Jack Russell has been on steroids for most of her life now due to allergies and is losing her coat to the extent I will have to have her wear a coat all the time. Can anyone tell me if evening primrose will help her and will it help her coat grow again. I would appreciate any and all suggestions as the vet is at a loss. Lynn

Replied by Deirdre

Dear Lyn,

Please read Earth Clinic's pages on yeast infections and allergies for suggestions about dietary changes. One of my dogs was having a lot of skin issues for several years and losing all his fur and I insisted the vet run a thyroid panel on him. She then ran an additional T-4 test to verify he was hypothyroid. After a month on the lowest dosage of thyroid medications, his energy returned and his fur grew in thicker and more beautiful than ever. I also put both him on a raw food diet and that has helped his allergies immensely.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Lynn, go with your primrose oil but there are so many things to try: vit c echinacea, garlic, coconut oil, Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother internally and externally and definitely probiotics, I believe you have to look after the immune system to clear this up so therefore I would look at the diet so give the healthiest diet you can stay away from grain a lot of dry has this remember not a overnight cure try for a couple of weeks then try something else get back if none of these are working we can always look at something else .........good luck

Evening Primrose Oil, Dietary Changes

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Posted by Nickyadams6 (Daventry, United Kingdom) on 08/03/2016

This is about evening primrose and my dogs allergies


i came across this site when I was looking for remedies to help my Staffordshire Bull terriers itching.

His allergies first came to our attention when we noticed a bald patch on his hind leg.He was very red on his belly, ears and eyes. Runny nose. We took him to the vet and through his insurance got him tested for everything. His main allergies are Dustmites, Storage mites( found in dry food ) wheat, and some seasonal grasses, and leaves. We started off on the prescribed vets tablets, but I thought there must be something better for my young dog. He was only 5-6 months at the time. I found this site and started him on Evening Primrose 1000mg plus Chlorphenamine ( antihistamine 4mg)with his food in the morning and 500mg Evebing Primrose and an anthistamine in his second meal. I stopped feeding my birds bread as he would happily eat the leftovers( wheat)got him on a raw food diet( natures menu frozen nuggets) wipe him with wipes after every walk to get any allergens off. Even sausage treats whilst training him were stopped as sausages have breadcrumbs in them. So really it's all trial and error, but he is 19months old now, And his symptoms are well and truly at bay and bald patches are no more!

So thankyou for the information on your site, it has changed my beautiful dogs life.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Nickyadams6, you are lucky. You got on your dogs problem so soon. Some people go for years before finding a solution to skin problems. You have to try something then if that dosen't work try something else. But a good place to start is always the diet and then the environment. Good luck for the future.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney Australia)

Nickyadams6, you are lucky you got on your dog's problem so soon. Some people go for years before finding a solution to skin problems, you have to try something then if that doesn't work, try something else, but a good place to start is always the diet and then the environment. Good luck for the future.

Feverfew Tea

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Posted by Beth (Seattle) on 04/07/2023

I have a cat that has been itchy and licking obsessively so much so that her stomach was bare and she had bare spots on her back legs. I went to the vet who prescribed prednisone. If you look up the side effects of such, you might pass out, as they are way worse than the itching and it probably would kill her. I first gave her a bath with lime sulfur and used a doughnut collar afterwards for a few days that did seem to help and then I heard on YT “Veterinary Secrets” that you could use feverfew tea. You make it just like regular tea using the herb feverfew, which luckily I grow. I took my cat and held her in the bathroom, so it didn't matter getting the floor wet. I used a clean sponge and gave her a sponge bath with the feverfew tea. I got her pretty wet with it. She didn't like the bath. However, since I held her, she wasn't as afraid as if I had put her in the tub. It seems to have worked. The places on each of her back legs have hair now that didn't before. I think it was mites that we're making her lick herself. I like this guy and will try this next time they have fleas!

Fish Oil

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Posted by Carol (Flushing, Michigan Usa) on 08/16/2009

i have an 8 year old cat. about 2 years ago she developed sores and itching. and had several bald spots on her all over. the vets gave her injections to get rid of it but it was only temporay and they eventually came back. i decided to try fish oil capsules on her . i poked a hole in one twice a day and she loved the taste of the oil and soon all her sores and itching went away her fur grew back soft and full. it has been several months now and no more itching or sores.

Replied by Rockel

Hi, I was wondering what kind of fish oil Carol used and the dosage! My kitty is soooo itchy! She is on a grain-free diet but I believe has seasonal allergies. I hope this helps!

Fish Oils and Vegetables

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Posted by Ade (Cape Town, South Africa) on 06/07/2009

Dogs chewing and biting skin:

Hi, I own two Sher Pai's, one which chewed her skin to such a degree that the vet wanted to put her down. I have discovered that the Sher Pai's, Husky, and the Chow need fish oils and vegies in thier diet. By cooking up a pot of carrots, pumpkin, green beans, garlic and fish, I was able to make enough for three to four meals, which they ate daily for about two months. Now they eat this concoction twice a week. The difference in thier coats is unbelievable.

Flax Seed Oil

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Posted by Tanya (Newport, NY) on 03/10/2007

My dog gets severe itching 2x per year due to allergies. I usually take her to the vet to refill her prenizone?. I hate the way it affects her. Constant urinating, weird eyes, always real hungry & thirsty. I was sick of seeing her like that. I search the internet for a natural remedy. FLAXSEED OIL!!! It is a natural anti inflamitory. I gave it a shot. 1 tbls 2-3x per day in 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Her allergy was gone in 2 days, (opposed to 1 week with the meds) & she had more energy. Please search the internet for more information on this all natural oil. You wont beleive it. Both for you and your pets. PS I'm trying the apple cider vinegar diet I found on this site, I will keep you posted on my progress. Thank You for this wonderful website.

General Feedback

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Posted by Caireboo (Oxfordshire, UK) on 10/12/2014

Apologies if this has been mentioned already. There are so many pages and my concentration is terrible but while in here about one of my dogs heart issues I thought I should post my experience with my other dogs allergies. He is a cavalier King Charles spaniel who after being allergy tested is found to be allergic to too much to list but things like weeds, grass etc are the worst. He gets skin so itchy it ripples to the touch, flaky dandruff, hot spots etc. I tried so many remedies which failed but skin eze herbal supplement worked so well I stopped his anti inflammatory injections at the vets. I live in th UK and allergic are US based; however, they do ship here. It's quite expensive so I tend to order in bulk. I give my 24 lb Cav 2 capsules 4 times a day and increase the number of capsules as needed. He isn't cured, his skin still ripples and the dandruff is there but he doesn't drive himself so mad he yelps with the itching and howls in distress

If you are also in the UK and can't afford skin Eze or want to supplement it I have also found skin & itch by homeopet and allergy aid by phytopet to be good. Both are available on

I hope these help cos seeing your pet driven mad by itching is heartbreaking. Good luck.

General Feedback
Posted by Kim (Coeur D'alene, Id) on 10/11/2011

Hi Everyone: I'm grateful to have found this page, and if HALF of what I'm hearing about ACV is true, my life and my Yorkies will change. Lily is 10. She was my mothers, who passed away 4 years ago so I adopted her. She is a precious gift that came with lots of skin issues. Lily has had "allergies" since she was very little and has been on more doses of anti-biotics and steroids than you can imagine. Living in South Florida she was not only allergic to grass and mold, but chicken. We changed her diet to Venison and Sweet Potato or brown rice but se is still chewing her feet, shaking her ears, goopy eyes, stuffy breathing. To make matters worse, when my mother passed, we now take her between our Idaho home and our Florida home so she is exposed to lots more airborne things and she is misrable.

Between me and my mother, we have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on her but how can you not. She has to be comfortable. We've been in Idaho since April and I've probably spent 3 thousand dollars on vet visits, medicine and cultures because nothing seems to be working. The last culture indicated she had a bacteria that was resistant to all traditional anti-biotics because she had been on them so many times that they don't work any more.

She is now on Chloramphenical oral and topical (which is so bad for humans that I have to wear gloves when handeling it. Very scary) Atopica, Fluconazole, Temeral P, topical steroids for her feet because she chews and eye stuff for the goop, AND NOTHING IS WORKING. She has pustules which the doctor said was common with Atopic Dermitis and her belly skin is turning black with darker patches, which he said was due to age, but maybe not. I have to stop this madness for both of us. I am going to change her food again and her treats because they have oats. I'll give her Coconut Oil and use Ted's solution to bath her and use the ACV for the eyes and feet. I cannot see her this way and it's making me crazy.

I'll keep you posted. Just started today.

Thanks for all the postings. We love our animals and need to keep them comfortable.

Replied by In The Same Boat
(Metairie, Louisiana, Usa)

We bought a tiny toy poodle that from day one has cost us thousands of dollars. He had vomiting and diarrhea for 2 or 3 years. Switched him to ZD dog food, hypoallergenic. Was fine with occassional allergies. Then took him to TN for vacation. Allergies never went away. Plus we had BP oil spill and burning oil in air. He gets yeast in ears. Been cleaning with diluted apple cider vinegar. Coat is dry. Constantly scratches ears, and licks feet. No hair loss or wounds. Starting a raw diet and have started adding flaxseed oil to his food. See bark website. Natural vet gives list of supplements that can be added to their food to help allergies. Acidophillus is one. Don't want to continue to give him benadryl (taking twice a day) because it just knocks him out. Don't want to give him steroids because of the possibility of muscle necrosis, as well as long term use can cause cushings disease.

Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned

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Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 11/03/2008

Last winter each morning I would wake up to find greyish goop in each of our dogs' eyes. Our elder dog Max had it the worst, and I had to clean out his eyes 4-5 times a day. I finally put two and two together and realized that their eye problems probably had to do with what was coming out of our air ducts when the heater was on. So last summer we had all the vents and air ducts cleaned out by a company I found on Angie's list that had high ratings. Finally last week we turned the heat back on when it hit the low 30s during the night and I got to test my theory. I am happy to report that the dogs have no more eye gunk problems! We've only lived in this house for a couple of years, but the previous owners did a lot of construction in order to get the house ready to sell. Most of what came out of our air ducts was construction material.

Goji Berries

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Posted by Amy (Decatur, GA) on 06/10/2009

goji berries for allergies: My terrier mix has suffered from chronic allergies as long as I have had her. I have spent so much money and been offered nothing but steroids for relief. I started doing some research on holistic options, changed her diet to a fish and potato diet with additional fish oils, garlic, and plain organic yogurt. I felt like it helped a bit, but I continued to research for other options. I read up on goji berries and started adding a handful of dried goji berries bought in bulk at a health food store in the mix of her dry food/yogurt combo. I really started noticing a significant decrease in itching and a better quality to her coat after I added goji berries to her food.

Grain-Free Dog Food, Apple Cider Vinegar, Listerine

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Posted by Anita (Rochester, MN) on 02/04/2009

Dog with Hair Loss, Severe Skin Allergies:

I received a Great Pyrenees on Christmas Day 2008 and was shocked at the inflammation, loss of hair, itching and brittleness of her hair. I was told that she had severe food allergies (and I did immediately switch her to a premium grain-free dog food) but in addition, I started ading apple cider vinegar to her drinking water and bathed her in it several times. I have proof-positive pictures that within one month this situation took a 360 degree turn for the better. She is happier now, more energetic, has a zest for life and no more itching and inflammation. I recommend apple cider vinegar wholeheartedly.

On her ankles and her elbows she has dried crusted spots and for those I looked up home remedies for hot spots and saw several people had success with plain Listerine, mixed with baby oil and water and spritzed on these spots. Within 2 weeks, those dried spots clearedup and new skin grown and hair growth is happening there.

Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Marcus (Hongkong ) on 06/19/2023


Can I use a nebulizer with 3% hydrogen peroxide ( food grade) to treat my dog's cold/ allergy?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Robin Sabbatini (Fresno, California) on 06/11/2007

Dear readers: My silky terrier has been ill all of his life with itchy chewed and scratched bloody skin. Loss of hair and just misery. I tried EVERYTHING. Pred, allergy pills special diets $$$$ and no cure not even a break. I have no idea what made me do this but about one week ago I bathed him with oatmeal shampoo then I poured a lot of hydrogen peroxide all over him. First on my hand then to his skin as it is very cold to the touch. I patted it in his skin all over his belly between his toes everywhere. Rinsed him and the Gods honest truth he has not scratched but maybe 2 times since. His hair is bright his eyes are amazingly beautiful. I do not know what happened but he is staying with it. Also his ears have been so attacked with yeast infections that he is practically deaf. Anyone know if some hydrogen peroxide would help his ears ? I love him and would do anything to make him healthy. All of this time and money at the vet and a 50 cent bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Go figure.

Replied by Dolly D.
(South, Ma)

I know this post is really old but this may help others - my dog has yeast infections in his ear and was 99% deaf - I had been giving him biscuits for treats - turns out he was allergic to the wheat/grains - about two weeks after I removed these from his diet the infection was gone and his hearing had returned to normal.

Lemon Balm Ointment

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Posted by Maggie (Birmingham, MI) on 06/07/2009

Allergies: My French Bulldog, 26 lbs, was given Ketoconazole for a large sore on her muzzle several years ago, like a cold sore. I stopped using it as soon as she became sick. I then used lemon balm ointment from Whole Foods, which my daughter uses for cold sores. The lemon balm works wonderfully. I also wash my dog down weekly with a little vinegar in water (no soap) and wash her face daily in diluted hydrogen peroxide.

She is now 5 years old and extremely healthy, no more sores, no itching and scratching in the summer. Also, she no longer gets shots or vaccinations.

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