Oil Pulling with Olive Oil - A Healthy Choice!

Olive Oil
Posted by Tasha (East Coast, Usa) on 09/23/2010

Oil pulling for headaches

I wanted to try oil pulling just for laugh and giggles. It seemed to be such a cheap and effective detox. I always wake up with headaches. I have insomnia and I grind my teeth terribly, all contributing factors Im sure. Usually they subside after waking, sometimes they stay with me through the day. Oil pulling with Virgin Olive Oil for 2-4 minutes(yes white and thin already) eliminated these headaches after a minute or two. In fact, I felt great after doing it. It was only after reading about the sideffects of OP on tooth fillings did I quit. I only did it for a few days. I really, REALLy hate that I had to stop. But I have metal fillings and am in need of 8 new more and cannot risk them being harmed by OP. I do, HIGHLY recommend oil pulling.

Olive Oil
Posted by Janet6 (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/18/2010

I have been doing OP with virgin olive oil for over four years. This has now become part of my morning routine. The first week I started, I experienced a clean palate which I think resulted in my new experience of foods. I now enjoy my foods and eat with more gusto. My other observance was that I slept more soundly and felt more refreshed and energized upon waking. Each day I eagerly started my morning doing O/P and then a thorough brush with my regular tooth-paste and baking soda and salt. My breath definitely improved during the day. However, the most important and startling feature of this new practice for me was that it cured my hives. I suffered with this allergic reaction for more than 20 years and all I got from my doctors was temporary relief. I had been using Benadryl, Allegra, Zyrtec, Prednisone among many but when I started O/P, it cured my allergies, which came out in the form of hives (raised irregular shapes all over my body which were crazily itchy and ugly). I could not even talk about them, I felt like they were listening and would re-visit me. After four years of O/p I think this is the most amazing thing that could happen to someone with allergies. I feel that anyone with allergies can benefit if I can. I have been passing on by word of mouth to all my friends and family and those who try it tell me the wonderful results they too are having. I believe this has even helped me with whatever pain I have had in my shoulders and knees. I have experienced expelling a lot of phlegm which I am amazed is in my body as I never seem to have a cold or cough. Over the years, my face has gotten smoother than when I was younger. No one believes how old I am and I will not tell. I have used sesame oil and sunflower oil and I like olive oil the best.

Olive Oil
Posted by Bart (Brooklyn, Ny) on 08/19/2010

I've had a really bad tooth infection for the past couple days, so after scouring the internet for solutions, I found oil pulling. I'm a bit skeptical, but my good friend is currently on the regime, which seemed harmless to her. The only thing I had on the pantry was Extra Virgin Olive Oil.... Swished around 2 tablespoons worth for approximately 15 minutes, and the pain was leaving me! It kind of blew my mind. The next morning, the swelling in my gum went down slightly. It was pretty much gone the day after. I haven't noticed anything else with using it. The infected tooth is chipped in half from an accident awhile ago, and I've been waiting for a root canal. Luckily this will hold me over for another week.

Olive Oil
Posted by Kaitlin (Chester, Va) on 05/10/2010

I have been incredibly ill with a sinus infection the last three days--high fever, sore throat, yellow mucus, horrible headaches, and even vomiting. This one was really a doozy; I haven't been this sick in a long time! I tried oil pulling with the extra virgin olive oil I had in the cupboard, and after three minutes I had to spit it out because I started coughing up mucus and didn't stop for five minutes. My head started clearing up, too. While my throat is now even more sore from the coughing, the rest of me feels relief for the first time in days! I will definitely continue oil pulling and update on the results.

Olive Oil
Posted by Lisa (Port of Spain, Trinidad)


I began oil pulling 3 weeks after I suddenly developed very horrible bad breath. I have no cavities, am not a smoker, dont drink alcohol, coffee and carbonated beverages and I'm a vegetarian. I used EVOO as i couldnt get Sesame or Sunflower oil. The oil pulling has done wonders for my gums and teeth, my gums are more pink and my teeth are now a lot whiter. A gap i had between 2 teeth has closed up and there is no 'gap' anymore. However the bad breath remains and it is driving me crazy as i have to interact with lots of people. I keep wondering if i should continue with the oil pulling: will the bad breath go away eventually or do i need to use other 'remedies' as well, am I suffering from the herx effect or is my body too acidic? Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.

Olive Oil
Posted by Mary (Pinckney, Mi) on 04/11/2010

hi Brad, I have had severe sinus problems for years, too. I've never had a surgery but thought it was coming to that. When I moved into this house ten years ago it got worst. Found out it's the mold triggering it. I was in the ER every other month with pain and sickness I can't even describe. This went on for years. I was on every kind of antibiotic there is. All this time I tried different natural things. I kept reading about fresh garlic and tried it a couple of times. Like I would eat a clove during an attack, but I was so sick I couldn't continue with it, so I'd just wait the 4 days for the antibiotic to start working,( it would take at least 4 days for them to kick in ). One day I decided to do the garlic the right way. So when I was feeling ok I stated eating 3 cloves of raw organic garlic, chopped up, in some mashed potatoes. I did that for a month. I smelled real bad and had a little diareaha, not bad though. After that I'd eat 2 or three a day. Sometimes I'd miss a day. Now I eat 1 clove a day most of the time, sometimes more. There have been a couple of times when I would feel an attack coming on and realize that it had been 3 or 4 days since I'd had my garlic so I would eat 3 or 4 and the next day eat 3 or 4 and by that night or the next morning it would be gone, totally. In the last year since I've been doing this I've only had a few short attacks(and less severe) For me that's a miracle. I am still living in the same moldy house and the garlic is keeping my sinuses from getting infected. Great site. God bless everyone!

Olive Oil
Posted by Christel (Nolanville, Tx, United States) on 03/31/2010

Some months ago I had this terrible tootache (not the first time-always the same one) and tried several things, all of which where short lived relief. I searched the web and came upon this strange thing called oil pulling. Curiosity made me read up on it and since I had no sunflower oil (as mostly recommended) I decided to give it a try with extra virgin olive oil (which I keep at all times). It was almost like a miracle. The throbbing subsided almost immediately and after 3 days it was all gone, including the swelling. Since then I have not had any problems with this particular tooth, I just try to keep the area very clean, and since I have learned a thing or two about toothpastes I now brush my teeth with bentonite clay. I really wish I had known a lot of things a few years ago, I might have been able to safe the rest of my teeth (I wear a full denture on top), but now I want to at least keep what I have left on the bottom, and so far it's working.

Olive Oil
Posted by Jane (Melbourne, Australia) on 03/07/2010

@Sweetbug from Stone Mountain, Georgia. I'm new to oil pulling, and was just reading your question about Sesame oil. I found cold-pressed organic sesame oil at a health food store. It is pale like vegetable oil, not dark brown like the sesame oil you find in the oriental section of the grocery, which I believe is usually toasted sesame seed oil. The cold-pressed sesame oil smells and tastes less nutty, and so that is the one that I am going to try. The health food store also had cold-pressed sunflower and safflower which others here have also used.

Olive Oil
Posted by Claudia Gelli Larsson (Höör, Skania, Sweden) on 03/05/2010

Hi, am hoping you can help me. Started oil pulling with extra virgin olive oil - and, horror of horrors one of my very old silver fillings fell out. I have not had a cavity in years; I do however, still have silver fillings in some teeth. Should I still continue oil pulling? Or possibly wait until I replace my silver fillings? This may take me some time as the procedure is quite expensive. Can anyone advise me? Is it perhaps the EVOO usage? Should i use sesame oil instead (as prescribed in Ayurvedic medicine)? HELP!! THANX SO MUCH FOR YOUR WONDERFUL WEBSITE..

Olive Oil
Posted by Donald (Radcliff, Kentucky) on 02/11/2010

After discovering your site, I decided to try the oil pulling (could only find cold pressed olive oil). Started Feb 4. Will monitor and send results. Also started apple cider treatment for blood pressure. I have found that after the oil pulling and rinse, drinking the apple cider cleans and freshens my mouth

Olive Oil
Posted by Camille (Houston, Tx) on 02/07/2010

Hi! Oil Pulling with extra virgin olive oil cured the congestion in my chest and helped me breathe easier! I was having trouble breathing when I wake up in the morning. I could not take a satisfyingly deep breath- my chest was too congested (I am a smoker, hopefully a non-smoker soon). I read about oil pulling and tried it this morning. I used olive oil this time but I am going to pick up coconut oil later today. I swished a tablespoon of evoo for 15 minutes. As I swished, I felt the congestion in my chest breaking up. After spitting out the evoo into the toilet, i was able to cough up some unwanted phlem, thus allowing me to breathe!!! I am going to keep oil pulling!! THANKS EARTHCLINIC!!

Olive Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/06/2010

Hi Deborah and Cured from Niceville...I had candida three years ago. My symptoms were psoriasis, eczma, BM and toilet only once every 4 days if I was lucky, tired and sluggish all day, severe grogginess and brainfog in the mornings, jock itch(tinea cruris) and overweight. I also regularly caught colds, flu etc many times a year on a regular basis.

This is what I took to cure candida:

* Ted's alkalizing remedies using either whole squeezed lemon/lime or 2 tbspns ACV plus 1/2 tspn baking soda(Arm & Hammer brand) two or three times a day. This is Ted's Alkalizing Remedy and this is THE NUMBER ONE CURE for Candida in my book.

* One tablespoons of virgin coconut oil stirred into my coffee at least 3 times a day.

* Blackstrap molasses in my coffee, no refined sugar or aspartame sweetener allowed in my diet.

When I started this remedy at the beginning, I got fairly severe flu-like symptoms -- it almost seemed as if the remedy was making me worse. But this die off or Herxheimer Effect always happens when you get the fungal toxins in your blood from microbes and fungus, so think of it as a good sign. Your liver and kidneys are overworked initially, until your immune system can get on top of it. After this die-off it was easy. All my skin problems just disappeared slowly (except the jock itch -- but that's another story) and I haven't had a cold or flu in 2 years.

Mind you, it took me a full year to completely get rid of my candida. And even though I'm clear of candida now, and since it is very difficult to eat non-acidic foods these days, I still always alkalize and take coconut oil a couple of times a week as a preventative even now (plus supplementing borax, magnesium, natural sea salt etc as recommended by Ted on this site).

Olive Oil
Posted by Cured (Niceville, Fl) on 02/05/2010

To Deborah from Dayton in regard to your increased confusion, and trouble with word finding. Sounds like brain fog to me--I'm guessing you have a candida issue. You did not say if it was the first time but you mention you had eggs with coconut oil. I had it and didn't know it till consuming coconut oil; 2 eggs and a teaspoon of coconut oil was my test, I definitely had candida die-off symptoms shortly after consuming. I did not eat it again for over a month. In the meantime I used it as a lotion/moisturizer all over almost daily. If the die-off symptoms appeared again I just quit using it for a day or two. This was hard as it seemed my body craved it. I am going on some three months using coconut oil and now am enjoying about a tablespoon a day in various foods. Try your best to eliminate as many sugars from your diet as possible. This will help to reduce the severity of die-off symptoms.

Olive Oil
Posted by Knute (Sacramento, Ca) on 01/15/2010

Olive oil typically does not turn white after 15-20 minutes of oil pulling - as almost all other oils do - yet, I have noticed that we still get the benefits.

Olive Oil
Posted by Taunia (Colorado Springs, Co, Usa) on 01/13/2010

I told my friend about this site and because of health issues told her that she should start op. She did it two days in a row using 1T olive oil, swishing for twenty minutes. When she spit it out, it was still yellow. After this amount of time it should have been white. Is she spitting out toxic waste or does she need to swish longer than twenty minutes? Comments from fellow readers are greatly appreciated.

Olive Oil
Posted by Lee (New York, NY) on 12/29/2009

I have used just about every kind of organic, cold pressed oil. None of them are white at the end, except for coconut oil (which starts out white). I wouldn't worry about it - just stay with it. BTW, some of the claims from people who are oil pullers seem a bit extreme. My teeth are definitely whiter and I think I feel less congested. It is a quiet, meditative way to start the day. If there are any other results, I am not aware of them (I've been at it for 9 months.) Good luck!

Olive Oil
Posted by Tim (Princeton, Nj) on 12/29/2009

Make sure you DON'T buy the dark one. It should look like vegetable oil in color. Good Luck!!

Olive Oil
Posted by Sweetbug (Stone Mountain, Georgia) on 12/29/2009

I hope this is not a silly question but when you say sesame oil are you actually talking about sesame seed oil that is found in the oriental section of the grocery. Cause i cant find anything that says sesame oil or sunflower oil in the section where all the oils are.

EC: Yes, that's usually where you'd find sesame oil.

Olive Oil
Posted by Monij (St. Louis, Mo) on 10/23/2009

I was miserable last night with an obvious sinus infection and I decided to google natural cures for it and found this wonderful website. I tried the oil pulling technique with extra virgin olive oil and about 35-45 minutes later, the mucous began breaking up and I was able to cough it up and blow my nose! I've been telling everyone about it. Thanks so much!

Olive Oil
Posted by Jack (Sacramento, Ca) on 10/09/2009

NeilMed Sinus rinse is a great product. It comes with pre-measured saline packets of medical grade salt. This will clear/help your sinuses. Natural salt is great, but getting the right amount is crucial to avoid burning/drying, et cetera. This can be difficult to start (mentally), but once you use it, its easy and comforting. I think of it as a shower for inside my nose. I don't use it everyday, but after dusty or yard work, or riding on the airplane. (I travel alot).

Hope this helps.

Olive Oil
Posted by Crod (Lehigh Acres, Fl) on 09/23/2009

I have been hearing about oil pulling and I have desided to give it a try. I'm 44 years old. Im going to be using extra virgin olive oil. I have some receding gum line, Im hoping to see results. Im OP two times a day. Will keep you informed if their is any changes.

Olive Oil
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/20/2009

For what it is worth, I cut all sweeteners and grain products (whole grains, all flours, pasta, etc) out of my life about 6 weeks ago, and besides dropping about 20 pounds with no effort and no hunger, I have noticed that the film on my teeth has gone away almost completely. Even in the morning or at night before brushing, there is very little plaque. I think that this must be a good thing! I still eat some starches from sources like beets and carrots, etc., but they don't seem to create plaque like the grains do.

Olive Oil
Posted by Luckyverdure (Portland, Or, USA) on 09/19/2009

I've heard that the presence of dental plaque is a good mirror for the cholesterol plaque that may build up in your arteries, so whatever process your mouth was going through may have also occurred in your chest.

Olive Oil
Posted by Jake (Chicago, Il) on 09/10/2009

I would try rinsing with wild oregano oil several times a day in addition to the oil pulling.

On 02/19/2009 Fran Block from Pittsburgh, PA. USA recommended wild oregano oil as the most effective remedy for tooth pain and infection. Someone else on this earthclinic site suggested 3 or 4 drops of wild oregano oil in a quarter cup of water as a periodic rinse - unquestionably the best remedy for tooth issues and pain.

These recommendations saved me after a week of excruciating pain, and probably also from extensive dental drilling and fixing - maybe even tooth pulling. Now at any sign of tooth pain or infection - I mix wild oregano oil in a quarter cup or so of water and rinse with a little bit several times a day, nighttime too if I awaken.

I've been cured from what I suspect would have been more extensive work at the dental office after several cavities were filled by my dentist. He questioned at the time - about 6 weeks earlier - whether the infected teeth would in fact be saved, since the cavities had reached so close to the nerve. But the wild oregano oil saved the day and the pains slowly dissipated over 4 to 5 days, and I've needed no further dental professional attention afterward!

Olive Oil
Posted by Hadessah (Charlotte, Nc) on 09/08/2009

I use 1 teaspoon extra virgin Olive Oil for 15 minutes every morning, first thing.

Oil Pulling has made my teeth stronger and whiter and it is healing a disorder I was going to doctors for nearly 20 years. I've tried all kinds of antibiotics to cure sinusitis. Now after oil-pulling, I feel the pressure in my upper gum, above where a tooth was extracted. Above the bony part of the gum. So I 've had an abcess for two decades. No wonder people stepped back when talking to me. My breath smelled like 20 year old decay.

I developed tinnitis and oil-pulling may eventually clear up all the abcess right at the base of my maxillary sinus, BUT actually above the bony part of my gum where a tooth was extracted in the 80s.

Olive Oil
Posted by Qwert (Awesome, Ma, USA) on 08/22/2009

It might just have been a coincidence that you had chest pains when you were doing your OP. You can get chest pains for no reason, maybe you had a stressful day or maybe it was humid, or maybe you ate something that was giving off referred pain to your chest. but ask your doctor and maybe he can help with why you were having chest pains. usually OP wouldnt cause chest pains, but if it does, it would probably be due to detoxifying reasons. good luck.

Olive Oil
Posted by Jerry (Florida) on 08/01/2009


Hi. I recently started Oilpulling, (EVOO) before breakfast. For the first 2 weeks it was fine, I felt, more energetic, my skin started looking new, dewy, soft to the touch. Plaque started falling off my teeth, which looks whiter, gums healthier. I started to sweat, (which I havent done in years, no matter how much outdoor work I did.) I wasnt aware the sweet cravings had gone away, untill I went to my snack pantry and saw it filled.

After that I started getting chest pains, (I do have a mitral valve prolapse, which I was told, will repair itself after a period of time.) The first night with chestpains, I just laid down and waited to die, the pain being so severe. I stopped the OP because I was scared to try it again. I do want it to work because of all the positive results Ive seen so far.

Do you think that the pain was part of the detox process, or should I switch oils, or do you think its not for me.

Olive Oil
Posted by Paula (London, Great Britain and Poitiers, France) on 07/30/2009

health and oil pulling

iam a 58 yr old female in good health. Since my early 40's when i had arthritic twinges (i remembered my grandmother's hooked fingers) i decided to learn about diet and have followed a healthy lifestyle influenced by reading and my own experiences.

I eat fruit on an empty stomach which is so effective that my sceptical husband does it! Also i eat according to my blood type ( i used to have eczema and discovered that tomatoes and potatoes,the deadly nightshade vegetables are like poison to A types)

i like hearing about other aids to health and i have been oil pulling for a couple of months it has helped my dry skin and hair. My theory is that the swishing and the saliva change the oil chemically so that the full goodness of it is taken up by the body. I clean my teeth carefully afterwards with a natural toothpaste then sip a large glass of filtered room temp. water (i do it once in the morning immediately on rising). I use 1 12 tsp of organic olive oil and will try walnut tomorrow.

My mother who is 81 also has found great benefit from it; she has followed my health ideas and is on no medication (she hops and skips about showing up many people who are years younger than her), Isn't it incredible how many people think that bad health is 'dropped on them from above' rather than the terrible high sugar, junk fat, high carbs diet that the advertisers 'make them eat.

Olive Oil
Posted by Al (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) on 07/23/2009

In response to Linda from Port of Spain and chronic bad breath. Please look into Hydrogen Peroxide treatment as described right here on EarthClinic, in the Halitosis section. It should take care of bad breath in one go. I would use a 50/50 solution of 3% H2O2 and distilled water to swish around for half a minute or so. Good luck.

EC: The url Al is referring to is: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/breath.html

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