2 User Reviews
Hi there fellow sufferers!
It has been many moons since I last posted but please don't take it personally !!
There has been precious little to report actually, so I have preferred not to waffle and dissimulate out of respect for your intelligence! I like to report progress (if any) on my Arthritis / Joint problems / Muscle stiffness etc occasionally and it is time to up-date fellow (and fellowesses) sufferers on my evolving regime. I may bequeath my body to science eventually.
So... Upon rising, take a teaspoon of olive oil OR coconut oil (alternate the two) = Oil Pulling and Swilling trick. Use good, quality stuff please. After 20 minutes expel and rinse with warm water- then drink two glasses of warm water. Surely you can think of useful ways to occupy the time whilst keeping a straight face !?
Certain essential bodily functions spring to a fertile mind. Later on we indulge ourselves with a "nice cup of tea" - a traditional brew in this house from time immemorial, without which we are incapable of coherently functioning.
Breakfast then:- One tablet containing the following: Quercetin 125mg, Devil's Claw 1125mg, Celery seed 1500, Chelated Zinc 5mg, Grape Seed extract 6000mg One tab Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid variety in my case) 1000mg + Rose Hips powder 25mg with glass of water Mid morning cup of coffee 4 pm cup of tea Dinner with tablespoon ACV in a glass of water using a straw Rinse well afterwards but do not brush teeth, Bed time sees me take a teaspoon of Cod Liver Oil In addition,
It might be wise to ensure you get to bed early and get a good night's sleep, increase water consumption, de-stress somehow, walk regularly at least five times per week, take some Magnesium Chloride liquid and also some Bone Broth OR Collagen a couple of times a week.
A lot to remember I guess but if you are desperate enough.... I have been regular with the above and the aches and pains and stiffness problems have become a bit less over a few months. Also scalp problems such as psoriasis and dandruff have definitely improved. Hopefully the Sun will still come up in the morning. I am very happy with progress so far and will keep you posted.
Cheers from Down Under, Michael
Multiple Remedies
Mister Michael's current REGIME for battling chronic Sacroiliac / Sciatic / Knee joint problems is showing beneficial results at long last!!
May / June 2017
I have embarked upon the uncharted waters of the following protocol - I trust you will indulge this old ascetic his foibles and meanderings. It's success really does rely somewhat on a wholesome lifestyle generally, as a solid foundation on which to build. You will know what I am getting at I presume. Here goes:-
-Upon arising - Oil pulling /swishing with half a teaspoon of nice Coconut Oil for 15-20 minutes approx. - mainly for gums / teeth to curb the plaque issue, due to a certain body chemistry I am stuck with, but may have a bearing on the issues above possibly. Think about it!!
-Expel and swish out (not down the sink drain! ) with warm water/salted water/ bicarb water (your choice).
Keen people will clean their teeth at this juncture.
(Previously, I would take the good quality Honey and Sri Lankan Cinnamon drink at this point but have temporarily suspended this one). If you do this, then I suggest you definitely clean your teeth!!
-Two large glasses of lukewarm water, one of them containing a teaspoon of lime juice
(call me a "Limey" if you like - I don't care!! ). You could use lemon juice if you prefer.
Thirty minutes later - breakfast of your choice- I'm not going to tell how you should live your FOOD life here!!
-Straight after breakfast -take a Seafood Oil tablet of some sort PLUS a Magnesium 75mg tablet with Potassium 25mg added to it. Magnesium Chloride Liquid is a good alternative if you can get hold of it. NOT the potassium if you have blood/blood pressure/heart or kidney issues of course.
(Some prefer to take the Magnesium at night for excellent reasons. You could do that).
-At some stage LATER in the day, I would take approximately 30-40 mls of Tart Cherry Juice swished up in a medium glass of nice, filtered water. I will be bold here and say this may be essential to success!! My stuff is quite treacly / viscous which I quite like. Mix it up well in the water for best absorption.
-A little later I would take Dr. Gundy's "Vital Reds" well mixed with water.
-After evening meal (which ideally would be much earlier than we generally get around to it-HA),
I would take one Turmeric capsule 400mg and one Ester C 1000mg Vitamin C "Highly absorb able non-acidic, Vitamin C / Bioflavonoid" complex tablet. I think I am getting enough Vitamin D with my constant gardening without taking any additional D.
-At least one hour after eating, and before retiring, I would take two or three "Heal and Soothe" tablets in a medium glass of water.
-ALSO, I am being a very good boy at last and actually doing some exercises prescribed by my Witch Doctor. You can Google these of course but to give you a "heads up", there are ONLY four and I do them twice a day except when I cheat, forget or postpone and the day slips away from me:-
1) You lie down on your back, legs straight, and raise and lower each leg in turn, holding it up for 30 secs and slowly lowering it. Do three lots of four on each leg alternately OR slightly more on the injured side to bring it back up to the strength of the other one.
2) Lie down as above but with legs bent at 90 degrees- lift one leg with hands locked behind THIGH (not knee) and pull towards chest. THEN attempt to straighten leg (within reason) AND pull whole leg a little bit further and HOLD. Do four on one and four on the other.
3) Stand straight and tall with feet straight out and shoulder width apart. Use a chair for support if required. Slowly bend knees to half-squat position HOLD and straighten up again. Try not to nod forward or lean forward and it should work better. Do four and gradually work up to ten. I am assuming I am talking to oldies here- the young could do more.
4) Finish up by bring both knees up to the chest in the lying down position and hold for a while.
This is considered by some to be an excellent way to finish up/balance these sorts of exercises.
Do all of the above regularly and slowly whilst thinking nice thoughts (if you have any - find some if you haven't). "Pretend" the world will suddenly be a better place once you see positive results after ten days or so -- it almost certainly will!!
I know you will be overjoyed to learn that I am seeing some (early) benefits from this new and carefully thought out Regime. It requires a self-discipline borne of desperation that drives me on. Hence my magical transformation from a butterfly to the ascetic mentioned above!!
Maybe you could glean some delicious morsels from the above smorgasbord of choice tit bits.
That would please me greatly.
-Taking, in addition, some ACV and Molasses drinks would also be a good idea - I do those on an irregular basis these days when the mood takes me there.
As my Punjabi, Guru once famously told me whilst he was sitting comfortably on a bed of nails "If you do the exercises I am telling you Sahib - body MUST respond - it has to Sahib - it has little choice in the matter".
There you have it. I charge you nothing for that extra Pearl of Wisdom. It is nice to have some solid markers in this constantly shifting world of ours!
Maybe you should seriously consider doing some exercises OR stretching OR yoga etc. on a regular basis. Incorporate them into your lifestyle for your wellness / benefit.
Give yourself a pat on the back. Life can (and should) be better. Improvements are often obtained after just a week or ten days so, "What's not to like?".
More dubious wisdom from Down Under!
As my Guru is fond of saying, "May you do well, prosper, and have many children Sahib"!
Mister Michael
P.S. "Success" here is defined in so far as I am taking far fewer painkillers since being on this Regime. Whoopee!