Natural Remedies

Xanthoma Natural Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Rebecca (New Jersey ) on 10/09/2016

Hi I Started using garlic cloves on mine and it really works the first 10 min. I could feel it workings felt like it was on fire but the next day the scabs came offso I put aloe on for a hour and did the garlic again twice that day its day 2 and like their gone after 4 days of 2 times a day with the garlic and I all so put vitamin e oil after the garlic and at night I put a piece of aloe overnight so it won't scar and hope it's helping take it away to😃 so far I love the results after having them on my eyes for over 5 years and the eye doctor said she's giving me a discount 300$ for each eye and I did it myself for 1dollar use the garlic cloves it really work..

Posted by Kchaos (Louisana) on 08/25/2016

Garlic for Xanthoma Works!

I am in total shock this actually worked! I HAD a small cholesterol lump in the corner of my eye. I picked up fresh garlic yesterday afternoon and cut a small long piece with a pointed end so it wouldn't get into my actual eye ball. First day I did it twice. 10 minutes each. By the next morning I noticed it was smaller. This stuff really does sting though, so you can't be afraid of pain. Then just now, day 2 I just applied it again for another 10 minutes and I pressed down hard enough that I could stand and it just fell off!! Literally just fell off....I've had this thing for over a year.. I'm on cloud nine.. now I don't have to worry about people constantly thinking I have something in my eye..

It didn't swell or anything for me like it did most people.. just red and tender.. like a sunburn. It's worth it. I promise. Just do it. Don't go to the doctor.

Posted by Cindy (Hong Kong) on 06/19/2016

I read your post and started with the castor oil treatment 7 weeks ago. It took more than 4 weeks to start seeing improvement, yet it is improving every day. Hopefully, this ugly xanthelasma will be gone within next month or two. Thanks.

Posted by Jk (California) on 02/18/2016

Garlic for Xanthomas:

Here is what I did. I crushed up a garlic tablet (the hard kind) with just a very tiny amount of water, enough to make a paste. Then I put some of this paste on the xanthomas (ugly things that they are) and after the first day they were more than half gone. With two more days, they were completely gone. I left the paste on for about half a day to let it be absorbed as much as possible.

I think this works better than straight garlic because it doesn't burn like the garlic bulb oil does. I was thinking about using soft gel tablet garlic and that might work also. It just so happened that I had the hard garlic tablets so that was my choice.

I'm simply astounded that this has worked so well. I hope it will work for you also. By the way, I had these above my eyes and below my eyes so there were four of them. The ones above my eyes were like multiple bumps strung together and the ones below my eyes were more "wormy."

Posted by Lata (Bangalore) on 08/31/2015

I also tried garlic method for removing xanthoma under eye, cholesterol deposit. It is excellent. Day by day it is going smaller. But my question is whether that white mark vanishes or still remains.

Posted by Cindy (Phoenix) on 05/09/2015

The garlic works if you can stand the burning. I've had my cholesterol spots on my eyes for several years. I tried taking GLA to lower my cholesterol, it was recommended on the Dr. Oz show. After taking it for a while, I noticed my eyelids were turning dark. Quit taking it and the color started to come back to normal, but I was left with a spot on each eyelid. Decided to try the garlic, chopped it up and made a paste, put it on the spots 10 minutes at a time, twice a day. Spots are gone. Thank you guys for the tip, you are my heroes.

Posted by Cindy (Phoenix) on 05/09/2015

The garlic works if you can stand the burning. I've had my cholesterol spots on my eyes for several years. I tried taking GLA to lower my cholesterol, it was recommended on the Dr. Oz show. After taking it for a while, I noticed my eyelids were turning dark. Quit taking it and the color started to come back to normal, but I was left with a spot on each eyelid. Decided to try the garlic, chopped it up and made a paste, put it on the spots 10 minutes at a time, twice a day. Spots are gone. Thank you guys for the tip, you are my heroes.

Posted by Shelli (Silicon Valley, Ca) on 11/14/2014

When this bump appeared on my upper left lid my doctor told me it was called a xanthelasma. She gave me a referral to a dermatologist to have it removed. I did some research on the internet and almost everyone who has had them removed surgically said they reappeared. With this discovery and two kids in college I was unable financially to take a chance on an expensive treatment that would only be a temporary solution. I am usually one to take a more holistic approach to problems such as this, so I continued my search. I found a product on the internet called Naturalis Xanthelasma Treatment. I ordered it and followed the directions to a T, but it did not work for me. As I read the directions for another product that I found online it said that you needed to scratch the xanthelasma before applying their product. I did not want to buy the product so I decided to try the scratching method and then apply the Naturalis. It did not work. I gave up and left it alone for months. Then it started to get bigger so I went back online and found this site. I didn't have castor oil and I was anxious to get started with something so I tried the garlic method.

At first I tried crushing the garlic like I read in a previous post on this site. Because my xan was on my upper lid the garlic oil was running in my eye, so I had to come up with a different method of applying it. Here is what I did and my results - I took an unpeeled clove of garlic and sliced one end off. I made little slices in the exposed end of the garlic to get the juices flowing. Then I held the exposed end of the garlic on my xan for 10 minutes. Yes it burned, but I did not find it intolerable. When I was done I cut the end that was pressed to my skin off of the garlic and put the remaining part of the garlic in a small container and put it in the refrigerator. I used this same clove of garlic for my follow up applications. Again making small slices to get the juices going. I liked this method because I was not getting garlic all over my fingers as I applied it to my xan. You can do several applications a day. I only did one. After my daily application I let the garlic juices sit on my skin for a little while, then I rinsed it off my eye. I did not put anything on it. I wanted it to dry out as quickly as possible. The next morning my xan was extremely swollen. I put some coconut oil on my eye to take away some of the redness. I repeated this process for 3 nights until my skin was really dry and scabbing. Then I stopped applying the garlic and let the scab continue to dry and flake off. I did use coconut oil to moisturize it each night. I think that helped the dry skin to come of quicker. After about a week all the skin had flaked off and the xan was considerably smaller. So I repeated the process. I have repeated this process three times and my xan is so small now. I am going to do it again and I think this should be my last time. Note that when you repeat the process you may not need to do it for 3 nights. After the first time, I only needed to apply the garlic for 1 night.

I do like what I read about the Castor Oil and what it does for your eyelashes. So I am going to start applying it all around my eyes before I go to bed. I hope this will restore my, once lush, eyelashes and maybe it will prevent my xan from coming back. Good luck.

Posted by Garlicfan (British Columbia) on 03/17/2014

Ok, I have been quietly fuming and being self conscious of these yellow marks for about 10 months now. Ten minutes ago I tried the garlic and they have shrunk to an 1/4 of the size. I can't wait to see the final results- it's hard to believe- I should have taken before and after photos- in fact I wouldn't believe it unless it happened to me. Oh - it burns like hell, but not for long, definitely worth it!!!

Posted by Lucy (Canaga) on 03/04/2014

I have two spots on my upper eyelids. I tried garlic method three times. The first time, it didn't work. I waited for one week after the scab fell off, I tried the second time. This time it worked. One of my spots were gone. I waited for a month, I tried the third time with the other one. Both of them are gone after my third try of this method. I thank you everyone here for your advices. I would "use a tiny bit of garlic on the spot" next time if I have to do it again. Because although the xanthes are gone, but I got hyperpigmentation.

Posted by Melissa D. (Berlin, Wi) on 01/29/2014

YEAH!!!! My UGLY deposites are gone! I applied crushed garlic for 3 days 3 times a day. Like I said in my first response, it burned like hell and was reallly ugly. The super cold weather helped the burn, but I looked like I got socked in the kisser for about 8 days. My husband wouldn't let me go out of the house for fear he was going to get thrown in jail for my ugly eye. He couldn't look at me without laughing at me, so I threatened to rub my eye on him. When it was scabby and weaping I cut a wedge of nonstick gauze and applied it at bed time with Neosporin. During the day I washed it with a surgical scrub and let it dry out. Be very safe because an infection could be a trip to the doctor and alot of explaining. I'm very surprised and happy that a $.98 box of garlic saved me about $1500-$2000 at the doctor. I'm a normal person with kids and bills and we don't have that extra ching to spend on something like this! If you go to the doctor I'm sure your eye would look just as bad with an expensive procedure. Mine were under my so with the gals who have them on your eye lid be VERY careful! It is a natural chemical peel so it can do damage so DON'T get it in your eye ball! The more you can crush the garlic up and the mushier you can get it the better it works. I was going to do a 4th day and I'm glad I didn't because 3 is enough. I also use a vitamin E stick to moisturize and heal. So I'm saying goodbye and good luck to all that have this issue and be safe. I hope you get results like I did!

Posted by Carolynb (Adelaide, Sa) on 03/15/2013

I have been reading with much interest about removing Xanthalasmas. I had mine removed last year with laser but they came back 8 months later but not in the lasered area. They grew around the area that had been lasered. So I tried the garic and the pain was too much. I left it for a month and decided to use a baby's teething gel. I used a cotton bud to apply the Bonjela to my eyelid, wiped off the excess and applied the garlic for 8 minutes. This really helped with the pain. I cut the root end off a garlic clove the same size as the Xantha and pricked the cut end with the point of a knife to encourage the garlic juice and then held it on the Xantha for as long as I could. I did this twice a day until I could see that the skin was broken and weeping. It formed a scab, which I picked as it was annoying. Now, 8 days later the scab is very small and there is no sign of the ugly yellow Xanthalasma which was growing down to the inside corner of my eye. It is interesting to note that the Xanthalasmas appeared after two very stressful times in my life and my Dr thinks they are related. So no more stress and hopefully they won't come back :))

Posted by Thenaturalway (Holmen, Wi, USA) on 12/09/2012

This worked. Took about 10 days for 5 minutes at a time. thanks

Posted by Thenaturalway (Holmen, Wi, Usa) on 11/30/2012

Yes, using garlic got rid of my xanthoma under my right eye. It took about 12 days at 5 minutes a day. It flaked off hopefully never to return.

Posted by Sb (Cardiff, Uk) on 10/08/2012

Hi, I read many comments and feedbacks from all of you. I am also one of you, suffering from xanthoma near about 6yrs. I have got mine under my eyes and one above my left eye. First when I got it under my eyes on my cheeks, I thought that, it is kind of white spots due to vitamin deficiency and didn't take much care of it. I tried to have proper diet. Still it didn't help. My father and my other Uncle's from my father side, they also have got it above their eyes. And mine was on my cheeks and it was a pretty bigger in size. So I thought mine is not same like them. I was around 26-27 yrs when I got it first. So I never believed it could be due to cholesterol. I went for blood test and it was normal. Any way I started living with it. I had a very decent job with good salary but still got refusals from guys due to these marks. I was posted in Mumbai, India. I visited many Doctors but nothing helped. The last doctor (homeopathy) whom I met, he told me that, it is xanthoma and this has no medical cure in homeopathy. He still told me to change my diet and gave me some medicine, as I was getting married. I took proper diet and was under treatment for 6-7 months. It was bit faded but never got rid of it. After my marriage and with my age I got the third one above my left eye. I started searching for remedies. I have started doing exercise/ swimming/ walking. I have started using olive oil for cooking for last 3 months. I eat olives, apples, brown breads (occasionally), walnuts and fish with omega 3 and salad with lettuce leaves and salmon fish etc. It started helping me. But it's a long process. For a great foodie, it was a punishment. I kept on searching on internet.

When I read this first, I just could not believe it, as all other treatments are so expensive. Thought, let me give it a try. If so many people have gained from it, I would be also one of the lucky one, who got rid of xanthoma. I tried garlic on my spots for 10-15 mints on my first day. It was burning sensation, got swollen and became red. All your post helped me to follow it on my day 2. I tried it twice for 15 mins. I am so happy, today is the fourth day and its only 20-30% left. I know it will take some time, as these are pretty old and will take some time. At least it has reduced. I apply Vaseline on these after every garlic therapy. I will keep it up till the time, it doesn't get completely vanished.

Now I don't have to explain to people about these marks and not to hide my face. Once again I started looking me in the mirror and feel happy like I did years back. Good luck to all. Thanks to all of you for your advice……. Really it helps with little money and small effort...

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