10 Natural Pink Eye Remedies for Fast Relief

Green Tea Bags
Posted by Ruth (Hortonville, Wisconsin) on 08/26/2007

I didn't believe the tea bag cure, but figured it was worth a try to save time and money of going to the doctor. I treated both eyes as I knew from past experiences that they would both be infected soon. I brewed two tea bags in a glass of water, let the bags in the boiling water until it cooled down. I then put the bags without squeezing them dry on my eyes for 15-20 minutes. They did leak a bit so I put a towel around my face and sat back in the easy chair. I also did let some of the liquid drip in my eyes. I did this three times yesterday, and today I'm ready to go out in public! Even my family couldn't believe how fast they cleared up! Thanks so much for your help!

Green Tea Bags
Posted by Joseph (Boston, Mass) on 01/23/2008

I would like to thank everyone for there help. Well I have pink eye and needing to do something to help, my eyes felt like sandpaper or grit in them. So I tried the green tea method using two bags of long life Tea herbal tea. First I boiled one cup of water then placed the two bags in the cup I made a cup of tea to drink ,,LOL,, then placed the two bags one on each eye after cooled but still warm and it was amazing my eyes felt great I left the bags on while lying down for only ten minutes and after my eyes felt great.

I did hear of warm compress for pink eye but never thought of using a tea bag.

Green Tea Bags
Posted by Scott (Wareham, Ma) on 02/24/2008

REMEDY GREEN TEA BAGS Ailment Pink eye,I had pink eye for about a week and I went to two different pharmacys and they didn't help one little bit nor did they seem like they wanted to.So I am was thinking to myself that there must be some type of remedy besides going to the doctor for something as minor as a eye infection.Well I discoverd this website and read about the green tea solution,and let me tell you I had A PRETTY BAD CASE OF THE PINK EYE AND it WAS getting worse.Well,so I went to the local super market and they had the green tea and I brought home and made a cup of tea just like one of the other people that I read about and put the tea bag on each I while it was still warm for about a minute or two and what a relief. I wouldn't have believed it but it really did work incredible well.I am thinking maybe any tea might work,WHO KNOW.I WILL HALF TO test it next time I have pink eye.-Scott

Castor Oil
Posted by Merk (Seattle, USA) on 01/26/2008

I have used Castor Oil many times for treating Pink Eye, put 1-2 drops in each eye two times a day, eyes will get better with in one day but keep using for 4-5 days. Always treat both eyes. After putting in eyes they will blur some from oil but will not sting at all and will be very soothing, castor oil is antimicrobal and a very healing oil.

Posted by Michelle (Lamora, Mexico) on 03/06/2008

make some chamomile tea and wash the eyes out with it every so often with a cotton ball this helps very much

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