Pink Eye
Natural Remedies

10 Natural Pink Eye Remedies for Fast Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tim (Surprise, Az) on 10/13/2010

I had really a bad case of conjunctivitis. I made up a mixture of 1 part baby shampoo and 1 parts water in an eye cup and wiped it over my eyelids with a cotton ball. Next, I applied the black tea bags and drizzled it in my eyes along with 2 capsules of eye-bright dissolved in the tea. I found it more effective to pour the warm tea in an eye cup and hold it for about 1 minute on each eye. After a couple applications that day, by evening it had cleared it up. I used Blink eye drops for moisture since my eyes still felt a little dry. Probably from the baby shampoo mixture. When I awoke the next day, for the first time in my life my eyes were clearer than they had ever been. Thanks so much for the tip!

Posted by Paz (Maryland) on 09/27/2010

Man, my Momma held me in a head-lock as she put fresh (tolerably hot) coffee in and around my eye when I had pink eye (like 20 years ago). It worked. Not too long ago my niece had pink-eye and I performed the head-lock-coffee-application-manuver and it was cleared the next day (I continued one more treatment the next morning though, just to make sure).

Sea Salt
Posted by Rebeccamichelle (San Anselmo, Ca, Usa) on 07/02/2010

3rd day using sea salt solution for pink eye. Irritation swelling and itching completely gone today.

Sea Salt
Posted by Rebeccamichelle (San Anselmo, Ca, Usa) on 07/01/2010

It's day two of using sea salt or 'saline' solution. It's nearly gone now. All of the sclera, the eye muscle and the tear ducts are nearly back to normal size and the itching is only occasional.

Posted by Rebeccamichelle (San Anselmo, Ca, Usa) on 07/01/2010

I used a small amount of my own saliva. It worked great, within a few minutes the itching and redness was gone. I used this in conjunction with sea salt water.

Posted by Ginny (Boise, Idaho, United States) on 06/05/2010

Sea kelp will get rid of pink eye. I had 5 steers, all with pink eye. Took them to the vet, he gave them a shot of something in the eye (very painful) took them home, 4 got better but 1 got pink eye again. Took him back to the vet and he gave him the treatment again and said if this doesn't work, then he will have to go blind. It did not work. My friend suggested that I give them sea kelp, which I did. I gave it to them free choice and within 5 days his pink eye was completely gone. For livestock, I bought in 50 lbs bags from a company in Maine. From what I understand, pinkeye is a lack of minerals.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Ebony (Ct, Usa) on 06/04/2010

I woke up with a itchy red eye. It was leaking a clear fluid. It was also hard for me to open the eye. It was only in my left eye. After visiting this site. I read about using tea (either black or green) as a remedy. Well I used black tea because it was the cheapest. I just made my tea like normal and took the tea bag out of the water after I let it seep for a few minutes and applied it to my eye. The warmth of the tea bag was so relaxing and soothing. I felt an immediate difference in about 15 minutes. I was able to go to work that day and by the end of the day the irritation was gone. Works great for me. Thanks to this website and all who posted.

Green Tea Bags
Posted by Brad (San Rafael, Ca) on 04/26/2010

True enough, green tea bags do work if you've got watery, pussy, red, swollen eyes. Yea!

Here's what I did, and it worked exceptionally: brew a nice cup of hot green tea using TWO bags.........let it cool some but keep it hot, but not scalding.......go into the bathroom or use the kitchen sink when ready.

Now, take a bag in each hand and start to slowly rub the bag full of the hot brew on your closed eyes. Obviously a key part of this is that the water not be too hot BUT it should be fairly hot. When you feel it, it's going to give comfort to your bleary eyes, believe me. You are going to love the effect of the heat, and I believe that's part of the cure too - the heat. When the bags cool off some keep dipping into the hot tea again and again. Touch them to your eyes, hold them on your eyes, let them seep into your eyes.

Occasionally tilt your head to the side and run some of the liquid smack INTO your eyes. Roll your eyeball around.

That's it. It will take 24-48 hours to get rid of the pink eye, but you'll get almost instant relief. Keep doing the procedure every 2-4 hours if possible. Enjoy. This cure might be a little less humiliating than the one where you urinate into your own eye....if you're going to try that one don't let mama catch you.

Posted by Truthseeker (Woonsocket, Ri) on 04/05/2010

I forgot to add to this posting that I found out what they do in China:

In china, human saliva is used to prevent or cure conjunctiva. The mother licks the newborn eyes (since it only attacks the eyes, it is safe to lick it away).

Posted by Truthseeker (Woonsocket, Ri) on 04/05/2010

Ok, so here we are day 2. So my eyes are FOR SURE getting better. But to be honest by about 9pm last night I didn't feel that my eyes had KEPT progressing like they did for the first 30 minutes of applying the saliva. So I put more saliva in my eyes at 9pm last night... only, I used my hubby's (disgusting!) I did so because I know full well that different people have different levels of good bacteria and health. And he has a very stong constatution. So I woke up this morning with almost no discharge (just a little) and haven't had any discharge all day. My eye is not 100% cured but it is MUCH better. Still, I want to move this along ASAP. So I figured I'd do some raw milk in my eye.... you see I know that breastmilk is the #1 natural cure for pink eye, but a friend of mine (who is big on natural cures) said that breastmilk needs to be applied right away for it to be effective, I don't so much buy that... breastmilk has loads of good things (like beneficial bacteria) in it AT ALL times and I think that should help when used at any point. Alas I have no breastmilk. What I do have however is some pasture fed, organic, raw milk. I put 2-3 drops of the raw milk in my eyes 4 times day. I did a bit more research and here is what I found:

Mother's milk is abundant in natural substances called lysosomes, which can also be found in saliva and tears.

Amazing! I think that the saliva would have cleared up my pink eye faster and better if it were viral. And just for the record, with other members of my family who have caught pink eye, we have used manuka honey with a 3 day cure rate. That being said we have only had pink eye (in our family) a total of 3 times.

I am going to add mega doses of vit. C to my regimen tonight. I'll report back tomorrow. For now, this is day 2 using natural methods and I am about 40%-50% better.

Posted by Truthseeker (Woonsocket, Ri) on 04/04/2010

I just read somewhere in cyberspace about a gentlemen who when a Polish grandmother spit in the eye of his brother, his family got real mad. He was 7 years old and his brother was only 5 years old. But his pink-eye was cured by the end of that day. And the lady across the street apologized profusely but identified saliva as a natural cure for pink-eye (conjunctivitis). He says that since then he just swishes water around in his mouth when a doctor diagnosed him as having pink-eye. He says that the doctor told him that there is no known cure for pink-eye (conjunctivitis) other than an anti-biotic placed in the eye and that it takes a week for the anti-biotic to work. However, he says he has found that his own saliva kills pink-eye (conjunctivitis) within a day and it only needs to be done once.

Now, I'm not sure if saliva only works for viral conjunctivitis or bacterial as well...So.... having had pink eye for 2 days now (and I'm almost 100% sure it is bacterial conjunctivitis due to the massive discharge I'm having, mostly in the morning, but also periodically throughout the day)... I just tried it. No swishing, no water, just a teaspoon and a tissue. I spit in the spoon, tilted my head back and poured the spit in my left eye while holding the tissue against my temple. Then I did the same for my right eye. The slimyness of my spit made my lashes hold together for a minute. I just kept blinking to try and be sure the saliva was spreed into all areas of my eyeball. Then I wipped the excess off of my lashes. 10 MINUTES LATER AND I AM AMAZED !!!! The burning and discomfort I have been experiencing for 2 days was gone in minutes. My vision is clearer, and yes in only 10 minutes I can for sure see that the veins and dark red lines that were throughout my eyeballs is VERY diminished. My eyes feel SO MUCH better ! I will report back tomorrow to update my progress.

Marigold, Calendula and Eyebright
Posted by Nicky (Edinburgh, Lothian, Uk) on 03/21/2010

I have successfully treated conjunctivitis both for me and also my dogs by using a mixture of dried marigold/calendula and eyebright. You can get the dried herbs from a herbalist or health food store. Use 1 teaspoon of the dried herb mixture in 1 cup of boiling water and leave to infuse for 15mins. Strain, then use in a separate eye bath for each eye. For pets dab the eyes with cotton wool soaked in the infusion. Repeat this three times a day or as required until it clears. It is very soothing. In addition I would also recommend to take Echinacea or anything to boost the immune system.

Cool Water
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, France) on 01/29/2010

I learned how to treat red eyes when my children were babies and I was living in Holland. Just take a piece of cotton wool, wet it in boiled, cooled water and with the eye closed wash it from de outside to the inside. Do this a couple of times every time using a clean piece of cotton wool. It worked for them every time and it has worked for me over the years as well. Usually doing this one or two times was enough.

Vapor From Raw Onions
Posted by Gino (Sacramento, Ca) on 01/27/2010

Pink eye cure- I've been trying the vapor of raw Onions it seem to be working so far. I was told many years ago from my boss that onions help with eye problems. hope he's right

Green Tea Bags
Posted by Jeff (Irvine, Ca) on 01/12/2010

Green Tea Cured Pink Eye

I awakened on Wednesday of last week with a crusty, gooey, left eye that was very red and felt as though my pupil was dilated. I boiled water and steeped a bag of green tea in a 1/2 cup of water for 20 minutes. Once the tea bag was at a comfortable temperature, I put on my eyelid and allowed some tea to drizzle into the eye. I kept the tea bag there for approximately 10 minutes and then repeated the procedure several more times throughout the day. Within 24 hours my eye was completely back to normal. Thanks Earth Clinic for the remedy!

Green Tea Bags
Posted by Danielle (Stockton, Ca Usa) on 11/02/2009

oh my goodness.i just literally used the green tea method on myself about 15 mins ago. i have to say right away green tea was dripped in my eye it felt 5 times better. so far i havent seen any improvement on the swelling but the redness is etter too (still slightly red). but better than it was before. i think im going to do it again in another few hours and see if there is anymore imporvements. i will update as it happens.

what i used was the organic green tea. i just waited tell the tea cooled a little then dripped the green tea into my eye then closed my eye and rested the warm tea bag on my eyes. i let it sit for 15 mins.thats about how long it took for the bag to turn cold. thank you guys so much for such a helpful tip.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carla (Port St. Lucie, Florida) on 10/06/2009

Eye Infection: Someone told me about the Lugol's Iodine and it can be used for the eye infection I have in my right eye, I've tried everything else, doctors, hospitals, eye washes, antibiotics, and can not get rid of this infection in the eye lid. Do you think the iodine will work? I"ve tried homeopathic remedies, Echinacom and Infectistat, Colidal Silver, and I just picked up some Oreganol. I'm wondering if the Lugol's Iodine will help.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Jdkokoko (Quezon City, Philippines) on 09/01/2009

i woke up with my right eye watery and swollen. i read from your website about the cure for this - green tea bag soaked in hot water. but because green tea here in the philippines is costly, i tried what is available brown tea bag. it worked. after only 7 minutes the swelling and watering has considerably decreased. i continued applying the bag after 3 hours apart, 2 times more and its completely gone the next morning. thanks earthclinic, your heaven sent (see the Holy Bible talks about plants and trees being the cure for our body illness)

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Jenk40 (Seattle, Wa, USA) on 08/28/2009

Nay: Black Tea Bags for Eye Infection: I recently got an eye infection and came online to search for natural cures. I tried applying black tea bags I had steeped as warm compresses first. I did this for about 15 minutes approximately 5 times the first day. The next day the eye infection was actually worse. I discontinued this and starting using ACV wash, which did end up working.

Sea Salt
Posted by Mel (Katy, Texas) on 07/03/2009

Sea salt solution cleared and cured my pink eye in 3 days. It did sting but I knew it would. I did this once in the morning and one in the evening. I mixed 1 tablespoon of sea salt to 1 cup of water in a water bottle. Mix well and tilt your head over the sink and squeeze a couple of times times in each eye.

Sea Salt
Posted by Nonni (Cleveland, OH) on 05/14/2009

Tristan, the cell salt Nat. Mur. (6x potency) is the tissue salt for maintaining a proper distribution of water throughout the system. I have had this cell salt work very quickly for dry eyes after taking only one or two doses. Also, as a side note to EC, it would be good to have a section for Homeopathic Remedies added to this site as they are wonderfully healing and safe to use as home remedies.

EC: Thank you for the great suggestion. A new page has been recently created:

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