Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins: Effective and Holistic Approaches

Castor Oil
Posted by Anon (USA) on 09/09/2020

I ate too much chocolate and took iron supplements (perhaps four over five or six days) and developed very painful varicose veins all over my body. Taking castor oil remedied the pain quickly and I could feel increased circulation in my legs. But then I drank a glass of cilantro juice (about four bunches worth). The pain returned with vengence.

I tried with moderate success: Butcher's broom, red vine leaf extact, grape seed extract, raw eggs, iodine, cabbage and fennel, oxygenated magnesium, cayenne tea.

Castor oil taken internally had the greatest effect on the pain up to complete relief (still waiting to see if the pain returns). Applied topically (in addition to the above herbs) the new blue veins seem unaffected, though smaller much older veins are definitely shrinking. Applied to the abdomen castor oil caused a sort of catharsis that brought additional comfort.

Oil pulling with it brought very quick relief of the pain which had been ongoing for days (i had been avoiding taking it internally because it caused nausea).

This has been ongoing for a week or so. I plan to oil pull with the castor oil daily as needed. I do swallow it, but the pain relief occurs simply by swishing it. Within minutes. Just cheap W-Mart colon cleanse castor oil.
