Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins: Effective and Holistic Approaches

| Modified on Aug 23, 2024
General Feedback
Posted by Lynn4 (Maryland) on 12/16/2023

I had varicose veins and after searching what to do about them I went to a surgeon who dealt with them. After ultrasound and other tests it was determined I had may thurner syndrome. I was born with this and Dr. showed the pictures of them to me in my pelvis. Stents have been put in and doing well - I still wear compression socks though.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 12/12/2023

Dear Anthony,

I have dealt with severe varicose veins for decades. (Many pregnancies were a major factor in this.)

I have used some natural remedies with some mild success. Vitamin E helped. Compression stockings helped.

But honestly, it's a fallen world. No matter how one works at one's health, everyone dies. All bodies decline. I was thinking about this with the recent death of Suzanne Somers. She did a lot of wellness/anti-aging stuff and did so well. (Plus she maintained a positive attitude, which is essential to well-being! )

I am currently undergoing sclerotherapy and injections for my varicose veins. I should have done this a decade ago. I did work hard to find a practice I was comfortable with. The first person I went to, I didn't think was thorough and didn't answer all of my questions. The place I am going to now had a great reputation and I have been very happy with them.

Just my 2 cents on varicose veins...

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anthony (USA) on 12/12/2023

Hi all,

Did anybody actually witness complete reversal of severe cases of varicose veins?

I understand that many of us read stuff online about 'remedies' but reading and actually witnessing/experiencing are two completely different things.

So the question is: is it possible to reverse severe cases of varicose veins and if yes, then, how do you reverse it?

Thank you

Avoid Aspirin
Posted by User B (Athens - Greece) on 01/26/2023

Contraceptive pills with hormones might cause thrombosis and thrombosis can cause swelling if it happens in the legs' veins.

Posted by Mandy (Qld) on 01/12/2023

I use Nattokinase due to hyperviscosity, I have severe varicose veins, and hemorrhoids and cannot take blood thinners.

After multiple thromboses, 2 heart attacks, and a stroke, I found out about it on a coronary care website.

5 weeks ago, I began with 4000 FU per day increasing to 4x 4000 FU per day for 3 weeks. Will shortly drop back to 4000 FU per day. I use alongside K2 every second day. My issues have settled, my varicose veins are noticeably less, not hard and painful anymore. ( I have had this chronic complaint for approximately 35 years.)

To say that I am impressed by the results is an understatement.

My heartbeat is still often irregular however I am seeing better results and quicker recovery times.

Air Compression Leg Massager
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 12/08/2022

Firstly I want to write that I haven't tried this machine on my mother (who has the problem) for a long time yet. But I have tried it myself and felt that this special massage is very helpful and many people felt their muscles invigorated afterward. It circulates the blood the way it should circulate if one hadn't the problems with the valves in the veins. Don't buy some very cheap Chinese machines which don't last long.

NormaTec is a very good machine but expensive

There are cheaper brands too

Many people say good things about similar machines,aps,306&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

Since I wrote many of good brands I don't want to make any advertise, just to help people.

Also there are some good videos of exercising for varicose veins:

Dr Axe also mentions prolotherapy or stem cell therapy (prp)

Castor Oil
Posted by Sharon (OR) on 08/18/2022

Hi, you mentioned red vine leaf extract. Where do you get it?

Horse Chestnut and Butchers Broom Herbs
Posted by Sharon (Oregon) on 08/18/2022

I've used Horse Chestnut, either in tablets/capsules or in a topical for at least 30 years. Great results. I couldn't find it, supply chain issues, so I bought Butchers Broom. Within several doses I had HIVES, first time ever! Very sorry it can't be part of my arsenal.

Posted by Sharon (Oregon) on 08/18/2022

A good, tasty source of rutin is buckwheat, whether flour or the grain.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by John (Indiana) on 08/14/2022

Black peppercorns could be dangerous if you take a certain amount. Just fyi. Research

Mullein Leaves
Posted by DS (Colorado) on 06/01/2022

We haven't done it long enough, but Edgar Cayce recommends doing steps over the legs of warmed fresh mullein herb leaves. It grows wild all over. Suggest also doing exercise, lots of fermented foods, water, and fresh fruits and vegetables to stave off constipation and keep the waste moving out. Make sure the spine is doing well with chiropractic.

Posted by John (London) on 04/17/2022

Hi what brand did you use and when did you take those 3 capsules? First thing in the morning on empty stomach before meals or with meals?

In how many weeks/months did the varicose veins disappear?

Thank you

Horse Chestnut and Castor Oil
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/08/2021 233 posts

I have suffered unsightly varicose veins on my lower legs since pregnancy, but they've never given me pain. Then I suddenly found myself unable to walk one morning and one of the pronounced veins was extra swollen, bruised and extremely sore to touch.

As an acute case, I took 9 capsules of Horse Chestnut that day, spaced out 3 with each mealtime. I attempted massage with castor oil but it was too painful, I ended up just applying and wrapping the oil into my leg loosely and limped off to work that night. But the following day while still painful to touch I was able to walk normally and by day three the vein was back to normal varicose state and I reduced the dose to 6 a day until all tenderness and bruising resolved.

Grape Seed Extract, Pine Bark Extract
Posted by Patrick O'Flaherty (St. George, UT) on 07/11/2021

Editor's Choice Not sure if this would help but....if memory serves me correct, back in the late 90's / early 2000's, my aunt was suffering from a severe case of varicose veins in both lower legs and her skin was discolored with swelling and much pain. This confined her to a wheelchair most of the time. So I got her a combination of grape seed extract and pine bark extract (Pycnogenol) and all her issues started getting better immediately, steadily but not completely. I don't recall how long she took it for. If you try this, please share your results good or bad.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by alleycat (flemington, nj) on 05/06/2021

Since hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum, has anyone tried black peppercorns (the popular hemorrhoid remedy) for bulging varicose veins in the legs?

Varicose Vein Study
Posted by Donna (Nova Scotia) on 01/07/2021

Will inclined bed therapy work for varicose veins in arms and hands? I don't have them in my legs and haven't read any solutions for this issue.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Nova Scotia) on 01/07/2021

What do you do when the varicose veins are in your hands and arm?

Castor Oil
Posted by Anon (USA) on 09/09/2020

I ate too much chocolate and took iron supplements (perhaps four over five or six days) and developed very painful varicose veins all over my body. Taking castor oil remedied the pain quickly and I could feel increased circulation in my legs. But then I drank a glass of cilantro juice (about four bunches worth). The pain returned with vengence.

I tried with moderate success: Butcher's broom, red vine leaf extact, grape seed extract, raw eggs, iodine, cabbage and fennel, oxygenated magnesium, cayenne tea.

Castor oil taken internally had the greatest effect on the pain up to complete relief (still waiting to see if the pain returns). Applied topically (in addition to the above herbs) the new blue veins seem unaffected, though smaller much older veins are definitely shrinking. Applied to the abdomen castor oil caused a sort of catharsis that brought additional comfort.

Oil pulling with it brought very quick relief of the pain which had been ongoing for days (i had been avoiding taking it internally because it caused nausea).

This has been ongoing for a week or so. I plan to oil pull with the castor oil daily as needed. I do swallow it, but the pain relief occurs simply by swishing it. Within minutes. Just cheap W-Mart colon cleanse castor oil.

Hormone Balance
Posted by Anon (USA) on 06/12/2020

Hormone Balance for Varicose and Spider Veins:

Elevated estrogen levels are believed to contribute to varicose veins. Detoxing estrogen and balancing hormones may help.

This long article discusses the role of zinc in hormone balance:

Vitex is also believed to balance hormones. The following is from

To help detox estrogen: Sesame seeds, fenugreek seeds, flax seeds, omega 3s, high fiber fruits and vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, citrus fruits, protien - especially lysine and threonine, magnesium sulfate

Aromatase blockers prevent testosterone from being converted to estrogen: melatonin, cherries, green tea

Weight loss and probiotics are also suggested.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fredmactavish (Canada) on 12/22/2018

Have you tried cayenne in your diet. It is said that it helps rebuild the innner lining of the stomach as well as help build your stomach acid.

Incline Bed Therapy
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/06/2018

Barbara, different strokes for different folks. The raising of the head side of the bed has totally eliminated any swelling in feet. But it's not a steep incline, only 2-3 inches up from the floor.

Incline Bed Therapy
Posted by Barbara (California) on 12/06/2018

I don't recommend the inclined bed therapy, having used it myself. It made my varicose veins and leg swelling worse! After hearing about inclined bed therapy, I bought a mattress, mainly to help reduce congestion in my nose at night, and to reduce acid reflex. I also had some varicose veins. Unfortunately, I have had to remove the special mattress, because within six months, the varicose veins got much worse, and swelling in my legs, ankles and feet increased! There was also a lot of uncomfortable itching in my legs in the varicose and swollen areas. I researched for natural cures for varicose veins, and ALL of the sites say to raise the legs 6 inches higher than the heart whenever possible, especially at night when sleeping. Google for the full explanations for why this is necessary, there are many good websites. The human vascular system, with it's arteries and veins and valves, is NOT designed like a tree! My acid reflux didn't improve either. The congestion in my nose did decrease, so for sleeping, I raise my head a bit on a pillow that molds around my head and neck (down or whatever works), and put pillows under my legs to gently raise them.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy Smith (Usa) on 06/07/2018

Only the water was boiled and cooled a little then added to the ACV. ACV with honey and very warm water is very tasty, especially when it is chilly outside!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/04/2018

Dear Kitty,

I used vitamin E during pregnancy for varicose veins. 800 IU a day, if I recall correctly. It didn't cure them but it certainly reduced the pain from them.

I did quit taking it at 36 weeks though because supposedly too much E in late pregnancy can cause retained placenta. Definitely the pain got worse when I stopped and I surely missed the Vitamin E.

I believe E also thins the blood, another reason to stop in later pregnancy.

(I know you aren't asking about pregnancy, but I make these notes for future readers.)

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kitty (Toronto, Canada) on 04/04/2018

Did anyone have success with vitamin E?

Unflavored Gelatin
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 11/18/2017 233 posts

Dear Marnie,

the reason the gelatin gives you headaches is because it contains free glutamic acid, also known as the neurotoxic excitotoxin MSG. Sorry but this stuff is in everything. Maybe stick to Epsom salts for the leg pain.

Unflavored Gelatin
Posted by Marnie (Madera, Ca) on 11/17/2017

Hi, I've tried taking gelatin and finds that it gives me awful headaches. How do you take the gelatin? Do you simply dissolve in water? Thanks

Unflavored Gelatin
Posted by Mardi (Toronto) on 11/16/2017

I started taking gelatin for wrinkles and noticed my leg pain when I lie down at night is gone.

Avoid Aspirin
Posted by Anon (USA) on 10/23/2017

I started taking aspirin on an empty stomach with only coffee and antacids. After a few weeks I developed swelling in my lower legs and after that varicose veins. My legs also hurt when I layed down at night to sleep. Milk and bananas would take away the pain. I was also on birth control pills around that time. Avoid aspirin. It has been shown to damage blood vessels.

Varicose Vein Theories
Posted by Cindy (Camarillo) on 07/15/2017

I know this is a very old posting but was hoping you will see it, Lisa, and consider sharing any local TCM doctors you recommend?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eduardo (Cedar Creek Tx) on 07/02/2017

Are you still experiencing relief with Apple cider vinegar? Thank you. Eduardo

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gabrielle (Scotland, Uk) on 03/31/2017

Try squeeze a bit of lemon into your mixture it softens the acid taste.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (Philadelphia, Pa) on 02/06/2017

Are you sure this worked? I tried putting this on my varicose veins and it didn't work...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Denise (Massachusetts) on 07/29/2016

People, Maria said she boiled the water, NOT the ACV or the honey!

Dried Basil
Posted by Catjya (Stl Mo) on 01/24/2016

Any time you remove h2o (water) the herb/fruit will be more potent, that's why it works faster.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sums (Mumbai, Maharashtre) on 12/24/2015

I started getting varicose veins after the birth of my 3 rd son and during my periods on day 2 and 3 along with heavy flow. On taking coconut oil 1 Tablespoon in the morning and at night my pain disappears and heavy flow becomes moderate.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by G Vig (Houston) on 09/18/2015

Please don't boil honey. Heated honey is toxic for the body. Enjoy it Raw ... :)

Varicose Vein Study
Posted by Gokhals (Ca) on 08/07/2015 34 posts

Thank you Andrew Fletcher. Inclined my bed three days ago. I am addicted to it. Sleep is way better. There were unsightly lumps of what I thought was fat on my thighs that just disappeared. I have had them for years. I thought they were fat, but obviously, if they disappeared in three days, they are likely related to sluggish lymph. I had silent GERD and would have coughing fits during the night. Gone. My heart does not feel heavy and whooshy. I do not snore any more. A restorative night's sleep has transformed me. You are my hero.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mare (Clemmons, NC) on 03/26/2015 10 posts

I am new to this site and was wondering how long it takes for the ACV to work either topically or drinking it with water and honey? I have tried both...though only for a couple of weeks and I see no difference.

Posted by Sis (California, US) on 02/03/2015

Editor's Choice I have some really great news about getting rid of those Varicose Veins. I found out by accident. I was/am taking Serrapeptase. Dosage: 3 once a day to clean my arteries.

I'm not nit picking about some spider veins. I had some pretty big dark ones and I'm really happy to say that I can barely see them now.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 01/24/2015

Dear Lisa,

I like the Nutribiotic brand of Ascorbic Acid form of Vitamin C. It is good quality and inexpensive. I mix one part of that with 1/2 part of baking soda to make sodium ascorbate (when I mix it in water.) That is easier on the system.

I can also use the Ascorbic Acid to make Liposomal C.

I used to use the NOW chewables because my children would take them readily, but they had sorbitol in them and some fillers, which I wanted to avoid.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Dallas, Tx) on 01/23/2015

Doesn't matter the type of vitamin C you take? There are so many on the market; it can become confusing. Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lenka (Australia) on 12/20/2014

The Braggs is a very good apple cider vinegar. Raw, with the mother in it. Available from health food stores.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ladygirl700 (Ashburn, VA) on 12/11/2014

Which is better for varicose veins? Drinking ACV diluted in water or applying ACV directly to the veins using cotton swab? How long do I have to do this to see the effect?

Horse Chestnut and Butchers Broom Herbs
Posted by Andreas B. (Portugal) on 10/15/2014

Hello, I have read that avoiding starchy foods (i.e. potatoes, white bread, pasta, bananas, oats and the like), helps in lowering the inflammation.

Best of Health! Andreas

Dried Basil
Posted by Man From Modesto (Kiev, Ukraine) on 08/12/2014

Connie, Regarding your tight calf muscles. I also had this problem. Like you, I have a coffee history. I owned 3 coffee shops in Philly... and continued to drink coffee after losing them (to a corrupt Phila. attorney, not to poor management).

I studied and read and read. This is what I learned:

1. Coffee causes the kidneys to flush the body system. This flushes out a lot of water. With the water, minerals and nutrients flush out.

2. Evidence will begin to appear in the finger nails. Ridges first, then little pock marks appear.

3. Because coffee is often consumed with milk, you also will have more Calcium.

4. Muscles contract with Calcium and relax with Magnesium.

5. Deficient Magnesium and tight calf muscles go together. Night cramps is a further development.

6. Other drinks that create this effect: Tea, carbonated water, sports drinks... and things that make you urinate.

7. Most foods high in Mg are also high (often higher) in Ca. I found one food that is extremely high in Mg, with much less Ca. This is raw pumpkin seeds.

I started eating the pumpkin seeds. In a few weeks, the pits were gone from my finger nails. The night cramps went away. (A later cappuccino binge brought one last one.)

More recently, I started taking Magnesium Citrate pills. This is really helping, even better than pumpkin seeds.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kislany (Europe) on 08/03/2014

Plumhappy, you do realize that Maria was talking about boiled and cooled down water (poor man's distilled purified water), which is then mixed with ACV and honey. Not boiled ACV, that would, indeed, make no sense.

Posted by Timh (KY) on 08/01/2014 2048 posts

@Anon: Several herbs are also very good for vascular disorders include ---Grapeseed Extract, White Oak Bark, Butchers Broom, Horse Chestnut.

Posted by Anonymous (Easton, Maryland) on 07/31/2014

I was suffering from severe varicose vein pain yesterday when I read this post about magnesium. I took 500 mg of Magnesium (elemental) (from 2000 mg magnesium glycerinate/lysinate chelate) - these items in parentheses are listed on the bottle of magnesium I happened to have at home. I chewed the 5 tablets so that I was sure they dissolved. Within a short time I was pain free. What a relief!!!! Thank you!!!! I suppose the relaxing effects of the magnesium was responsible. I'm going to try eating more spinach with butter to see if this would be equally as effective. That way I would be getting additional whole foods benefits such as Vitamin E, C, etc.

Nettle Tea
Posted by Violet (Cerrillos.nm) on 07/21/2014

My first pregnancy is when I first noticed visible veins in my legs. During my second pregnancy I drank a combination of nettle and raspberry leaf tea and I actually ended up with better leg veins than I started with. I would definitely recommend nettle leaf tea for anyone who is pregnant or has varicose veins.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chantel (Uk) on 06/25/2014

It's not a great idea to take neat (undiluted) ACV as it is a strong alkaline liquid and can burn the throat blessings x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Plumhappy (Somewhere, Usa) on 03/28/2014

Just questioning why would someone go to the expense of purchasing ACV with mother, obviously organic and raw and then boil it?? Defeats the purpose does it not? Raw and organic needs to be used that way and if any heat at all is used just the barest amount. I have found that adding fresh raw lemon juice to ACV cuts the nastiness of ACV. Add small amount of stevia and you have a tasty drink.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Richmond, Texas) on 07/21/2013

Not sure what kind of Apple Cider Vinegar they are using but I use B----g Organic raw-unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar and N------a Organic Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil-(cold-pressed, unrefined) and I have had great results.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sara (Ludlow Ma) on 07/17/2013

Hi thanks how long did it take to see results from the apple cider for your varicose veins? I also have spider veins hope those will clear. Did you use anything topical?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (Anon, Anon USA) on 07/15/2013

Try inclined bed therapy (ICB) for varicose veins. It is Super easy, you just raise the head of your bed by 6". Google "inclined bed therapy" for more info. Made my veins much improved! Also good for other issues.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Riley (Dallas, Tx) on 07/15/2013

How severe were your varicose veins? I also drink apple cider vinegar with water everyday, but it doesn't make them disappear.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tucker (Virginia Beach, Va.) on 07/10/2013

I have suffered for months now with extreme swelling of my legs. After many specialists I took matters in my own hands. Unprocessed Apple Cider Vinegar has not only eased the edema, my varicose veins have almost totally disappeared! If I didn't see with my own eyes I would never have imagined. I drink two teaspoons in water twice a day. The best!

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