Varicose Veins
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins: Effective and Holistic Approaches

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tucker (Virginia Beach, Va.) on 07/10/2013

Editor's Choice

I have suffered for months now with extreme swelling of my legs. After many specialists I took matters in my own hands. Unprocessed Apple Cider Vinegar has not only eased the edema, my varicose veins have almost totally disappeared! If I didn't see with my own eyes I would never have imagined. I drink two teaspoons in water twice a day. The best!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shilpa (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 01/03/2013

I am from India.. Apple cider vinegar is available in chemist shops. I am using the last 10 days and I already see and feel some changes... Some bulging veins have subsided a little and also have lost a kilo. I drink 1 tbsp ACV with 1 glass water twice a day... I think its going to work great!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deb (Delaware, Ohio, Usa.) on 07/16/2012

Editor's Choice

I have had vericose veins for 39 yrs. Had surgery on them once. Last Friday I came home form work and my left leg was throbbing. My veins had bulged out and I spent the weekend with my leg up and nursing it.

Monday, the 16th, I got on the internet and found out about apple cider vinegar for vericose veins. I rubbed it on my leg followed with a skin , moisterizer, did not have coconut oil. Five minutes later I was Pain free. Am going to follow this through with orally taking honey and acv. Will keep noting my results. A true miracle for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amy (Cedar Park, Texas) on 03/21/2007

i use apple cider vinegar topically for many things. so far, it has cured my teenage sons pimple out break(we now use it every night as a toner followed by coconut oil), athletes foot, fever blisters, styes, rashes, cleaned my sinks, windows(pretty much the whole house). i also started drinking it. 3 tblsp of acv in 8 oz. filtered water & 1/4 tsp baking soda everyday, 3 times a day. so far, i have lost weight, i have not been sick, i haven't suffered from allergies, i have more energy, and i noticed last week that a y shaped varicose vein is not even a connected v and it is flat (it was very much protruding before). i was pretty ecstatic about that! i am so excited by all the benefits that i tell everyone! my family jokes that i should put some in a windex bottle (they are referring to the father from the movie 'my big, fat greek wedding'. anyway, i now buy small bottles to put acv and coconut oil in. i have given these to my family, friends,& clients as samples. i write down the brands(and specify why) , & also your web site. they have all called me and asked where they can buy more. yeah! they have used it for there blemishes, those with diabetes have said it lowered their sugar levels. a couple of my clients who have eczema and psoriasis have told me they have been very impressed with the acv and coconut oil on their problem areas and for dry skin. wow!!! truly a miracle!!! i was also wondering if the 'nays' are using raw, unfiltered,organic acv? i have bought some in the past that did not work. after doing more research i had come to understand where i had gone wrong. i then bought acv and 'nutivas' coconut oil. what a difference! oh!!!! i use the coconut oil on my woods! it's awesome!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by James (Pemberton, New Jersey) on 11/06/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar has cured: varicose veins, weight gain, tendinitis, wrinkles. In April of 2005, I came across a booklet for ACV, at the time I was 50 years old I played sports in high school, a construction worker for 20 years and a mover for the last 15, so I have done a number on my body over the years. My daughter convinced me to start taking ACV... I have taken it everyday since! The health benefits have been many. The first thing I noticed was my hair and nail growth, doesn't seem like much but my hair was white and had no color, but was growing back in blonde! I thought that was amazing! Over all the years of abuse on my feet and ankles I had purple feet from the varicose veins, it really was a severe case, after two months of use my feet started to look clearer to me, but I wasn't sure so I started taking pictures....I now have NO varicose veins on my feet, legs or anything. In April of 2005 I was a size 38 pants, today I am a 32 pants. I have not done any extra exercise to achieve this, It simply melted the pounds away (I also have a six pack again). The ACV has given me a facelift, I do NOT look like I am 51! My wrinkles around my eyes have literally disappeared. My skin is tighter, firmer every where. I feel like a new man. Over the years while abusing my body in my everyday life (working) I developed new and painful body movements, aches where I never had before and eventually the Doc diagnosed me with tendinitis (really painful) in both of my shoulders, being a mover this isn't good for business, it really started hurting my paycheck (then I started the ACV). I really had not realized I stopped taking the naproxen the Dr. had prescribed until I went to see him for my physical. He asked me if I needed a new script, that's when I realized I used to live on those pills everyday and hadn't needed them once since I started taking the ACV, so I told the Dr. about the ACV he was awed, seeing the results for himself he decided to start taking it, in fact my Barber, Boss, Coworkers, Kids, Brothers and sister all now take it with health benefits of there own. I tell you I LOVE ACV it has changed my life and made me a new healthier man. I actually believe I have a long healthy life ahead. The recipe I use everyday is: 2 table spoons of ACV and 1 Tablespoon of honey. Add water to taste. I do this two times a day, everyday. Good luck to all in your journey to a healthier you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by April (Greenville, SC) on 03/12/2006

I had 2 really dark vericose veins. I took a rag and rubbed the ACV on the skin and i have done this for two weeks now. Once in the morning and once before bed. You can barely see them now and they were really noticeable.
