Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins: Effective and Holistic Approaches

Air Compression Leg Massager
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 12/08/2022

Firstly I want to write that I haven't tried this machine on my mother (who has the problem) for a long time yet. But I have tried it myself and felt that this special massage is very helpful and many people felt their muscles invigorated afterward. It circulates the blood the way it should circulate if one hadn't the problems with the valves in the veins. Don't buy some very cheap Chinese machines which don't last long.

NormaTec is a very good machine but expensive

There are cheaper brands too

Many people say good things about similar machines,aps,306&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

Since I wrote many of good brands I don't want to make any advertise, just to help people.

Also there are some good videos of exercising for varicose veins:

Dr Axe also mentions prolotherapy or stem cell therapy (prp)
