Natural Remedies

Ulcer Remedies

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Diatomaceous Earth, Clay, Wheatgrass
Posted by Christine (Bronx, New York) on 01/20/2010

stomache ulcer

I am so amazed by the fact that , for years i have gone to the doctor for a terrible stmache ulcer that i had. I was diagnosed at the age of 25. I was told that my ulcer was caused by a bacteria, H. pylori. Anyway, i was prescribe on numerous occasions, prevacid and prevpac.The prev pac cause me to get a yeast infection and bacteria vaginoisis that would not go away no matter what. finally, after years of suffering and research, i decided i was going to treat myself. I bought Diatomaceous earth, Clay (Terramin), and powdered wheatgrass. I mixed the diatomaceous earth together, half and half. The wheat grass did not taste so hot so i bought empty capsules and stuffed the wheatgrass in. Every morning before i eat i would drink a tablespoon full of my DE and clay mixture in an 8 ounce glass of water. I also at the same time take 4 of the wheatgrass capsules. I do this every morning and everynight before bed. within 2 week the pain in my stomache was gone. my yeast infection disappeared. the horrible smell caused by the bacteral vaginoisis disaapeared with only a small amount of discharge remaining. Also i suffer from fibroids and i no longer feel them nor the pain that they cause.
