Ulcer Remedies

Colloidal Silver, Aloe Vera, Dgl
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/27/2011

I have used a three part formula for years to heal my own "start up" stomach ulcers; always successful and have recommended the same at least twenty times with universal success. The latest success was a friend who happens to be a physician. She often makes fun of my "remedies" and attributes my various concoctions to my distant Cherokee heritage rather than good science. But the theory behind each element is real.

Assume for a moment that the ulcer's generation is often due to irritation caused by a virus or bacteria.

Then if that is so, we must have a virucide and so I use colloidal silver as the first ingredient. Therefore, take on an empty stomach about a quarter of a cup of colloidal silver in the morning and at night. Silver, of course, kills both virus and bacteria as well as fungi.

Second, we need a burn healer, because the ulcer is effectively an unhealed burn, and so use liquid aloe vera. Use a strong form. Take a quarter of a cup on an empty stomach ten minutes after you have taken the silver.

This formula worked for many years but one of my gurus told me to add DGL which is a derivative of licorice. It often comes in chewable form which I recommend. The DGL apparently also acts to heal the wound. This comes last. Take two morning and evening before bed after the silver and aloe.

This three part formula should be used for a month. When you feel that the ulcer is no longer hurting you, you can cut the formula in half for an additional month. This is to just make sure the ulcer is completely healed.

As far as diet goes, you must get completely off of all coffee (even de-caff because it too is acidic), elimination of acidic foods, like peppers and tomatos... for at least a month.

Your ulcer may not have originated from a virus or bacteria, but since you do not know, we must assume that at the heart of the irritation is a "bug."

You could also add natural vitamin E as a wound healer... Not synthetic E. Natural E will say on the labeling, "d-alpha tocopherol" while synthetic will say, "dl-alpha tocopherol"... the extra "l" after the "d" is all the difference! Almost every health food store will only sell the natural.
