Ulcer Remedies

Posted by S.b. (New York) on 12/03/2016

Hi Carol,

I was diagnosed with an ulcer over twenty-five years ago. It healed and I've had no problem with it for all of these years. However, during the past five years I've had two flare ups. I now realize that it happened each time I took Motrin for a few days. Never again. It was 9:50 pm and I was looking desperately online for some natural relief from the raw, burning pain that was radiating from my stomach, to my right side, to under my right arm pit and to my upper back. I read your post on chewing red cabbage. I had two ingredients handy that are said to be good for ulcer relief. They were cayenne and cabbage. I tried your remedy because, quite frankly, yours was the the least scary. I want to sing. You said your pain was gone in ten minutes. Mine took six minutes. I still find it hard to believe all of that pain went away so fast. I've also been belching like crazy so the bloating is lessening. I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow but for right now I'm smiling again. I'm writing because I feel so good that I want to share this remedy with others looking for relief.

Posted by Emma (El Paso, Tx) on 10/02/2016

Our lovely US government was treating our boys in WWII with cabbage juice for the infamous vitamin U. It was proven then but soon forgotten that it not only helps but CURES ulcers. Why forgotten? Naturally medical science cannot make any bucks from this angle. I know this only as I nearly died two years ago with 40 year old ulcers. The meds did nothing but complicate things, so I stopped after 10 days and did my googling. Cabbage works better and tastes far better than licorice, too. If you get the red cabbage, you also get resveratrol.

Posted by Sue (Auckland, New Zealand) on 06/09/2016

I have had stomach ulcer pain on and off for several days. Today the pain was quite intense. I put some raw cabbage in a blender and even before I had finished it, my stomach started to feel better. I will continue with this for several days. I have also had some relief from manuka honey and coconut oil, but not as dramatic as from the cabbage.

Posted by Schwabbie (So Cal., US) on 03/23/2015

Cabbage Juice for Ulcer:

The cabbage juice worked for me in 2 days. Problem is keeping up with it. Its easy to do on the weekends when I am home, but when I am at work it's not so easy. And yes the pain will go away, but you still need to keep taking it otherwise the pain comes back. I am going to try juicing before or after work and using the glutamine powder during the day when I am at work.

Posted by Carole (Canada) on 05/08/2014

Editor's Choice While I was studying at university 30 years ago, a doctor put me on some very harsh anti-inflammatories for a back condition I had and I developed very bad stomach ulcers. The anti-inflammatory was so harsh in fact that it was taken off the market in the end. Anyhow, I had those ulcers for 30 years and tried EVERY treatment possible through conventional medicine, but the antibiotics killed my good bacteria and gave me more problems, and the acid blockers have a huge rebound effect (the minute you go off them, the stomach acid you produce is far higher than normal and this brings back the ulcer). I'm telling you, if someone had told me to put a cow paddy on my head because it would cure my ulcers, I would have tried it. I have suffered greatly from them, and there have been many foods I have not been able to eat.

Anyhow, I started hearing about how cabbage juice had cured many people of their ulcers (Was it the natural chemicals in the cabbage killing bacteria, or was it some natural chemical that increased the health/patency of the stomach lining? Who knows?).

So, one day when my ulcer pain was radiating up to my neck and ear and I really had nothing to lose, I bought a red cabbage, took off the outside leaves, washed the innerleaves, and started chomping on the leaves right away. I spit out any cabbage that did not chew up completely in my mouth because I didn't want any undigested fiber to go to my large bowel to be digested by bacteria that make gas. I chewed on the cabbage VERY thoroughly, as if it were chewing gum. Interestingly, there was very little fiber to spit out. All I wanted was the juice (which apparently holds the good plant chemicals). I did not want the fiber. The result bordered on the miraculous. Within 10 minutes my stomach/neck/ear pain was incredibly better. It was too incredible to believe. For the whole day, as I worked from my home on my computer, I grazed on the cabbage and also ate my regular meals through the day. I cannot tell you what good that cabbage did for me. In all, I ate the equivalent of 3/4 of a small cabbage that day. I had absolutely no gas from the cabbage; as a matter of fact, it REDUCED my gas (although I must say that cooked cabbage GIVES me gas). So, to my way of thinking, cabbage juice does not cause gas, but the difficult-to-chew fiber does.

For the next two days, I ate the same amount of cabbage (be warned, when the cabbage mixes with your saliva and you spit out the difficult-to-chew fiber, the spit-out-cabbage-fiber smell is very stinky (probably from sulfhydryl groups). It's the typical cabbage stinky smell. Your whole house will smell of it if you don't throw out the spit-out-fiber on an hourly basis. But believe me, that's a SMALL price to pay for your cure. My husband got to loving that smell because he was getting a wife for the first time in his life that wasn't in pain due to her stomach ulcers.

In the literature I read, it said that you should do the cabbage treatment for 10 straight days, but I have to admit, I was soooo well after four days that I neglected to do it for a couple of days. Then I did it for a couple of days. Then I slacked off. You get the picture.

The be-all-to-end-all is that my stomach is the best it's ever been. And the funny thing is, a month after the treatment (I am not currently eating raw cabbage) my stomach keeps getting better and better. There are things that I am eating now that I hadn't been eating for years.

So, my treatment plan was to go slow, do it at my pace, and see what happened. And it worked great.

I am writing this message to you because it was the encouragement from this website that finally made me try the cabbage on one of my worst days, and it miraculously worked and I wanted to pay that miracle forward.

For the rest of my life, I will take the time to eat raw cabbage in my diet every once in a while.

All the best!

Posted by Kris (Vancouver, WA) on 01/25/2009

About a year ago I had a major heart attack (I'm 38). The doctors told me it was because of the stress the heart attack put on my body, I developed an ulcer. I was put on a double Previcid, but nothing helped. I was at the point I couldn't do anything, or eat anything without severe stomach pain.

A friend of mine suggested cabbage juice. I did some research and started drinking about 4 oz twice a day. The first day I felt better. Within about 4 days I felt like my old self. It's been two months, I quite drinking the cabbage juice after about 3 weeks, and have not had any symptoms or flare ups since. I would recommend this for anyone with stomach problems!

Posted by Marco ( Fort Worth, TX) on 01/08/2009

Cabbage Juice is a great remedy for stomach ulcers. Most people see improvement about 5 days after starting to drink the juice. I used it for an ulcer that had been bothering me for months and I felt significantly better and pain free after only the first day of my supplementation. It's pretty simple.

Just buy cabbage from any store, most are average size and vary little from one to another. I usually slice off about half an inch off any side of the cabbage and put it into a blender. I add about 1 cup of distilled water and blend for a full minute. I let it set for about 5 minutes and then drink it down, pulp and all.

The taste is very plain. The only thing that will bother most people at first is the smell. But its very easy to drink - not bitter or foul tasting. You'll only taste it if you convince yourself it tastes like it smells, which I did at first. You generally do 3 cups a day, spaced out, until you ulcer is healed, which is usually 4-10 days for most people. If you're not seeing a doctor, its best to continue a couple of weeks as the cabbage juice relieves the pain of an ulcer, which may deceive some people into thinking it has actually healed in full. Changing your diet to avoid foods that irritate your ulcer (fats for most people are the irritants) is also crucial to healing.

Cabbage may also work for other digestive ailments. A cup of blended cabbage juice contains millions of friendly bacteria. There is actually significant scientific evidence out there that supports cabbage juices beneficial properties for ulcers and the digestive system in general. It's a very cost effective treatment and is definitely preferable to harmful antacids.

Posted by Sarah (Brussels, Belgium) on 05/20/2007

A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with GERD and I suffered from acid reflux and heartburn. The medication prescribed by the doctor rather worsened my situation and I suffered a number of side effects from it. I came across a site suggesting that drinking raw cabbage juice cures acid reflux and other problems related to the stomach, such as ulcer.I did further research to confirm this and decided to give it a try.

The general suggested daily dosage is about a quart [800ml] of raw cabbage juice to be taken about 4 times daily. I found that rather too much and I started with 400ml [100ml x 4].I noticed great improvement and after one week I reduced the dosage to 300ml [100ml x 3]. After about 3 weeks of the whole therapy, I decided to take only 200ml a day. Those with stomach ulcers or acute cases of acid reflux might need to take the full dosage.

I have stopped drinking cabbage juice since about 10 months now and I haven't had any serious reflux problems. For those who would like to try it, PLEASE NOTE that it is said to have strong impact on the thyroid glands [the more reason why I never consumed 800ml a day!]. Not to mention the stench - it is better stored in an air-tight water bottle and kept in the fridge. Good luck to all, and thanks for the great site.
