Effective Natural Remedies for Trigger Finger Relief

Posted by Marsh57 (United States) on 03/29/2019

Yesterday after a nap my right 3rd finger was stuck closed. Helped it open with my other hand; it hurt like crazy, even when rubbing it. Came to EC, read about the bromelain. Took 1 capsule and an hour later, I realized the symptoms were gone. This is the 3rd time this has happened in about 3 months. I applied castor oil with frankincense which helped a bit – the pain and stiffness lasted about 3 days – but the bromelain was amazing!

Posted by Vkelerful (Texas) on 10/19/2018

I have had much success with bromalein for my trigger finger which I took for a year...Trying now to supplement with pineapple juice now to sustain. Haven't done that enough yet....but a trigger maybe once a week isn't bad. Trying to boost the juice. How much does one need? What exercises?

Posted by Mary (Phoenix, Az) on 04/05/2017

For trigger finger, try taking the bromelain on an empty stomach with water. If you take it with meals, it will digest your food rather than working on healing your trigger finger.

Posted by Moillyinfl (Florida) on 08/15/2016

Editor's Choice I've had trigger finger in my thumb for several months. It was stiff and very painful. I was not able to bend it at all. Then I ran across the suggestion here to try bromelian. I ordered it the same day. In about two days, I could wiggle my thumb a little. It's been two weeks now and I have full range of motion in my thumb and no pain. It still clicks some, but at this rate, I'm sure it will be fully healed soon. I have tried so many things that didn't help at all. It was very demoralizing to have so much thumb pain because it is hard to do anything at all without using your thumb! Bromelian was like a miracle cure for me.

Posted by Gladys (Florida) on 03/10/2016

My doctor gave me a steroid injection 6 months ago for trigger finger. When the 6 months were up the pain was excruciating. I swear I was going to have to call the doctor and have him to an emergency surgery. I got online and I read about Bromelian. I went to the store immediately since it was saturday and the surgeon was not available and started taking them. I also purchased topical analgesic ointment anad (for joint and muscles pain) rub that on my hand and fingers, put a glove on and went to bed and the following day it was like a miracle. Thank God!! I'm hoping that Bromelian will work forever and I won't have to go for surgery.

Posted by Jeanette T. (San Antonio, Texas) on 02/18/2016

Editor's Choice Bromelain....worked miracles for me.I had been suffering for a month with both thumbs trigger finger. First time I took 2 tables 500 mg of bromelain an hours or 2 I felt the result. Today is my second day and I woke up a little stiff but I am taking 2 500 ms 3 times a day and I feel 99% better. Thank God I read about bromelain. I really was considering acupunture in the next few days but after taking this I have cancelled my acupuncture appointment!

Posted by Vicky (Texas) on 09/02/2015

I took the suggestion to try bromelain for my trigger finger. It has been 2 months. I am very pleased and the healing continues. I ran out about 10 days ago and my finger locked for the first time in weeks....only once. The flexibility and stiffness and inflammation are much improved. It takes a little time...but it works.

Posted by Hurt (Nicosia, Cyprus) on 05/24/2013

Bromelain cured my trigger finger, it bends almost as it used to, and I take one tablet daily, just to make sure it doesnt become a problem again. Do it! I get it from Holland and Barett, they are huge pills, difficult to swallow, but Sogars have them too. I saw three doctors, they all wanted to operate, because I had trigger finger for a year, so they didnt want to try the other only option for them, ie steroids. Well, all is well now.

Posted by Hurt In Space (Nicosia, Cyprus) on 11/21/2012

Bromelain IS THE CURE for trigger finger. I have had considerable pain in my left thumb for over a year, could not bend it at all, and was postponing an opperation, since none of the numerous steroid pills I was given was of any help. I read about Bromelain, and took 3 pills a day, for about one month, almost completely cured my finger, no pain, I can almost bend fully. I will keep taking it.

Posted by Miriam Fitchett (Las Vegas, Nv) on 07/08/2012

I had trigger finger in both thumbs for a year. Agony!! I started taking bromelain, an enzyme extracted from pineapples, (to prevent swelling) for an upcoming surgery last November. The dose was 3 times a day between meals for 3 weeks. After taking bromelian for 3 weeks my trigger fingers were cured completely! I take bromelain once a day now (preventative). To date, trigger finger(s) has not reoccured. Hope this helps!
