Tinea Versicolor Remedies

Castor Oil
Posted by Base (Thailand) on 08/04/2017

It's work for me too, after I try many things many medicine.


Castor Oil
Posted by Yogesh Gandhi (India) on 11/22/2015

Earlier I was using coconut oil thrice a day and castor oil once a day... It cured me upto 50% in 4 days....

And then over the weekend, I applied castor oil thrice a day and coconut oil once a day....And my progress was upto 90%... I am amazed to see its results... It is NO LESS THAN MAGIC.

At some parts I can't even see the spots.

I applied it only on the affected area (not on the whole body). You may apply it on the whole body but concentrate more on the affected area.

Castor Oil
Posted by Nikky (Malaysia) on 02/14/2015

This is day 2 of my trial on Caster Oil. I rub my whole body in and leave it on overnight. No results yet but I would like to know if it is the correct way of putting it on?

Castor Oil
Posted by Josh (Malaysia) on 01/21/2015

After reading your review, I bought a bottle of castor oil and started applying externally like you have stated. 4 nights of application and my Tinea Versicolor was gone. Thank you Brian. :)

Castor Oil
Posted by Brian (Central, Nj) on 07/07/2014

My wife has been dealing with Tinea Versicolor for many years and had tried just about every product and home remedy out there. Unfortunately it continued to get worse, particularly during and after her recent pregnancy.

I had been to Earth Clinic previously but always pasted over castor oil and focused on other remedies instead (none of which worked for her). So this time we decided to try castor oil and after 5 straight days of external application, her Tinea Verisocolor is gone. We were shocked to see how effective this stuff was and I can't even see traces of where it was on her body. I highly recommend this for anyone struggling with this condition!

For reference, we use the brand sold at Whole Foods, which appears to be pure, unrefined castor oil for skin care.

Castor Oil
Posted by Ravencurls (Deerfield Beach, Fl) on 07/09/2013

Editor's Choice About 2 weeks ago I learned that Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is antibacterial and antifungal. I put a few ounces of a very good brand of organic, raw, unfiltered ACV undiluted into a small bottle and added a few drops of lavender oil to improve the fragrance. For about 2 weeks, about 2-3 times a day, I used a cotton disk to swab the affected areas with the ACV/lavender solution. I also kept my back as clean and dry as possible, and changed my sheets more often. The splotches started fading. But if the hot Florida sun made me perspire for a while, the splotches came back in full color again.

Coincidentally, over the last week I had been studying everything I could about castor oil packs and castor oil rubs. I got a bottle of cold-pressed, cold-processed castor oil from Whole Foods. One health practitioner on Youtube recommended doing a castor oil rub anywhere the body seems to be in need of support.He also said in another video that skin-fungal infections stem from gut problems. "As the root to the rose, so the bowel to the skin, " he said.

For the past 3 nights, I've massaged the castor oil all over my back, as well as in the front over my liver-spleen-gut area and slept in cotton pajamas. And each morning I was amazed that the splotches had faded significantly.

By Day 3, the splotches are almost completely gone! There are faint ghosts of a few of them, but I think that with one or two more nights of castor oil treatment, they will be completely gone! I can soon start wearing low-backed dresses and swimsuits again!
