Tinea Versicolor Remedies

10% Sulfur Soap
Posted by ctnelson (Dupage, IL) on 05/19/2024

10% Sulfur Soap for Tinea Versicolor / Pityriasis Versicolor

Hello! I've read many comments for many ailments and want to say thank you as this is my first post.

Every summer since around 2012 (very hot and humid Memorial Day weekend-long yard work) I've had tinea versicolor. Had my doctor look at my back in 2015 and was prescribed oral ketoconazole for two weeks and it worked but I sure felt physically weak (I workout). A few months later it was back and I stopped seeing that doctor after I learned ketoconazole lowers testosterone temporarily along with many other possible adverse side effects.

Every summer or other times I'd sweat the red spots and itchiness would return and then leave white spots after sun exposure, annoying and cosmetically not cool as it also started to appear on my shoulders, inner elbows, spotty on forearms and lower biceps.

Last week I came across an article that sulfur soap is good for all types of skin ailments; eczema, psoriasis, acne, tinea versicor, ring worm, warts(?), etc. Looked on Amazon for a 10% sulfur soap and read reviews and thought I didn't have much to lose except money. I've been using it for 6 days now but noticed the red spots from new occurrences were gone on day 4 also after being outside in some humid weather and sweating. It says to use the soap twice a day for 4-10 days but I only use it once before bed because sulfur smells and I don't want to be so potent smelling during the day. I lather up in the shower and also use it for my hair/scalp as I was having some slight dandruff and leave it on for 2-5 minutes. It looks like sulfur kills the overgrowth of Malassezia, one of the yeasts on our skin. I would recommend giving it a try!
