10 Natural Stye Treatments for Fast Relief


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Posted by Armando Ballesteros (North Hollywood, CA) on 08/01/2008

I have another remedy that cures sty's that people may want to try. Ever since I could remember, my mother uses a piece of onion (sauteed) no oil, just for heating purpuses. Warm it up til it's nice and hot and just rub it on your eye lid until the onion is no longer hot. Try this a couple of times and you will see results the same night/day you do this.


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Posted by Cathy (Lakeside, US) on 08/22/2014

For over a week I tried every remedy known to man to get rid of my sty. I just had surgery on my hip, then a couple weeks out of hospital I developed a sty which made my eye terribly swollen. I was using a cane for my hip and because the sty looked so terrible I started wearing sunglasses when I went out. (All I needed was a seeing eye dog to complete the picture. ) Feeling very discouraged I prayed for a cure and heard "potato" as a divine answer. Well after trying at least 6 or 7 remedies which failed, I finally decided to listen. I cut a raw potato in half and microwave for 30 seconds. I applied it to my eye (test temperature tentatively first so you don't burn eye. ) After less than an hour my sty was 90% gone! Thank you God!

Posted by Stella (Cleveland, Ohio) on 02/27/2008

My husband had a sty eye he cut a Baked Potato in half and put it on his eye for a few minutes, did this a few times and it took the infection away. It absorbs the infection into the potato.


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Posted by Grace (London, UK) on 12/14/2008

Previously I have used a gold ring to cure my styes, usually it works right away and if not within a few hours but it does not always work sadly. I say sadly because I am often afflicted by these horrible things.

Recently I developed a large painful sty, it was causing me great discomfort and making me want to stay in the house so no one would see my inflamed eye! I hate that feeling.

Despite rubbing my gold ring on it and applying hot compresses and warm tea bags on it repeatedly plus putting castor oil on the stye at night, it was just getting worse to my horror, it was large, swollen and red.

The following day I washed my eye with a turmeric solution and also did a steam inhalation aimed to 'open' up the stye and decongest it from the pus. I did this by leaning over a bowl of freshly boiled water with a few drops of essential oils of tea tree, lavender, geranium and patchouli- these oils are used to fight staph- with a towel on my head.

The sty was still there, that horrible creature!

Finally I tried the salt remedy. This was my last resort as this is a very painful remedy.

I put a little salt in a shot glass with some warm water and bathed my eye. I opened my eye and boy did the pain kick in! I was worried in fact that I was hurting myself but I guessed if my eye can survive saltwater in the sea then it can survive this. After that I applied externally to the bump of the sty a salt and water paste which I left to dry.

Thank goodness for salt. The salt really seems to have dried up the worst of the stye and helped to purge the offending swellings....


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Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 12/10/2018

Last Thursday I felt a sty coming on in my eye. I got them often as a child and knew that feeling. I wanted to nip it in the bud and held a moist warm black tea bag on it for 20 minutes a few times that day.

The next day it was worse. I started to apply coconut oil to my eyelid and continued with the tea bags.

The next day it was worse. Castor oil provided some temporary relief but it was really itchy.

Then I remembered the silver gel I bought. It didn't say not to use around the eyes so I did.

It brought almost immediate relief to the itching. I used it several times a day on Saturday and it was 90% better by Sunday morning. I continued to apply a few times to make sure it was gone.

Today my eye is fine. Next time I will just use the silver first. I was using Silver Shield that I recently mentioned for using on minor burns. I can't wait to see what else it will help!

~Mama to Many~


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Posted by Dwight (Pretoria, South Africa) on 10/05/2011

Tea Bag for sty

Realised I had a sty yesterday for the first time when my girlfriend pointed it out to me, subsequently she had one the day before and dissapeared really quick with the use of some regular old eye drops.

Anyway, read about using green tea teabags for treating a sty. I didnt have any green tea teabags, but used rooibos tea teabags instead, I applied it twice for about 5 minutes each time then rinsed my eye with hot water (mostly just to get the remaining tea stain off my face lol), and BAM the sty has pretty much disappeared.

Flippen amazing, I'm quite surprised at how well it worked and in such a short amount of time, I was actually going to stop by the pharmacy today to get sty ointment until I came across this site.

Thanks for all the useful info on here. Definitely going to be coming to this site more often for the weird and wonderful things that people recommend.

Posted by Alana (Chicago, Il) on 08/03/2009

Tea bags cured my eye styes! I had a sty on my eyelid and one under my eye for over a year. One morning I woke up with another one right on the edge of my eye that was really irritating so I found this home remedy and it worked within 24 hours. I grabbed a tea bag (i think it was green tea, but it most likely doesn't matter) soaked it in warm water until it actually produced tea, then held the bag on each stye for ~15 minutes. I felt instant relief on the newest stye so I then repeated the process and held it for longer each time. 2 of the 3 styes are gone and the 3rd is definitely smaller. I'm sure if I kept at it they all would have disappeared but it is a bit awkward holding a teabag to your eye for long periods of time!

Posted by Candice (Victorville, CA) on 11/26/2008

Stye (I think that this might have an E but Im not sure)

I had a stye about a month ago and I tried putting tea on the stye. Within a couple of hours it was almost gone. I had read that tea helps with swelling so I gave it a try. I simply put a tea bag in warm water for about 1 minute and then poured out all of the water let it cool a bit (you want it to be warm but not too warm to touch) then use a couple of Qtips to soak up some of the tea (by depressing the Qtip on the warm tea bag) make sure it isnt too hot and place the Qtip with the tea on it directly onto the stye. And within a couple of hours it should feel better. I dont think that the type of tea matters but I did use a Green Tea baggie.


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Posted by Jesse (Sacremento, CA) on 02/12/2009

Wow. I was kind of skeptical about this at first but it was just a couple dollars down the drain if it doesn't. BUT IT DID WORK! I got a stye on my eye (which is caused by staph) and in 3 days of drinking 1 tsp of turmeric 2-3x a day it was gone. I'll admit warm water plus the powder isn't the best taste to have stuck in your mouth. The other day I had a pimple type thing in my nose that i could've swore was mrsa, it was hurting and red even on the outside of my nose (i know it would've got bigger, it's happened before) and in a day it was gone. Thanks!

Posted by Annie (Durban, South Africa) on 07/19/2008

Hi All - esp. Wendy,
I had a very nasty sty on my upper eyelid for some days before discovering the TURMERIC CURE here @ EARTH CLINIC. I immediately diluted a little in warm water in a liqueur glass & bathed my eye with this - holding the glass very close to my eye to prevent spillage. I kept it in place for a minute or less, and VOILA! within hours (can't recall how many) the sty reached a head & burst on its own. I helped to drain it using hot water on cotton wool & the little that remained disappeared within the next 24hrs. THANK YOU EARTH CLINIC & to everyone that has kindly contributed their testimonials as well! TURMERIC really works like MAGIC! Thanks GOD too for this AWESOME gift! :)
Love, light & healing ALL,


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Posted by Taylor (Columbia, S.C. USA) on 06/16/2010

The Urine does work. This is my 2nd sty. My Grandmother told my mother about this because i had never gotten one before.... this does work, by the next morninq the sty had shrunk so much...

Posted by Emma (Melbourne, VIC Australia) on 01/14/2009

I know there's some stigma over using this-but quite a lot of skin creams contain urea-one of the major components of urine. I can tell you that getting a small amount of fresh urine on a cotton wool ball and applying it to styes, works a treat-your stye will be gone in a few hours-may need a couple of applications though.

Replied by Di
(New York, Ny)

I woke up with a stye this morning. Urine has helped in the past to get rid of it within the same day. I'm going to try that again... It takes a few applications but I remember it worked in the past.

Posted by Phil (Portland, Oregon) on 09/01/2008

To relieve pressure from a sty within a short time (less than 4 hours). Place a small amount of your first urine discharged of the day into a small glass. Drip a Q-tip in the urine and place Q-tip on the sty. You will feel relief in 3o minutes and decrease of sty swelling with in 4 hours. Label glass and cover with Saran wrap and reapply in the afternoon if swelling and pain continues. Done this trick with great sucess through out my 56 years on planet earth.

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