10 Natural Stye Treatments for Fast Relief

Lavender Oil

4 User Reviews
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Posted by Muhammad (Charlotte, Nc) on 10/23/2009

Lavender Oil cures styes

Thank God for this website. I have been afflicted with styes every month for more than a year and have searched for a cure. Your website has been a constant source of research and inspiration for me. My doctors prescribed the usual ineffective eyedrops but nothing helped. One evening, about 6 months ago, I was using Lavender oil in my hair (in an attempt to heal some head sores I have been getting) when I accidentally rubbed my finger across my eyelids. At the time, I had a painful stye that just would not go away. Lo and behold, the very next morning, the stye reduced in size and the pain went away. By evening, the stye had disappeared! Just to make sure it would not return, I deliberately put a very light amount of Lavender oil on my finger and rubbed it over both eyelids and (yes) across my eyeball. It stung for about a minute, but since then I have not had one occurrence of styes. I told a friend about this. She had problems with her eyes becoming red and inflamed. She tried it and it cured her eye problems too! I am putting this information out so that other sufferers with styes can see if it works for them also. Please note that you do not have to put a whole drop of Lavender Oil on your finger. Wash your hands before applying. Simply touch the wet tip of the bottle to your finger and rub your eyelids. Let your finger touch your eyeball. It stings for about a minute but does not affect your vision. Close your eyes and roll them around for a minute. Then wipe away any excess (and your tears). Please post some feedback on your experience so that others can benefit.

Manuka Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Noofus (Phoenix, Az) on 09/06/2017

I tried every single other sty remedy listed here for over 3 weeks, and nothing made the slightest difference until I tried honey. I used manuka honey and DMSO on a q-tip. I applied the honey (which sticks to the spot nicely) morning and evening, and by the next morning, the sty had shrunk to almost nothing overnight. Using DMSO with the honey may not be necessary, but it worked for me.


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Posted by Granola Jess (Stuttgart, Germany ) on 11/07/2021

Cured in 4 days with breast milk.

Once again, earth clinic folks know best. I bet any milk would work but I am fortunately a nursing mother, so I was able to use a dropper with 4 drops or so three times a day.

time line:

monday, what's that itching in my eye.

tuesday, oh no, it's a style. First one ever; let google doctoring begin.

Wednesday, it looks like someone punched me. It was a double style: a small one on the bottom eye lash line and a biiigggg one on my eye lid on the inside. Bug white head. At first I tried coconut oil and some other things that did not help or hurt. But as soon as I dropped the milk in like eye saline, I felt a little relief. I was very consistent with it.

on Friday I was driving and at a stop light, when I decided to take a look at it, and it popped as I was looking at it. Pretty gross. But by the end of the day the pain and discomfort was gone and now on Sunday everything looks normal again.

Posted by Jim (Chicago) on 02/12/2020

Had many styes as a kid. Used hot milk compresses all the time. Always worked great! Highly recommend it.

Posted by Freda (Riverdale, Ga) on 09/12/2016

Milk for a Stye

Thanks so much! This is the best my eye has felt in the last two days the itching, the swelling, and pain subsided with in minutes. I can barely even tell it's there anymore.

Posted by Mariah (Tx) on 07/15/2016

I used too get stys all the time (still do), but mothers breast milk helps. So awesome guys, it goes away so quickly!

Posted by Briana Brewer (Santa Cruz Ca) on 11/18/2015

I found extremely potent success with an old folk remedy I heard discussed by women at the NorthernCa Women's Herbal Symposium. I had a stye that quickly grew under my left eye right by my tear duct that was very painful even though it was not that large with minimal swelling. At first I thought I had a bruised eye cavity from slamming myself in the face with one of my rakes that I stepped onto in the dark in my garden shed, resulting in the classic cartoonishish thwack right to my left cheekbone. When a head started to develop on the painful eye I quickly realized it was a stye and not related to the rake thwack. I then thought that perhaps I got it from using my old eye makeup, which I really never wear now, on Halloween to dress up. So big tip here for preventing is to not take those suggestions of when to toss eye makeup lightly.

Onto the treatment, I used what these women spoke of highly which was turmeric infused milk applied hot on gauze to the eye and taped to stay while sleeping overnight. I was amazed to find that overnight the head disappeared and the treatment actually drew out a bit of what I believe to have been the infected blood at the area, only a few drops by my what an amazing sea change overnight. I will do again for the next few nights just to be sure it is gone completely.

The warm teabag method also appears to soothe but not treat as effectively at all as the turmeric milk. The milk with turmeric does not sting at all and is highly effective. Apparently you can put drops of it in your eye as well but I didn't find that necessary maybe if you have a more aggressive infection try that. Thank you for reading and good luck in your home treatment who I definitely recommend more than anything a "Doctor" would give you...B Brewer

Posted by Brittney (South Carolina) on 07/30/2015

2 days ago I got a stye on my upper right eye out of nowhere. I felt the pain a day before but there was nothing there this is the second stye I've ever had in my life. Someone at my job told me to use milk, she said that the bacteria kills the infection of the sty, I didn't think that it would work but I tried it and a day later the swelling was gone and the pain was gone and my eye is back to normal. I would recommend this to anyone that has a sty. I used one of my today medicine droppers that I cleaned out very well and I dropped warm milk into my eye a couple of drops at a time twice yesterday and I am all better today!! This is the best and safest way in my opinion.

Posted by Write4cure (Denver, Colorado) on 07/18/2013

Milk for eye styes: I would have never believed it. I had a steye inside my lower lid that was excrutiating. I reviewed all of the recommendations and atecdotal stories about relief on this site. After deciding I wasn't about to try to anything gold inside my eye (LOL), I thought I would try both the green tea and milk poultices to see if I aould get some relief.

The warm green teabag poultice/compress felt good, but did nothing except just provide soothing heat for the time I applied it.

The milk, on the other hand, was a super relief to me. I heated regular homogenized cow milk in the microwave (about a 3/4 cup) for a minute. It was on the high side of warm and close to hot--(be careful it isn't too hot as to damage your tender skin around the eye). I soaked a clean compress pad in the milk, wrought out most of the excess, and applied to my eye and held it there for maybe 5-10 minutes max. Within that time, the stye had broken and began to exude its yuck, and my swelling and pain was alleviated. I continued this about every 4 hours for the next 16 hours. Amazing results/relief. Super results. Who would have thought? BTW, when I first read the accounts about milk as a relief, I thought "aww c'mon"-- but so interesting that it actually works! Wow. I recommend it, because for me, it worked beautifully.

Posted by Uma B (London, Uk) on 10/20/2011

My dad told me this one. I had painful sty in my eye and it was pain like someone had punched me. Warm water to first clean the eye with cotton wool. Then put few drop of warm milk on the sty in the eye area. For good measure, I soak cotton wool pad and put on my eye until cotton pad has gone cold. In the morning, the sty had burst, I washed eye with water and... it was gone! Only slight reddness, maybe one more day, but all gone.

Glad you were brought up in a village, sorry you suffered thru poverty... But this helped my eye. love you dad.

Posted by Jessica (Dallas, Tx) on 04/19/2011

After learning so much from this site, I felt compelled to share my $.02 in hopes of maybe helping someone else! About 4 months ago, I started having issues with my right eye. It started out innocently enough (itchy and watery) - chalked it up to TX allergies. It would go away for a few days, then I'd wake up some mornings with the same eye red, swollen, and itchy. Not currently having medical insurance, I didn't feel this was q big enough issue to make a costly doctor's visit.

Over the course of the last few months, the condition would come and go - vacillating between symptoms of eye stye and pink eye. I tried many of the remedies I read about and had varying levels of success. ACV (diluted) by far was the most painful, I love ACV but my eyeball does not... I ingested ACV.. In addition to a plethora of vitamins I was taking at the time. I slept with hot tea bag compresses on my eye.. Washed all makeup brushes.. Tried many many things! Noticing last weekend that the little stye bump was smaller than I had seen it in months, I decided to return to this thread on EC to see if there was any stone I'd left unturned.. I felt like I was really close to kicking this thing!!

2 words. EVAPORATED MILK. Oh my goodness. I washed/rinsed both my eyes with this before I got in the shower a couple days ago. Showered, got teary as usual and to be honest, I really didn't notice any big difference. Yet lo and behold, as I was washing my face this morning, I realized the little red pinpoint sty that has haunted me the past couple months is NOT THERE... I have to attribute this to the evaporated milk - none of the other remedies tried provided such quick and painless relief!

Replied by Joyce
(Lansdowne, Pa)

I am glad that worked for you. I remember as a child when we had any eye problem my mother would send us to her cousin who was breast feeding and she would squeeze her breast milk into our eyes. That worked and we did not have to go to the doctor.

Posted by Rachelle (Lakewood, Co) on 02/27/2009

I poured milk in my infected eye last night. The sty on the inside drained all night long; however, the other sty that is directly on the bottom lining of my eye lid is full force today. Big, red and sore. I will try milk on it tonight when I get home. Really wishing I had some gold to rub on it...

Posted by Caroline (Myrtle Beach, SC) on 01/10/2009

Milk is the best cure for a sty. My family has been using it for generations. Just poor milk directly in the eye and the sty will begin to drain in minutes.

Multiple Remedies

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Ann (New York, Ny) on 05/31/2013

I had a stye/chalazion which I went to see an opthamologist about and she precribed cortizone and antibiotics, which in addition to seeming an "overkill" cure, cost between $150 and $200 with no precription benefits. No can do.

I went home and used a few cures. Internal immunity boost: 5000 Vitamin C, little extra A and tumeric and milk with honey throughout day. For the actual eye, I used tea bags soaked in tea (alternated Yogi "cold season tea and green), wrapped in sterile gauze and then I put a hot water bottle on top to keep it warm ( bc the teabag loses its warmth quickly and you want to increase circulation to drain the stye). In 24 hours it looks and feels better, is already not so itchy. My hubby says I don't look like a boxer anymore.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Milady (Ann Arbor, Michigan) on 06/03/2012

"I'm not usually a blogger - but feel it necessary to write about my positive experiences with clearing a sty in 24 hours". Thank you so much EC. I read all the blogs on how to get rid of sty a on fixed income and no health insurance. So here goes... It was about the size of a peppercorn in the left eye and was hurting really bad. I rubbed with my gold ring-14k for about 5 minutes while sitting on a toilet. In the afternoon the sty size went somewhat down. I drank regular tea and placed a teabag on the eye. The swelling came back to bigger size... Then I applied baby bath wash with a qtip in the evening. I showered at night and felt it open up with steam, I put pressure on it lightly and felt stringy mucous come out. I applied the baby wash again before going to bed. I let it stay overnight. In the morning I washed my face, the sty bump was gone. It was flat. I applied Aloe Vera gel from Trader Joes ($2. 99) on sty area. This afternoon my son comments when he saw my face, "what did you do... How did you get rid of it. " Thank you again, it is gone n 24 hours!!!!!!

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