Skin Condition Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Josey (Tulsa, 0l) on 09/08/2012

I had crust and cracking behind my ears for about a year and could not cure it with anything. Then I began applying ACV and by the next day it was gone, and in a week of applying it, it never returned.

Posted by Expat-in-togo (Lome, Maritime Province, Togo) on 09/07/2012

Hello! I posted this remedy on a different site specifically about intertrigo, but I find your site very useful so I wanted to share this info here as well. I successfully solved my 7 years problem with intertrigo using kefir. My serious problem zones were always my armpits and "legpits" as I call them: inner upper thighs, *impossible* to keep dry -- as an expat living in tropical West Africa I sweat a lot on a daily basis. I tried several things before this, and I would like to report back on what helped. Topical coconut oil with turmeric powder was temporarily effective but stained clothing like crazy. Gentian violet was also temporarily effective, and also stained clothing like crazy.

I then found out about probiotics about 3 months ago, got some kefir grains 2 months ago, and a month ago it occurred to me, why not try them topically? So I did! The kefir did the job inside of a week, more like three days. My armpits look normal again. My "legpits" are no longer red-rash-looking, no itching, nothing. All I did was take a tablespoon or less (per application site) of the kefir grains mixed with the yogurt-like kefiran, smeared it on and left it on overnight, washed it off in the morning. I think what it does is crowd out the bad bacteria/yeasts with a diverse population of body-friendly bacterias and yeasts. I like drinking kefir, but this use is awesome and saved me from trying antibiotics again. So I wanted to share my success, and I hope this helps someone else solve their problem too. I should specify I used milk kefir grains, but I am guessing water kefir grains might work also.

Dry Skin
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/06/2012

I used to have dry flaky skin on the backs of my hands, it would crack and bleed, especially in the winter and if I washed my hands a lot. Lotion only fixed it temporarily. Rubbing tea tree oil mixed with olive oil into my hands made it go away, now they are smooth and soft, even the knuckles. I didn't measure, just mixed a little of each. I like to put it on my feet when I wear sandals so they stay fresh. Some people really dislike the smell of tea tree oil.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/06/2012

Milk thistle makes it less red looking. I have tiny red blood vessels on my nose and cheeks and the milk thistle seems to make my face and hands less red looking. I just take one capsule a day, the bottle says you can take three a day. I have celiac and lupus type symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ivachka (Goes, Zeeland, Netherlands) on 09/05/2012

Hello Ted, please help me. I use acv to get rid of a black spot on my lip. The acv has darkened my lip area- it is very black now. please help. Can I use dmso? I have black skin. what should I do? please help

thanks, ivachka.

Blotchy, Red Face
Posted by Philo (Sydney, Nsw) on 08/08/2012

To Ozlady from Bonshaw: I used to live in Texas (Qld)! What exactly does the Vegemite and honey mix do? Is it okay for the face?

Castor Oil
Posted by Buddsk (Saskatoon, Sask, Canada) on 08/06/2012

I have or I should say did suffer from itchy shins, for years, , somedays it seemed I could have scratched my skin right off. This may sound silly, and I have no explaination as to why it worked but it did. I had used some castor oil to treat a hemorrhoid. I first tried the usuall treatment eg. Prep H to no avail, Then I found out about Castor oil, 5 or 6 days later, gone, I was impressed. One day while scratching my shins I thought, why not try some Castor oil on my shins. I just poured a little straight from the bottel and rubbed it lightly over my skin. WOW one week of treatments and my shins have not itched now for over a year, and I have Never applied any more oil. I just had to pass this along as I suffered from itchy shins for so long and even would wake myself in the middle of the night from scratching my shins I hope this might help someone else. Budd

Black Dermographism
Posted by Garrowk (Williamsburg, Virginia, Usa) on 07/10/2012

I have had the same experiences. What I have been told and it seems accurate, is that it is high acid in your system. Whenever I eat a lot of tomatoes ( typically in summer) I have the same issue.

Posted by Evelyn (Thousand Oaks, California) on 07/06/2012

I had really bad dyshidrosis and apple cider vinegar and water (50:50) applied on my palm and between my fingers (where I had the vesicles and blisters) for 30 minutes a day helped to clear it up as it was most likely fungus related from what I have researched.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 07/04/2012

He's in England so he might not have walmart there. Try the pharmacy area at ASDA or Boots for athletes foot/jock itch (tinea) treatments. Look up tinea cruris online either here or Google. Here's an eHow link . Try not to be embarrassed, it happens, and is more common than you think.

DMSO, Peroxide, ACV+
Posted by Abraham (Tulsa, Oklahoma) on 06/06/2012

What I do is combine dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), peroxide, baking soda, and apple cider with water in a bowl in large amounts ( each one liter). dont drink it because it BOILS literally lets off steam and is hot as F.

It KILLS acne and restores your skin color to what it was before your skin was sunburned. After only a couple uses your scars go away permanently. Wait till it cools down though.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Seemorenz (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 05/23/2012

I have suffered from dry flakey skin on my forehead for years. I have tried a number of proprietory brand ointments, none of which have made any significant difference. More recently, my skin condition deteriorated, spreading to my ears which became inflamed, scaly and very itchy.

In desperation I accepted a friend's advice to check out your website, which recommended apple cider vinegar - mainly by way of ingesting small amounts. Never one to completely follow medical advice, I applied the cider vinegar direct to the skin by way of dabbing it on with cotton wool.

Within 12 hours there was a major improvement in my skin condition, and a week later my skin is almost completely clear of any irritation or blemish. A total transformation! I have gone from being a hardened cynic to a firm believer in "herbal remedies".

The apple cider vinegar I have been using is a New Zealand product which contains 2% honey. I have no idea if the honey has any medicinal properties, but it sure helps the cider vinegar to stick to the skin.

Posted by Walter (San Diego, Ca., USA) on 04/09/2012

I stumbled on your web-site while seaching for information about itchy skin and possible iodine therapy. Thank all of your readers for sharing their use of iodine.

Several persons remarked that they did not observe any changes to some of their iodine uses. One major reason for this is that iodine, like all supplemental nutrients, does not work by itself. They all need helps or co-factors. Another unappreciated reason is bio-chemical differences among all of us. We need specific monitoring for a best fit.

I did a comprehensive research about iodine and posted my findings as an article on the web-site:

This health menu has other doccumented researched and nutritional information, including co-factors, magnesium, zeolite, body acid-alkalinity, etc..

My research, as shared by renoun researchers, found that good research about the affect of iodide on skin health is lacking. Testimonials may not be scientific but these are the best we have at this time. So one has to be careful in drawing conclusions. I have had itchy skin for a long time and have been looking the the real cause of itchy skin instead of listening to dermatologists that dry skin causes itchiness! I have re-started using Lugol's solution 2%. Lugol's is made up of two forms of iodine --- iodide and iodine. It is iodide that is stored in the skin and other issues; while iodine is used by the thyroid gland. More inbfo on all of this on the sited web-site.

Thank you, for all the info,

Walter Sorochan, Emeritus Professor San Diego State University

Posted by Diane (Iowa, Iowa, Usa) on 03/21/2012

The description of your symptoms, especially the dermatitis and the ring around the neck, is almost a textbook cascade of symptoms for PELLAGRA, a niacin, vitamin B3 deficiency. Try buying niacin and taking it in conjunction with a good co-enzymated B-complex. Google pellagra, there will be sites with pictures and better descriptions of the condition. Best wishes.

Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 03/06/2012

It's probably a fungal infection known as "jock itch" (some people have discoloration but not much itching); it's the same fungus as athletes foot/ring worm. It usually spreads from the feet (or dirty floors/tubs/showers) to the groin when pulling pants/underwear and dragging it up to the groin area where it grows in the warm moisture of the crotch. Or you catch it during intimate/sexual contact from someone who has it; or you touch/scratch your feet then scratch elsewhere and it spreads. It is VERY common, and infects most Gym locker rooms, public showers, and many athletes (and their floors/showers at home); thus you should always wear "shower shoes" in other peoples showers, and always put your socks on before your underwear/pants always sit on your towel etc. Use bleach to clean your own shower/tub/toilet seat and in your laundry to keep from re-infecting yourself! White & cotton socks and underwear help keep it under control (that's why athletes wear whites! )

Besides the embarassment, it is highly contagious and can easily and quickly spread to other area of the body (yours and your partners) so you must treat it ASAP using fungal sprays, spray powders, ointments for Athletes Foot/Jock Itch available at all drug stores; or getting a stronger RX from your doctor, esp if it covers a large area or you have had it awhile. (BEWARE: it is much more problematic for women, so you do not want to give it to a girl! ) It takes daily treatments for awhile to get rid of; the sprays are very convenient and widely available (Walmart carrys "TING" speay/spray powder which is half the price of the name brands and works better! )! Be sure to treat your feet as well as your groin area or you may reinfect yourself. Many people like the spray/powder during the day, and the ointment at night while sleeping. Good Luck!

Here's the link to the Jock itch page:

You may want to Google it and look at photos & descriptions for comparison. Best of Luck

Rosemary Lotion
Posted by Kathy (Cleveland, Ohio Usa) on 02/29/2012

My male friend had white-ish bumps on his forehead and scalp and began rubbing a natural botanical body lotion that has rosemary in it. The bumps went away.

Black Dermographism
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 02/28/2012

I have been wearing my 14k gold wedding ring for 15 years now. I have never had any problems with it before but suddenly it is turning my finger black wear it touches. I have googled this issue and found there is a name for it. Black Dermographism. I also found that there are lots of theories on what causes it but nothing too exact. Does anyone on here have any idea what might be causing this? I haven't really changed any of my supplements lately but I take lots:) They are iodine, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, D3, cod liver oil, Vit c, niacin, meletonin, 5-htp, thymus gland extract, relora, B complex, theonine, siberian ginsing, senna, black strap molasas, coconut oil, and acv/baking soda. I don't know what might have changed other than hormones possibly as I am 37 and possibly perimenopausal but not sure why all of a sudden now. I drink lots of water and coconut water to keep my electrolytes balanced but have recently been unable to buy the coconut waters like usual. I know the potassium has been thought of a possible cause before, so that is a thought. I have also read it might be iron deficiency or hormone changes. Just wanted to see if any of you folks had any experience or wisdom on the topic?

Blotchy, Red Face
Posted by Ozlady (Bonshaw, Nsw Australia) on 02/26/2012

This beut little remedy for skin problems is WELL WORTH trying.

Vegemite and honey mixed.

Spread it on the skin problem, leave until you can't stand it any loger then wash it off.

My skin is pale with freckles, now I am older it was pretty horrific on my Aussie hot sun exposed arms untill I tried this little beauty. I do it pretty often now.

I just guess the mix as it's all good/safe ingredients.

cheers, Ozlady

Posted by Dan19 (North, England) on 02/24/2012

Hello, I have some fairly bad discoloration of the skin in the groin area, trying not to be too specific or come across rude.

Can anyone please advise me on remedies / topical treatment that would bring my skin back to its original colour (caucasian). I would be very grateful as it does have an impact on me, as I find it makes the area look unclean and quite ugly which is a knock to my self confidence.

Thankyou, Dan19

Posted by Ananta (Kerala, India) on 02/07/2012

I have almost the same problem as Kalki. An allergic flare up on the skin with all the associated problems, itching, dryness, swelling etc. For me this came from taking ayurvedic medicine. They said it was a healing crisis and to hang on but the crisis just continued and I stopped the medicine after two months of intense physical difficulty, not to mention emotional ones. I now have patches of discolouration on my face and several parts of my body that lightens and darkens but doesn't go away. They itch too. I'm worse off than when I started. It's been 4 months now and I'm getting desperate. I noticed Kalki hasn't got a reply so far. Is there anybody out there who can help with this embarassing discolouration?

Posted by Kalki (Mumbai, India) on 01/15/2012

I had a severe flare up of facial dermatitis - unbearable itching, rash, swelling - a few weeks back. I feel it may have been caused by the ACV I was taking at a high dose (2tbsp 3 times daily at that time, for an oncoming cold and chest congestion). May have been a healing crisis, as ACV, 2 tsps over the whole day in water, had helped me earlier. I stopped ACV then and haven't had the guts to start again.

My problem now is that even after 2 months, my face and neck skin is quite dry, and sometimes flaky and very many shades darker. There's a line all around my neck at the base, above which up to my hairline, the skin is dark brown and below it is my light earlier skin colour. (This doesn't correspond to the neckline of my blouses, so it's not a case of tanning) Where I had patches of dermatitis previously, it is even more discoloured and rough textured.

During the flare up, I had desperately applied ACV , directly to my face and neck for a few days, without any easing of symptoms. I tried Virgin coconut oil later but it increased the itching, if I perspired even the slightest bit. Aloe vera juice directly from the leaf was what helped me with the itching skin. In 15 minutes or so. (But it dries out my skin even further, which causes great discomfort and consequent itching too). Could any of these be responsible for the difference in skin tone? Is there anything I can do to reverse this?

I apply moistened powdered oats, honey and kasthuri turmeric as face mask occasionally (I can apply only natural things to my skin). It makes my skin softer but doesn't help clear the awkward discolouration.

Would appreciate any suggestions for moisturising skin with my problems and for restoring original skin tone.


Ichthyosis Vulgaris
Posted by Katia (South Bend, In) on 11/04/2011

I am looking for a remedy for ichthyosis vulgaris, please post one.

Blotchy, Red Face
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 09/10/2011

I absolutely know what you are talking about. All my life I would flame up on exertion, or in hot weather, not to mention if I had one glass of wine. Lately this has eased though slowly. What happened was I discovered I had hemochromatosis.. That is my body stores all dietry iron, common among celtic types. I have been treated for the last 8 months by regular bleedings at the blood clinic.. This is critical as the buildup of iron is dangerous (check out internet for more info) What I had thought was a malar flush (lupus symptom) on my face is almost gone now. The last two weeks the fading has been much more noticable as I have increased my iodine supplement. Dr. Can check for iron overload with a serum ferritin test. They don't usually check that one when they do the hemoglobin test for iron in the blood (anemia) which is a different thing altogether.

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