Have you ever heard of slits in the skin? I am experienceing them in my nose, and now over my eye in the crease of my eye lid. They burn, sometimes ich and my eye lid will get very dry and peel. I have tried oils, creams and so far nothing works. Thanks for your help
Thanx for the follow up as it helps to reduce speculation from actual healing.
Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
I appreciate everyone's suggestions. So far I have tried soaking my hands in vinegar. It gave some relief from the pain, but didn't draw out any of the metal.
I purchased and applied PRID drawing salve. It did seem to draw out some of the shavings on the first day I applied it (Christmas day), but I have not been able to leave it on my fingers for any extended time since then due to my work schedule. I am going to try it this weekend when I should be able to leave it on for 10 or more hours.
I have not tried the baking soda or magnets yet.
Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
I wonder if PRID a drawing salve for splinters would work for metal? There are other brands of drawing salve. Ask the pharmacy for others that work for splinters. You rub the salve on the skin and this draws the splinter out. I've never tried it on metal but it works well with wood.
Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
(Mpls., Mn) on 12/24/2013
Hey Emacsp!
I ditto the suggestion of homeopathic Myristica Sebifera - useful for expelling foreign bodies.
Another thought: Elmer's glue applied as a masque to your hands, let dry and peel off. It may be helpful to let the mask remain overnight on the affected areas and then peel off in the morning.
Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Hi, the remedy for splinters in general is homeopathic and can be ordered from a health food store. The name is rather difficult but you can write it down: MYRISTICA SEBIFERA. I would ask for 30C strength.
This is a useful item for everybody's use. Regards, Om
Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Emacsp, you can try these 2 ideas:
1. soaking for 10 minutes in vinegar.
2. apply a "drawing salve" with icthammol in it.
And: pls wear protective gloves at work!!!
Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
Emacsp: Some good steam room sweat treatment may work. For local only, try soaking your hands in warm water w/ added baking soda for a few minutes then dry hands and place a strong music speaker magnet over the affected area to draw out the metals.
Metal Shavings Injuries Remedies
I recently started a new job in a manufacturing plant that makes brass plumbing and heating parts. Many of the parts that I handle have fine metal shavings on them which tend to stick in your fingers and thumbs. Some of them end up getting buried just below the surface of the skin.
The shavings are very small and very hard to see. Once buried into the skin they cause soreness and pain when any area of the fingers, hands, and thumbs that have them come in contact with just about anything. At this point my fingers and thumbs are so sore that it's hard to use them.
Does anyone have any suggestions on anything that can be used to draw the shavings back up above the surface of the skin where they can be removed? Any and all ideas appreciated.
Check out a book called "Drug Muggers". It details common drugs and the vitamins that they deplete. Your husband may be missing a vitamin that is causing the sensitivity. He might also try taking probiotics/yogurt since antibiotics kill good digestive bacteria as well.
Photosensitivity Remedies
I am hoping some one can help ....My husband has become photosensitive after taking a specific type of antibiotic he is in his 60s.
If he is in the sun for 5 min he becomes bright red and itchy until the redness disappears. He looks like he has been in the sun for hours.
This creates difficulty for doing anything out side and he used to love the beach....As we live in Australia we have a lot of sun ...
Would anyone be able to tell me if the borax can help him or know of any thing that may be available without causing other side effects.
It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Can anyone recommend books or websites on identifying minor skin things. I have had a few minor things on my skin I haven't been able to identify for long time. They haven't given me any problems. I rather not go to a doctor. Any books or websites that help identify what those minor skin imperfections are?
Simple, don't use ordinary scented fabric softeners and detergents. They have many toxic chemicals that react negatively with your skin. There are ways to make your own using washing soda and baking soda You can use vinegar and essential oils to make a fabric softener. Use Google to learn how.
Crawling Skin Remedies
I made a mistake and washed my clothes with D----y Fabric Softner. The very next day I was itching with a sensation of something crawling on my skin. I never saw anything crawling. Please help me to resolves this problem.
Hi Susan from San Antonio - I agree with the others regarding virgin coconut oil.
I'm reading a book called The Coconut Oil Diet and one of the authors recommended a Coconut Body Balm for an elder's fragile, sensitive skin. She adds a bit of shea butter to give the balm some staying power which provides a more protective moisture barrier. She also uses two essential oils which have therapeutic properties. If you don't have the essential oils, I would still make it.
Coconut Body Balm (from The Coconut Oil Diet)
1 ounce of shea butter
4 ounces of virgin coconut oil
2 ounces of distilled water
6 mL (approx. 1 teaspoon) lavendin essential oil (similar to lavender essential oil)
37 drops patchouli essential oil
Very gently melt the shea butter in a double boiler or on the stovetop over medium-low heat.
When completely melted, remove from heat.
Add coconut oil and distilled water to melted shea butter. Stir until completely incorporated.
As mixture begins to cool and thicken, stir in the essential oils.
Store finished balm covered in an airtight, dark-coloured glass container at room temperature.
A small amount covers a generous area. It is soothing and calming to the skin (including skin ulcers).
If you don't want to make the body balm, the author also recommends a coconut oil/Vitamin D3 mixture used mostly for psoriasis but could be used anywhere. I use it on my face at night just because it's lovely for the skin (a bit greasy, though).
Gently heat 100 mL (or 100 grams) of coconut oil until it melts. My coconut oil was already melted since it's summer.
Mix in 50000 IU of Vitamin D3. (I use liquid Vitamin D3 that has 1000 IU per drop so I added 50 drops. ) Pour into dark-coloured glass jar and keep tightly capped. Apply topically as needed.
That covers externally. Now for internally. Does your father have a good diet? I know it's sometimes difficult to get elders to eat (my Dad is 91). Maybe adding some good vitamins (perhaps liquid vitamins because older people sometimes don't digest capsules or tablets properly). Healthy smoothies are easily digested and you can add various "superfoods" to them. Vitamin C is good for the skin (helps with bruising and maintaining the skin's integrity).
Good luck Susan - I wish you and your Dad the best of health. Cheers, Bess
Elderly Skin Care
For elderly thin skin that tends to tear I use colostrum serum. It's very expensive from Amazon.com but a little goes a long ways and it seems to be effective. I've also used coconut oil and manuka honey at different times in conjunction with the colostrum serum depending on how severe the tear might be.
For the red blotches I have used coconut oil, manuka honey and iodex. I'm wondering if msm cream would help and/or vitamin c serum.
Let us know what works for you and wishing your precious elderly parent all the best.
Elderly Skin Care
Susan, try coconut oil. The stuff that smells like coconut!
Elderly Skin Care
My 92 year old dad hands have red blotches & turning very dark in color, almost black. Also his skin tears easily esp. On top of his hands. Any suggested remedies? Thanks, Susan
Try Indian Clay... Have had success in healing several different skin problems in our family. Make a paste in a bowl with the clay and water, then apply to the skin (in the bath tub), rinse after approximately 10 - 15 minutes.
The Indian Healing Clay Powder can be purchased at most Health Food Stores.
In one instance, we first applied vaseline (Vegetable grade), then followed with the paste of clay. In this case we finished up with a bath, using Castile soap to remove the vaseline. The skin was very inflamed and red... Immediately the symptom disappeared. Hard to believe, but our Schnauzer needed help, so also works on your pets and Equine.
Sticky Skin
I've been struggling with the problem mentioned above for some time and thought maybe someone here might have a remedy for this.
Here is what bothers me: When my skin is damp (eg. After getting out of the shower and waiting for 5 minutes) it gets sticky, just plain sticky and it irritates me really bad. I read some information on the subject and no one has found a cure yet. Some say it is due to mold poisoning or mold spores laying on the skin, some that due to chemicals in body wash or water itself.
It may be partially true since I noticed my water provider started adding more chlorine to the water about 6 months ago. Another clue is that I've been using tea tree oil to treat the embarassing condition called pearly penile papules on my penis that is now the most sticky part of my body (unfortunately with no results), constantly for about 7 months and I read the tea tree oil is antibacterial, so maybe I created an ideal environment for the fungus to spread, I don't know...
Does anyone have any solution to this?
My daughter had these bumps on her elbows that kept getting better and now they're virtually gone from applying virgin coconut oil! It's like a miracle cure for practically anything! I have become a believer in coconut oil. Also, I started using it instead of butter so we love it on toast or even a piece of bread, which my daughter loves and it's a great way for her to add the coconut oil in her diet.
Burning Skin Remedies
I agreed with Courtney and wondered if you followed up with a shingles inquiry.
Borax and Baking Soda
This has gone on for over 4 years. I have tiny white balls all everywhere I have a pore. Last Dr thought I looked like a had a tan when I had not been out in the sun for over three years. I was DX with Morgellons by a Dr in Atlanta. I have lots of black specks. I have been doing the borax and baking soda soaks and drinks. This seems to be helping already. I would like to hear from Ted. My skin will lather with just water with lots of white things. Skin also feels like grit. Eyes full of gunk. Please read my message again to be sure I am mixing borax to for internal Morgellons. Sandy
Burning Skin Remedies
It sounds like you might have shingles. Did you have Chicken Pox as a child? If so, you might want to look into shingles as a possibility.
Burning Skin Remedies
Let's see.... Did you try on new clothes? Get some new fabric softener sheets, new laundry soap? New medicine, tea, food or vitamin? Did you get into an area that was treated with chemicals? Neighbor spray their yard or fertilize? Treat one of your pets for fleas, or bug bomb the house? Spray room freshener, or a new scented candle in the house? When did it start? Just a baseline! Maybe a new pet ? New carpet.... Painted rooms?
Burning Skin Remedies
My skin feels like sunburned: I have been feeling like my skin is sunburned in certain areas like the shoulders, arms, and thighs. Some days having clothes kind of irritating. Would deeply appreciate some kind relief.
My husband suffers from Bullous Pemphigoid on occasion. The last outbreak I took him to see his doctor was in the spring 2012. Because there was some deal going on between my drugstore chain and our insurance, I delayed a few days getting his litany of RXs filled. Meanwhile I upped the dosage of coconut oil I was giving him and he suddenly cleared up. There is a warning here in using the coconut oil. You cannot become lax with it because if you do, he will have another outbreak. I don't know if the coconut oil will work as effectively as it does when you catch the Bullous Pemphigoid very early. I did and there was only a small outbreak. Good luck.
Hi Tara, I would love to know what you found out. My 8 yr old daughter has just been diagnosed with pilomatrixoma on her eyebrow. Again, the Dr has suggested surgery, but I would like to try a natural remedy before we go down that route. Many thanks
Steroid Cream
Hi Diane, I just found out about itsan. Org, the international topical steroid addiction network through a post at this great site the other day. I have been going through the withdrawl for a year and two months now. Nothing really helps much, sorry. At least no one has made that discovery yet. But you can talk to other people who are dealing with it and find out what they do. Go to the site and you can get information and join their google group to talk to other people going through this and how they cope with the flares. I wish I had known about the site, and the phenomena, when I decided to stop using the steroid cream. I was suffering alone and didn't understand what was happening to me. None of the eczema remedies I tried worked because it's not really eczema, it's your skin/body detoxing the steroids and having terrible withdrawl symptoms. You are reacting to the steroids, not what you had for dinner. You should find a single ingredient moisturizer that works for you, like coconut oil or mineral oil. You can apply sea salt water to your skin after a shower (it stings! ), to help with the itching. Right now I'm using GSE in filtered water sprayed on my skin after my shower and throughout the day. These are things I did that helped me deal with it. Most things I tried had no effect or irritated my sensitive skin worse. Like I said, you can find out how other people are dealing with it at that site and hopefully find something that will work for you and at the very least understand what is happening to you and know that you are not alone. Good luck!
Steroid Cream
I may be suffering from Steroid Cream side effects with eczema now on part of both feet and red skin syndrome on my legs. Does anyone know what to do to get this out of one's system? Would appreciate help. Thanks
A Japan company has milky lotion that contains urea that is very good to this genetic skin condition. The urea attracts moisture on the skin to keep skin moist, and old skin peels off and no bad looking skin any more. It is not a cure but as long as you apply the lotion, your skin looks normal. If you know of people visiting Japan one can buy some for you in regular drug stores. They may not carry too many, so may take visit more drug store for the good supply.
I also find taking 1/4 cup per day of pure Aloe Vera juice (gallon size) that I can buy from Walgreen, CVS drug stores can help the dry skin auto float off from regular skin. What need is rubbing in shower to have the dead skin come off easy, instead it sticks to your body.
General Feedback
I just wanted to relay some information that happened to me and my 14 year old Cocker mix. He was diagosed in 2011 with Cuhing, started on Trilostane, in addition I took him off commercial dog food and home cooked for him and he seemed to be doing vey well. About 7-8 months later he devloped an area on his right from lower left in the part that is indented which was raw, cherry red, moist and all the hair disappeared from that area. He began licking it constantly and he was given a topical antibiotic ointment which did not work and it took close to 5 months for it to heal. During this time he began getting raw red spots on which the hair would disappear on his back underneath his hair. I took him regularly to his vet for treatment, which consistd of various antibiotics for every type of bacterial and fungal infection, nothing worked.
On one day I took him back to notify the vet that the latest antibiotic treatment did not work and it was getting worse and worse with every type of red rash, patches, plaques and open lesions now extending to his abdomen and groin area. The vet that was there that day, (a different vet than who he had been seeing) immediately recognized that what he had was not an allergy or any type of infection but what she believed to be lymphosarcoma. She found enlarged popliteal lymph nodes and did an aspirate from a node and it indeed came back from the lab as positive for lymphoma. They told me I would have to see an oncologist. It turned out he had a very rare form of lymphoma called epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma. He is now receiving chemotherapy but there is no cure only hopes of achieving remissions which do not last long.
If your dog has any type of skin disorder which does not respond to treatment within a reasonable amount of time and/or continues to worsen get a biopsy, aspirate, skin scraping or some type of testing done and do not waste precious time trying alot of different forms of treatment. You are not only losing what could be very precious time, but also alot of money.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Rae, You could definitely try the kefir topically and see if it helps. I just thought I'd clarify for you about kefir grains. Kefir grains or granules are the natural mother starter to make kefir. You can add them to milk for milk kefir or coconut water, seed or nut milk or ginger water to make water kefir. The grains themselves are living organisms that reproduce more grains. I find it all very fascinating. This is an excerpt from Dom's Kefir site explaining kefir grains and kefiran:
"A batch of kefir grains consist of many individual white to bone-coloured mostly self-enclosed bodies made up of a soft, gelatinous biological masssomewhat resembling cooked cauliflower rosettes. The complexity of the kefir grain is a mixture of protein, amino acids, lipids [fats] and soluble-polysaccharides. Kefiran a unique polysaccharide with many health-promoting virtues, is the major polysaccharide of kefir grains and is also found in kefir. The bacteria and yeasts not only create the bio-matrix structure, or the grains, the organisms are also harboured by the very structure that they create; abiding on the surface, and encapsulated within the grain itself."
Coconut Oil
My mother (aged 56), is on diuretics which causes bumps, brusing and bleeding very easily. It usually takes my mom months to heal from these. I had been researching organic coconut oil for a while and had finally decided to try some on her. I had her rub a thin layer of coconut oil on her arms and hands (this is where her wounds were), three times a day. It surprised both of us when it only took four days to clear her skin up! This was a year ago, but she is still averaging four days in the healing process. This beats months of healing time!
I don't even have to remind her to use it. She's so happy about it that as soon as she bumps her arm/hand, causing a bruise or bump, she goes right for the coconut oil. We absolutely love coconut oil now.
For specifics, the coconut oil is: organic, extra-virgin, unrefined, cold-pressed, non-deodorized, non-bleached, made without pesticides, GMOs, or hexane.
My teenage son has itchy armpits and the skin around his armpits is now dark and thick. I live in the U.S. So can my son just apply some liquid dairy kefir onto his armpits over night to try your solution? I do not know what you mean by kefir "grains". Thanks for your assistance!
Pachyonychia Congenita
I was wondering if there might be any of you readers here that have ever heard of a very rare disease called Pachyonychia Congenita, pronounced - "Pack-e-o-knee-kia". It is a rare disease that affects the skin and the nails. I am now awaiting a DNA test to confirm what I have pretty much known I had all my life. I just didn't know it had a name until my youngest daughter found it on the internet a few years back. I had also passed PC on to her! If you know of someone who has this, I would love to hear about it. There are only about 1,000 cases in the entire world with this rare skin disease. It is important that we try to get as many people registered with the PC Project so that a cure may be found. Please go to pachyonychiacongenita.org or you can google PC Project to find out what it is. I have followed so many ideas and solutions on this website from you guys, and they have really helped in making living with this disease so much more tolerable.
Thank you Earth Clinic for all your wonderful ideas and to all the wonderful people who offer their suggestions. This site is truly a Godsend.
Please help! My daughter has pilomatrixoma on her cheek. Doctor recommended surgery to remove it. There is not much information online as to how to handle this in a more natural way. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Tara