Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sophie (Portland, Oregon) on 06/22/2008

Cystic Acne: I gave modern western medicine a try and it seemed to me that for radical and extremism type of intervention, they are great. I prefer the gentle and natural road to recovery that aligns itself with your specific constitution.

I had cystic acne on my chin . I read it was hormonal so I set up an appointment with a bioidentical hormone replacement specialist, but meanwhile. I tried turmeric, but it stopped working after the second week. I tried ACV and it did not work . So, I did tons of research. Which resulted in me taking daily does of 1000 IU of Vitamin E ( which I believe began to erase my brown age spots)1250 IU's of Vitamin A and 500 IU's of Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, niacinamide and zinc. I have since decreased the IU's since my acne began to subside. Please be careful when taking high doses of IU' your research or talk to your ND/MD. My acne began to decrease rapidly.

I began having weekly acupuncture and gave them a brief on my history. Prior to my cystic outbreaks I had been on antibiotics for about for 50 days. So they assumed my flora in my intestines had been destroyed. I was put on some great probiotics (that are kept in the fridge) I also started eating a couple tablespoons of natural yogurt in the am and pm. They also recommended vitamin C to rebuid the matrix of the foundation of the skin .

So now it the acne decreased by it 95%. Now when one appears I use tea tree oil on it with a cotton ball, which decrease the size by 90% within a couple hours and my the next day with reapplication every 5 hours it disappears in two days. I also began taking Udo's oil and it helped repair my skin ( Udo's oil 3-6-9 blend) I believe it is the fountain of youth. I realize everyone is not the same, but this method has been highly successful for me.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert (Naples, Florida) on 01/20/2008

Robert's Fungus Saga - Vicks Update

Part One: Feet

Q. Do the ingredients (camphor, eucalyptus, thymol, menthol) work?

A. I've applied the solution on my nails as well as to my entire foot to get rid of all the fungus that might eventually cause a reoccurrence. The results were obvious after 4-5 days: first, the athlete's foot symptoms between my toes rapidly got better and were healed in about a week. Then, at the seven-day point lots of skin started sloughing off all over my feet where the fungus was obviously in hiding -- including the heal callus. I was surprised to see so much sloughing of the skin around the base, sides and top of the toe nails -- this area apparently had been deeply affected by the fungus, but just looked like tough skin that I had become accustomed to expect. Within 2-3 weeks the unaffected new toe nails could be seen at the cuticle. Now, several months later, there is a clear line of demarcation between the old fungal nail, and the new clear nail. I expect that it will be 3-4 more months before all the old nail has grown out and gone.

Q. Is the formulation the right one?

A. After much research and playing kitchen chemist, I learned that coconut oil is a good anti-fungal as well as a great emollient. DMSO doesn't need to be at 25% concentration. 10-15% is sufficient. Oregano Oil is composed of Thymol and University of Western Australia research proved tea tree oil's anti-fungal capability, so I added it as well. The essential oil amounts are at least or a little more than what bio-chemists call the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The formulation I like and use now is:

Revised Formula
1 part Menthol oil
1 part Thymol oil or Oregano oil
1 part Camphor oil
1 part Lemon Eucalyptus oil
2 parts Tea Tree Oil
2 parts DMSO
12 parts Virgin Coconut Oil

There is probably a synergistic (i.e. harmonious working together) effect of anti-fungal herbs, which has been demonstrated in several studies. In one test of ten plant species whose oils were anti-fungal, researchers noted that "combinations of the anti-fungal essential oils increased their activity remarkably." In a similar study, researchers stated that "in all the oil combinations, the anti-fungal potency was found to increase over individual oils."

Part Two: Adult "Acne"

This is where the "saga" starts to get interesting. After my adolescent acne should have cleared up 35 years ago, it got slowly worse. All over the bearded part of my face, what appeared to be sacs of hardened oil under the surface of the skin had been forming nodules. These didn't get infected,'each just grew larger. Over the years I've seen dermatologists who said, because of my otherwise great health, "you're just a middle aged adolescent," blaming it on high testosterone, etc. The apparent acne problem continued and worsened.

I've seen doctors, dermatologists, pharmacists, herbalists, laser specialists, and spiritual healers. I've bought every acne ointment known to man. I took pills, vitamins, and herbs. I changed diet. I get plenty of exercise. Nothing worked. I had extensive surgery to correct the problem three years ago, and within 18 months it looked just as bad as before. As a public speaker and author in my profession, the skin condition was emotionally upsetting and stressful.
Having conquered toe nails, I started researching down the path that maybe the acne was caused by a fungus (although the symptoms didn't look like my feet). Was I surprised when I found:

" Tinea barbae is a superficial dermatophyte infection that is limited to the bearded areas of the face and neck and occurs almost exclusively in older adolescent and adult males. Symptoms include inflammatory, deep, kerion-like plaques and noninflammatory superficial patches and lumps resembling bacterial folliculitis. The hair breaks off below the skin surface. It is caused by several dermatophytes. Trichophyton species are most common. Infection of bearded skin may be the result of autoinoculation from tinea pedis or onychomycosis."

In other words, the mess on my face that had caused me so much grief and been misdiagnosed for decades was caused by the same fungus that gave my feet a problem. Apparently the dermatophytes enter the hair follicle (nails and hair are similar biological structures), then attack the sebaceous gland, feeding off the body oil; then the body's immune system reacts with scaring and hardening the facial oil, leaving an oil nodule. The dermatophytes then migrate to the next follicle, and eventually dozens of affected follicles link as a nodule the size of a pea.

Now it became obvious what had happened: The athlete's foot I got as a teenager went to my toe nails, and, because I was ignorant of the relationship of using a towel on my face that might have been used on my feet or crotch, the fungus got transferred.

Not a single dermatologist who examined my face ever bothered to ask the question: "Do you have toe nail fungus or athlete's foot!"

Using the same solution on my facial outbreaks as on my toe nails (the revised formula with coconut oil), the facial condition is clearing up. Just like with my feet, skin is sloughing off and the nodules are beginning to eject. This is the best result I've seen in years. I expect it will take a few months for the problem to be cured, as the fungus is down below the level of the base of the hair follicle in the sebaceous gland.

Part Three: Chronic Sinusitis

For the last 15 years I've had chronic sinusitis, post nasal drip, clogged nose, etc. I was constantly clearing my throat, and sometimes coughing. I snored a lot, which my wife didn't appreciate, and the snoring actually would wake me up in the middle of the night, leaving me tired in the morning. I seemed to catch colds more easily than before, but I attributed this to my very frequent plane travel.

Doctors prescribed antibiotics, but I they did not fully cure the problem and when I stopped the treatment, every symptom returned. (And I just don't like unnatural treatments.) Others said it was allergies.

I wondered: Could my sinusitis be a fungal problem? More exploring on the internet found the answer:

In 1999 Mayo Clinic researchers found the cause of most chronic sinus infections to be an immune system response to fungus, and that this may kick off a secondary bacteriological infection. It is not an allergic reaction, but an immune reaction.
Again, I felt betrayed by the medical profession. Why hadn't anyone told me this?

I went to the health and vitamin store to look for an anti-fungal nasal spray, and nothing met my requirements or budget ($10-15 for a one ounce bottle of ingredients seemed way out of line.) Here's the formula I "invented:"

1. Rinse out a 1 ounce nasal spray bottle
2. Add one eye-dropper (approximately 1 ML) of Oregano Juice (NOT Oregano Oil -it's too strong and will not dissolve in water)
3. Add a pinch of salt (approximately - ML) (Iodized salt is OK - iodine is a good anti-fungal)
4. Fill the rest of the sprayer with distilled water, and shake well until the salt is dissolved.

Spray as frequently as once an hour until symptoms subside. For me, this solution began working within an hour; most symptoms were gone in three days. And the price of the ingredients per bottle is just a few pennies.

If the oregano/saline solution is too strong for you, dilute in half with water. If you want, you can add a drop of eucalyptus oil with - ML of glycerin, (which will bond the oil to water). I now spray once or twice a day, just to prevent any recurrence.

A very dear friend, who is 75, has had awful sinusitis for years. He heavily cleared his throat every minute or two. I told him of this simple formula, and two days later he called me to say it was working. He then said with amazement: "I don't believe it, we've been talking for over 15 minutes and I haven't had to clear my throat once!"

There are articles and books that claim that some cancers are caused by fungus. If this is true, taking action on fungus early may be very beneficial in the long run. It's time we gave fungus a deeper analysis.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bev (Elroy, WI) on 09/05/2007

to respond to the woman with the terrible boils. I suffer from horrific cystic acne. I discovered that if I eliminate all forms of hidden MSG [do an internet search to find all that it is in] that my skin is perfectly clear. I am so sensitive that I cannot even touch anything with citric acid or natural flavor which is a form of hidden MSG and is in most shampoos, liquid hand soap, prepared foods, pop etc. I convinced my husband to eliminate all hidden MSG and his headaches, ezcema and skin rash went away. Now when he has any exposure the itchy, weepy skin rash comes back and today it is back with a vengence. He had mustard on Sunday and it flared. By Monday evening it was drying up and he licked the spoon of the ice cream he served our children and during the night it erupted so bad he could hardly sleep.

A good rememdy for all these skin things is a 125 watt clear infrared bulb. Not only will this clear up the skin but is great for any aches and it healed my son of acute asthma. Asthma requires a one hour treatment 1-2 times daily or more. The more you use it the quicker it heals. The only draw back is having to stay stationary so long. My husband hasn't had time to sit under it the past two days so he is still in bad shape. He started on the vinegar and honey last night to see if a change in body pH will help

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary Louise (Lee's Summit, Mo) on 01/11/2015

I am 62 and always had acne. Just had a bad flair up after returning from Colorado. Researched and found out traveling was the cause and because of the change in humidity. Also, it is the middle of the night and I am so grateful to find out that I can get up in the morning and use ACV especially for my first huge chin cyst. Thanks to all of you!

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Tammy (Calgary, Alberta) on 08/15/2007

I suffered with cystic acne for years. It was so bad I had to go to the dermatologist on several occasions to have it injected with cortisone. That was the only way the acne cysts would drain. I was told there was nothing I could do. It was so frustrating and I felt hopeless and hideous. A couple of years ago I was in the spa and I told a lady there about my condition. She told me to stop using dairy products and to cut down on coffee. Prior to this I used to have a mocha every morning at work and I would also eat a bowl of yogurt for breakfast. I cut dairy and coffee out of my diet completely and have not had any cystic acne since! I sincerely hope it works for whoever tries it because I know how painful emotionally cystic acne can be. Good luck

Niacin Therapy
Posted by Georgia (Branford Florida ) on 02/09/2024

What brand or brands would you recommend please.

Lemongrass and Olive Oil
Posted by Long Nguyen (Vietnam) on 02/02/2019

An effective remedy for cystic acne or even Staph boils is Lemongrass & Olive Oil Soap with Salycylic Acid. I get one formulated in France, it's sold in Pharmacies here in Vietnam. This has been the most effective solution to cure skin problems I have ever used. And I've had acne as a child and adult.

Tea Trea Oil
Posted by July (Milwaukee, Wi) on 10/08/2016

I heard that tea tree oil may cause big breast for male users..has anyone else heard this?

EC: Here's the commonly quoted 2007 article from the NIH suggesting Tea Tree and Lavender Oils are endocrine disruptors and can increase breast size in boys.

Here's another opinion:

Coconut Oil and Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Jeff (Nairobi) on 12/28/2016

Thank you.

DIM (Diindolylmethane)
Posted by Courtney (Miami, FL) on 08/28/2014

I have been dealing with cystic/hormonal acne since the end of college (about 5 years). Like clock work, I would get 1 or 2 very painful cystic pimples right before my period. And we all know these pimples can last an entire month, so by the time I finally got rid of one another was already appearing. This is due to the increase in testosterone levels in your body which cause your pores to tighten and acne to develope deep below the surface. I read about DIM online (which has a ton of good benefits) and started off taking just 1 capsule a day or sometimes 1 every other day (recommended dosage is 2 a day). I have now not had any cystic acne for 2 months since taking DIM-Plus. And remember I have gotten them EVERY month for about the last 5 years. Research DIM (Diindolylmethane) and find out all of the amazing benefits from this estrogen balancing supplement!

DIM (Diindolylmethane)
Posted by Lori (Oklahoma ) on 01/03/2016

Have you noticed after taking for a year that the dosage needs to be adjusted at all? I take 2 a day as well and sometimes feels like I get too much or not enough and end up with the cysts again. Finding the right balance is key. I just noticed this started happening after a year of taking it. Almost like body has built up a tolerance.

Vitamin B
Posted by Queen (North Carolina) on 03/19/2014



Be very careful with using B5 for Cystic Acne. Its been a year now and although my face cleared up, I've lost all my hair in the top of my head. I noticed a few months into taking the B5 that my hair was thinning but didn't put two and two together. It wasn't until it got really bad that I decided to pull out my diary and see when it started. I remember before breaking down and taking it because my face looked horrible, I had read about a woman who suffered major hair loss from this supplement. I wish I would've listened because now my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. There are tons of stories about similar experiences with this vitamin. Can someone help me please? And only herbs and while foods, I am done with supplements!!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Crankybanana (North Carolina ) on 08/07/2013

I have had cystic acne for over 15 years, always worsening right before my period. My skin was pretty clear overall except for one or two large cysts on my chin coming or going at all times. Long story short, I found that eliminating dairy has almost completely resolved the problem. I can still have small amounts, like the occasional slice of pizza, but when I let loose on a milkshake, it shows a few days later.

My esthetician told me that the acne profile of cystic zits on the chin and clear skin elsewhere is a good indication that the acne is hormonal. Not everyone has this reaction to dairy, acne can be caused by many things, but it has worked really well for me and a friend of mine. It is quite sad to have to dramatically reduce my dairy consumption, but it's worth it if it works.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh) on 08/08/2013

There is absolutely NO reason to be "sad" when eliminating dairy. There are so many alternatives these days to dairy: e.g., almond milk is yummy and can be used in cereal and in your coffee and for smoothies. You can get coconut milk ice "cream" which is amazing! Just be careful not to eat a whole pint at a time or you may get diarrhea! (Yeah, this happened to me).

Posted by Andrea L (Glendale, Ca) on 07/22/2013

I use Makuna Honey for my adult acne AND all other wounds. THE UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) tells you how much healing properties the jarred honey posses. I began with UMF 12 to save a few bucks, but after having success with that one, I splurged for the UMF 16... It works like a dream! I leave it on my face for hours sometimes; it makes my whole face glow! It very moisturizing, while purifying. Manuka honey acts as an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal treatment. ; it heals nearly anything in record time. It ALSO works great internally (not for acne) and it good just to snack on!

Posted by Jack (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 06/18/2013

I have a 17oz jar of 100% raw manuka honey which is a product of New Zealand. It works wonders as an antibiotic for cystic acne. I use this anytime I feel one coming and it is a miracle product. A lot stronger than honey in the US. 17oz will last years.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charlotte (Dallas, Tx) on 06/04/2015

Be careful with the baking soda masks; always remember to re-adjust your external pH with a slightly acidic toner, because baking soda has a very alkaline pH, which can destroy your natural "acid mantle", over time, if left unbalanced. The acid mantle is a defense against bacteria entering pores.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bee (Singapore) on 12/01/2015

Hi, I have been using apple cider vinegar for 1.5 months now. Haven't seen much improvement. I still get new cystic acne every other day. Not sure if this is purging or what. Can I know if ACV works for you, how long until you seen the improvement?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 12/01/2015

Hi Bee, try using Apple Cider Vinegar with tea tree oil topically, twice per day.

Posted by Kathy (Colosprings, Co) on 05/30/2013

Regarding cystic acne. I saw a show on TV today that discussed this problem today. The show is Your Health With Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker, they talked about Lugol's Iodine helping cystic acne by correcting the hormone problems many people have. The show also said that people with other problems such as low thyroid, hair loss, headaches, keloids, ringworm, and many other ailments could be helped by adding 12.5 milligrams of iodine to our diet daily. They said this could be accomplished by taking tablets purchased at the health store or by painting iodine on the skin. Clear iodine can also be used instead of the red stuff we all remember for wound healing. Some may think that we get all of the iodine we need from iodized salt, but other added chemicals we incure in our diets obstruct the absorption our bodies need. I am going to try this on myself and others in my family and let you know.

Tea Trea Oil
Posted by Sarah (Nashville, Tn, Usa) on 01/15/2013

Hi everyone, I know there is already a bunch of stuff on here about how to cure and prevent cystic acne. I was on here last week looking for quick remedies due to a bad outbreak. After a lot of testing things, I have found a good combination that seems to be working.

At night before bed, I mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a little bit of aloe vera gel and apply that to the bumps. I have done this for the past 2 nights, and the bumps are finally going away/reducing/about to peel off. Maybe this can work for someone else out there! Good luck to all.

Posted by Sarah (Nashville, Tn) on 01/10/2013

Sue, thank you so much for your advice! I did my research, and I just placed an order for some tumeric powder and oil of oregano. I am so excited for it to get here so I can try it! I just used some ACV on my cysts about 30 minutes ago, and my face does seem a bit calmer, although still red. And I have been eating these a------e tablets all day. I will report back on what happens. (fingers crossed) :)

Posted by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 01/11/2013

Sarah... The turmeric may have a staining effect on your skin. Mine didn't stain too badly with the coconut oil mixture. It will wash off and you can also use a diluted ACV for rest of staining. I take 4 capsules a day internally.... Mainly for inflammation, but I know it does help with the skin, also. The oil of oregano, (if you take internally... I do 2 to 3 drops under tongue for about 10 to 15 seconds, then drink full glass of water) I don't take everyday, as it can deplete your iron levels. Just have to pay attention to what your body says.

I have never considered my complexion as "glowing, or beautiful, etc" and have come to the conclusion that it is gut related. So, I am concentrating on that. I take a 30 billion probotic and also Kombucha capsule (raw) 2 capsules twice a day. This protocol has only been the past month or so, but so far I think I'm on the right track. You may consider checking into that, too. Keep me posted... I hope I've helped.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (Detroit, Mi - Michigan) on 06/03/2012

i read a post that said to use _____ Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner.. I just have one question... Is it suppose to tingle? Sometimes it even stings a little. Ive been battling cystic acne ever since high school but its gotten worse over the years. Tried ever otc product that exists and nothing works so im trying something different this time around... I wash my face with nubian queen black soap... And apply the acv... I then moisturize with ambi acne cream... So ive only been doin this for a couple days now... ill le you know my results soon.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chiara (Hampton Roads, Va) on 09/13/2016

It can tingle sometimes.

Vitamin B
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 09/08/2022 62 posts

"I also started taking Zinc which is very similar to B5"

This was great info. I did not know this, so thank you.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Claire (Worcestershire) on 04/23/2022

Essential oils and water don't mix. Being that oregano oil is super strong and banned in places due to people overdosing on it, it cannot be taken with water. The concentrated oil would be harmful to the body. However if it was mixed with a thick liquid, and stirred in, it would be safe.

Bee Pollen
Posted by Margie (Austin, Texas) on 04/04/2012

For those of you that have problems with cystic acne, you should try this. Buy a bee pollen complex that has pollen, bee propolis, and royal jelly that is 1000 mg. This cured the acne on my husband's back and for a couple other people I recommended it to. I discovered it by accident and upon doing some research found that it is a blood purifier which is why it probably works.

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