Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Urine Therapy
Posted by Anonymous (Vancouver, Bc) on 01/16/2012

Before you ignore this you might want to try it if nothing else worked.. I have used this many times and it works quickly.. use a Qtip to catch a bit of your urine, dab it on your new pimple (or old) you may have to repeat this several times but you will notice almost a complete reduction on the first day! (research urine therapy if you think this is way out there. ) - wash your hands well as it gives less of a chance of you giving yourself pink eye on this delicate matter.

Posted by Jrp (New York, Ny) on 05/04/2017

Turmeric changed my life! I took 2 pills a day..I had horrible cystic acne for 2 years that wouldn't quit. I then developed Rosacea...My cysts would go down within 24/48 hours after I took Turmeric. I also started using natural face washes with no chemical products in them and got prescribed a Rosacea cream...all acne creams would irritate my face or dry out my face and it would flake...and then sometimes they even made the cysts worse after a few days. With Turmeric it cured my acne almost 100% Don't give up! This really works!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kelsea (Ventura, Ca) on 01/29/2016

Guys, after dealing with cystic acne for 3 years I have finally found something that works for me... and possibly you too! I know this is a long entry but I swear to you it works.

I had clear skin all through high school and began getting cystic acne in college. I am 24 years old now and my skin is finally clear.

I have experimented with SO many different things hoping to find a cure: yogurt facial masks, grapefruit seed oil extract, lavender oil, vitamin E oil... nothing ever reduced the inflammation, soothed the redness or reduced scaring like the regimen I am about to share with you.

For one, I have completely eliminated Sodium Laureth Sulfate from my shampoos, body washes, face washes, washing detergent, etc. It is a harsh chemical that gives most products the bubbly lather. Key word: it is HARSH!

Second, I have eliminated all dairy from my diet which has helped immensely. Dairy is full of hormones meant to raise calves, it combined with our own is overhaul for our bodies.

Lastly, I want to share the ALL NATURAL things I've been using that have cleared my face 100%.

I use a gentle face wash every morning and follow it with Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner, and lastly coconut oil as a moisturizer.

Every other night I switch off with a home made coffee facial scrub and manuka honey mask + a tumeric/honey spot treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar toner- equal parts water and ACV on a cotton swab all over the face.

-this evens out the PH balance on your face ridding of blemishes and uneven skin tones.

Coconut Oil- about a teaspoon should cover your entire face... I let it set until its almost dry then wipe off the remaining.

- I know, adding oil to your already oily face is scary.. but it tricks your face into not creating as much oil and also has antibacterial properties all the while moisturizing it

Home made scrub- I took a 1/4 cup used coffee grounds, 1/4 cup coconut oil, 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil an 1-2 melaluca (tea tree) oil and mixed these all together.

Scrubbing your face very gently for a minute every other day gets rid of all the excess dead skin cells that may block your pores and trap oil under the skin, leading to build up, and eventually.. acne.

When you rinse off this scrub your face feels SO soft.. wipe off the extra coconut oil and wah-lah.

Manuka Honey Mask- I genuinely think this portion of my face regime has been the most impactful.

Manuka honey helps with inflammation and scars. It has antibacterial properties and does a good job moisturizing as well. This specific honey is extracted from the tea tree plant and is extremely raw. It is a bit pricey but worth the money. You simply take this and smear it all over your face. Leave it on as long as possible! Seriously, I'd leave it on over night if it wouldn't get all over my bed. When you rinse it off.. your face feels so refreshed and rejuvenated.

The last thing I'll share is a quick spot treatment that SERIOUSLY works.

Simply take a small amount of honey and add the tumeric spice until you've created a paste like consistency and add it to any incoming, inflamed or ongoing acne. The tumeric will instantly reduce inflammation and redness and speed up the healing process.

Tumeric has been my saving grace..

Be warned though that it does stain your skin slightly, nothing that wont come off with a little facial cleanser though!

PLEASE, give this a try.. you can buy most of these products at most health food stores.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kiana (Atlanta, Ga) on 02/17/2016


Can you post the recipe? I'm having a hard time finding the original post. Thanks!

EC: Here is her original post:

[YEA] I am a 43 yr old woman. About ten years ago I started suffering from terrible cystic acne. I am taking testosterone blocker and minocycline. Nothing worked. I also use Duac gel which is an antibiotic and peroxide. Still nothing worked. Tryed thousands of combinations of medications and home remedies. Yesterday I read this blog on apple cider vinegar....thought what the heck. I will try it. I took 2 tablespoons in a glass of water and dabbed some on the exsisting cysts. Then that evening did the same thing only using the cider as a toner.

Today my acne is almost completely clear. Why, I do not know. But be assurred this is no joke. My dermatologist is going to freak out. I am very active in the gym etc. Now I can go in and strut my stuff with confidence.

My regime is:

Morning: Wash face with Oil free cleanser
use apple cider vinegar as a toner with cotton swab
(smell will go away in a second) drink 2 tablespoons in an 8 oz glass of water
afternoon 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of water)

night: Wash face with Oil free cleanser
use apple cider vinegar as a toner with cotton swab
(smell will go away in a second) drink 2 tablespoons in an 8 oz glass of water

Kroger or walmart vinegar works great.....

So for $3.49 I cured my acne or at laest kept it at bay I was spending

$99.00 month minocycline
$68 month aldactone
$70 month duac gel
$20-60 month on every over the counter thing I could find and thought would help

You may contact me if you need advice etc.

Happy in the Sun
Sandra D Grnwd, In

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ashley (Canada) on 02/11/2015

Doesn't help everyone. I'm vegan, gluten free, sugar free, eat 100% organic and natural foods, nothing processed, exercise daily, use only natural skincare products... I have beautiful soft skin on my body, untreated long glossy hair, strong hard nails... But when it comes to my face? Disaster zone.

Posted by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 01/10/2013

I'm gonna throw about 3 things out there for you regarding cystic acne Do the research on neem, turmeric and oil of oregano.

In my reading, all three have huge value and help with skin ailments.... Both internal and external. The neem is suppose to be on the same level as the oil of oregano as far as doing the "anti-" work and the turmeric is for me, BIG. I had a cyst in my right armpit and I thought it was an ingrown hair. It wasn't.... There was no soreness and nothing would come out. At my yearly physical, the Dr. dismissed it and said it was nothing to be concerned about. That's when I decided to try a turmeric paste. I mixed a very small batch of turmeric with virgin coconut oil (the oil keeps the turmeric from drying out), put it on a bandaid and put the bandaid on my armpit and left on overnight. I did this for 2 nights. The following morning, I was able to extract 2 hard white( the size of a click pen) pcs. From that cyst. The excess fluid came with it and it has healed beautifully.

I would see which one of these may click with you. The oil of oregano is wonderful to dab on externally. The oregano never lets my cold sores grow or get that healing scab... Just kinda zaps them. I hope this helps...

Urine Therapy
Posted by HoraceGrant (Atlanta, GA) on 05/03/2009

Urine to cure cystic acne. I just want to say urine really does work. In the past I have had to have my dermatologist give me cortisone shots directly into the nodule. This is extremely effective but becomes a hassle and pricey. I have to say urine on a cotton swab has essentially the same results. I recommend taking a swab of your first urine in the morning and hold it with some light pressure for about a minute.

Thanks earth clinic

Dietary Changes
Posted by Elisabeth (Belfast, Ireland) on 04/08/2009

My son's SEVERE cystic acne has improved WONDERFULLY since he eliminated DAIRY products from his diet. Previously had been on antibiotics but as soon as he stopped these, the cysts returned. PLEASE share the good news with others.

Carrot Juice
Posted by Lillian (Akron, Ohio) on 12/02/2007

I read the feedback on this site and agree with the person who said carrot juice worked for cystic acne. I have suffered from acne since my teens and have a 100% guarantee that works! I found a book called Best Face Forward at a thrift store and did some of the things suggested:

1. I started working out daily to get my circulation going and get my pores revved up.
Remember, your circulation flows upward.
2. I kept my hair washed often to keep the scalp free of excess oils.
3. I ate carrots (raw) and sweet potatoes like they were going out of style! You have to eat plenty of them every day. The vitamin A and E are good for skin, nails, and hair. I also cut out anything fried, like chicken, pizza and french fries, etc. and put no mayonnaise or dressing on my salad.
4. I washed my face with Aveeno oatmeal soap and with Palmer's cocoa butter soap, in that order. The oatmeal dries up the pimples and the cocoa butter fades the scars and dark marks. Any oatmeal soap will work though.
5.I drank plenty of water!

I did this in high school starting in june and by the time school started back in august, my face was clear! I mean not a mark anywhere. My classmates remarked how clear my face was and asked what I had done.Even my mom was surprised and a Mary Kay representative that she worked for who had previously tried to get me to try her products asked what I had done.

I hope this helps somebody. I had tried Retin A and tetracycline, but decided to go with the suggestions in that book. Tetracycline can be hard on the stomach and Retin A smells bad and you need to limit your sun exposure.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Jennifer (Lansing, IL) on 05/12/2007

Urine really works for acne. I get really deep or cystic acne. The kind you can't pop and if you do it just gets worse and leaves a scar. After reading about using it for acne on this website, I just had to try it for myself. I peed on a cotton swab when I woke up and held it for a minute or so on the pimple. After just a few minutes it seemed to have brought the pimple to a head. The next day I did it again and now it's almost gone. This will be the way I handle my cystic pimple from now on. Try it and see!

Urine Therapy
Posted by Erin (Seattle, WA) on 01/11/2007

I'm really surprised this hasn't been posted, but the real remedy to acne or cystic acne is your own urine! Soak a cotton ball (first morning pee is best)hold it on the pimple, repeat every time you urinate, the pimple will go away. Contrary to popular belief, human urine is sterile and contains your own wasted antibodies. Don't knock it until you try it, it really works!

Manuka Honey, Turmeric
Posted by SR (Duluth, MN) on 08/15/2022

Never had cystic acne before but I began getting this lump on my cheek that was brewing for over a month. It was very hard and just growing larger. I finally figured out what is was and came on here to find remedies today because it started sticking out quite a bit more and the skin looked like it was breaking and was yellowish deep under the skin and soo red around it but nothing came out but liquid. I didn't want to mess with it too much.

After looking though the comments I decided to try organic turmeric powder (from my spice cabinet) mixed in Manuka honey (Kaimai Gold 100+moc, I got it from TJ maxx of all places). Anyway, I mixed it up, applied the paste, then stuck a bandaid on it in the afternoon. By bedtime I went to wash and it off and change it, took the bandaid off and right away thick pus came out. I couldn't believe it! Washed it good then put more paste on and am keeping it on overnight. Truly amazed it worked so quickly. Hoping this on overnight will help pull out whatever is left. If I ever have to deal with this again it will be my first go-to remedy and now I'll be able to treat it much sooner.

Lavender Oil
Posted by Miracles (Santa Monica, Ca, United States) on 07/11/2013

I thought it was crazy that something as simple as lavender oil could actually work on my cystnic acne - after going to doctors for cortisone injections to reduce inflammation and expedite the healing. But you must try Lavender Oil and put it on your acne as soon as they develop. The swelling will go down immediately and the pimple/cystic acne will come to a head within 24-48 hours. Thank you to Earth Clinic and everybody who writes in for these wonderful cures!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tolwich (NH) on 05/14/2013

I tried eliminating diary, sugar, and gluten with a major improvement for adult cystic acne. I then eliminated coffee which cleared the rest of the acne. I take fremented cod liver oil, probiotic, etc.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janet ( Philadelphia Pa) on 05/16/2015

I'm so glad to view your post because it is important to recognize cystic acne as possibly a symptom. If you Google "problems the gut relative to acne" you can gather information about use of antibiotics causing imbalance in the intestine which is indicative of the acne. This problem for me has gone on for years and I began 2 tablespoons raw, organic apple cider vinegar and organic probiotic yogurt daily and use coconut oil to wash face along with vinegar as toner. The turmeric mixed with milk (to bleach discoloration of skin) I use as a mask and this calms down the sebaceous glands oil production. Turmeric and sugar and milk mixed to exfoliate. The coconut oil used with very hot water to massage face and drain pores and effective as antibacterial it rods those little white bumps as well as drain the cysts and prevent. Turmeric is antinflammatory as well as antibacterial. I am looking to buy vitamin c ester to make my own serum because this prevents acne, repairs skin and reverses wrinkles, and acts to prevent harmful rays causing damage. I want the synthetic ester. Stability and skin absorption is important as well as light exposure. I have been gathering info for almost one year and feel confident about the validity .. I just don't have resources or time to articulate ; however, this should get anyone started with a final resolution hopeful. The gut problem should be explored due to cancer risks and for me two family members passed away from colon cancer and I tested positive for the gene and it strikes me hard to have left myself an invitation and so looking forward with optimism and very pretty skin.

Posted by Kimberly (Rancho Cucamonga, California) on 12/28/2011

Hello, Yes a change in the body's ph balance will help cystic acne. I am a Licensed Esthetician. I must say that I am not a doctor and it is not in my scope to medically treat and so on... I learned about all of this through my son having a very severe and embarrassing skin ailment. We went to doctors and tried pills, creams, etc. The only thing that worked and it worked fast too was antioxidant alkaline water. We used the 2.5 ph water directly on his shin and he drank lots of the 9.5 water to cleanse and detoxify the acidic environment inside which was causing the exterior problem. It really works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deltagirl (Portsmouth, Usa) on 02/12/2012

have been struggling with Cystic Acne for a couple of years now-and nothing has been working. It has been horrible. A few weeks ago I had three start to form on my chin - I felt the painful tenderness that precludes cystic acne. At the same time I was starting to catch a cold, so began to take my regular "shot" routine of organic Apple Cider Vinegar to ward off the bug. I noticed about an hour or so later that the pain in my chin had subsided, so decided to google for any link with ACV and cystic acne and found this site.

Have started drinking ACV regularly since finding this site and so far it appears to be working! (fingers crossed! ). I am totally ecstatic and hope that it continues! I bought the store's supply of ACV! Lol.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Blkmanchgo (Chicago, Il) on 06/17/2011

Hi asian mom, Whenever I see anyone with with custic acne I like to recommend they try the yogic water technique. What you do is first thing in the morning you drink 8 glasses of pure water, then you do simple yoga stretches and breathing. It worked for me although I have a few other skin complaints. It's actually harder then it sounds he might have to build up to 8 cups so maybe start off with six. Some people even dissolve sea salt on their tongue after every cup but I guess thats optional. I know it sounds weird and he's sixteen but try it for two weeks and let us know.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Meli (Las Cruces, Nm) on 05/04/2011

I am so thrilled I came across this site. For cystic acne, I've used everything from antiobiotics, prescribed creams, even Accutane, which worked for a while but was hell to go through the treatment. I found this a few days ago & started using the ACV as a toner twice a day, and my skin immediately started showing improvement. I'm going to try adding ACV to a homemade body wash and face scrub too!

Lavender Oil
Posted by Cysticzithater (Grand Rapids, Mi) on 05/17/2011

Oh boy. LOL. I laughed so hard at your hiliarious and artful way of expressing yourself about cystic zit dilemmas. I, too, have suffered terribly with the embarassing condition. In fact, I have one on my chin again, which drove me to seek help on the internet today. I love this web site! Last year, I purchased lavender oil but I never thought to use it for a zit. And after looking back, I stopped drinking coffee with cream and other dairy products and noticed no new zits. Thanks for your help!

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by TTT (FI) on 06/10/2023

I had cystic acne under developing on my chin just before I was going to participate in an exam. My chin was like I had very bad tooth inflammation, massive swelling. So I decided to try this honey+cinnamon (honey raw, cinnamon organic), applied the paste on the swelling day before exam, and washed it away before sleeping (just in case, because wasn't sure how the skin reacts). And to my surprise the swelling was a lot better looking in the morning, diminished like half. Continued to apply the paste next few days but didn't anymore see any huge changes. And then just continued washing skin normally with water and soap. But it seems, it made some more difference after all. Normally the skin at the swelling just become thinner and thinner and finally the cyst burst, but this time it didn't happen, it has diminished pretty well, small bump anymore, though took about one week to reach this state. And actually after the swelling was gone, I realised that the spot actually had developed 3 separate cysts, that's why there was so massive swelling.

Posted by Jennifer (Covington, LA) on 07/11/2008

Turmeric and Cystic Acne: I have been battling acne since I was about 26, I am turning 40 this year. I have seen the doctor and taken his useless antibotics, clearly they didn't work. I realized that artifical sweetners caused major breakouts and have completely stopped using them. This has helped a lot but not completely. After reading how many things Tumeric was great for, I added this to my supplements. I noticed in just one day how much the breakouts I had were clearing up. I take 1200 mg a day in capsule form. The flair ups are not as bad and go away much quicker, in just a day or two. Usually they start to form and clear up before completely breaking out. Not to mention how great I feel, no more body aches!!

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