Colloidal Silver
My family thought I was nuts until two of my cousins kid wound up with PANDAS due to vaccines. They started to have same health issues and asked me for advice they were also able to reverse the vaccine poisoning through boosting the immune system and detoxing. They also stopped vaccinating.
Vaccines hinder your immune system. In turn this affects digestion and allergic reactions. A lot of young children have motor tics (like tourettes) involuntary twitching this is sign of vaccine poisoning. Pay attention tons of children especially boys have them. As did my child. The pediatrician suggested putting him on Haldol, said that was the only way to stop them. I stopped them with a cocktail of supplements which boosted his immune system at the same time.
My child had motor tics so bad he couldn't sleep as it resulted in a cut in his mouth which couldn't heal due to the constant movement. He cried every night. You'd be amazed what you can accomplish when you can't depend on the medical community for answers.
Also peanut oil is an adjuvant in vaccines, did you notice many children have peanut allergies?? This is not the case in Europe, many of their children have sesame allergies. They do not use peanut oil as an adjuvant in their vaccines, instead they use sesame oil. Things that make you go Hmmmmm
In short: I was sick for nearly 3 weeks. Began when I was on a trip overseas, so it very well could have been the moist, stale air on the 9 hour plane ride. Started with a sore throat and feeling tired… developed into 2+ weeks of a low-grade fever, coughing up different colored gunk, lungs and throat rattling and wheezing, and feeling extremely exhausted. A relative who is a nurse listened to my lungs and said one had fluid in it.
Money kept me from going to the emergency room, called walk-in clinics but they told me they don't treat pneumonia, and there was a week-long wait for an appointment at my community health clinic. And so, I was on my own. I don't like to take medication EVER, but with this illness, I was scared and would have gladly taken any prescription someone handed me.
Luckily though, I didn't have the money or resources. So here is what I did:
The basics:
1) Rest – Slept as much as humanly possible and rested.
2) Fluids – Tons of fluids. Water, orange juice, tea, everything. Give your body a rest, don't bog it down with digesting things like meat.
The major players:
3) Raw garlic – Anywhere from 1-5 cloves per day. Rule of thumb: if you aren't getting results with garlic, take more. I pressed the clove to break it open and let the air hit it for 3-5 minutes. Then chewed minimally and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey. A little water to wash it down.
4) Oil of Oregano – I bought a small bottle of this at the health food store and tried all kinds of combinations (breathed in steam, put drops under my tongue, in my water, etc. ) Similar to garlic in helping fight bacteria and infection. (Also similar to garlic in that it tastes horrible and makes people think you've been cooking Italian food.)
Supplemental things:
5) Unrefined Coconut Oil – 1 Tablespoon once a day. Studies show that it cuts down recovery time for pneumonia in children.
6) Apple cider vinegar – Two Tablespoons heated mixed with a cup of water and honey. This helps with the cough. It calms down the throat and lungs.
7) Vitamin C tablets. Got these in another country but they are just like those fizzy vitamin tablets. Who knows if these really work, but I took them anyway. About 3000mg a day.
8) Even though garlic and Oil of Oregano don't kill of your body's defenses like an antibiotic would, I still added in some probiotic yogurt to help my body replace the good bacteria.
At the advice of my relative who is a nurse, I did also get a mucus thinner from the drug store as well… to get some of the fluid out of my lungs. Took two pills each morning for a few days but it caused me to violently cough, so I stopped taking it.
It took a couple of weeks, but I feel WORLDS better. Do these things taste and smell good? Nooo. Are some of your friends/family going to think the idea of fighting pneumonia with something like garlic is ridiculous? Yeees. But, it works. And I spent very VERY little money. My good sense told me garlic alone could fight this off, but like anyone, I tend to get scared when I am very sick (sometimes you just want an RX from a doctor.) Obviously, use your judgment and go to the E.R. If you must. But after this whopper of an illness, I'm telling you, I genuinely don't think I will ever take an antibiotic again.
Vitamin C
Yesterday I went to bed with a severe sore throat that had been swelling for days. I just knew I was coming down with Pneumonia. I decided to gargle with the hottest water possible and put a cayenne capsule in it. I used Nature's way cayenne capsules that say 40,000 H.U on the front. I just opened the capsule and put it in the hot water.
I had immediate relief and was able to sleep. But it lasted only about an hour. So I decided to do it again. But this time, I used two capsules and I gargled twice and then I sipped some of the water and did that a couple times till I could really feel the cayenne in the back of my throat. Within 5 minutes a chunk (sorry to be gross) of infection came out of the left side of my nose when I blew it, and my sinus' have been clear ever since.
Going forward the next day, I stayed in bed and drank green tea with 1 teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of lemon (the one from the bottle, we didn't have fresh lemons) and I opened up one capsule of cayenne pepper and put that in the green tea. I feel 85 percent better and its been only one day. I can't believe it. My throat is still a little swollen, just enough to let me know something's hanging around. But I am not coughing much and I can sleep. I hope this really helps some folks. I am very very greatful.
Garlic Salve
You can usually pick up a 4oz tin of it at country stores near their communities, or you can make a crude version of this at home on the stove.
Materials needed:
- one bulb garlic (peeled and minced)
- olive oil
- coffee mug made from ceramic
- metal pot
- fine strainer
How to make:
Put the grated garlic into coffee mug. Allow it to set for 20 minutes in the mug to convert the garlic juice to allicin. Add enough olive oil to the coffee mug to fill it by ¾. Now put the coffee mug in the middle of the pot. Add water to the pot, enough to bring water level up to the half way mark on the coffee mug. You now have made an “improvised double boiler”. Turn on heat to medium setting. You want the water hot but not boiling. Stir mixture in mug from time to time. Cook for at least one hour while maintaining water level in pot with fresh water. Turn stove off and allow mug to cool to room temperature. Strain olive oil/garlic thru a fine strainer to remove pulp. If you want to, add 10 drops lavender oil to the mug too help with the smell.
Apply this garlic oil to bottom of feet, chest, back, sides and around neck 3 – 4x/daily to draw out and kill infection in the lungs due to bronchitis or pneumonia and the best remedy for pleurisy. This garlic oil can be used on babies and the elderly.
Internally, we drink Mullein leaf tea with honey or Mullein tincture throughout the day.
Published in 4 Health Through Nutrition April 2004
by Dr. Christopher
I remember one time we were called out to a house in the wee hours of the morning. This call was to see a little boy, under the age of tow, that had double pneumonia. The physician on the case had informed the parents that nothing more could be done and he would come back in the morning to sign the child's death certificate. Seeing as it was 40 degrees outside and nearly 50 miles from ambulance service, the parents were told that the boy, if taken by car to a hospital, would surly die.
These parents tried to get other doctors, but at that time of night, and so remote area, no one would offer help. A friend told the parents about us and tried to call us. Having been told of the boys condition we went expecting to give him the cold sheet treatment. Upon arriving there we found the water to the house frozen. We found enough liquid water in the toilet tank above the bowl to give the little chap an enema.
We were not able to give the cold sheet treatment (no water) so only the garlic paste was made up and applied. This was done after a complete massage of the body and feet. After oiling the feet upto the ankles, thoroughly, and massaging the olive oil in well, a half-inch thick of garlic paste was applied to the soles of his feet. (This is put on only the soles and not up onto the sides). Then gauze was placed over to cover the paste, bandages to hold it into place, and a loose white cotton sock was pulled over the bandages to hold them securely.
Garlic paste is made by taking freshly peeled buttons of garlic and garlic about half and half with Vaseline. This amount can vary, according to the toughness of the feet, more Vaseline for tender feet, less for thicker skin. Many of the health minded readers will be shocked by our using a low-vibration ointment like Vaseline instead of using anhydrous lanolin or some lighter more organic type.
The reasoning for this is that the lighter type ointments will penetrate more quickly into the skin, but the Vaseline will hold the garlic on the ointment form. This will also keep the garlic from blistering as easily. (A garlic blister looks bad, buy does not hurt and heals back quickly.)
The little boy was running an extremely high fever and was delirious when he was covered and put back into bed. (this was well after 2:00 am). We assured the parents the child would be all right and would get well.
A few days later we were called again by these parents. They told us that the doctor came back to sign the death certificate that next morning, but the little boy was sitting in his high chair, drinking some juice and breathing normally as if nothing had happened the night before. The doctor became so angry and demanded to know the name of the other doctor who had taken over the case before it had been released by him. He wanted a hearing by “the board” to have the other doctor thrown out of practice for going “against procedure” by taking over a case without written release. The parents asked if his “release” was the death of their child? He probably changed his mind because we were not brought before a hearing.
Flu Shot Prevention
Also, last night I had to sleep sitting up in the recliner because I felt like I couldn't get enough air. Anyway, I had been reading earlier today about home remedies and saw someone recommend cayenne pepper for cough and phlegm in the chest. I knew I had some in my spice cabinet and was willing to try anything.
I put about ¼ - ½ teaspoon in about ¼ cup of water, stirred it good and drank it down, chasing it with more water knowing it would be hot. I then eat my dinner right away (parsley salad with quinoa) and had hot tea with lemon. After dinner about 45 minutes later I noticed I wasn't whizzing or coughing anymore. I felt almost normal for the first time in days. I said something about it to my husband and he agreed saying he had noticed a change in me too. It has been about 4 hours now and I still feel better so much better. I really believe the cayenne opened the airways in my lungs and stopped the rattling in my chest (I still have a little but nothing like it was). I don't normally share my experiences, but I feel if it can help anyone going through such misery…like the person that shared with me earlier, I should too. If I wake up tomorrow feeling bad again I plan on trying it again.
By the way, I have been taking turmeric in a small amount of milk, 2000 mg vitamin C, B12 under the tongue, and other supplements every day, but nothing seemed to work so quickly as the cayenne did.
Here are the ingredients for my "Power Shot":
- 1 garlic clove (cut at thin as possible).
- Lemon juice from half a lemon (fresh), also throw in the pulp.
- 1 Tablespoon Apple cider vinegar.
That's all!
Don't take this on a full stomach. Also, sprinkle a crushed ice cube and mix it in so that it goes down easier.
Repeat every night before bed and drink plenty of water (not immediately, at least 20-30 min after).
Congratulations on your freedom!!! Unfortunately, a flu/pneumonia shot is not exactly a "folk remedy". I'm also pretty sure it doesn't classify as "alternative medicine" either. These shots are far from natural and I'm pretty sure the majority of people who come to a website call earthclinic.com would have difficulties considering these shots... Well... Earthy.
Cinnamon Tea
He said, “It seems to me like we have a flu pandemic every year”.
Here is what I take to protect myself from flu and other sicknesses:
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Cinnamon tea (3-4x daliy if sick or 1x daily for prevention)
He said; I used to get pneumonia every year. I haven't had it since I started taking this stuff (2005).
Hydrogen Peroxide
A few hour later, he woke up again feeling pretty lousy and very warm bodied. He was having a coughing fit for ten minutes and was exhausting him.. I gave him a few more squirts of hydrogen peroxide. The cough almost immediately stopped again and minutes later he got a spark of energy and said he wanted to get up. We blew out snoots as before, then he walked around a little bit, and snuggled on the couch and fell asleep peacefully.
I started a topic on HP in the humidifier just now. What do you all think?
My Aunt & Uncle (80's - unvaxxed) both came down with covid but my Aunt turned into Pneumonia because she won't follow directions and schedule for taking the medicines.
I used this salve along with herbal tinctures (my Cold and Flu Blend) internally and nebulizing colloidal silver/H2O2 to heal my relatives. This garlic salve is commonly called GOOT. It stands for Garlic Oil Ointment Treatment but there are many different recipes being posted on the internet which makes it confusing.
Here are a few basic rules when it comes to garlic. – Never apply raw undiluted garlic or its juice to the skin because it will burn the tissue. – The Amish consider 2 garlic cloves as being a medical dose which means it has to be strong to be effective.– Garlic is the strongest natural anti-microbial known to man. Garlic loses up to 90% of its healing properties when cooked, so using raw garlic is key! – Garlic is the most studied herb every. Garlic contains approximately 33 bioactive sulfur compounds, several enzymes and 17 amino acids. Garlic also does something that pharmaceutical antibiotics never do! Garlic can increase your immune system activity.
Studies have shown that it increases the natural killer cells of the immune system and reduces inflammatory cytokines (chemical messengers of the immune system). – Louis Pasteur 1858 (the father of pasteurization), the well known microbiologist, reported that 1mm of garlic juice killed bacteria and he maintained it was effective even against some bacteria resistant to other factors. It was later discovered that one raw crushed clove of garlic contains the antibiotic equivalent of 100,000 units of penicillin and has been proven to be more effective than both penicillin and tetracycline in suppressing certain types of disease carrying agents. 100,000 Units = 60mg of penicillin.
– Researchers at Washington State University have found that the compounds in garlic are 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting the Campylobacter bacterium, one of the most common causes of intestinal illness. Their work was published recently in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
Are you impressed yet?
Materials needed:
– one head of garlic (peeled) cost .50cents. I like chinese white.
– one 7.5oz jar of coconut oil (liquefied) cost $1.25 at Dollartree, Butcher Boy Brand.
– an electric blender or single serve smoothie blender is what I use. Method:
– Place peeled garlic into blender.
– Place coconut oil jar into a warm water bath so the solid coconut oil will liquefy.
– Once liquefied, add coconut oil to blender. Save C/O jar for putting finished mixture back into.
– Now blend C/O and Garlic bulbs together. You want the mixture to be finely minced. No chunks!
– Once blended, pour back into the C/O jar. Any excess oil can be put into a small bowl and used for first application.
Mixture will stay “potient” only for 2 weeks. Make new batch after 2 weeks if needed. It's that simple.
Why does GOOT works:
Coconut oil contains lauric acid that kills fungus, bacteria and viruses. Raw garlic is full of natural agents that help it function as an antibiotic, antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic and a germicide. Garlic is also known to be a diuretic which is helpful in combating water retention and helpful in flushing toxins out of the body. Garlic has the ability to be effective against Candida, parasites, and bacteria and viruses when it is applied. In addition, it treats systemic infections by absorption through the skin into the blood supply and travels throughout the body.
This powerhouse combo starts working almost immediately to attack the problem and begin healing the body. GOOT, rubbed into the skin, transfers raw garlic oil directly into the blood stream. Apply on the feet of children or infants to fight infections. Rub on chest for chest colds, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia or rub into and around nostrils for sinus infections. Rub on the soles of feet and put on socks overnite for cough or cold. Rub on sore painful joints since garlic has pain relieving properties, Place on cotton swab for ear infections. Apply directly to sores inside the mouth.
Rub on Athlete's foot or genital area for jock itch. Insert GOOT into affected area for yeast or other related infections. Apply on rashes any place. GOOT kills Candida, parasites, bad bacteria and virus by direct application. Also can be applied on bug bites. It is used as an anti-microbial ointment, and also as a poultice that helps put anti-biotic properties into your bloodstream when you are sick. I have put it on my lips when I have felt a cold sore coming on, and guess what? "no cold sore"....
In addition, it treats systemic infections by absorption through the skin into the blood supply and travels throughout the body. It can be applied to feet, chest, throat, temples, joints or massaged all over the body head-to-toe. Test the oil on a small patch of skin to make sure there is no skin reaction.
This treatment can be applied after a warm bath and left on overnight for maximum effect. Protect clothing, bedding, and furniture from this pungent oil. How to use: Yes you will smell like a garlic bulb….
* Respiratory Infections. Apply to chest, back, side and neck and on bottom feet (then cover with socks) every 2-3 hours as necessary.
* Arthritic joints. Rub into painful joints at nite before bed. * Ear infection. In its melted state, you can put drops into the ear canal and plug with cottonball. Apply it around the outer ear.
* Sinus infection. You can put drops into the nostril. Rub ointment over sinus cavities. Use caution around your eyes!
Vitamin C
Lizzie wrote that her partner took 200gram of powdered vit. C daily and his pneumonia gone.
Q.How long did he take the vit. C? Apart from mixing it in water, was there any other thing that he took that could be of help to me?
My wife has been diagnosed with chronic pneumonia. At first, the doctor gave her wrong diagnosis and treated her for more than one year for tuberculosis. Now, x-ray result shows that her right lung has washed out and it has some holes in it. My wife is finding it hard to breathe. She also coughs seriously and has severe pain in her chest region and she has lost a lot of weight. She is alive today only by the grace of GOD. Can someone tell me anything that can help my wife? Please, don't tell me about pharmaceutical treatment.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions and GOD bless.
Garlic Steam Inhalation
Years ago, I was speaking with an elderly Croatian woman whose family lives in my town about how they treated respiratory illnesses back in her native country. Growing up as a child in a communist eastern block nation, they were very poor and their government controlled access to medicines. So, folk remedies were very popular throughout the communist nations.
She taught me how to use garlic as a steam inhalant. She said, by steaming the garlic cloves in a pot of boiling water and funneling the steam with aluminum foil over the pot or similar device so the steam is channeled and comes out as a stream, the sick person can stand over the boiling pot and inhale the steam deep into the lungs for 10 minutes (take a 1-2 minute break if you need too but continue for a full 10 minutes) and thereby place the medical properties of the garlic (allicin) into the lungs where the disease is located. Repeat several times daily.
I have used this remedy several times in the past when all other remedies have failed. Alot of people don't like this remedy simply because it's garlic and people don't like the smell (including myself), but I guarantee you it is a sure fire remedy that gets results.
Here is an old saying: Garlic will make you lose your friends but re-gain your health…
Garlic Tea Steam Inhalation – (Croatian Folk Remedy) Mix 3 to 5 crushed garlic cloves (I prefer Chinese white garlic) in a pot of boiling water and cover your head along with the pot with a large beach towel (steam should not escape from it).
Another method I've used is to use a tea kettle or large sauce pot and as the steam comes out, place your head at a safe distances so you can inhale the steam but not burn your face.
WARNING: Use Caution When Using Hot Steam! If you happen to burn yourself, immediately place burn under cold water for 5 minutes. Also wrap it with a washcloth soaked in apple cider vinegar for 30 minutes and it won't leave a mark or blister.
Inhale the steam deeply and slowly to get relief from sinusitis, lung infection or cough. Do it at night to thin the mucus and clear the infection. Garlic steam inhalation process will also work well for treating sinus infection in children.
Nebulizer Method – Add 1ml (20 drops) Tincture of Garlic to medicine cup and top off cup with Saline water. Nebulize several times daily til better. This method works better for the elderly and very young.
Steam Pot Ideas
India Police turn to pressure cooker steam therapy for Covid19
Source: https://www.siasat.com/steam-therapy-for-covid-19-2142853/
Vintage Steam Pot
Source: https://glorialana.com/tag/steam-inhalation/
Source: https://journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk/article/dr-nelsons-inhaler/#main-body
Tanzania Steaming Booth for Covid19
A little boy inhaling hot steam, Germany 1930s.
In the medical text, Charaka Samhitha (written somewhere between 400-200 BC), the Greeks, Romains and Egyptians, all prescribed garlic has been used as medicine to treat asthmatics and other respiratory ailments, to thin mucus and relieve coughing, chronic rhinitis, tuberculosis. Native Americans used garlic in the tea to treat flu-like symptoms. Louis Pasteur, the well known microbiologist, reported that 1 mm of raw garlic juice was as effective as 60 mg. of penicillin in killing bacteria (1858).
In the 19th century, garlic was considered as one of the important drugs and used as a stimulant, expectorant, and tonic. The therapeutic properties of garlic were also accepted by a large group of the population (Miyers 1996). The book ‘The home book of health ‘, written by John Gunn in the year 1878, described many therapeutic values of garlic. It has been recommended as a diuretic, as a general tonic, for the treatment of infections and in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. (Moyers 1996).
Garlic for Coronavirus: Australian garlic kills COVID and flu with ‘99.9 percent efficacy, ' new study finds (Watch Video)
Australian Finacial News | Last updated on -May 31,2023 https://www.afr.com/life-and-luxury/health-and-wellness/doherty-finds-garlic-kills-covid-20230530-p5dcgn
Could this type of garlic help fight against COVID-19? | 9 News Australia
Garlic is known to be good for killing bacteria, fungus and viruses. It has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A world-first study reportedly shows certain garlic varieties can kill COVID-19 and the common flu with “99.9 percent efficacy.” The new research was released by The Peter Doherty Institute, reported The Australian Financial Review.
Scientists at Doherty have been researching garlic properties over the past 18 months. They found that a certain Australian grown garlic variety has antiviral properties with up to 99.9 percent efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza type A viruses.
The research involved in-vitro testing against the SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza type A viruses using garlic ingredients extracted from exclusive Australian grown garlic varieties.
“We wanted to know if these strains had the possibility of killing COVID-19, ” Dr. Julie McAuley, manager of the Doherty's high containment facility COVID-19 research lab, told The Australian Financial Review. “I thought it might fail miserably. We blindly tested over 20 varieties. We found one of AGP's products could reduce the infectious titre of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza by 3-log-fold (99.9 per cent). We barely detected any remaining virus genome, indicating nearly complete virucidal activity.”
Dr McAuley said the variety was tested across different sites to ensure the results were not related to the environment, nutrients, water or any other factors.
Allicin was shown to inhibit clinical isolates of lung pathogenic bacteria from the genera Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus, including multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains, was demonstrated.
Antimicrobial activity
Garlic has been shown to have broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against many genera of bacteria, viruses, worms, and fungi. Numerous published in the US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health studies (28,454 to be exact), as far back as 1944 and as recently as 2023, have demonstrated that fresh and vacuum-dried powdered garlic preparations are effective antibiotic agents against a wide range of organisms including, a few examples are:
alpha- and beta-hemolytic Streptococcus
Citrobacter sp.
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Proteus vulgaris
Salmonella enteritidis
Staphylococcus aureus
Candida albicans
Cryptococcus neoformans (meningitis)
Ascaris lumbricoides
Herpes simplex types 1 and 2
Human rhinovirus type 2
Covid SARS-CoV2
Parainfluenza virus type 3
Vaccinia virus
Vesicular stomatitis virus
Click here for more complete list:
Turpentine and Castor Oil
The oil is warmed and a few drops of turpentine are added. I rubbed this on his chest and covered it with a warm cloth at bedtime. In the morning his cough had loosened and he continued to get better. It worked every time.
Pneuomonia Protocol
1. Crush 4 cloves of garlic, let sit for 10 minutes to allow the allicin to activate. This is an important step. Then, I threw the garlic into my mouth, chased it down with an available natural juice. I did this three times a day for 3 days...then tapered to two times a day for 2 days, then one time a day for a week.
2. Downed 2Tbl of organic coconut oil for 5 days, once a day.
3. Used my albuterol inhaler every 4 hours.
4. Drank Airborne product to boost immune system 2X a day. These are easy to travel with. I used the packets that are for hot beverages.
5. Ate very, very healthy foods for 2 days.
6. Epsom salt warm bath, once a day for 3 days. 20 minutes. This helps with the smell of the garlic but also, allows you to relax your airways.
7. Drank the following tonic 2X a day - 1 Tablespoon ACV, cup of water, Tablespoon of honey - all warmed, not hot!
In case I needed it, I had a Medrol dose pack I keep that I got from my MDs office prior to leaving the United States. This was a last resort - just in case. I didn't need it but, it's great to be prepared for a trip.
During this episode of pneumonia, I learned a lot. I still traveled around but was not able to do any real hiking ect. I did not have to go to the hospital because I caught it early enough. The only thing I wish I had done earlier was put a capful of H202 (hydrogen peroxide 3%) in each ear for five minutes. My ears were not infected so, I could have used this as well to beat down the infection and perhaps the infection would have been resolved earlier. H202 cannot be put into infected ear or ruptured ear drum.
Lastly, if you travel by airplane and have a propensity to getting respiratory infections, I would suggest using Bill Munroe's H202 inhalation method on the days you are travelling on an aircraft as a preventative for infection. Just keep the bottle in your carry-on or purse. I do!
I hope this information helps fellow earthclinic.com travelers! When we are away from our homes - having our arsenal of information and products with us makes the trips more enjoyable....Good luck!
...Just doing my part! :D
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
This “general recipe” is for internal use. You can use 3% brown bottle hydrogen peroxide. I load this into my medicine cup on my nebulizer.
-As a preventative to keep infections at bay / promote healing – add 0.5 ml (cc)(or ~12 drops if using a dropper) to a nebulizer filled with 5 ml (cc) distilled saline water. Use once a day or as often as you feel the need.
–To fight a lung, bronchial or sinus infection or to get hydrogen peroxide into the body for a systemic treatment – add an amount (see below) of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a nebulizer filled with 5ml (cc) distilled saline water. Use several times. Repeat this process 4 -6 times a day and more often when fighting a virus.
✔The lowest effective dose is ~0.5 ml (cc) or ~ 12 drops (if using a dropper) in 5 ml (cc) distilled water for about 3 minutes. (As a guideline: 1 ml usually contains about 25 drops, but obviously varies with different droppers). If this is your first time using this therapy, use this dose (or even less) to test your reaction. Use this treatment every 2-4 hours.
✔Increase dose as tolerated up to a maximum ½ tsp = 2.0 ml (cc) in Nebulized 3% H2O2 will not only contact the lungs, it will also enter the bloodstream, where it will oxidize pathogens and toxins. For a maximum of 10 minutes per breathing session. Use this treatment every 2-4 hours.
Caution must be exercised by smokers and individuals who have used prescription and nonprescription drugs in their lungs, and those who are very sick. If H2O2 solution is too strong, the H2O2 reaction with a heavy contaminant or microbial presence could promote tissue-damaging inflammation in the lungs and a potentially dangerous systemic “die-off” effect, called the Herxheimer Reaction.
Warning: The following symptoms after nebulizing indicate that you are using too strong a solution - flu-like symptoms, headache, fever, diarrhea, fatigue. Consult your physician before using peroxide in a nebulizer.
Multiple Remedies
I was hospitalized for my pneumonia 5 times for a week at a time. I had to leave the last time against the doctors permission because I have conjestive heart failure and he wanted to treat my kidneys first. I tried to tell him that if he flooded my kidneys with me having chf and pneumonia I would die for sure. He wouldn't listen and he tried to force me into taking the iv. I had to get out of there fast! I went home and looked up Earth Clinic. That's when I found out that all the steroids and antibiotics were what was causing me to get pneumonia multiple times! I immediately started to lower my steroids. I was taking 160 milligrams of steroids a day just to keep me breathing! i kept taking my antibiotics.
To keep my infection at bay. I had to lower my steroids slowly but surely. I started the cure of h2o2 drops in water and the apple cider vinegar and baking soda! lo an behold, in a couple of days I had some relief from the pneumonia and my kidneys! I also bought vitamin supplements and immune support. I also started the coconut oil and dmso on my lung and doing the oil pulling with coconut oil. I also started using the sea salt for the minerals, although sparingly until my kidneys got better.
Now I'm going to need to get help with my terrible pain, cuz I went off my morphine of 90 milligrams per day! help, I'm in alot of pain but I won't take the morphine any more! .
On an upnote, I was on the highest level of oxygen and now I'm back to 2! Sometimes I can have it on 1 1/2! but I'm not going to push it! I'm taking it slowly but surely. But 2 is great news for me! I'm now able to go to my regular bathroom most of the time, and I can do some light housework! I'm gonna be able to drive soon, when I get my handicap sticker! I am so psyched to get to do some things on my own! I never thought I'd be happy to do the dishes, crazy right? but I am! I'm fighting this with everything i got. If someone else has any suggestions for me, I would appreciate any help with this! and any idea's for the pain, of course I would appreciate it.
Again Earth Clinic, you literally just saved my life! thank you, thank you, thank you for being the only thing that saved my life! I would literally be dead!
P.S. I forgot to tell you that because of the steroids i've been taking for a year, my front teeth are rotten! and I lost 2 of them! hows that for anti steroid use!.
I need to address this food-grade H2O2 vs 3% store bought.
It is my opinion that the 35% FG H2O2 vs. 3% Brown bottle debate is complete BULLS***! 3% can be found at any store. 35% FG has only been aroud for 15 years. 3% brown bottle the last 200+ years. See my point.
If you can put it in your mouth, it is safe to use internally. Manufacturers of hydrogen peroxide would not put toxins (or stabilizers) in their products without listing them on the product. Doing so would open up lawsuits, which would be stupid on their part.
I read a lot of “well, I heard they place stabilizers in it,” but there is no proof that they do. I personally have the recipe for making my own hydrogen peroxide, and nowhere does it list a stabilizer.
Your body makes hydrogen peroxide to fight infection which must be present for our immune system to function correctly. White blood cells are known as Leukocytes. A sub-class of Leukocytes called Neutrophils produce hydrogen peroxide as the first line of defense against toxins, parasites, bacteria, viruses and yeast.
1818 - Hydrogen peroxide was discovered in 1818 by Louis Jacques Thénard, professor at the Collège de France. He was examining the action of various acids on barium peroxide and at first thought that he had made modified forms of the acids. Eventually he concluded that the “eau oxygènée” was a new compound that contained more oxygen than water. The addition of various substances, including blood, caused the new compound to decompose, with evolution of oxygen.
1863 - Messner proves that hydrogen peroxide is present in rain water. This fact is important in the history of mankind because much of the water early mankind drank was from rain, leading some researchers to wonder if small amounts added to drinking water would be advantageous today. (Other researchers strongly disagree with this conclusion;)
1888 - The Journal of the American Medical Association reinforces the fact that hydrogen peroxide had been proven, nearly.25 years previously, to be an ingredient in the rain water earliest man used for drinking, bathing and washing.
1904 - Charles Marchand publishes the last of ~is series of 18 books on hydrogen peroxide as a treatment for typhoid fever, gastric ulcers, bronchitis and tuberculosis. See that section.
1904 - Edmund Nacht proclaims that a 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide is a good disinfectant for the throat. He also suggests its use as a mouth rinse.
1913 - The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that hydrogen peroxide is good for killing germs in milk. It goes on to note that the effectiveness of this method of sterilization is dependant on the quality of the milk. For example, the higher the butter fat content, the less ·effective a set amount of hydrogen peroxide will be.
It is also recognized as a germicide for drinking water. Generally, hydrogen peroxide is considered an emergency treatment for drinking water, as other methods are preferred. (One advantage to hydrogen peroxide may be the fact that with vigorous agitation and exposure to sunlight, it will kill germs and then most of it will decompose.)
1920 - The Lancet, England's most respected medical journal, opens the discussion on the value of using hydrogen peroxide as an intravenous infusion.
Breaking with orthodox medical opinion, some doctors suggest that harmful free radicals in the body are not the result of the normal breakdown of food, but are the product of incomplete oxidation during the process. They go on to reason that adding the extra oxygen that makes up hydrogen peroxide will prevent free radicals from building up and causing cells to age rapidly.
Recorded medicinal use of Hydrogen Peroxide dates back to the 1920 edition of the medical journal Lancet which described the successful use of H2O2 during World War 1 for pulmonary related conditions (often from chemicals used in war). Since then, over 7,000 publications have been produced highlighting the health benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide.
1957 - Nature magazine reports that replacing the water of cancerous rats with an extremely diluted hydrogen peroxide solution results in about half of their tumors shrinking.
1983 - Medical researchers begin work on testing the oral ingestion of hydrogen peroxide to fight disease.
1985 - Tests of hydrogen peroxide as both an oral treatment and as an intravenous infusion to fight disease and tissue degeneration continue. Some work is also beginning on using it as an intra-artery infusion.
All this before the FGHP came along...
Colloidal Silver