I am very happy to report victory over a very stubborn plantar wart.
Over the winter my son showed me a large plantar wart on the bottom of his foot. He hadn't mentioned it, not knowing what it was, but it hurt and he was on his feet a lot at work. He said it felt like he had a pebble in his boot.
Since we cured a small wart on my daughter's finger with just a few applications of 25% oregano oil I tried that first. Every night. For weeks, to no avail.
I checked EC for remedies and picked a mixture of crushed aspirin with castor oil paste. I love aspirin and castor oil and was sure this would work. I treated him every night for many weeks with this; I left it on as a poultice. And while it softened the wart and reduced pain during the day, it wasn't curing the wart.
I switched to the banana peel remedy since it is so very popular at Earth Clinic. I scraped the inside of a banana peel and placed it on the wart every night and covered it with a bandaid. I did this for weeks. It wasn't helping... or at least, it wasn't curing. He felt like what I was doing helping, but it wasn't getting rid of the wart!
Finally I tried tea tree and frankincense essential oil, one drop of each on the wart, each night. I did this for a few weeks every night. And suddenly we were seeing improvement. It didn't look 100% but he said it was better. That was weeks ago. Tonight I checked and his foot is totally healed.
That wart took months to heal. My son thought that everything helped some, but it was those two essential oils that did the trick! If I didn't have frankincense, I would have used just tea tree as it seems to work for many people.
~Mama to Many~