Natural Remedies for Plantar Warts (Verrucas)

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Ew (White Plains, Ny) on 03/14/2011

My 7 year old daughter had a plantars wart on the heel of her foot for over a year. The doctor said it had to be cut out. I was worried about the pain and healing of that, and also that she would have to miss her favorite activities (gymnastics, ice skating, etc. )

Instead I used tea tree oil. Every morning and night I put a band-aid on her wart that had 1 drop of oil on the gauze area. I did the same thing at night and we covered the band-aid with a sock so it didn't come off while she was sleeping.

I had read that if you do this for about 3 weeks the wart will just pop out. Well, I wanted to go for 4 weeks, but after about 3 weeks my daughter said she needed a day off.

That evening I looked at her wart and very gently used my fingernail to see if the wart would come out. It popped right out with absolutely no pain. It left a cone-like hole that looked like it would hurt, but she said she couldn't feel anything.

Over time, the hole closed up. The wart never returned, she didn't miss one day of any of her activities, and there was never any discomfort.
