Update on 3% hydrogen peroxide on plantar warts:
Since reading Joe's post about hydrogen peroxide and peroxideman.com, I've been playing with HP and, over the last 4 days, have applied a cotton pad soaked with HP on plantar warts on my left foot for just a minute or two, each day.
The pain of walking on them was gone the very first day and it had shrunk significantly by the 3rd day. Today it's flat and nearly gone but there's been another effect that I wasn't expecting which is that my leg feels like it's "breathing". As if it had been in a cast, if your readers know what I mean by that. It's as if I'd been wearing tight knee socks and took them off! It's really pretty amazing.
I started on my right foot today by soaking some of the cotton pads in my borax solution and applying that to the warts because it softens the callouses to such an extent that one can simply peel them right off. I did this to make the HP's trip through the wart a little easier.
I also took two aspirins and wetted some aspirin powder and applied that to the warts and left it sit for a bit before I applied the HP. I did this because I suspect that warts - being viral - just batten down the hatches when they're attacked by remedies which would explain why they keep coming back and aspirin, apparently, is reported to dissolve the "shell" of viruses so I'm hoping the HP along with the vitamin C I take will finish them off, once and for all! So, we'll see what happens...
Just so you know, these are applications of HP that I never would have thought of had I not read Joe's post and the article on the website so, again, THANK YOU, JOE AND EC!! I never would have believed it if the effects hadn't been so profound!
Hydrogen Peroxide
I had a plantar wart on my clavicle. Never had one before. Waited three weeks for it to heal on its own. Then I placed on it cotton soaked with hydrogen peroxide twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Kept it there with masking tape. It healed in about 10 days.