Plantar Fasciitis Pain: Holistic Treatment

Vet Wrap
Posted by Tj (Muncie, In) on 04/14/2013

I was suffering from a particularly bad case of plantar fasciitis and heel spur that had caused severe leg cramps in my calf. It was 10:00 at night and I was desperate for relief. I had vet wrap left over from my dog so I wrapped it firmly around my foot from the ball of the foot to the heel. The relief was almost instant and the cramp in my calf went away soon after. The vet wrap is self-adhesive, cheap, and available at any farm or pet supply store. It comes in wider widths for horses and narrower widths for dogs so it's easy to find the right size. It's also thin enough to wear under you socks and shoes.

Toe Pads
Posted by Icandoit (Portland, Or) on 12/20/2012

Hi all, Not sure quite where to post this info but I recently discovered a book that may help many people who look here for help. It's called Why You Really Hurt: It all starts with the foot by Dr Burton Schuler. I found it at my local library but you my find it online, (though I don't think he even has a website). If you google his name you will find many testimonials for this book and how it explains probably most of the pain you may be experiencing in your feet, ankles, heels, legs, hips, back and upwards from there. He says that the problem stems from a short first metatarsal bone, or it could also be that your first metatarsal is hypermobile either way, it affects the way your foot hits the ground and the way it is supposed to reset itself to prepare for the next step. He dispels a lot of misinformation that is out there about pain, and makes it clear that there is something you can do to feel better. Something that he does not make any money from selling to you (which also makes me trust him as a good source of information) and also encourages you to make your own. There is an entire chapter with photos on how to make and attach them to your feet or insoles.

I just started using the toe pads, and I am seeing immediate results-as in I had pain in my heels, feet, ankles and calves on Sunday... Made the toe pads on Monday... And by that afternoon I could tell that all that I learned in this book was true. I had no problems at work that night (I am a waitress at a busy restaurant) and even more miraculously I had no pain in my feet, heels or ankles-zero- when I got out of bed on Tuesday. That has not happened in a looong time.

I was kind of skeptical that two pieces of foam stuck to the bottom of my feet could do much of anything, and in fact, I had this book for months and thought to myself "oh, I will just try icing it, soaking it, yoga, rest, new shoes, new inserts, podiatrist,, acupuncture and meditation first" No results. It only got worse actually. It was only when I was actually hobbling around that I finally thought "I guess I better try those toe pad things" I am truly amazed and just want to pass along this really great resource. This book is truly the only thing that helped me. I think it may just be able to help you to. There is also another book that I saw raves about on this site called Trigger point Therapy Workbook by Amber Davies. I just got it, but I think it may work well in tandem with the foot pads to help undo the stress my body takes on. I will post my progress, in case it helps.

Borax Soak
Posted by Alex (Hawthorne, California) on 11/25/2012

I want to thank this community for the information provided on the use of the Borax soaks for heel spur pain.

I went through 9 months of plantar fasciatis generated from heel spurs as it turns out. I tried orthotics, heel cups, new shoes, ibuprofen, ice, heat, pulse massager, and copius amounts of beer (beer not necessary, I know).

Untill one day when I read this board and said, "what could I possibly lose". I bought borax, powdered 20 mule team, poured warm water into a container and plenty of powder. never measured, I was just not hesitant to add.

24 hours later, I was better. 2-3 days into it I could feel something happenning as my foot soaked. I was so far gone that it's taken 9 - 10 days of soaking but i'm finally awaking pain free and I feel but a little sting every now and then.

I will continue to wrap and cushion my arch and my heel, as well as soak until it's all gone. Happy soaking all!!

Posted by Chuck (Washington, Dc, USA) on 11/18/2012

I developed plantar fasciitis (no heel spur), which I suspect from running in worn out shoes. I initially got the orthotic from the podiatrist but it was just a bandaid that didn't heal anything.

I'm a yoga practitioner and I unwittingly healed the plantar fasciitis by doing yoga about 3x a week for about 6 months. I talked to a yoga instructor who studied plantar fasciitis and she said that yoga heals plantar fasciitis by making the feet bigger. Worked for me!

Posted by Cubuwu (Cordoba, Spain) on 11/09/2012

Not a heel spur? What do I have then? I have a big lump on the back of my heel, at the top of the heelbone. My achilles tendon rubs over it and everytime I sit down it gets really stiff. I can hardly walk! I've read through most of the comments and I don't think any of them will work for me. This has developed WHILE I was taking a daily shot of ACV and Turmeric. I also take 3mg of creatine daily. I want to stop this pain because it's driving me mad. Its getting so bad that I dream about being able to doing sports which involve impact X)

Foam Roller
Posted by Pumpkin (Middle Of, Indiana) on 10/17/2012

To Cathy from Roanoke: I also developed plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow around the same time, early last year. I am 45 now.

I asked, but the doctor and physical therapist told me that these two conditions had nothing to do with each other, but I just felt that they did.

It seems that all my connective tissues have suddenly taken a turn for the worse, without an obvious reason. I feel that my entire body is more fragile than it was, and don't know why. Maybe I'm lacking some substance (mineral or vitamin etc. ), or maybe I have taken too much of something in the past few years (I do take quite a few supplements), or maybe there is something going wrong within my physical structure.

The physical therapist said that it was just aging, but I don't know if aging (in the early 40s) happens that fast, like from going to feeling just fine and pretty resilient physically, to feeling like things were quickly breaking down due to only minor stresses and strains being put upon them -- from one month to the next. And then not getting any better, even after a year of living very healthfully and trying several treatments.

Foot Stretch
Posted by Susiequeue (Babylon) on 07/23/2012

Thank you! This has helped so much! I still have pain but as soon as it gets bad, I start doing this exercise. Am also trying grapefruit seed extract rubbed on at night, so perhaps the combination is what is working.

Posted by Deb (Claremore, Oklahoma) on 07/18/2012

I was recently diagnosed with Plantar Fascia. I have suffered with the pain for almost two years. A friend of mine told me that if I took about 7-9, B-12 pills a day, it would very likely help. Well, I didn't have anything to lose, so, I started taking, about 7 of the 1000 mg B-12 pills throughout the day and within three days I noticed I was pain free. I still take two B-12 pills each morning, and after 1 month, I am still pain free. Thank the Lord!!!

Posted by Bern (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 06/20/2012

Some years ago I developed a pain, mainly in the heel area, on both my feet. I was unable to walk for more than half an hour without feeling excruciating pain. It was so bad, I was on my hands and knees crawling. On visiting the doctor, I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. To cut a long story short, I took calcium supplements over a number of months and the pain disappeared. The calcium pills I took are very strong so I caution everyone to be careful of the dosage they take. Other than that, I would recommend heel spur sufferers to take calcium supplements (with Vit D to help absorption) to get rid of this ailment. Hint: constantly look at the health of your nails to see whether your calcium intake is lacking/adequate/too much and vary your intake accordingly.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kimm (San Luis Obispo, California) on 05/12/2012

Re: Cure a Heel Spur. As recommended by the late Dr. Jarvis, I've used apple cider vinegar to good effect. For instance, I started drinking 2 capfuls a day of ORGANIC apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz glass daily and felt relief from plantar fasciitis in both heels within a few days. It's possible that the potassium in apple cider vinegar is the active/effective ingredient (as Jarvis suggests)? But I've tried taking potassium tablets alone and did not get the same results, so there must be something intrinsic to organic apple cider vinegar that causes the healing effect? Also, it seems to be important that the apple cider vinegar be organic, because "regular" apple cider might actually be white vinegar in disguise and/or they've filtered out all the beneficial qualities from the "regular" vinegar?

Magnetic Insoles
Posted by Mary (St Petersburg, Fl) on 03/28/2012

Years ago I bought magnetic insoles from a Japanese manufacturer in hopes that it would give me energy. I was not thinking about the pain I felt in my feet when getting out of bed. What a difference they made. By day 3 I was surprised that my feet did not hurt. I stopped using them and now the pain has come back, this time I know it as Plantar Fasciitis. There are studies out there saying it is a placebo effect. I say not, I was not even thinking about my feet, I just needed energy to get through the long days at work. Guess what? I felt better all over and had energy once the foot pain was gone.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Pepper (Melbourne, Vic, Australia) on 03/09/2012

I am 55 years, usually in pretty good health and in a healthy weight range. I have had physio therapy, painkillers for heel spur/plantar fascia on left foot for 4 months with no relief and ended up on crutches, it was that bad.

Also suffering from a Morton's Neuroma on ball of right foot thought to be aggrevated by stress and unnatural walking and favouring of left foot problems. Was in a job where I was on my feet all day so possibly what caused or exacerbated the problem.

Well I have just discovered Magnesium oil rub at my health food store (Karma Rub but there are many brands of Magnesium oil to choose from) and day three of using I am off crutches and the pain in my heel/ fascia so much better. Ball of foot taking a little longer but it is definitely getting better. I can't believe it... Wish I'd discovered it months ago! It's a miracle!

I am also going to look into Serra Plus tabs/capsules to speed up the healing process as heard they are very good for my type of feet problems. Magnesium also helps with anxiety which I suffer from so that is an added bonus! Feeling much calmer but it could have something to do with being in no pain!

All I can say is it works for me so it might help you... No harm in giving it a try. Magnesuim Oil!

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Posted by Rosemary (White Rock, B.c., Canada) on 03/01/2012

I am a 55 y.o. woman and suffer from very high arches and metatarsalalgia. My arches ached and toes and foot pads were extremely inflamed and painful to the point of being crippled. I tried epsom salt foot soak, and adding more calcium citrate plus B6 and a variety of cheaper inserts and orthotics. What finally worked was expensive orthotics fitted from weight bearing foam imprints in the proper walking shoes, and BORON, At first I purchased the expensive boron supplements, then I read here that an 1/8th of a tsp of BORAX in one liter of water a day is good for the bones, amongst other things..... Wow... Within 2 weeks I was almost pain free and one month later I am out walking again, I honestly never thought it was going to get better as I had the pain for 1 1/2 years, and off and on for 30 years (I am an avid walker).

High Heels
Posted by Trying To Help (Usa) on 02/05/2012

A foot doctor diagnosed a friend of mine with plantar fasciitis and told her to wear high heels for a week. She did and sure enough after a week the plantar fasciitis was healed. Heels work to stretch the foot.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joan (South Riding, Virginia Usa) on 02/03/2012

Around April 2011, while doing heavy exercises, I got what I thought was another bout of plantar fasciitis. I tried stretching my foot and my calf. I tried homeopathic remedies. I tried 12 weeks of acupuncture. I tried Chinese herbs. While many of these reduced the pain for a while, none took it away. In December 2011 my chiropracter suggested that plantar fasciitis does not last that long and perhaps it was a heel spur. I had my foot x-rayed and, lo and behold, there was a heel spur identified.

I immediately began researching "Natural Heel Spur" remedies and can upon the Earth Clinic site. I read this post about ACV, molasses and baking soda, as well as MSM, and began them all the first week of January. I also added calcium/magnesium supplements. After about a week the pain was subsiding. After two weeks, I stopped taking the Chinese herbs. It was about that time that I stopped adding molasses to my ACV/baking soda beverage. Then I stopped the MSM, as I was feeling lightheaded whenever I took it.

By the end of Week 3, my heel spur was nearly gone. I could push on the area and feel it was slightly tender. By Week 4 (last week), my heel spur was gone. Vanished. Melted away. My foot no longer has the feeling of walking around with a nail stuck in it. While I have to be careful while my foot gets stronger, I can walk short distances without pain. ACV is a lifesaver. ACV works, if you give it time. I believe the way to distinguish between Plantar Fasciitis and a heel spur is the difference between foot pain and feeling like a nail is in your heel. The nail/heel pain signals a heel spur. Try it, and good luck!

Arch Bands
Posted by Cheryl (Abilene, Tx) on 01/18/2012

I can attest to the ace bandage wrapper on your feet - I had the inflamed fascias(?) in both my feet for 3 years before I read on ec to use the ace to wrap - it works!!! 0ver a year and still no problem

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Richard (Sedalia, Missouri) on 01/18/2012

I have had Plantar Fasciitis 2 times and I can empathize with the pain. However I have the cure. It takes about a week - may vary some depending on your sitation.

Take an ace bandage and wrap your foot at night so that you cannot point your toes. When you sleep, a lot of times your foot will flex. This inflames Plantar Fasciitis.

If you wrap your foot so that it will not flex, it WILL go away.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Martina (Burnaby, Bc, Canada) on 01/10/2012

It never occurred to me that my plantar fasciitis might have been caused by a heel spur in combo with some microbial infection but it makes perfect sense. Especially when you think of how much mildew might be hiding in the shower.

I had a year of difficulty walking - so much so that I thought I was going to become lame. I couldn't wear any shoe without an arch support. I had tried stretching, ice, exercises, massage, ibuprofen, castor oil and was still getting progressively worse.

After a year and a half of suffering I tried MSM every two hours for a few days like directed on this site. The MSM didn't seem to make a difference but then I tried soaking in borax/clorox just a couple of times. Within the week, I could put my weight on my heel in the morning - a huge improvement. I can now wear high heels for an entire day again and it's been years since I could wear them.

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!

Posted by Kristie (Chattanooga, Tn) on 11/07/2011

Recently I started taking Lysine as an immune booster because I have severe allergies. I have had plantar fasciitis since January 2011. It has gotten to the point where my foot feels broken the first few minutes I get up in the morning. After that it mostly feels like a severe stone bruise most of the day. If I sit for awhile and then get up, then I have to stretch it back out again to be able to walk.

Well the day after taking Lysine I got up that morning and was not crippled. It just felt like the stone bruise. I have been taking Lysine for a week now and my foot is feeling 90% better! I'm not sure if it is the Lysine but it's the only thing I am doing differently. I thought I would pass it along so someone else could try it.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Siouxzee (Waterloo, Ontario) on 10/08/2011

I am developing plantar fascitis again after a couple of pain-free years.

Can you specify this is GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT and not GRAPE SEED EXTRACT?? Some of the other posts are saying Grape Seed Extract which is what I bought and it's not helping at all after 4 days. Is this capsules or an oil???

Foam Roller
Posted by Cathy (Roanoke, Va) on 08/25/2011

Sketchers have now come out with a newly designed shoe that is awesome! If purchasing the heavier, larger profile "rocker", please use caution with wearing these - you need to break them in gradually - meaning gradually wear them longer each time you put them on. I've talked to a few people who have had pulled tendons and other problems from putting them on and wearing them for long periods of time without slowly breaking them in.

The newest shoes are softer, the sole is split to make it very flexible, and they weigh next to nothing. I am very pleased with them and didn't have to break them in much as the profile is smaller. After my raves, two other friends of mine bought them and love them as well. I am hopeful that this will help me continue to walk regularly and that they soft soles will hold up and not break down quickly. Koodos to Sketcher for coming up with these shoes!!

I am dealing the a heel spur now along with tendonitis in my elbow. Both occured at the same time after a minor accident from getting trapped beneath a large trash can that was filled to the brim with rocks, soil, and grass clumps. I figured the shock to my system may have been the cause of the two. I am going to give some of the ideas here a try and will post my results as things progress. After reading many suggestions, and because I am cautious as to what I put into and onto my body, I believe I'll begin with taking the AVC (hope I can handle the taste! ) and increase my calcium, magnesium (aids in calcium absorption), and vita D - all of which you need more of as you age anyway. I will strongly suggest purchasing only good quality suppliments and stay away from drug store, grocery store brands. Do your homework when shopping for suppliments and consider only using those purchased from natural food stores or Shak.... products (don't know if I can name specific companies or not).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria (Newmarket, Toronto/canada) on 08/18/2011

I had a heel pain and swelling in the planter fascia since four months and looked like it was increasing with tingling sensation in the heel and it was difficult for me to walk, I tried physiotherapy for 6 times where I got eswt plus applied ice packs for 10 min morning and evening for one month but no improvement, took neproxin for inflammation, but the symptoms were same, so I came to know about this site and read about apple cider vinegar and cold water remedy, just after 3 days after using apple cider vinegar twice a day my pain was all gone, but after a week it came back 30 percent. I am still applying apple cider wrap at night, and drinking it with baking soda, and I am feeling much better and I think ice cold water remedy really works. I will post after I get fully cured . |Thanks to earth clinic, I simply love this site.

Go Barefoot
Posted by Ccadroz93 (Midlothian, Tx, Usa) on 08/10/2011

I had crippling facciitis. I did the shots (worthless... The shots hurt more than the faciitis and only gave minimal relief) I have a drawer full of every orthotic known to man (none of which took away the pain in my facciia or my heel) I ended up tearing it doing stretches that were recommended and in the end after 2 doctor recommendations had surgery to repair the faciia. 2 years later my foot is still jacked up and I began having the same issue with my other foot. One day I saw a guy actually running barefoot on the street. I did some research to find out what damage I was sure he was doing to his feet and after reading about these "barefooters" I started going barefoot whenever possible. My good foot no longer has any pain at all and my foot that had the surgery has improved dramatically. All the orthotics were doing is holding the facciia in a shortened position which is the problem in the first place.... When I started going barefoot, it was able to stretch naturally. Pain is almost completely gone! Anyone looking for an orthotic collection?? LOL

Avoid Cortisone Shots
Posted by Jc (Midland, Texas, U.s.a.) on 08/09/2011

I acquired a raging case of plantar fasciatis that actually crippled me. I was driving long distances constantly - for years - in a small car with no cruise control. Every time I reached my destination, I would have to crawl on my hands and knees and would have extreme pain for days and weeks on end. My brother built me a pair of sandals with a donut hole in the heel of my right foot... That did no good. Coincidentaly, I had a friend who was undergoing a series of steroid injections to the heels and described it as the worst thing that she had ever endured. I said, "Self; I ain't doin' that. "

What worked like magic for me: I borrowed my husband's 2 inch belt and fastened it into a loop. I would lay on the sofa and put part of the belt on the ball of my foot and pull upward. My goal was to see how far I could pull my foot toward my shin bone, pretending that I was going to touch the shin with my big toe. My timing was for as long as a set of commercials last on t. V. Programs, then give it one, last, long, strong pull - release. I did that for 2 weeks - but the fasciatis was 75% better within 72 hours.

Oh, I also put a can of soup on the floor on my side of the bed and forced all my weight onto my arch first thing in the morning for 5 minutes. From Internet research, I found an illustration that explained this disorder so clearly. The foot being in a 45 degree angle for many hours (on a gas pedal) had allowed my plantar fascia to shrink; the calcaneous (heel bone) was building a calcification ledge trying to reach for the facia. It is not exactly a 'spur'. Don't let anyone give you injections - or God forbid surgery - without trying this remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carla (London, Uk) on 08/08/2011

HI, I got better when I switched to a shoe that bent over just under the toes and had padding under the heel.. There's a lot of info on this on It was the only thing that worked for me and I felt it healing for me over a week after months.. The best shoes I found were ECCO shoes. And not all of their shoes either so do try a selection on first. It allows the fascia to stretch properly and is very padded. A life saver really in terms of having mobility back. Good luck!

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Andrea (Kiel, Wi, USA) on 08/06/2011

I suffered with painful plantar fascitis for quite a few years. After being diagnosed with celiac disease and adhering to a strict gluten-free diet, all of my plantar fascitis problems vanished. Not sure if this is your problem, but if you or anyone else in your family (it's hereditary and some people have NO symptoms) have digestive issues such as bloating, gas or abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea or both, migraines, anemia, bone or joint pain, you might want to get tested. Good luck!

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