Plantar Fasciitis
Natural Remedies

Plantar Fasciitis - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Plantar Fasciitis. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Calc. Fluor 6X

Posted by Art (California) on 12/06/2021 2365 posts

Editor's Choice

I recommended a homeopathic remedy to one of my sister's friends. The remedy is often suggested for foot pain in general and many other uses. In this case, Jane had an actual diagnosis from her doctor of plantar fasciitis and heel spurs in both feet. Her severity was such that she could only get around in a wheelchair because it was too painful to stand on her feet.

There are quite a few homeopathic remedies for these two conditions, but I recommended only one remedy to make it easier and simpler for her.

I recommended Calcarea Fluorica 6x (CF) which is commonly used for heel spurs and rarely suggested for plantar fasciitis.

Her two doctors told her that her only option was surgery, but she also has another condition that I do not understand and is as yet undiagnosed. This condition from her description of it, sounds like seizures. She had one of these episodes while at the doctor's office and when he saw it, he told her that surgery is no longer an option for her with this seizure like condition. Needless to say she was distraught after the doctor told her that he had no treatments to offer her and she would have to use a wheel chair for the rest of her life. So my sister asked if I would recommend something for her friend, which I did.

She started on it as soon as she got the CF and about 1 1/2 months later, she reported that the inflammation had diminished to almost nothing and according to her doctor, the plantar fasciitis was much improved, but the bone spurs were still an issue. I had told her at the outset to allow 3 months to see benefit.

At two months she reported that the plantar fasciitis was no longer an issue and the heel spurs were about 95% resolved and her doctors were very surprised at these changes as they had told her that surgery was the only remedy and she was not a candidate for the surgery. All this was good news, but the best news was that she is now walking with a cane and no longer needs a wheelchair!

She is very happy! Her seizure like events have also diminished in quantity and intensity! At 2 1/2 months in, Jane remains on this regimen to see if she can reach 100% recovery. I will suggest regular exercise to try and recover muscle strength in her legs. Being in a wheelchair all the time has no doubt weakened her leg muscles and strengthening those muscles now, will help keep her more stable on her feet and much less likely to fall.

In addition to the homeopathy remedy, I had suggested the use of mag oil or Epsom salt foot soaks with borax. I had also suggested icing to help get the inflammation under control initially and after initial control, to be used only on an as needed basis. That is the whole remedy that was very successful for Jane.


Posted by Jacqs (Midwest, MO) on 08/21/2021

Editor's Choice

Zinc Chewables Helping Plantar Fasciitis

I've been experiencing mild to severe pain in my right heel and arch consistently for the past 4 months. Stretching helped but only slightly and temporarily. Mornings were extremely painful and walking any time of day was painful. When I stretched I experienced shooting pain but it provided temporary relief. I was stretching often throughout the day and in the night while sleeping hoping I'd be a bit more limber when I woke up but any relief was temporary… A few minutes or maybe an hour.

About 2 weeks ago I started taking zinc chewable supplements to boost my immune system (because Covid is increasing here) and I FELT NO PAIN ALL DAY in my foot!! I didn't even realize it until the second day when I didn't take zinc and the pain returned… so the third day I went back to the tablets every 3-4 hours and again I experienced NO FOOT PAIN! AT ALL!

I've been taking the zinc chewables regularly (11mg 3-4x a day) and I have SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the pain to nothing or just a mild discomfort in my foot. When I feel any discomfort it's mild and usually after a long day. It does NOT hurt to get out of bed in the morning. Stretching my foot doesn't create sharp shooting pains either! Am I crazy?!? This feels like a wonder drug / miracle!

(note: there are other inactive ingredients in the brand I'm taking; Ascorbic acid, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, sorbitol, starch, sucralose. I want to try a pill form (not chewable) but haven't yet.)

Posted by Sanjay P. (London, Uk) on 10/09/2020 5 posts

Editor's Choice

Hi all,

Just to let you know. I have been suffering from plantar fasciitis for a while however, for about a month now I have been taking 10mg Zinc tablets and the pain is almost gone. I wanted to check if it was the Zinc or not so I stopped taking it for a couple of days and the pain was back so since continuing with zinc the pain again is 95% gone.

Homeopathic Remedies

Posted by Mollymg (United States) on 10/09/2020 7 posts

Editor's Choice


When I was working as a food demonstrator in a large Texas grocery store, I developed Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot. It became steadily more painful, and I tried EVERYTHING to relieve it...ACV, Orthopedic inserts of all kinds, Wrapping my foot tightly with an Ace bandage, Rubbing in Arnica, Triflora, and other suggested salves, and NOTHING worked! My store director told me to get $800 orthotics like his...HA! That was sweet of him, but not at all practical! At the time, I was 67 and collecting SSI and a small paycheck each week.

FINALLY I searched the internet for "homeopathy for Plantar Fasciitis" and landed on my favorite homeopath's site!

I just happened to have Symphytum Officinale 200c and Rhus Tox 30c and I took 5 tiny sugar pellets of each under my tongue in order for the remedies to enter my system sublingually as they melted, away from food or menthol products. I repeated this dosage morning and night for about 4 days, and on the 5th day, I awakened and gingerly stepped onto my painful foot, and THERE WAS ZERO PAIN! I thought I was still dreaming, and I tried stepping on it at every angle my foot could turn, and by golly, there was no pain!!!

That was my best day ever, and after TWO YEARS, the pain has not returned, and as directed by homeopaths, I stopped taking the remedies that morning. I can't believe I waited so long, about 30 days, to even search for a homeopathic cure. Oh well, it is what it is!

I hope I didn't break any rules by posting the link to Joette's article on her blog. I just HAD to let all sufferers know that THERE IS A CURE, AND IT IS SOOO QUICK AND EASY! I used the brand "Boiron", which Joette likes to recommend, and it is quite easy to find on the internet. It is cheap, don't pay more than $10.00 for a tube, and both have zero side effects or restrictions. TRY THEM!! YOU WILL LOVE THEM!!

Molly in Texas


Posted by Susan (Ca) on 10/28/2018

Editor's Choice


I injured my feet about 5 years ago (I fell getting out of the way of a bicyclist). They became very swollen and I felt like I was walking on railroad spikes (not pins and needles). I went to the doctor who said they didn't appear to be broken (I knew that). I walked around, painfully, for months until one day I decided that I needed to eat the sauerkraut in the fridge before it spoiled. The swelling was gone the next morning and about 75% of the blunt/sharp stabbing in the feet was gone, too. My feet aren't 100% and never will be. I'm a walker but I can't walk more than 3-4 miles a day now. They now get really really fatigued and become painful if I try to walk too much. But...sauerkraut gave me back my feet...who knew??? :)

Our bodies are supposed to heal themselves but it doesn't always work, especially when your'e older (I'm 64 now). You've heard, "Feed the gut, feed the brain"? Well, I say, 'Feed the gut, feed the whole body'.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Sara (Lansing, Michigan) on 09/02/2018

Editor's Choice

Apple Cider Vinegar works. Back in 2005 I developed Plantar Fasciitis. For over a year I hobbled along in pain. Finally a doctor took pity on me and showed me my x-ray. He showed me my "heel spurr" and explained it was calcium. He explained that when you do damage to your bones the body sends calcium to help heal it. A light bulb went off on my head... clearly if I could get the calcium to disperse, I could get rid of the spurr. Reading here I decided to try ACV. A small amount in water (taken via straw to protect my teeth). Within 2 weeks.. TWO WEEKS.. something that had plagued me for a year went away. Later that same year, I developed pain in my hip bone. Once again, ACV worked within a week. 10 years later I developed pain in my heel again -- this time in the other foot. I tried ACV and again, it went away within a week. I am not sure the exact mechanism but it seems that your body does the right thing by sending calcium to heal damage but then the calcium somehow gets stuck. ACV breaks it up and allows the calcium to clear.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Posted by Donna (Ohio) on 10/23/2017

Editor's Choice

About 6-7 years ago my husband complained of foot pain. He worked as a mechanic and jumped down from the trucks onto the floor. We decided that it was plantar fasciitis. Knowing that grapefruit extract helped with inflammation, we tried it for the foot pain. He took 125 mg, 3-4 times a day, everyday for a week or so, then cut back to one a day. I do not think it heals the problem as it will return if not taken every day, but as long as he takes 125 mg everyday he does not have the pain.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by John (Eugene, Oregon) on 07/15/2008

Editor's Choice

One year ago I was supposedly diagnosed with heal spurs and plantar fasciitis. Doc did not want to acknowledge the symptoms of migrating pain and twitching up the leg and into the body. I would at times catch a cold, and would feel it go into my heel, which would then swell so I could not walk. One day out of desperation, I rubbed GSE on it. The next day the pain was gone. A week later, I felt the pain and swelling come back. Again, over night with the GSE say 12 drops on the bottom of the foot, and it was gone the next morning. Simply amazing. I had not considered GSE but had tried: Iodine, DMSO, H2O2, other essential oils, colloidal silver, heating foot packs, magnesium oil rubs and soaks; some of which helped a small bit, but nothing like the GSE. So take it for what it's worth. And thanks Ted.
