I'm treating my Parkinson's disease with herbals, exercise, & have chosen TCM ACUPUNCTURE (Traditional Chinese Medicine) over traditional DBS;
After 4 treatments, I can now FAST WALK a block without the walker.
I also added Calcium Edonite Clay to detox from a plant-sourced Vit C which contains "ESSENTIAL TRACE ELEMENTS"--unlike my usual fastidiousness in Research, I 'paid no mind' to what the TRACE ELEMENTS are! I progressed rapidly with ~ 4 months use: TRACE MINERAL ELEMENTS, aka: UDOMS ARE DEADLY FOR P.D. PATIENTS!! ANCIENT HEAVY METALS washed up from the sea!!! Just what P.D. does NOT WANT! Within 3 days of detox (metals, pollutants, herbicides & Pesticides, fluoride from tap water treatment, etc).
Note: I called the Nat'l Parkinsons Foundation: rep said she had never heard of any detox!!