Natural Remedies

Holistic Chronic Pain Management: Natural Therapies and Supplements

General Feedback

Posted by Charlotte (Oxford, United Kingdom) on 09/23/2009

This website is great, thank you all so much for your comments and advice - without it I'd be in a lot of pain. The baking soda trick does work for me most of the time - but some days the pain does creep back. I find driving quite painful if I'm driving on a bumpy road - I try and drive as slowly as possible without annoying other drivers but it's not always possible. Does anyone else get this? I have ordered some cayenne and ginger capsules and I'm looking forward to trying those. The trouble with this condition, for me, is that every day is different. One day I can feel really fine - 9 out of 10 and the next day I'm back to 3 out of 10. Sometimes it's not obvious to me what I've done to make things worse. It makes it hard for my family because they never know what sort of mood I'll be in when they get home! I try and stay positive but it's sometimes really hard to snap out of a "feeling sorry for myself" mood.

Please keep all the advice coming - it is such a help and I hope that one day I'll be able to offer some helpful advice myself!

EC: Hi Charlotte, would you please tell us what ailment you are treating? Rheumatoid Arthritis? Fibromyalgia? Thanks!

Ginger Root

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Richard (USA) on 12/21/2006

Dear Suzanne: Can't thank you enough for the ginger recommendation!! I've only been taking the stuff for a few days....but the results are remarkable. I'm moving around just about pain-free. We leave tomorrow for Viet Nam and I hope to enjoy the walking.......which I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to do.

Ginger Root
Posted by Richard (USA) on 12/15/2006

Dear Suzanne: Thanks for tip. I'm going to the shopping center where the health food store is this afternoon....and I'll get some ginger root. My ankle is in bad shape. If it were a knee or a hip....I'd have a replacement.....but they can't do that very well at this point with ankles. When we return from Viet Nam I'm looking at ankle-fusion surgery. It's not quite as bad as it sounds. One still has some movement where the leg meets the foot......and the pain stops!

Ginger Root
Posted by Suzanne (London) on 11/15/2006

I have suffered from very bad arthritis for some years and also osteoporosis of the spine. I used to dread winters even though I was prescribed anti-inflamatory pills and painkillers by my doctor. I recently discovered ginger root (I found a newspaper article about ginger that I had put away some years ago) and have been taking it for about 3 weeks now in capsule form from the health food shop. The stiffness has gone from my joints and spine and most of the pain which is gradually disappearing. In fact, the other day I realized that I didn't have any pain or stiffness at all. It is such a great remedy that I am recommending it to everybody I know who has arthritis.

Ginger Root
Posted by Hugo (E Freetown, MA) on 02/27/2006


Ginger Root
Posted by Suzanne (USA) on 01/18/2006

I recently sent you feedback about ginger. I have been taking it in capsule form daily now for approximately 2 months. It seems to act as a pain-killer. The relief I get is tremendous and most of the time i am completely pain-free from Arthritis and Osteoporosis of the spine. I recommended it to a friend in the US. Here are his replies in two e-mails.

Ginger Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Joann M. (Ohio) on 07/18/2018

I drink ginger tea every day. It helps with pain in my arms and back. I have a calcium deposit that is killing me on my left wrist. I am going to try the apple cider vinegar and magnesium.

Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Martin (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/19/2018

I have hip and knee bursitis. Walking was very painful, esp in the hip joint on my right side. A sports friend told me to take Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM. I had side effects (headache, heart palps) at first and then had to break my capsules open and take only 1/4 of it to start. But after 2 weeks I stopped having pain and walking got easier. Wonderful supplements. Highly recommend to anyone with arthritis.

Replied by Jacqueline
(El Paso, Texas)
24 posts

Hi Martin, I've got the same issue with my right hip and back. I found that that kind of supplement combination - glucosamine chondroitin msm, helped me also. The only problem I encountered is that it started to cause my hair to thin out and fall, in spite of my taking collagen supplements. Wondering if you had the same experience and if you found a way around this. Also if you didn't mind, would you share which brand you used and the specifics?

Hamstring Stretches

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Posted by Penny (USA) on 02/03/2006

I was handicapped and not able to walk much for 12 years until I found out that my hamstrings needed stretching. Doesn't matter how messed up the back is, it will not refer pain to back of knees or bottoms of feet or likely even to sciatica, if the hamstrings are super stretched. So now I dance! No more crutches and wheelchairs and pain meds! Yogis don't get strokes and high blood pressure and all this other nonsense, but then they also probably don't take in any partially hydrogenated oils (i.e. plastic sticking to arteries) or MSG (poison that makes you fat) or NutraSweet and sucralose (poisons) either..

One kind of hamstring stretch that should not harm the back is when you are on a curb outside and you hang off it from the front part of the foot, or when you lie on your back with a towel around your feet (these are lower back protective). I wake up and throw my leg on the back of the couch or a high bar stool or bathroom counter and begin stretching all kinds of ways from that position, but I have been doing it for a long time, and also stretch the inner thing that way. When I sit here at the desk, I throw one leg at a time up on the desk and reach for my feet, but people need to work up to what works for lower back support in each case. and YES yoga!!!

If we can merely stretch the back the six directions any way we can (rest always between the twist directions), then put some traction (I'm thinking of buying a swing to hang from the hips, but now I get traction from back of couch (breathing deeply) with palms on it after stretching, and if we go upside down regularly, even shoulder stand is enough, just think how many pains we will save ourselves! (One stretch is feet together, arms high and straight and hands touching like a steeple and a straight stretch to the side, hold for count of 10 (breathe). It's hard to do much stretching in the morning before movement has taken place or when it's very cold.

No artificial sweeteners (not even splenda) NO trans fats, and no MSG along with stretched hamstrings and lots of water, I doubt people would age badly or lose memory or get strokes, even doing the minimal amount of stretching. Yoga is enough even for osteoporosis, I heard. And it wouldn't hurt to question the calcium rule of thumb, as it appears Magnesium needs to be much higher. I can send the formula, if you like, though it's a matter of opinion. Stores now carry it both ways. I never did the huge calcium to half magnesium ration and my sisters got the arthritis by my age, not me, and I am not active enough, I admit. The extra calcium running around the body is a bad thing. This is something people can research for themselves.

Here's what I was told, 600 elemental magnesium, preferably, if possible, the citrate maleate, 450 elemental calcium citrate, and 400 units of D (not more D than this). Researching the occasional Vit. K once a week for bones might be good to do for oneself too. I take that, but one must research, as I think it thins the blood a little, but is supposed to help with osteoporosis.

One more..... memory is not lost if one does the shoulder stand to replenish the 180,000 miles or so of capillaries in the brain, nor does hair go grey. Some have had it grow back in brown or grow back period, and it's good for wrinkles, organ flushing (due to new positions of organs) and insomnia and constipation.

Horsetail and Solomon's Seal Tinctures

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Posted by Ron (Idaho) on 08/01/2021

I have found that horsetail and solomon's seal tinctures both work for pain with arthritis and lost cartilage and as well as pain, they also aid in healing, I have been told horsetail is known for regrowing cartilage, I know they help me a lot.

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Ron,

Thank you for your post! Besides trying out Palo Santo essential oil based on your other recent post, I also ordered solomon's seal tincture to check out (Yep, it's the fun part of my job as owner/moderator of Earth Clinic! )

I tried Solomon's Seal a few times, taking only 3-5 drops each time based on Amazon reviews even though the dose on the bottle was 30 drops! The first time, within 30 minutes my sinuses opened up and drained. Didn't know there was anything to drain, but apparently, there was. It didn't happen again.

Also I can confirm Solomon's Seal is not a MILD diuretic like many articles report, but quite a powerful diuretic. For anyone trying the extract, get ready to pee a lot... On the second day of testing the herb, I awoke with a headache that lasted all day. Finally figured out it was probably from dehydration even though I was drinking plenty of liquids. After gulping down a large glass of water, the headache promptly went away.

I also read about Solomon's Seal being safe and fabulous for dogs with arthritis, so I added just 3 drops to both of my elderly dogs' dinner one night earlier in the week. One dog did fine with it, but it set off a series of bowel issues in my other dog, who has a sensitive stomach, leading to a massive amount of diarrhea, leading to blood and anal discharge, leading me to rush him to the emergency vet and a $1500 bill! Turns out he had an anal abscess that started draining and leaking all over the place. I'm guessing it was simmering beforehand and just 3 drops of the herb accelerated the body's clearing of it... Poor guy. That was a rough few days.

I think one should be careful with this herb as it's extremely potent. That's my feedback on Solomon's Seal based on my first week. I'll update again on it in the future as it's a very interesting herb. But I won't test it out on my dogs again, just me! I bought the non-alcohol formula from Amazon, by the way...

Thanks again for posting!

Replied by Felicia J.

Hi Ron,

Now that it's been 2 months since your last comment, do your knees feel like they have been healed? Thanks.

Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, CA) on 01/28/2009

Hi I just wanted to say that I have experienced a lot of physical pain, especially hip pain. Am always trying to find relief. MSM is amazing but I have tried ACV to some success. I started working with H2O2 about five days ago and am finding amazing relief. According to my Chinese medicine/ acupuncturist, all my pain is due to phlegm and dampness. The H2O2 is pulling so much out it's crazy. As a result, I feel amazing relief. Give it a try. Go to the H2O2 pages and read about it. I drink it according to the plan layed out in that section but, also gargle with it. I only use the 3% from the store.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Kenneth (Naples, FL) on 08/26/2008

I have lifted weights for 15 years off and on. For the last 3 years i had a shoulder pain in the front of my right shoulder. It hurt bad sometime and sometimes not as bad but the pain was still there, so i stopped lifting and it got worse, what is going on. I thought it would have gotten better but i was worse. Well for other reasons i inhalled hydrogen peroxide, Not thinking that my shoulder would heal up, it did. I now can twist it raise it, sleep on it and even do pushups again. I am amazed, it healed in alittle over a month. No more pain. From Ken

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Ginny (NY, NY) on 02/19/2008

Hello. I wanted to give you an update for another hydrogen peroxide inhalation cure. I wrote in a couple of weeks ago about how it stopped my flu in its tracks after a few hours (yes, I never got sick). Well, last night while I was asleep, my left neck muscle and shoulder blade went into a spasm. It was very painful and even more so when I got up in the morning. I went around yelping like a dog every time I moved my head or left arm. Anyway, after a few hours of this, I suddenly remembered that Bill M had written about how he used his remedy to stop a muscle spasm. I got out my little sinus spray bottle filled with h202 and did 6 quick squirts into my mouth (I like to hold my breath as long as possible after I spray and then spit out the left over peroxide). The excruciating pain jolts went away almost immediately and my neck and shoulder were back to normal after a few hours. Actually I can't tell you how long it took because I forgot about it until tonight when I realized that not only did I have no pain, but I had full mobility of my neck! I have had this same spasm occur lots of times over the years and it usually takes a good 2-3 days to recover. I LOVE THIS REMEDY!

Light Therapy for Pain

Posted by Gertal (Ala) on 03/26/2014

I just read about a study using red light therapy for pain. I would be interested in this. What is red light and how do I use it? When I google it, I get results for the other kind of red-light (as in working women), not what I wanted.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Gertal,

About light therapy...

Under Earth Clinic's "Remedies" list...go to Blue Glass and Sunlight Therapy ... the EC information is from a book and is absolutely fascinating...Maybe that will answer your question.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 07/18/2021

Editor's Choice Hello Earth Clinic,

As ORH has desired for us to do I have been studying. I am a big woman and do little exercise until I get to the subway steps. (Mama and Michael I tried). Never the less I shall keep trying to pick up on the exercises.

It seems I'm dealing with two problems during the sitting; A numbing pain from poor circulation and Tailbone pain.

To cut to the chase, I just want to say that Lysine has helped my Tailbone pain more than any pain killers I have tried. Amazing!

I had wanted to cry after doing some traveling, and then rushed to a service. Before I knew it, I was back in the house and had fallen asleep and not taken my supplements.

I don't know if it was the good Lord or not, but it came to my mind you have not taken your Lysine. I got up and took two 1000 mgs because I was in PAIN! I fell back to sleep and when I awoke, no pain. I had a feeling before that it was the lysine that was giving me relief when I took it, now I know.

There is plenty of information about lysine and viruses, but very little information of lysine as an anti-inflammatory.

Healing Benefits of L-Lysine

Replied by Tessa

Hi HisJewel -

Glad to hear that lysine is working for your pain! I'm beginning to think it's one of those "unsung heroes" that not too many people know about. It's also good for cardiovascular health (among other things).

As part of Linus Pauling's cardiovascular protocol (which includes various nutrients), he recommended 1,000 mg lysine daily for prevention and up to 6 grams daily if you have heart disease.

As for exercise, I'm wondering if getting your lymph moving in a gentle way (like one poster, Cindy, recommends) by bouncing softly on your bed (feet on floor, bottom on a mattress with springs), a yoga ball (there are much smaller balls too that will do the trick), a rebounder or anything with "give" - just to help the flow.

I wish you all the best. Take care,


(New York)

Thank you, Tessa.

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