Natural Remedies

Osteoporosis Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Mike (Reading, Pa) on 02/29/2016

I saw an old acquaintance last week whom I haven't seen for years who told me that she was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. Before she took the medication recommended by her physician a friend of hers suggested that she eat 5 prunes a day because her friend had read that prunes were excellent way to combat the disease. My friend started to eat the 5 prunes daily and in a short time she went back to her doctor to see if the prunes were working. To her doctor's astonishment, her disease was greatly reversing. Praise The Lord! I did some research and found that there are mice studies backing up this therapy.

Replied by Sheri

I read the same study but it was 9 prunes a day and it was at nutrition facts.org. It was a case study about osteoporosis and prunes increased bone formation. The study was done in Oklahoma. I read onions, handful of almonds and chia seeds have been good for osteoarthritis. Some prevent bone loss and some build new bone.

Replied by Karen

I tried prunes daily and found they restored my bones. I was in the osteopenia range, so a t score of -1.2 in my hip. And on the next scan, I was -.8. Still room to improve, but I am happy to be out of the danger zone.

(somewhere, europe)

Karen, how many did you eat daily?


Prunes made no difference in my case of severe osteoporosis. Neither did other supplements. I refused shots prescribed by doctors.
One should eat food in normal quantities. Sugar in prunes is very high.

The only thing that works and it is common sense supported by results is skeletal strength improvement exercises program.

Also, always trust your gut instinct, use common sense, and question all advice, even here. I do.

2372 posts

Hi mmsg,

You may find this interesting regarding prunes and osteopenia/osteoporosis :


Here is a relevant quote from the article :

' Research suggests that daily consumption of 50 grams of prunes, which is equivalent to 5–6 prunes, is enough to benefit bone health. '

And this :



(somewhere, europe)

Hmm Art, that much daily would send some people to semi-permanent residency in the loo....

2372 posts

Hi mmsg,

You are correct for most people, but I did not recommend it, just posted the article about it in case Karen didn't reply to your question. If you go further back in this thread, you will see that there are suggestions of 5 prunes or 9 prunes per day.

An alternative to prunes is to take boron or borax as I mentioned in the article I wrote and linked to in my reply to you at the bottom of the reply. Boron is the active component in prunes that is thought to be beneficial for osteoporosis/osteopenia and what I suggested in the article. Prunes might be a good alternative for a person who also has constipation. Here is a link to that article again :


Generally you need to allow a year or so for prunes or other alternatives to start to show their benefit in osteoporosis. Good luck!


(somewhere, europe)

Thank you Art. Very informative.

(somewhere, europe)

Tanya, OF COURSE appropriate exercises are part of an osteoporosis treatment plan!! The prunes and supplements only help along!


EC has excluded from my comment the very important information about the "appropriate" exercises". You would not have posed your comment in capital letters if it was posted in full.

I have POTS and severe osteoporosis, probably from spending a lot of time in my bed. I can't even hold a bottle of water in my hands without suffering severe bone pains next day. I can't exercise AT ALL. Needless to say that my already brittle bones aren't getting better.

When Osteostrong has opened its franchise in my city I had many hopes. I went for a free tour and got familiar with that they do. They asked for Okay from my cardiologist. Even though the "exercise" is not elevating heart rate, there is a load nevertheless. My cardiologist thought I could try. Since I am mostly bedbound and can only leave my house on my good days, actually hours, I could not even make it once a week as recommended. I did have few sessions though and the load was calculated in accordance with the state of my health. I didn't have bone pains the next day, for exercise, in my case, lasted less than a minute - and was ALL I NEEDED at that time. They increase the load gradually. I was supervised at all times - it is one on one sessions.

EC. Please so kindly reconsider removal of the vital information from my original post. Many people who are "walking in my shoes" may find it very helpful. It could become their last hope.

Thank you


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Janet S-Dell (San Diego California) on 01/22/2023 8 posts

Editor's Choice

I wanted to add some information about reversing Osteoporosis.

While many people seem to be helped with the addition of calcium, I was not. How I found out my Osteopenia had progressed to Osteoporosis is that I tripped on an electrical cord and fell and had to have an x ray on the bone just below my left knee and found I had a fracture. The Dr. put me in a soft cast and on 600mg of Calcium a day (as well as having to use crutches). Next, to make a long story short...with a few weeks later after taking my 600mg of Calcium a day, I woke up in the middle of the night screaming in pain if I moved my left leg even a few inches and the top of my left knee had swollen to the size of an oversized baseball. Long story short....I ended up in the ER room and had to have the left knee drained of the fluid with a very long needle into the knee...not fun I can assure you! To make matters worse, I was now on crutches and the same thing happened in my right knee and had to go thru the same ER room needle draining process again.....only to finally find out I had Pseudo gout brought on by taking too much calcium. At least draining the fluids did stop the pain and so did the meds the Dr. gave me, but I wanted to know how to heal the fractured bone below my left knee in as short a time as possible as well as what I could take to help my pre Op.

This horrific experience led me to be finally diagnosed a few months later with Osteoporosis. My Dr then wanted to start me on meds for the Op that I'd read were for many led to long term worse problems. All this led me to do my own online research on research. One of the web sites I read that helped me find what ended up helping reverse my Op was a google search for "the bone lady blog" If you have Op or the pre Op, I'd suggest you read it and see if it will be a help to you too.

On that web site(on google look for "the bone lady blog") I read about the long term problems associated with the meds that are regularly given for Op and about another treatment with taking Strontium that had been used in Europe and what women were now taking that had successfully revered Op in a number of women. I decided to try the Strontium and my Dr. agreed to hold off on his demands that I take various drugs until we could see if the Strontium did indeed work for me. I started to Strontium II by AOR that I bought on Amazon. I took 2 caps daily for 6 months when my Dr. had xrays and DEXA scans rerun on me and he felt that the Strontium was working well for me and was stopping the progression of the Op and as of my last DEXA scan, of the 3 scanned locations, 1 location has totally reversed the OP, 1 has stopped making any progress at all the the 3rd is neutral.

So I suggest to you if you have pre Op or Full blown Osteoporosis is I did/do....I'd suggest you at least read this research and see if Strontium is something you that you'd like to try to see if it will help you as it's helped me. I'm 77 and am still reasonably active for a person of my age and the only pain meds I take is 2 Tart Cherry caps a day to make sure I keep at bay the pseudo gout that I came down with when I got my leg fracture from eating too much Calcium and 2 Strontium caps a day. I've learned and now I try hard to consume no calcium at all. I hope that info helps someone as much as it's helped me!

Replied by Susan Clark
(Greer South Carolina)

Hi Janet,

More and more research has shown that it's caused by a Vitamin C deficiency, not a need for calcium. It's scurvy of the bone, which makes a lot more sense. Hope that helps! Blessings sent your way. 🐾😎

Replied by Edy

You also may want to investigate PEMF therapy. Check out Robert Dennis. He has worked for NASA for 26 years and has made devices for the astronauts bones in space. His devices are fairly inexpensive and can heal broken bones in days to weeks. Check the M1 device.


I can vouch for Edy's response for a PEMF unit from Dr Robert Dennis. I have the ICES A9 model. I used it to repair my Mom's broken hip & torn thigh muscle on her paralyzed stroke side. She was abused by a PT at a nursing home in Glenview IL. Thank God for the unit. I have also used it for various knee injuries. It works!


Hi Eddy (and Marcia....I wish I could reply to you and Marcia at the same time). Thank you both for your helpful posts!

Can you please give a direct link or information for purchasing any of Dr. Robert Dennis' PEMF units,?

( Including the M1 model or ICES A9 model )

(When I did a search, I got overwhelmed with so many results, but nothing that I felt comfortable as far as making a purchase.)

Thanks in advance,


Replied by Krysia
(Glenview, IL)

Thanks for sharing that story. I'll give it a try, as I have Osteopenia. I know that calcium supplements can clog your arteries and I already have a heart condition. But, I do diary and spinach to get my Ca.

Replied by Wyandotte
14 posts

Let's Get Well by Adelle Davis has an entire chapter on bone problems entitled Bone Problems Need Early Recognition. Inasmuch as osteo has been described as bone scurvy (i.e., vitamin C deficiency), the following info might be helpful. It is taken from that book's chapter on problems of the digestive system:

I once heard a doctor, lecturing on nutrition, state that the hydrochloric acid [HCl] of the stomach was so valuable that the sale of every antacid preparation should be prohibited by law. Too little HCl impairs protein digestion and Vitamin C absorption, allows the B vitamins to be destroyed, and prevents minerals from reaching the blood to the extent that anemia can develop and bones crumble.

There is much of interest here, and it is backed up with references to medical research. One para from the chapter on bone problems:

Normally the hydrochloric acid [HCl] in the stomach dissolves the calcium supplied by foods and holds it in solution until it can be absorbed through the intestinal walls. Sugar and other sweets, however, stimulate the production of alkaline digestive juices so rapidly that calcium becomes insoluble before it can reach the blood.

The chapter on bones in this book is long. The book was published about 50 or so years ago and I imagine there is new info available, but what is there, most of it makes sense to me.

Replied by loretta
(Near Atlanta)

Thank you so much for this information! I have done some preliminary research, based on your recommendation, and so far it would seem a very promising supplement. I have done internet searches before for bone health, but I have never come across Strontium before.

Replied by Carolyn

Dr Thomas Levy has written a book called Death by Calcium. Worth a read.

14 posts

For my part, I don't trust all the anti-calcium "information" coming out in recent years. There has also been a big push on Magnesium (the complement to Calcium). The shelves have about 50 different products for sure. Everywhere I read, it's Mg, Mg, Mg. This may be fine for some people, but some of us feel improved overall health on a calcium supplement taken with MK-7. Along with less Mg as the two go together.

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

@Carolyn - been reading up on it. Thanks for the tip! I

Posted by Sue (Fairfax, Va Usa) on 06/25/2013

Hi, Does anyone have scientific and/or personal experience with using strontium citrate for osteoporosis? Apparently it is best taken at a different time of day from calcium, and less of it than the total amount of calcium in the daily diet. Does anyone know about side effects? Thank you very much.

Replied by Fuji

I understand there are different types of Strontium. One, legal in the US and one that is not. The one that is not, is often used in Europe for osteoporosis and with good results. I had a fairly good bone density test result (mild osteopenia), but have two breaks in spinal column. I took lots of prednisone in my 20s for Lupus. My rheumie now insists I take me one med with a pretty bad rep. No way! I'm looking for alternatives. HELP! Thank you.

Ted's Remedies

Posted by Namita Tiwari (New Delhi, India) on 07/02/2014

Dear Ted, My mother is a moderately active 79+, frail and tiny lady. She has over the years become slightly bent (which now I understand is dowagers hump). She has been on high BP medication for sometime now.

For many years she had been complaining of pain in the lower abdomen. Scans and clinical examinations showed no problem. She was put on painkillers and she was also put on Vitamin D3 supplements that on testing had become acutely toxic.

Recently a BDM test was prescribed. The report shows her to be acutely osteoporotic with a T score of (-5.7)

He has prescribed Bonista that is a Ranbaxy drug administered in a sub cutaneous injection through the same kind of pen like device as in the case of insulin/diabetes shots. I think its Teriparatide and the popular brand in the US is called Forteo.It is some hormone based therapy to be self administered for 18 months. I have got to know that it does not suit all and may have serious side effects. Don't know if this is true. Am mailing all the details to you simply to give you the complete picture and also to take your opinion regarding the same. She is on high BP medication.

I am giving her SBL's Biochemic salt 'Magnesia Phosphorica' 6x - 4 pellets - four times a day. She is also taking half a cup of freshly extracted juice (unboiled) of Tinospora cordifalia stem as well as leaves (Giloy), a tablespoon juice of fresh Ocimum sanctum - Indian basil (Tulsi) and 1/3rd cup of fresh Aloe Vera gel. And three four curry leaves and some fresh ginger. Besides this she is also taking two tablespoons of Unsulphurated organic Blackstrap Molasses and Brag's organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother. She is a complete vegetarian. Her T score is very low. Is there something that we can do to help her? Also, I wish to know that nothing in the list of what I am giving her could harm her in any way. Would be grateful for your response.

Thank you.

Replied by Namita Tiwari
(New Delhi, India)

I had written in the osteoporosis section of ailments looking for a remedy for my mother. Have been checking regularly but see no response.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Namita, there is no magic cure, but you can slowly but surely help the situation:

1. Have your mother have 15-20 minutes sun exposure without sunscreen, every day. About supplemental Vitamin D3, ask your doctor.

2. Have her so some light bouncing exercise like (hold her hands for balance) getting up on her toes and then coming down on her heels and soles several times.

3. Here's a good website for info: www.betterbones.com

62 posts

Sounds like rebounding/mini trampoline, but it's important to use a good one as the cheep $100 versions have led to some troubling reports. Then there's Foot Stomping! It's free, it's fun, and you can do it in the comfort of your home. There is even research showing that this activity improves bone density.

You do not have step up to an unstable surface, so your chance falling is lower, too! It's called Stomping and it is great for people with osteoporosis and building bone. Look it up.

Also, 10,000 of Vitamin D3 always taken together with 200-400 mg K2 (MK7 form) is an essential combo. D3 need K2 like a car needs a steering wheel. K2 is key in directing WHERE calcium goes (to bones & teeth) and not in soft tissues and arteries where it doesn't belong. D3 gets misplaced and doesn't know where to go without K2's direction.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Namita Tiwari from New Delhi, India -- On the 'net look up Dr. Mark Sircus who writes about magnesium being of real importance for bone health, not calcium. You will find this interesting. Dr. Mark Sircus website.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)


I use a boron supplement to strengthen my bones, 3-9 mg/ day. I also use a fermented cod liver oil for vitamin D3, and a vitamin K2 supplement, which is thought to take calcium out of the arteries where it does harm, and deposit it in the bones and teeth where it is needed. I believe these work best with adequate minerals, like magnesium and potassium. I take Ted's advice and do not take any calcium except what is in the food I eat. I hope your Mother feels better soon.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Talking about calcium, it seems to me that the best calcium from foods comes from green leafy veggies and sesame.

And the expert on magnesium in Spain, Ana la Justicia, says to take 1 gr. of magnesium with each meal. Transdermal magnesium in the form of Epsom Salts in a bath, or spraying water with mag. chloride (which is called magnesium oil) on the skin is also a way to get it.

Replied by Namita

Dear Mmsg, Somewhere, Europe, I am giving her sun exposure. It's hot in India but I manage it with the A/c on and the sunlight streaming in through the windows. Waiting for the Winter Sun.

Am also giving her leafy greens and veg juice rich in magnesium. Am grateful for the advice.

And Om, I did read about magnesium post your suggestion. Thank you for the tip.

Dear Rsw, am giving my mom calcium rich food, also food rich in magnesium and potassium along with supplements and multivitamnis with Vit. K.

I am really grateful to all of you for your posts and the effort made in advising. And I keep telling her to believe that her bones are getting stronger by the day, and they will. But her lower abdomen pain has not gone. Doctors say it's physiological. She takes ultracet daily. No uterine or rectal prolapse. I am taking her to a healer.

Wonder what the problem could be. All blood reports are normal.

Health, happiness and abundance to all. Take care.

Thank you all.

Replied by Toni
(Dallas, Texas)

There is a really good web site called Health A - Z: Osteoporosis Life Joint Care that gives a lot of good info. on Osteoporosis. He is an MD and says if you have Osteoporosis your bones are not absorbing Calcium so you have to get the excess Calcium out of your system first.

You do this by taking large doses of Magnesium and other minerals with no calcium except from your food for about four months.

He gives you the things to take and also goes into some of the other root causes such as low progesterone and thyroid problems. He emphasized weight bearing exercises also. It is not cheap, but could be a very effective protocol instead of the medicines doctors recommend.


The site you refer to is nowhere to be found.

Replied by Sam
(Miami, FL)

Osteoporosis is not due to estrogen or calcium deficiency. Your bones have two types of cells: osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The blasts build new bone and clasts tear out old bone.osteoporosis happens when the clasts went ahead of blasts. Taking calcium won't fix the problem. Calcium is like bricks and mortar. It is a building material. You can pile all the bricks you want at the work site, but unless you have masons to put them in place, no construction takes place. Osteoclasts get ahead of osteoblasts when there is a hormonal imbalance like too much estrogen and not enough progesterone.

Also watch your serum calcium levels. If it is 10.1 or higher, check parathyroid. com site. Often benign parathyroid tumors are the cause of osteoporosis. An easy fix by the right surgeon.

Replied by Ben
(Bremerton, Wa)

Osteoporosis can be easily cured with the help of a mineral solution that has an affinity for calcium called Gallium nitrate.

Calcium deposits develop in soft tissue where they cause pain and suffering and yet the bones are deprived of calcium making them weak and brittle. Gallium affects these problems and many more in the body. Gallium first safely removes calcium deposits from tissues where they do not belong then gallium re routes the calcium back into the bones helping bones and bone injuries to heal.

Among the other health benefits gallium offers is that it cures arthritic conditions faster than any other substance or drug known. It also acts to control the arthritis for extremely long time. Some people report their arthritis vanishing for up to 2 years after a single application The drug companies would go broke if people knew about gallium!

Gallium is a very potent antiviral, antimycoplasmic and antibacterial, it kills certain types of microorganisms that the immune system is unable to eradicate however it does not bother the good intestinal bacteria. It kills only harmful species such as those causing arthritis, diabetes, hiv, hepatitus, lupus, crohns and many more diseases

In addition gallium is a potent antiinflammatory. If it hurts rub a little gallium on it and the pain will likely go away.

Replied by Magnolia16

Could you tell us more about gallium? It is confusing when I read about it online? You say rub it on, one site said it is available only by IV from a Dr. What is this, where do you find it, etc? Thank you so much!

Replied by Beth

You can get it from George Eby in USA. However it's only permitted for veterinary use. To quote George: NOTE:The dosages recommended on the label are for a 1200 pound horse. Lighter weight animals must be given a proportionately lower dose. For example, a 600 pound animal would be given 250 CC of the 1% solution daily, while a 120 pound animal would be given 50CC of the 1% solution.

So an average person would need that last dose. It's quite pricey though.



Excellent links, especially the gallium. I learned a lot.

Replied by Bw

Do your own throughly research before using advice given online.



Turmeric Golden Paste

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Vania R. (Cape Town, South Africa) on 08/18/2023


I have severe osteoporosis and was put on an anti-inflammatory. Within 3 months, my kidney function dropped to 40% and a friend showed me how to make Turmeric Golden Paste. I did feel the difference, however I lagged making my second batch until the pain was unbearable.

On 1/4 teaspoon morning and evening, I still had a lot of pain. So, the doctor prescribed Celebrex and it helps a lot. However, I also want to take the Golden Paste.

Any advice?

Thank you,


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